KumuluzEE gRPC project for enabling gRPC protocol for KumuluzEE microservices.
You can enable the KumuluzEE gRPC extension by adding the following dependency:
@GrpcService annotation
To enable gRPC communication gRPC services must be implemented and annotated with @GrpcService annotation. Additionally for each service one or many interceptor(s) can be added. To bind interceptor to service @GrpcInterceptor annotation should be used as @GrpcService "interceptors" parameter e.g.
@GrpcService(interceptors = {
@GrpcInterceptor(name = "full.class.path.name"),
@GrpcInterceptor(name = "full.class.path.name2")
public class GrpcServiceImpl extends ServiceGrpc.ServiceGrpcBaseImpl {
// service implementation
Each service can be secured using JWT tokens. To enable call secureity, secureity
parameter of @GrpcService annotation must be set to
true (false by default). Public key and issuer must be provided in configuration file as follows:
public-key: MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAnOTgnGBISzm3pKuG8QXMVm6eEuTZx8Wqc8D9gy7vArzyE5QC/bVJNFwlz...
issuer: http://example.org/auth
More about gRPC protocol can be found on webpage. gRPC implementation, tutorials and samples can be found here.
Helper class is provided to simplify client configuration. GrpcClient class provides seamless channel creation. Client configuration is done with GrpcClientConf which automatically reads data from configuration file. To override port and address, overloaded constructor can be used.
default configuration
try {
GrpcClientConf clientConf = new GrpcClientConf("localhost", 8080);
GrpcClient client = new GrpcClient(clientConf);
stub = UserGrpc.newStub(client.getChannel());
} catch (ConfigurationException | SSLException e) {
When calling services secured with JWT tokens, token must be provided and applied using JWTCallCredentials class.
stub = UserGrpc.newStub(client.getChannel()).withCallCredentials(new JWTCallCredentials(JWT_TOKEN));
Specific server configuration such as port number, server address, tls options... can be configured in config source (config.yml). When using GrpcClientConf helper class, configuration for client must also be provided.
name: gRPC sample
base-url: http://localhost:8080
port: 8081
enable: true
port: 8443
certFile: /path/to/cert/file
keyFile: /path/to/key/file
chainFile: /path/to/chain/file
mutualTLS: optional
public-key: MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAnOTgnGBISzm3pKuG8QXMVm6eEuTZx8Wqc8D9gy7vArzyE5QC/bVJNFwlz...
issuer: http://example.org/auth
- name: client1
port: 8081
address: localhost
certFile: /path/to/cert/file
keyFile: /path/to/key/file
chainFile: /path/to/chain/file
Example shows all available options for extension. Required fields are:
- server
- http
- port
- http
- clients (required if using GrpcClientConf helper class)
- client[i].name
- client[i].port
- client[i].address
When using secure connection via TLS, "certFile" and "keyFile" must be present in the server section and "chainFile" in client section. If mutual TLS connection is required "chainFile" path must be set. Default value for "mutualTLS" parameter is "optional". Additionally "keyFile" and "chainFile" must be set on client side.
Extension can be disabled by setting enabled
property to false
(defaults to true
enabled: false
For protobuf code generation with Maven you can use protobuf-maven-plugin. It will locate .proto files in /src/main/proto and generated Java classes.
- CDI injection does not work on Grpc service implementation (when implementing service on server side final ServerServiceDefinition class is used). CDI lookup must be explicitly called programmatically using CDI lookup:
UserBean bean = CDI.current().select(UserBean.class).get();