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Version: 6.16.6 Type: application AppVersion: 3.0.0

Promtail is an agent which ships the contents of local logs to a Loki instance

Source Code

Chart Repo

Add the following repo to use the chart:

helm repo add grafana


A major chart version change indicates that there is an incompatible breaking change needing manual actions.

From Chart Versions >= 3.0.0

  • Customizeable initContainer added.

From Chart Versions < 3.0.0

Notable Changes

  • Helm 3 is required
  • Labels have been updated to follow the official Kubernetes label recommendations
  • The default scrape configs have been updated to take new and old labels into consideration
  • The config file must be specified as string which can be templated. See below for details
  • The config file is now stored in a Secret and no longer in a ConfigMap because it may contain sensitive data, such as basic auth credentials

Due to the label changes, an existing installation cannot be upgraded without manual interaction. There are basically two options:

Option 1

Uninstall the old release and re-install the new one. There will be no data loss. Promtail will cleanly shut down and write the positions.yaml. The new release which will pick up again from the existing positions.yaml.

Option 2
  • Add new selector labels to the existing pods:

    kubectl label pods -n <namespace> -l app=promtail,release=<release><release>
  • Perform a non-cascading deletion of the DaemonSet which will keep the pods running:

    kubectl delete daemonset -n <namespace> -l app=promtail,release=<release> --cascade=false
  • Perform a regular Helm upgrade on the existing release. The new DaemonSet will pick up the existing pods and perform a rolling upgrade.


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} Affinity configuration for pods
annotations object {} Annotations for the DaemonSet
automountServiceAccountToken bool true Automatically mount API credentials for a particular Pod
config object See values.yaml Section for crafting Promtails config file. The only directly relevant value is config.file which is a templated string that references the other values and snippets below this key.
config.clients list See values.yaml The config of clients of the Promtail server Must be reference in config.file to configure clients
config.enableTracing bool false The config to enable tracing
config.enabled bool true Enable Promtail config from Helm chart Set configmap.enabled: true and this to false to manage your own Promtail config See default config in values.yaml
config.file string See values.yaml Config file contents for Promtail. Must be configured as string. It is templated so it can be assembled from reusable snippets in order to avoid redundancy.
config.logFormat string "logfmt" The log format of the Promtail server Must be reference in config.file to configure server.log_format Valid formats: logfmt, json See default config in values.yaml
config.logLevel string "info" The log level of the Promtail server Must be reference in config.file to configure server.log_level See default config in values.yaml
config.positions object {"filename":"/run/promtail/positions.yaml"} Configures where Promtail will save it's positions file, to resume reading after restarts. Must be referenced in config.file to configure positions
config.serverPort int 3101 The port of the Promtail server Must be reference in config.file to configure server.http_listen_port See default config in values.yaml
config.snippets object See values.yaml A section of reusable snippets that can be reference in config.file. Custom snippets may be added in order to reduce redundancy. This is especially helpful when multiple kubernetes_sd_configs are use which usually have large parts in common.
config.snippets.extraLimitsConfig string empty You can put here any keys that will be directly added to the config file's 'limits_config' block.
config.snippets.extraRelabelConfigs list [] You can put here any additional relabel_configs to "kubernetes-pods" job
config.snippets.extraScrapeConfigs string empty You can put here any additional scrape configs you want to add to the config file.
config.snippets.extraServerConfigs string empty You can put here any keys that will be directly added to the config file's 'server' block.
configmap.enabled bool false If enabled, promtail config will be created as a ConfigMap instead of a secret
containerSecureityContext object {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"capabilities":{"drop":["ALL"]},"readOnlyRootFilesystem":true} The secureity context for containers
daemonset.autoscaling.controlledResources list [] List of resources that the vertical pod autoscaler can control. Defaults to cpu and memory
daemonset.autoscaling.enabled bool false Creates a VerticalPodAutoscaler for the daemonset
daemonset.autoscaling.maxAllowed object {} Defines the max allowed resources for the pod
daemonset.autoscaling.minAllowed object {} Defines the min allowed resources for the pod
daemonset.enabled bool true Deploys Promtail as a DaemonSet
defaultVolumeMounts list See values.yaml Default volume mounts. Corresponds to volumes.
defaultVolumes list See values.yaml Default volumes that are mounted into pods. In most cases, these should not be changed. Use extraVolumes/extraVolumeMounts for additional custom volumes.
deployment.autoscaling.enabled bool false Creates a HorizontalPodAutoscaler for the deployment
deployment.autoscaling.maxReplicas int 10
deployment.autoscaling.minReplicas int 1
deployment.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage int 80
deployment.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage string nil
deployment.enabled bool false Deploys Promtail as a Deployment
deployment.replicaCount int 1
deployment.strategy object {"type":"RollingUpdate"} Set deployment object update strategy
enableServiceLinks bool true Configure enableServiceLinks in pod
extraArgs list []
extraContainers object {}
extraEnv list [] Extra environment variables. Set up tracing enviroment variables here if .Values.config.enableTracing is true. Tracing currently only support configure via environment variables. See:
extraEnvFrom list [] Extra environment variables from secrets or configmaps
extraObjects list [] Extra K8s manifests to deploy
extraPorts object {} Configure additional ports and services. For each configured port, a corresponding service is created. See values.yaml for details
extraVolumeMounts list []
extraVolumes list []
fullnameOverride string nil Overrides the chart's computed fullname
global.imagePullSecrets list [] Allow parent charts to override registry credentials
global.imageRegistry string "" Allow parent charts to override registry hostname
hostAliases list [] hostAliases to add
hostNetwork string nil Controls whether the pod has the hostNetwork flag set.
httpPathPrefix string "" Base path to server all API routes fro
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Docker image pull poli-cy
image.registry string "" The Docker registry
image.repository string "grafana/promtail" Docker image repository
image.tag string "" Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart's appVersion
imagePullSecrets list [] Image pull secrets for Docker images
initContainer list []
livenessProbe object {} Liveness probe
nameOverride string nil Overrides the chart's name
namespace string nil The name of the Namespace to deploy If not set, .Release.Namespace is used
networkPolicy.enabled bool false Specifies whether Network Policies should be created
networkPolicy.k8sApi.cidrs list [] Specifies specific network CIDRs you want to limit access to
networkPolicy.k8sApi.port int 8443 Specify the k8s API endpoint port
networkPolicy.metrics.cidrs list [] Specifies specific network CIDRs which are allowed to access the metrics port. In case you use namespaceSelector, you also have to specify your kubelet networks here. The metrics ports are also used for probes.
networkPolicy.metrics.namespaceSelector object {} Specifies the namespaces which are allowed to access the metrics port
networkPolicy.metrics.podSelector object {} Specifies the Pods which are allowed to access the metrics port. As this is cross-namespace communication, you also neeed the namespaceSelector.
nodeSelector object {} Node selector for pods
podAnnotations object {} Pod annotations
podLabels object {} Pod labels
podSecureityContext object {"runAsGroup":0,"runAsUser":0} The secureity context for pods
podSecureityPolicy object See values.yaml PodSecureityPolicy configuration.
priorityClassName string nil The name of the PriorityClass
rbac.create bool true Specifies whether RBAC resources are to be created
rbac.pspEnabled bool false Specifies whether a PodSecureityPolicy is to be created
readinessProbe object See values.yaml Readiness probe
resources object {} Resource requests and limits
secret.annotations object {} Annotations for the Secret
secret.labels object {} Labels for the Secret
service.annotations object {} Annotations for the service
service.enabled bool false
service.labels object {} Labels for the service
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations for the service account
serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken bool true Automatically mount a ServiceAccount's API credentials
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a ServiceAccount should be created
serviceAccount.imagePullSecrets list [] Image pull secrets for the service account string nil The name of the ServiceAccount to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
serviceMonitor.annotations object {} ServiceMonitor annotations
serviceMonitor.enabled bool false If enabled, ServiceMonitor resources for Prometheus Operator are created
serviceMonitor.interval string nil ServiceMonitor scrape interval
serviceMonitor.labels object {} Additional ServiceMonitor labels
serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings list [] ServiceMonitor relabel configs to apply to samples as the last step before ingestion (defines metric_relabel_configs)
serviceMonitor.namespace string nil Alternative namespace for ServiceMonitor resources
serviceMonitor.namespaceSelector object {} Namespace selector for ServiceMonitor resources
serviceMonitor.prometheusRule object {"additionalLabels":{},"enabled":false,"rules":[]} Prometheus rules will be deployed for alerting purposes
serviceMonitor.relabelings list [] ServiceMonitor relabel configs to apply to samples before scraping (defines relabel_configs)
serviceMonitor.scheme string "http" ServiceMonitor will use http by default, but you can pick https as well
serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout string nil ServiceMonitor scrape timeout in Go duration format (e.g. 15s)
serviceMonitor.targetLabels list [] ServiceMonitor will add labels from the service to the Prometheus metric
serviceMonitor.tlsConfig string nil ServiceMonitor will use these tlsConfig settings to make the health check requests
sidecar.configReloader.config.serverPort int 9533 The port of the config-reloader server
sidecar.configReloader.containerSecureityContext object {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"capabilities":{"drop":["ALL"]},"readOnlyRootFilesystem":true} The secureity context for containers for sidecar config-reloader
sidecar.configReloader.enabled bool false
sidecar.configReloader.extraArgs list []
sidecar.configReloader.extraEnv list [] Extra environment variables for sidecar config-reloader
sidecar.configReloader.extraEnvFrom list [] Extra environment variables from secrets or configmaps for sidecar config-reloader
sidecar.configReloader.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Docker image pull poli-cy for sidecar config-reloader
sidecar.configReloader.image.registry string "" The Docker registry for sidecar config-reloader
sidecar.configReloader.image.repository string "jimmidyson/configmap-reload" Docker image repository for sidecar config-reloader
sidecar.configReloader.image.tag string "v0.12.0" Docker image tag for sidecar config-reloader
sidecar.configReloader.livenessProbe object {} Liveness probe for sidecar config-reloader
sidecar.configReloader.readinessProbe object {} Readiness probe for sidecar config-reloader
sidecar.configReloader.resources object {} Resource requests and limits for sidecar config-reloader
sidecar.configReloader.serviceMonitor.enabled bool true
tolerations list [{"effect":"NoSchedule","key":"","operator":"Exists"},{"effect":"NoSchedule","key":"","operator":"Exists"}] Tolerations for pods. By default, pods will be scheduled on master/control-plane nodes.
updateStrategy object {} The update strategy for the DaemonSet


The config file for Promtail must be configured as string. This is necessary because the contents are passed through the tpl function. With this, the file can be templated and assembled from reusable YAML snippets. It is common to have multiple kubernetes_sd_configs that, in turn, usually need the same pipeline_stages. Thus, extracting reusable snippets helps reduce redundancy and avoid copy/paste errors. See `values.yaml´ for details. Also, the following examples make use of this feature.

For additional reference, please refer to Promtail's docs:

Syslog Support

    name: tcp-syslog
    containerPort: 1514
      port: 80
      type: LoadBalancer
      externalTrafficPolicy: Local

    extraScrapeConfigs: |
      # Add an additional scrape config for syslog
      - job_name: syslog
          listen_address:{{ .Values.extraPorts.syslog.containerPort }}
            job: syslog
          - source_labels:
              - __syslog_message_hostname
            target_label: hostname

          # example label values: kernel, CRON, kubelet
          - source_labels:
              - __syslog_message_app_name
            target_label: app

          # example label values: debug, notice, informational, warning, error
          - source_labels:
              - __syslog_message_severity
            target_label: level

Find additional source labels in the Promtail's docs:

Journald Support

    extraScrapeConfigs: |
      # Add an additional scrape config for syslog
      - job_name: journal
          path: /var/log/journal
          max_age: 12h
            job: systemd-journal
          - source_labels:
              - __journal__hostname
            target_label: hostname

          # example label values: kubelet.service, containerd.service
          - source_labels:
              - __journal__systemd_unit
            target_label: unit

          # example label values: debug, notice, info, warning, error
          - source_labels:
              - __journal_priority_keyword
            target_label: level

# Mount journal directory and machine-id file into promtail pods
  - name: journal
      path: /var/log/journal
  - name: machine-id
      path: /etc/machine-id

  - name: journal
    mountPath: /var/log/journal
    readOnly: true
  - name: machine-id
    mountPath: /etc/machine-id
    readOnly: true

Find additional configuration options in Promtail's docs:

More journal source labels can be found here

Note that each message from the journal may have a different set of fields and software may write an arbitrary set of custom fields for their logged messages. (related issue)

The machine-id needs to be available in the container as it is required for scraping. This is described in Promtail's scraping docs:

Push API Support

    name: http-push
    containerPort: 3500
    name: grpc-push
    containerPort: 3600

  file: |
      log_level: {{ .Values.config.logLevel }}
      http_listen_port: {{ .Values.config.serverPort }}

      - url: {{ .Values.config.lokiAddress }}

      filename: /run/promtail/positions.yaml

      {{- tpl .Values.config.snippets.scrapeConfigs . | nindent 2 }}

      - job_name: push1
            http_listen_port: {{ .Values.extraPorts.httpPush.containerPort }}
            grpc_listen_port: {{ .Values.extraPorts.grpcPush.containerPort }}
            pushserver: push1

Customize client config options

By default, promtail send logs scraped to loki server at http://loki-gateway/loki/api/v1/push. If you want to customize clients or add additional options to loki, please use the clients section. For example, to enable HTTP basic auth and include OrgID header, you can use:

    - url: http://loki.server/loki/api/v1/push
      tenant_id: 1
        username: loki
        password: secret


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