Because it's fancy-kubectl !
- fzf
- kubectl
- kubectl tree
- kubectl neat - only for kexp to work
- jq
You can directly download the fubectl.source
and save it in some directory.
curl -LO
then add to your .bashrc/.zshrc file:
[ -f <path-to>/fubectl.source ] && source <path-to>/fubectl.source
Alternatively you can install fubectl using the ZSH plugin manager of your choice.
Like g for git but 233% more effective!
k get nodes
k get pods
k version --short
kw nodes
kw pods
kw nodes,pods,services
Get all pods
Watch all pods in all namespaces every 2 seconds.
kdes pod
kdes service
kdes nodes
kdel pod
kdel secret
kdel pvc
- Print the last 10 linesklog 100
- Print the last 100 linesklog 250 -f
- Print the last 250 lines and follow the output, liketail -f
klog 50 -p
- Print the last 50 lines of the previous container
kex bash
- Start a bash in a containerkex date
- Print the date in a container
kfor 8000
- Forwards port 8000 to a podkfor 8000:80
Fowards local port 8000 to a pod's port 80
Context list
- Set the current default namespace from list
kcns kube-system
- Set kube-system as default namespace immediately
Opens localhost:8001/ui
in your browser and runs kubectl proxy
Do you want to have the current kubecontext in your prompt?:
export PS1="\[$(kube_ctx_name)\] $PS1"
for the current namespace (this is currently slow, because it calls kubectl every time):
export PS1="\[$(kube_ctx_namespace)\] $PS1"
can be customized via following environment variables
– alterativewatch
command, e.g. viddyFUBECTL_NO_KCL
– disablekcl
alias, since it may conflict with KCL language CLI
If you encounter issues file an issue or talk to us on the #fubectl channel on the Kubermatic Slack.
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Feedback and discussion are available on Kubermatic Slack.
- Please familiarize yourself with the Code of Conduct before contributing.
- See for instructions on the developer certificate of origen that we require.
- We welcome pull requests. Feel free to dig through the issues and jump in.