Sequence Classification with Contextual Embeddings
- Homework 2 Website
- Homework 2 Slide
- Kaggle Competition
- Public Leaderboard Rank: 18/67
- Private Leaderboard Rank: 15/67
- Guide for Part 1
- TA's
apt-get update
apt-get install -y python-software-properties
apt-get install -y software-properties-common
add-apt-repository -y ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
apt-get update
apt-get install -y python3.6
apt-get install -y python3.6-dev libmysqlclient-dev
python3.6 -m pip install --upgrade setuptools
python3.6 -m pip install torch torchvision
python3.6 -m pip install spacy pyyaml python-box tqdm ipdb
python3.6 -m spacy download en
python3.6 -m pip install allennlp
python3.6 -m pip install flair
The codes for training ELMo is base on this repo.
python -m ELMo.biLM train \
--seed 9487 \
--gpu 0 \
--train_path ./data/language_model/train.txt \
--valid_path ./data/language_model/valid.txt \
--config_path ./ELMo/configs/cnn_50_100_512_4096_sample.json \
--model ./ELMo/output \
--optimizer adam \
--lr 0.001 \
--lr_decay 0.8 \
--batch_size 64 \
--max_epoch 10 \
--max_sent_len 64 \
--max_vocab_size 150000 \
--min_count 3
- Modify the
. - Train BCN based on ELMo for classification task
python -m BCN.train model/bcn_my_elmo
Based on the development set performance, you can choose which epoch's model checkpoint to use to generate prediction.Optionally, you can specify the batch size.
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_my_elmo 7 --batch_size 512
You will then have a prediction as a csv file that can be uploaded to kaggle under model/bcn_my_elmo/predictions/
We have beat the simple baseline with 0.49049
on the private and 0.49954
on the public.
- We used the embeddings provided by zalandoresearch/flair, such as
, andBertEmbeddings
. - That is, you need to install
. - The used embeddings are listed as followings:
- Modify the
. - Train BCN based on different stacked contextualized embeddings for the classification task.
python -m BCN.train model/bcn_bert
python -m BCN.train model/bcn_bert_elmo
python -m BCN.train model/bcn_bert_elmo_un
python -m BCN.train model/bcn_bert_un
python -m BCN.train model/bcn_elmo
python -m BCN.train model/bcn_flair_bert_elmo
python -m BCN.train model/bcn_flair_bert_elmo_un
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_bert 2 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_bert 3 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_bert 5 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_bert 7 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_bert 16 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_bert_elmo 1 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_bert_elmo 4 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_bert_elmo 5 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_bert_elmo 6 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_bert_elmo 9 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_bert_elmo_un 7 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_bert_elmo_un 8 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_bert_elmo_un 10 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_bert_elmo_un 11 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_bert_elmo_un 12 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_bert_un 7 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_bert_un 8 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_bert_un 10 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_bert_un 11 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_bert_un 12 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_elmo 3 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_elmo 5 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_elmo 12 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_elmo 14 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_elmo 16 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_flair_bert_elmo 2 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_flair_bert_elmo 5 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_flair_bert_elmo 6 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_flair_bert_elmo 9 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_flair_bert_elmo 16 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_flair_bert_elmo_un 6 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_flair_bert_elmo_un 9 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_flair_bert_elmo_un 10 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_flair_bert_elmo_un 11 --batch_size 8
python -m BCN.predict model/bcn_flair_bert_elmo_un 16 --batch_size 8
Model Name | Flair | BERT | BERT_UN | ELMo | Private | Public |
bcn_bert | V | 0.53755 | 0.49864 | |||
bcn_bert_elmo | V | V | 0.55022 | 0.53031 | ||
bcn_bert_elmo_un | V | V | 0.55022 | 0.53031 | ||
bcn_bert_un | V | 0.52669 | 0.49140 | |||
bcn_elmo | V | 0.51131 | 0.50407 | |||
bcn_flair_bert_elmo | V | V | V | 0.54027 | 0.51402 | |
bcn_flair_bert_elmo_un | V | V | V | 0.53484 | 0.50769 |
Top N .Files | Private | Public |
35 | 0.56561 | 0.52579 |
30 | 0.55837 | 0.52941 |
25 | 0.55746 | 0.53303 |
20 | 0.56018 | 0.52941 |
15 | 0.55475 | 0.53484 |
10 | 0.55022 | 0.53031 |