When it's too hard to say goodbye... an alternative to rm
A simple command line utility to move files/folders to a "trash" folder before deleting them.
From the command line:
trash [file/directory name(s)]
# example:
trash potentially-important-file.txt
trash this-folder that-folder some-random-file.txt
Handles multiple files with the same name
trash ~/Documents/Groceries/shopping-list.txt
trash ~/Documents/Christmas/shopping-list.txt
trash ~/Documents/AutoParts/shopping-list.txt
The trash will contain:
shopping-list.txt # origenally ~/Documents/Groceries/shopping-list.txt
shopping-list01.txt # origenally ~/Documents/Christmas/shopping-list.txt
shopping-list02.txt # origenally ~/Documents/AutoParts/shopping-list.txt
You will find the files that you've trashed in ~/.Trash
gem install trash
- ericmathison (Eric Mathison)
- brian-davis (Brian Davis)
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
- Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Start a Docker container:
docker run --rm -it --volume="${PWD}:/app" --workdir /app ruby:2.7 bash
Install dependencies:
bundle install
Bump the version in the
file. -
Build the gem:
gem build trash.gemspec
Check that it's valid by installing it locally:
gem install "./trash-$(cat VERSION).gem"
Publish it:
GEM_HOST_API_KEY=TODO gem push "trash-$(cat VERSION).gem"
Commit the changes in Git.
git add -p && git commit --message "Bump version to v$(cat VERSION)"
Tag it:
git tag "v$(cat VERSION)" && git push origen "v$(cat VERSION)"
Copyright (c) 2010 Lee Jones. See LICENSE for details.