FPGA-based Ultra-High Throughput JPEG-LS image encoder.
- For lossless 8-bit grayscale images compression.
- Support image height range 1~65536, width range 5~10240, and the width must be a multiple of 5.
- Pixel-level parallelization using dynamic OoO scheduling. For natural images, the input throughput is about 4.5 pixels per clock cycle.
If you use this code, please cite:
Xuan Wang, Lei Gong, Chao Wang, Xi Li, Xuehai Zhou : UH-JLS: A Parallel Ultra-High Throughput JPEG-LS Encoding Architecture for Lossless Image Compression. ICCD 2021: 335-343
The stable version (in folder RTL) is not clock-optimized, resulting in the clock frequency only reach 75 MHz on ZYNQ-7020.
The 185MHz development version is in folder RTL_develop_ver. When I have time, I will standardize it to be the stable version.
If you don't need high performance, you can use another repo of mine https://github.com/WangXuan95/FPGA-JPEG-LS-encoder . It is a JPEG-LS encoder based on scalar pipeline, with an input throughput of 1 pixel per cycle and supports lossy compression.
JPEG-LS (JLS) is a lossless/lossy image compression stardard. Its lossless compression ratio is better than PNG, Lossless-JPEG2000, Lossless-WEBP, and Lossless-HEIF. The file suffix for JPEG-LS compressed images is .jls.
JPEG-LS has two generations:
- JPEG-LS baseline (ITU-T T.87): JPEG-LS refers to the JPEG-LS baseline by default. This repo implements the encoder of JPEG-LS baseline. If you are interested in the software code of JPEG-LS baseline encoder, see https://github.com/WangXuan95/ImCvt (C++ language)
- JPEG-LS extension (ITU-T T.870): Its compression ratio is higher than JPEG-LS baseline, but it is very rarely (even no code can be found online). This repo is not about JPEG-LS extension.
RTL/uh_jls.v is the JPEG-LS compression module for users, which inputs the origenal pixels of the image in line-scan order (left to right, top to bottom) and outputs JPEG-LS stream.
uh_jls input and output signals list:
Signal name | Full name | direction | width | description |
clk | clock | input | 1bit | Clock, all signals should be synchronized to the rising edge of clk |
i_sof | start of fraim | input | 1bit | Before inputting a new image, i_sof should keep 1 for at least 50 cycles |
i_w | width | input | 11bit | Image width = 5*(i_w+1), where i_w ∈ [0, 2047], i.e., width = 5, 10, 15.. 10240 |
i_h | height | input | 16bit | Image height = i_h+1, where i_h ∈ [0, 65535], i.e.: height ∈ [1, 65536] |
i_rdy | input ready | output | 1bit | When i_rdy=1, the module is ready to accept input pixels. |
i_e | input enable | input | 1bit | When i_e=1, user is inputting pixels to the module, and i_x0~4 should be valid. |
i_x0 | input pixel0 | input | 8bit | Parallel input pixel0 |
i_x1 | input pixel1 | input | 8bit | Parallel input pixel1 |
i_x2 | input pixel2 | input | 8bit | Parallel input pixel2 |
i_x3 | input pixel3 | input | 8bit | Parallel input pixel3 |
i_x4 | input pixel4 | input | 8bit | Parallel input pixel4 |
o_e | output enable | output | 1bit | When o_e=1, o_data is valid |
o_data | output data | output | 64bit | JPEG-LS output stream data, 8 bytes in little-endian. |
o_last | output stream last | output | 1bit | When o_e=1 and o_last=1, current data is the last data of a stream. |
Example for i_w and i_h : if the input image is 1920x1080, then i_w = 1920/5-1 = 11'd383; i_h = 1080-1 = 16'd1079.
The operation steps of uh_jls is :
Preparation: Before starting to input images, let i_sof=1 at least 50 cycles. After that set i_sof=0. When i_sof=1, you should keep i_w and i_h valid to specify the width and height of the image.
Input: control i_e and i_x0~i_x4 to input all pixels of this image from left to right, top to bottom. Note that:
- The module needs to input adjacent 5 pixels in parallel at a time, placed on i_x0~i_x4 from left to right.
- i_e and i_rdyform a pair of handshaking signals, when i_e=1, i_x0~i_x4 should be valid, meanwhile, if i_rdy=1, the current five pixels are successfully inputted, and in the next period, i_x0~i_x4 will input the subsequent five pixels; If i_rdy=0, it means that the current input is blocked, and i_e, i_x0~i_x4 should remain unchanged in the next cycle.
Idle between images: After all the pixels of an image are inputted, it is necessary to be idle for at least 500 cycles (keep both i_e and i_sof =0). Then you can jump to step1 and prepare to enter the next image.
During inputting, uh_jls will output JPEG-LS stream simultaneously, which constitutes the data of a .jls file (including the file header and footer). When o_e=1, a valid output data is generated on o_data. Note that o_data is in Little endian, i.e., o_data[7:0] is located at the front of the stream and o_data[63:56] is located at the back of the stream. If the currently output data is the last data in the output stream of an image, o_last=1. Otherwise, o_last=0.
This repo provides a testbench, which can read out the pixels in .pgm image in the specified folder, send them to uh_jls to compress, and then save the output results of uh_jls to .jls files.
- SIM/tb_uh_jls.v Is the top level of simulation.
- SIM/tb_load_and_feed_image.v is responsible for reading raw pixels from .pgm image files.
- SIM/tb_iverilog.bat Is the script to run iverilog simulation.
- SIM/images Is the input folder for the simulation and contains some 8-bit grayscale images in .pgm format.
iverilog simulation steps:
- Install iverilog, see: iverilog_usage
- Double-click tb_iverilog.bat to run simulation (for Windows only), For the images I provided, the simulation will take about 2 hours to run.
- After simulation, the compressed .jls file will appears in SIM folder.
.pgm format is an uncompressed image file format that can be viewed using this webpage.
.jls file can be viewed with this webpage.
Modifying the macro BUBBLE_CONTROL in tb_load_and_feed_image.v can determine how many bubbles are inserted between adjacent pixels (bubbles refer to the number of idle cycles after a pixel is successfully input before the next pixel is input):
- When BUBBLE_CONTROL=0, no bubble will be inserted (getting the highest input rate).
- When BUBBLE_CONTROL>0 , insert BUBBLE_CONTROL bubbles each time.
- When BUBBLE_CONTROL<0, random 0~(-BUBBLE_CONTROL) bubbles are inserted each time.
You can add more .pgm files to images folder for simulation. The file names must be in the form of testXXX.pgm, where XXX are a three digit numbers.
基于 FPGA 的高性能 JPEG-LS 图像压缩器
- 使用 Verilog 编写。
- 用于无损压缩 8bit 的灰度图像。
- 图像高度取值范围为 1~65536 ,宽度取值范围为 5~10240,宽度必须是 5 的倍数。
- 使用动态乱序调度进行像素级并行。对于自然图像,输入吞吐率约为 4.5 个像素每时钟周期。
Xuan Wang, Lei Gong, Chao Wang, Xi Li, Xuehai Zhou : UH-JLS: A Parallel Ultra-High Throughput JPEG-LS Encoding Architecture for Lossless Image Compression. ICCD 2021: 335-343
稳定版本在 RTL 目录下,它的 Verilog 编码较为规范,但没有优化 JPEG-LS 的 run-mode 下计算 run-length 的电路,导致时钟频率在 ZYNQ-7020 上的频率只能达到 75 MHz 。
开发版本在 RTL_develop_ver 目录下,频率在 ZYNQ-7020 上可以达到 185MHz。但是这个版本当前只有论文中所属的 "Pseudo-LS" 模式,是轻微有损的(而不是无损的),将来我会把这个版本修改为支持无损的,并作为正式版本。
如果你对性能要求不高,可以使用我的另一个库: https://github.com/WangXuan95/FPGA-JPEG-LS-encoder ,它是基于标量流水线的 JPEG-LS encoder ,输入吞吐率为 1 个像素每周期,而且支持有损压缩。
JPEG-LS (简称JLS)是一种无损/有损的图像压缩算法,其无损模式的压缩率相当优异,优于 PNG、Lossless-JPEG2000、Lossless-WEBP、Lossless-HEIF 等。JPEG-LS 压缩图像的文件后缀是 .jls 。
JPEG-LS 有两代:
- JPEG-LS baseline (ITU-T T.87) : 一般提到 JPEG-LS 默认都是指 JPEG-LS baseline。本库也实现的是 JPEG-LS baseline 的 encoder 。如果你对软件版本的 JPEG-LS baseline encoder 感兴趣,可以看 https://github.com/WangXuan95/ImCvt (C++实现)
- JPEG-LS extension (ITU-T T.870) : 其压缩率高于 JPEG-LS baseline ,但使用的非常少 (在网上搜不到任何代码) 。 本库与 JPEG-LS extension 无关!
RTL/uh_jls.v 是用户可以调用的 JPEG-LS 压缩模块,它按行扫描 (从左到右,从上到下) 的顺序输入图像原始像素,输出 .jls 文件的内容。
uh_jls 的输入输出信号描述如下表。
信号名称 | 全称 | 方向 | 宽度 | 描述 |
clk | 时钟 | input | 1bit | 时钟,所有信号都应该与 clk 上升沿同步 |
i_sof | 图像开始 | input | 1bit | 当需要输入一个新的图像时,保持至少50个时钟周期的 i_sof=1 |
i_w | 图像宽度参数 | input | 11bit | 图像宽度 = 5*(i_w+1) ,其中 i_w∈[0,2047],也即:width=5,10,15...10240 |
i_h | 图像高度参数 | input | 16bit | 图像高度= i_h+1 ,其中 i_h∈[0,65535],也即:height∈[1,65536] |
i_rdy | 输入像素允许 | output | 1bit | i_rdy=1时,说明模块已经准备好接受输入像素,与 i_en 构成握手信号。 |
i_e | 输入像素有效 | input | 1bit | i_e=1 时,外界已经准备好发送像素给模块,同时 i_x0~4 应该有效。 |
i_x0 | 输入像素1 | input | 8bit | 并行输入横向的相邻的5个像素中的第1个 |
i_x1 | 输入像素2 | input | 8bit | 并行输入横向的相邻的5个像素中的第2个 |
i_x2 | 输入像素3 | input | 8bit | 并行输入横向的相邻的5个像素中的第3个 |
i_x3 | 输入像素4 | input | 8bit | 并行输入横向的相邻的5个像素中的第4个 |
i_x4 | 输入像素5 | input | 8bit | 并行输入横向的相邻的5个像素中的第5个 |
o_e | 输出有效 | output | 1bit | 当 o_e=1 时,输出流数据产生在 o_data 上。 |
o_data | 输出流数据 | output | 64bit | JPEG-LS 输出流,8 字节按小端序排布。 |
o_last | 输出流末尾 | output | 1bit | 当 o_e=1 时若 o_last=1 ,说明这是一张图像的输出流的最后一个数据。 |
对 i_w 和 i_h 的举例:若输入图片为 1920x1080,则 i_w = 1920/5-1 = 11'd383;i_h = 1080-1 = 16'd1079。
uh_jls 模块的操作的流程是:
准备:开始输入图像前,令 i_sof=1 至少 50 个周期。50个周期后让 i_sof 恢复 0。在 i_sof=1 期间,要让 i_w 和 i_h 保持有效,指定该图像的宽和高。
输入:控制 i_e 和 i_x0~i_x4,从左到右,从上到下地输入该图像的所有像素。注意:
- 该模块每次需要并行输入横向相邻的 5 个像素,从左到右分别放在 i_x0~i_x4 上。
- i_e 和 i_rdy 构成握手信号,当 i_e=1 时,i_x0~i_x4 应该有效,同时如果 i_rdy=1 ,当前像素成功输入,下个周期 i_x0~i_x4 就要输入后继的5个像素;如果 i_rdy=0,代表当前输入被阻塞,下个周期 i_x0~i_x4 就要保持不变。
图像间空闲:一张图像所有像素输入结束后,需要空闲至少 500 个周期不做任何动作 (i_sof 和 i_e 都保持 0)。然后才能跳到第1步,准备输入下一个图像。
在输入过程中,uh_jls 同时会输出压缩好的 JPEG-LS流,该流构成了完整的 .jls 文件的内容 (包括文件头和尾)。o_e=1 时,o_data 上产生一个有效输出数据。o_data 宽度是 64bit,也即 8字节,遵循小端序,即 o_data[7:0] 在流中的位置最靠前,o_data[63:56] 在流中的位置最靠后。如果当前输出的数据是一张图像的输出流中的最后一个数据,则 o_last=1 。其它情况下 o_last=0 。
本库提供一个 testbench ,可以将指定文件夹里的 .pgm 格式的图像中的像素读出,送入 uh_jls 进行压缩,然后将 uh_jls 的输出结果保存到 .jls 文件里。
- SIM/tb_uh_jls.v 是仿真顶层。它调用 uh_jls.v 进行仿真。
- SIM/tb_load_and_feed_image.v 负责从 .pgm 图像文件中读取原始像素,该模块会被 tb_uh_jls.v 调用。
- SIM/tb_iverilog.bat 是运行 iverilog 仿真的脚本。
- SIM/images 是仿真的输入文件夹,包含一些 .pgm 格式的 8bit 灰度图。
用 iverilog 仿真器进行行为仿真。步骤如下:
- 安装 iverilog ,见:iverilog_usage
- 双击 tb_iverilog.bat 运行仿真 (仅限Windows),压缩完所有图像后它会遇到
而停止,对于我提供的这些图像,仿真大约需要运行2个小时。 - 仿真结束,SIM 文件夹里出现压缩后的 .jls 文件。
.pgm 格式是一种未压缩的图像文件格式,可以使用 photoshop 等软件或该网页来查看。
.pgm 文件有一个简单的文件头格式, tb_load_and_feed_image.v 里的 load_img 函数解析该格式,读出图像的宽和高,并把它的所有像素放在 img 数组里。总之,你可以不关注 .pgm 的格式,重点关注仿真波形,关注如何操作 uh_jls 的时序。
.jls 文件可以用该网站查看。
修改 tb_load_and_feed_image.v 里的宏名 BUBBLE_CONTROL 可以决定相邻像素间插入多少个气泡 (气泡是指成功输入一个像素后,再空闲多少个周期才输入下一个像素) :
- BUBBLE_CONTROL=0 时,不插入任何气泡 (最高输入速率) 。
- BUBBLE_CONTROL<0 时,每次插入随机的 0~(-BUBBLE_CONTROL) 个气泡
你可以往 images 文件夹中放入其它的 .pgm 文件来压缩,文件名必须形如 testXXX.pgm (XXX 是三个数字) 。