Duffelmeyer Reading Clinic
Fall 2022 - September 20th - November 17th - Tuesday & Thursday 5:30-6:40 pm
The Fred Duffelmeyer Reading Improvement Clinic offers tutoring in reading for children who are entering kindergarten through 12th grade. Tutoring sessions are conducted by advanced students in reading and related areas under the guidance of the literacy education faculty. Iowa State University preservice teachers, who serve as tutors, specializing in reading, writing, spelling and motivational assessment and instruction, are supervised by literacy faculty Charlyn Mason and Dr. Linda Impecoven-Lind. The literacy instruction is designed to build confidence while improving your child’s reading, writing and spelling skills and strategies and is individualized based on your child’s specific needs.
Tutoring will be held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5:30 - 6:40 p.m. in person on the ISU campus or virutally. Students are expected to attend all sessions as are the child’s tutor. The following are the dates tutoring will take place:
Tuesday, September 20
Thursday, September 22
Tuesday, September 27
Thursday, September 29
Tuesday, October 4
Thursday, October 6
Tuesday, October 11
Thursday, October 13
Tuesday, October 18
Thursday, October 20
Tuesday, October 25
Thursday, October 27
Tuesday, November 1
Thursday, November 3
Tuesday, November 8
Thursday, November 10
Tuesday, November 15
Thursday, November 17
Your child’s tutor will be sending you a weekly update each week. You will also receive an extensive assessment and progress report related to your child’s progress over the course of the tutoring sessions. Your child’s tutor will also be contacting you prior to the first tutoring session. During this initial contact, the tutor may ask additional questions and/or use the time to answer any questions you might have regarding tutoring.
By providing the following information, you are giving permission for your child to attend the Duffelmeyer Reading Clinic on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 – 6:40 p.m. either virtually or in person. Following the tutoring sessions at 6:40 pm, your child must be picked up as NO transportation is provided. Iowa State tutors ARE NOT allowed to provide transportation for any child. The activities and strategies being used are designed to help your child in the area of reading, writing, and spelling. No information shared regarding you or your child will be shared with anyone but school personnel, the tutor, and the Iowa State University supervisors – Charlyn Mason and Dr. Linda Impecoven-Lind.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Dr. Linda Impecoven-Lind at 515-294-2657 (office), 515-230-5266 (cell), or
Please complete and return this document by Friday, September 9th. Please make sure you fill in each of the blanks. Thank you!
Linda Impecoven-Lind, Ph.D. - Director of the Duffelmeyer Reading Improvement Center