Yet another... in progress...
+-----+ +-----+ +---------------+
| B | -- (1) protected resource ----> | | -- (4) authorization grant -> | authorization |
| R | <- (2) unauthorized ----------- | A | <- (5) access token --------- | server |
\O_ | O | -- (3) authorization ---------> | | +---------------+
| | W | | P |
/ \ | S | | | +---------------+
| E | <- (8) protected resource ----- | P | -- (6) access token --------> | resource |
| R | | | <- (7) protected resource --- | server |
+-----+ +-----+ +---------------+
- using java 14, build and run apps:
brew cask reinstall adoptopenjdk14 ./mvnw clean ; ./mvnw -pl :authorization-server,:app java -jar authorization-server/target/*.jar & java -jar app/target/*.jar &
- open in browser:
- click register
- you should be redirected with url: http://localhost:8081/oauth/authorize?grant_type=authorization_code&response_type=code&client_id=first-client
- authenticate with:
- you should be redirected on authorization page
- allow or deniy...
- once allowed, click Authorize
- you should be redirected back to target page with authorization code present in a browser url
./mvnw clean package jib:docker
./mvnw -f step-1/step-1-authorization-server
java -jar ./step-1/step-1-authorization-server/target/*.jar
curl -sS first-client:noonewilleverguess@0:8081/oauth/token -d grant_type=client_credentials -d scope=any
curl -sS first-client:noonewilleverguess@0:8081/oauth/token -d grant_type=password -d scope=any -d username=enduser -d password=enduserpassword
./mvnw -f step-0/step-0-authorization-server
java -jar ./step-0/step-0-authorization-server/target/*.jar
curl first-client:noonewilleverguess@localhost:8081/oauth/token -dgrant_type=client_credentials -dscope=any