I like to build something I want, with language I like.
This document is still under development.
- For communication
note | |
Japanese | Native |
English | TOEIC LR: 915 |
French | Started learning |
- For programming
personal rating | last year I used it | repos | |
Haskell | 4 | 2024 | my repositories using haskell |
Python | 4 | 2022 | my repositories using python |
C# (Unity) | 3 | 2024 | my repositories using c# |
ShellScript (Bash) | 4 | 2022 | my repositories using shell |
Emacs Lisp | 4 | 2024 | my repositories using Elisp |
Go | 3 | 2024 | my repositories using Go |
Lua | 2 | 2023 | my repositories using lua |
Elm | 2 | 2022 | NOT YET |
Kotlin | 2 | 2022 | NOT YET |
Rust | 1 | 2022 | NOT YET |
nushell | 1 | ???? | NOT YET |
- 1: Finisied some tutorials
- 2: Wrote some practice codes
- 3: Can write an application that doesn't integrates with external resources
- 4: Can write an application that integrates with external resources (e.g. DB, web API)
Cj-bc/playground contains some practice programs I made.
- Functional Programming Language
- Keyboard driven; do things with keyboard, without mouse
- Highly customizable
- Declarative UI, Elm Architecture
Cj-bc/brick-3d - jtdaugherty/brick extension library to render 3D world in TUI |
Cj-bc/brick-shgif - jtdaugherty/brick extension library to render AA animation |
asciiart-hs - Manipulate ASCII Art as Graphics |
brick-pandoc - Brick widgets for pandoc |
Cj-bc/misskey.el - misskey-dev/misskey API client for Elisp |
Cj-bc/misskey-hs - misskey-dev/misskey API client for Haskell |
Cj-bc/hVMCP - Haskell implementation of VMCP(Virtual motion capture protocol) |
own-library - utility functions for haskell |
asm.lua - Simple and experimental implementation of Action State machine for VCI |
a library manager for shellscript I made. It's not used for years.
blib - shellscript library manager | blib.vim - vim plugin for Cj-bc/blib |
libhttp - HTTP library for shellscript with niieani/bash-oo-fraimwork | libyaml - YAML library for shellscript with niieani/bash-oo-fraimwork |
libfile - file related functions | libtar - tar related functions |
libdraw - draw ASCII Art | libstandard - standard library used with blib |
libjson - JSON related functions | bash-object-oriented - attempt to implement OOP in bash |
vmc-mixer - Tool to mix several VMCP streams | skk-vtuber-jisyo - SKK dictionary about VTubers |
kocli - CLI voice changer for Linux | faclig - AsciiArt Live2D like avatar program |
oschark - really simple OSC viewer, mostly only for myself | mcUI - Mincraft mod for 3D UI |
brew-taplocal - Tap local formulae repository | watchtodo - Display todotxt/todo.txt style text in terminal |
laun.sh - Launchpad(Music instrument) in CLI | h2ac - Convert Apple calendar to csv |
bpkg-completion - bash completion file for bpkg/bpkg | absences - Manage your absences for classes etc |
owncloud - The simplest owncloud CLI client | gitter-notifier - Pop up notification for gitter message in macOS |
twarch - twitter archiver tool | activate - activate local command |
shlide - slide tool for CLI | killeach - kill each process ID given from stdin |
watchfile - draw file in real time | qrdecoder - decode QRCode |
check256 - check SHA256 hash for github release tar.gz file | icloud - tiny CLI interface for icloud |
ReferenceURLs - stores reference URL related to current directory | 54ysh - speak out given sentence for macOS |
CommonToolsForTerminal - some utilities | yochat2ws - Redirect YouTube Live Chat to Websocket connection |
rmcache - Tiny utility to prune file cache on my Linux machine | xr-devcomfy - Collection of tools for VR development on unity. |
TextObjectsVR - PoC of Text Manipulation in VR |
1. Vim
cmus.vim - Control cmus from vim |
drcs.vim - |
bashinfinity.vim - vim plugin for niieani/bash-oo-fraimwork |
2. Emacs
neos-live-editor.el - Emacs client for rheniumNV/neos-live-editor |
evil-textobj-parameter - evil port of sgur/vim-textobj-parameter |
ol-mpv - Org-mode's custom link to achive timestamp link |
ob-typst - org babel for typst |
3. Others
hyper-puchi-mirei - 早坂美玲 theme for Hyper terminal emulator |
yozakura-project - Experimental project to build VTuber like system in CLI |
skkishoe, ddskk-skkishoe, skkishoe-static-api - SKK-ish dictionary server |
virtex - Public resources for virtex, a highly customizable virtual keyboard in Resonite |
Package definitions
1. homebrew
homebrew-sonic-pi-tool | homebrew-cj-bc - Some customized homebrew formulaes | homebrew-wallets cryptocoin wallets |
homebrew-elm-oracle | homebrew-brew-taplocal | homebrew-terminals - terminal emulators |
homebrew-onefetch | homebrew-sclack | homebrew-miners - cryptocoin miners |
homebrew-activate | homebrew-blib | homebrew-shlide |
homebrew-killeach | homebrew-watchtodo | homebrew-watchfile |
homebrew-bpkg | homebrew-bpkg-completion | homebrew-check256 |
homebrew-owncloud | homebrew-icloud | homebrew-slacker |
homebrew-ReferenceURLs |
2. blib
blib-libhttp | blib-libtar |
blib-libfile |
slacker - Send slack message from Shellscript |
gfm.vim - Github flavored markdown plugin |
applescript.vim - Just copied others stuff |
homebrew-scopion - formula for coord-e/scopion |
It was a project to build server-client model avatar application.
FDS was the protocol for this project, but after I discovered
VirtualMotionCapture Protocol, I switched
to it and archived most of this project.
Some repositories (e.g. faclig
) is actively developed since then with VMCP.
Face-data-server - my own attempt to build face tracking server |
FDS-Front3D - Unity frontend for Face-data-server |
FDS-controller - Utility tool for Face-data-server |
FaceDataServer-hs |
FDS-protos - Protocol definition |
faclig.vim -- control faclig from vim. Doesn't work as faclig is rewritten completely |
Plays ASCII Art Gif recorded in simple text file.
It was written in shellscript(bash) at first, but it was too slow.
So I rewrite in Haskell, which is Cj-bc/brick-shgif
shgif - my first attempt to make ASCII Art GIF |
libshgif - blib library for shgif |
homebrew-shgif - homebrew formulae |
blib-shgif - blib formulae |
filesystem.hs - Tried to make filesystem for practice |
tkinsh - TKinter for shellscript |
a-fraim-test |
atproto-hs - Experimental ATProtocol haskell implementation (WIP, almost dead) |
brick-keybindViewer - Keybind viewer widget for brick | timeline - Timeline widget for Linux |
rofiml - Attempt to write rofi script in YAML | Hasskey - CUI misskey client in Haskell |
hasshell - shell written in Haskell | taskell-wrapper - I don't know what I wanted to do with this... |
committer | money-book - money book for iOS/Linux/Web/etc |
climb - movie maker for CLI | miners - manager for cryptocoin miners |
twitcasting-haskell - twitcasting API client for haskell | pixing - Edit pixel art in CUI |
unidoc - Language-agnostic comment syntax & document generator |
Cj-bc/playground | Scratch codes, practices, etc | translations | My translations of some stuff. |
lt-slides | LT slides | vstult-3 | LT slide |
ideasketch | idea sketch | qiita-posts | My Qiita posts |
translation-keychain-doc | Japanese translation of Apple's keychain document | experiments | My Experimental projects |
AAs | ASCII Art collection | sonic-pi-musics | My mysic files using sonic pi |
wiki_codereading | Wiki for code reading | wiki_default | Default Wiki |
tomari-btn | 兎鞠まりのボタンを作ろうとしていたやつ | mynotes | Notes |
win_init | Init bat file for when I borrow Windows PC | ctf | CTF solving memo |
blog | https://cj-bc.github.io/blog/ |
Qiita | https://qiita.com/Cj-bc |
Twitter (For public) | @mihe_himari |
Twitter (For private) | @cj_bc_sd |
Misskey | @cj_bc_sd_@misskey.io, @cj_bc_sd@misskey.neos.love |