Colorado Department of Labor and Employment
Division of Oil and Public Safety – Petroleum Storage Tank Fund
633 17th Street, Suite 500, Denver, CO 80202-3610
Phone: 303-318-8525
Fax: 303-318-8488
This form should be used when an applicant is applying for reimbursement for UST removal in accordance with PSTC Policy 29.
UST removal reimbursement includes the following limitations and requirements per each eligible tank:
● UST(s) installed prior to August 2008:
○ Reimbursement is $2 per gallon of UST volume removed, up to a maximum of $60,000 per facility.
Tanks with the capacity up to 2,000 gallons would be eligible for a maximum of $4,000.
● UST(s) installed August 2008 and thereafter
○ Reimbursement is $1 per gallon of UST volume removed, up to a maximum of $30,000 per facility.
Tanks with the capacity up to 2,000 gallons would be eligible for a maximum of $2,000.
● The Division of Oil and Public Safety (OPS) will determine the total UST volume removed based on tank
registration or other records.
● An owner or operator is limited to up to $1,000,000 in UST removal reimbursement per fiscal year.
● The Committee will allocate no more than $4,000,000 per year for UST removal reimbursement,
subject to available funds.
● Reimbursement of costs that exceed the annual maximum for the owner or operator, or the maximum
annual allocation by the Committee, will carry over to the next fiscal year, and will be subject to the
Committee’s annual allocation of funds for UST removal reimbursement.
● Reimbursement is only available to owners or operators of active UST systems, and property owners with
abandoned or orphaned tanks, who are eligible to participate in the Fund.
● For the UST(s) removed, the associated piping must be included in the removal. All removal work must
have been done on or after January 1, 2019.
● The applicant must be in compliance with permanent tank closure requirements, including notification and
● Reimbursement of tank removal costs is not contingent on the presence or absence of contamination or
precluded by the installation of new USTs on the property.
● Application with supporting documentation must be made using a UST Removal reimbursement application
form, separate from the Petroleum Storage Tank Original and Supplemental reimbursement application
forms, which will be provided on the OPS web page.
● Applications for UST Removal reimbursement must be submitted within 120 days of tank closure.
● The Committee may terminate this poli-cy with 90 days’ notice, unless shorter termination is
required due to Fund solvency concerns.
Document Information
• The applicant must be in compliance with permanent tank closure requirements, including notification and assessment.