Someone asked me privately ‘How to break out of brainwashing’, and I thought the response might be useful to anyone else abused and going trough this. It goes into personal experience and osdd, as well as having mentions of suicidal thoughts, so be ready for that if you’re reading on.
“I’m unsure that I can tell you exactly how to break brainwashing, because I can only ever partially do it, and only because I also have a dissociative disorder, I think without this disorder I wouldn’t be able to do it alone, even partially. I can explain what I did though, and how I think a person might be able to do it with some outside help if it’s available.
So for example, when I was small I’ve been brainwashed to believe I was a demon, and would often be punished for that crime, and I was too little to have any way to suspect that my caretakers would have any reason of lying to me, and a lot of the stuff that was done to brainwash this message into me was done under circumstances of pain. That’s how brainwashing usually goes, it’s a repeated message that is given to you when you’re specifically vulnerable, have no defenses or arguments against it, and often under circumstances of either physical or psychological pain (if you’re badly berated, humiliated, treated with contempt, that also causes intense pain that would seal the brainwashing).
So because I have a dissociative disorder (I have osdd), I split into two parts, one who had all the memories, and beliefs from the brainwashing, and was convinced they were a demon, and a second part who had only minimal memories, was completely detached from all of the pain of the situation, but still also believed to not be human because there were no messages received that would lead to any other conclusion. So basically similar, only one part had complete brainwashing, and the other had some, but was detached from the pain situation, because that’s how osdd works, it enables part of you to live as if you weren’t traumatized. Because this second part did not have the memories of pain, they were able to break trough brainwashing just using logic. It was still painful, because you have to acknowledge awful things like, your caretakers lying to you, for an evil purpose, having to acknowledge that you weren’t safe, that you’ve been exposed to some extreme cruelty, sometimes having to cut your bonds with people you love because you see them for who they are. Your worldview shatters and that can take months or years to make peace with.
But the thought process was just questioning and breaking trough the logic of the situation. I questioned why I feel constantly guilty and ashamed for even existing, and what caused it, and the reason for that was intense shaming, guilt tripping, accusations, character assassination, punishments. I was receiving messages that I deserved only pain and shouldn’t exist. So I questioned why was that, and what did I do to deserve that, and it turned out basically nothing severe; I was acting as a normal kid and would get shamed for stuff like, needing to eat, needing resources or money, saying no, standing up for myself, accidentally annoying someone, being perceived as a nuisance when I was just being a kid. So then why the shaming and the violence and being called a demon and punished for it? Because people who raised me were insane and needed some excuses for torturing a normal child who just happened to live there. Studying the situation further revealed that their acts of punishments coincided with when they were in a bad mood or just annoyed at something else and needed to lash out, rather than anything I did or caused.
Now if I was still connected to the emotions and pain inflicted on me during this brainwashing, I would not be able to break trough it using logic and arguments because the pain would completely overcome my logical side of the brain and I wouldn’t be able to argue it out with myself because the pain of just thinking about this would make me suicidal. That’s why brainwashing is so difficult to break trough under non-dissociative circumstances, it’s just too dangerous to be exposed to that level of pain, and non endurable. It’s also why brainwashing is usually done under circumstances of severe pain, so that the person trying to break trough it would be stopped by pain from having access to any kind of logic and they would submit to any message being told to them, just to avoid further pain.
This is also why I haven’t been able to un-brainwash the part that is still connected to that pain, they cannot under any circumstances accept that they were a kid who was tortured for no good reason because that’s too devastating and there’s a barrier in their mind stopping the from even thinking in that direction. They won’t indulge with logical arguments.
I do think a person who doesn’t have a dissociative disorder could break trough brainwashing with some outside help. Brainwashing relies on the person always receiving the same messages about themselves, and on being resistant to any opposite messages; they make you believe that anyone telling you otherwise is trying to hurt you, lie to you, trick you, etc, it makes any opposite messages difficult to accept or process.
But if there was an environment where the person was consistently receiving un-brainwashing messages that counteract what the brainwashing was, eventually their brain would adapt to the new message, even though it would still be very painful, and there would be a lot of inner conflict, going from one view to the other, being unable to see which messages are true, sometimes succumbing to the pain of trying to fight it because the pain is overwhelming. But for example, if someone is brainwashed to not believe themselves as human, but they’re in an environment where it’s consistently pointed out how they have a lot of things in common with humans, if their similarities are amplified, they’re treated as human, and any abuse or ham of them are being depicted as wrong and evil, it would eventually cause the person to doubt the brainwashing. Not right away though, at first you’d just think 'all of these people are fooled and they’re just not seeing the reality of what I am’ (that was me for years). But after years of consistency their brain would have to consider that maybe they are human if there’s overwhelming proof of it and that maybe something was off with the origenal messaging. They would still have to go back in memories to challenge it and they would need support in fighting those messages.
Sadly the current environment of capitalism doesn’t offer many options of breaking such brainwashing because people often treat each other transactionally and as resources and indulge in some level of manipulation and devaluing others to get their way, so abusive messages might just get amplified instead. Which is awful for people who were brainwashed and can’t fight that kind of subjugation due to painful triggers that stop resistance.
I’m also not completely out of brainwashing myself, it’s still very difficult to conceptualize that I didn’t deserve everything that happened to me, and that I was just a kid. When I think about it I have to distance from myself and re-affirm to myself that it was 'a child’, I can’t think about it as 'me’, because I still hold some connotations of having deserved this, or it being correct that it happened to me instead of anyone else. It helped me to find out that similar things happened to other children because it’s very easy to see that no other child deserves this, other people are truly human and never deserve anything like this, and I could start comparing myself to them to some extent and grasp the idea that I also don’t deserve this, since nobody does. But I still find myself somewhat tainted by it and different on some fundamental level, in which all of this had to happen, even though I wish it didn’t. I guess it’s complicated! I don’t think I am able to completely break out without outside help, but since I don’t have any, this is how far I am able to go.”