Send webmentions for new and updated posts on a static site.
This is still in a proof of concept stage, but it is working. I will clean it up and flush out documentation soon.
Variable | Description |
Port number |
Git branch name to watch (defaults to master ) |
The directory in your repository to monitor for changes |
URL where your site is hosted |
If your page is not found, number of seconds to wait before retrying (defaults to 45 ) |
If your page is not found, max number of times to retry (defaults to 5 ) |
This app assumes you have some sort of automatic build of your site from GitHub, whether GitHub pages, Netlify, or some other service. Because builds can take a little time to finish and publish, your newly posted pages may not be available as soon as GitHub notifies github-to-webmention of the change. If your page is not found, github-to-webmention will wait and retry several times until it is found (or MAX_RETRIES
is exceeded).