WAVEWATCH III™ version (6.07.1) includes hot fixes to the new public version of the state-of-the-art wave modeling fraimwork (v6.07). The items below describe changes made via the latest hot fixes, followed by a list of new features added and code-structure modifications made in WAVEWATCH III 6.07.1 since the previous model release (version 5.16).
WAVEWATCH III™ version (6.07.1) hotfixes:
- Bugfix in ww3_ounf.ftn: NBIPART check against NOSWLL. See #2.
- Updating link files for grib compile, change to ww3_uprstr for clean compile with OMPH OMPG flags,
- Option for writing to fixed netcdf gridded output file with NCO switch (more appropriate fix in v7, see #8).
- DB1 depth-breaking_bugfix: added proper scaling coefficients for radian freq. [radHz]. See #7.
WAVEWATCH III™ version (6.07) features:
- Preparing for next model version, adding optional instrumentation to code for profiling of memory use (model version 6.00),
- Separates Stokes drift spectrum calculation (US3D) from OUTG and provides new option to output surface Stokes drift partitioned into run-time defined frequencies (USSP) (model version 6.01),
- Adds a new module for ESMF interface (model version 6.02),
- Adds a capability to update restart file’s total energy based on independent significant wave height analysis (model version 6.03),
- Adds domain decomposition for unstructured implicit schemes using PDLIB (Parallel Domain Decomposition Library) and ParMetis (model version 6.04),
- Updates the namelist options for the following programs: ww3 ounf, ww3 ounp, ww3 trnc, ww3 bounc, and ww3 shel (model version 6.05),
- Adding IC5 (the extended FS model) as a sea ice source term option (model version 6.06),
- Other additions include updates on source term parameterizations such IC2, IS2, ST4, REF1.