A minimalist Python application which solves a given Sudoku problem in a .csv file following certain formatting rules.
- The first row of the .csv file must be the following:
. - The following rows will be the numbers of the sudoku given. The number zero (0) represents an empty cell or naked cell.
- The numbers will be separatted by commas, formatting the columns.
- Example of .csv file can be found under the folder examples.
This projects uses the following external libraries:
- NumPy
- Pandas
To be able to run this project, execute: pip install -r requirements.txt
- Under the folder SudokuSolver, run:
python3 main.py
- The path for a .csv file following the above formatting rules will be required. YOU SHOULDN'T TYPE THE .CSV EXTENSION ALONG THE NAME OF THE FILE.
- Example of input: examples/ex2
- Implement a simple GUI by using tkinter library.
- In the above mentioned GUI, implement an speed regulator to be able to see how the algorithm tests, fails, and backtracks.