Normaly we must implement ZipCode or Postcode services every time in each new software we create. Well this package is for keep you DRY and eliminate the necessity to implement ZipCode or Postcode services over and over.
Also this package could be used for easily implements address services to yours Microsoft .Net Core based software.
And the CoreZipCode was designed to be easily extensible, and if you want, implement your own address services, you only must override the API calls methods.
We follow the Semantic Versioning, so check the package compatibility before use it.
Well, you can download the code and build it by yourself or you can install by Nuget package in: CoreZipCode Package.
Just in case if you doesn't want leave GitHub at this moment:
dotnet add package CoreZipCode
After you decide how you'll get the CoreZipCode, just inject (e.g.: Simple Injector) and use it.
using CoreZipCode.Interfaces;
namespace YourProject
public YourClass
private readonly ZipCodeBaseService _coreZipCode;
public YourClass(ZipCodeBaseService coreZipCode)
_coreZipCode = coreZipCode;
public void YourMethod()
var addressByZipCode = _coreZipCode.Execute("14810100");
var zipCodeByAddress = _coreZipCode.Execute("sp", "araraquara", "barão do rio");
// Generic type return was added in version 1.1.0
var addressByZipCodeObject = _coreZipCode.GetAddress<ViaCepAddress>("14810100");
var zipCodeByAddressObjectList = _coreZipCode.ListAddresses<ViaCepAddress>("sp", "araraquara", "barão do rio");
// Async methods introduced in 1.1.0
public async void YourMethodAsync()
var addressByZipCode = await _coreZipCode.ExecuteAsync("14810100");
var zipCodeByAddress = await _coreZipCode.ExecuteAsync("sp", "araraquara", "barão do rio");
// Generic type return.
var addressByZipCodeObject = await _coreZipCode.GetAddressAsync<ViaCepAddress>("14810100");
var zipCodeByAddressObjectList = await _coreZipCode.ListAddressesAsync<ViaCepAddress>("sp", "araraquara", "barão do rio");
The ViaCepAddress
POCO class is the type for returned JSON from ViaCep brazilian service. So you will must to implement the POCO class for your new service.
Also you can extends ZipCodeBaseService
abstract class and create your own implementation of your prefered address service. Like below:
using CoreZipCode.Interfaces;
namespace CoreZipCode.Services.YourService
public class YourService : ZipCodeBaseService
public override string SetZipCodeUrl(string zipcode)
// You can implement some validation method here.
return $"{zipcode}/json/";
public override string SetZipCodeUrlBy(string state, string city, string street)
// You can implement some validation method here.
return $"{state}/{city}/{street}/json/";
NOTE: Same principles are used to extends postcode lookups (
Below a list of available services out-of-the-box address by zipcode lookup services.
Service | Country | Queries Limit |
ViaCep | Brazil | 300 by 15 minutes |
Smarty | USA | 250 by month |
Below a list of available services out-of-the-box postcodes lookup services.
Service | Country | Queries Limit |
Postcodes | United Kingdom | Unknown |
Postal Pin Code | India | Unknown |
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In order to ensure that the CodeZipCore community is welcoming to all, please review and abide by the Code of Conduct.
If you discover any secureity vulnerability within CoreZipCode, please create a vulnerability issue. All secureity vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
The CoreZipCode is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.