This is a PhantomJS script to render screenshots of borderless Ingress Intel Maps. It can be used in conjunction with task schedulers to periodically take screenshots to create GIF timelapse for operations.
Install PhantomJS from a repo or download from site
# apt-get install phantomjs
Save and configure screenshot.js
Create script for scheduling
Shell script
#!/bin/bash for ((i = 0; i < 96; i += 0)) do phantomjs "screenshot.js" & sleep 15m done
Batch script
for /L %%i IN (1,0,96) do ( start phantomjs.exe "screenshot.js" timeout /t 900 /nobreak )
Execute script
$ ./
Install ImageMagick from a repo or download from site
# apt-get install imagemagick
Create GIF
$ convert -delay 20 -loop 0 *.png timelapse.gif
- The 'SACSID' (session ID) and 'csrftoken' (cross-site request forgery token) cookies can be found by using your browser's developer console.
- The URL for the map can be located by clicking 'Link' in the top right corner.
By using this script, you accept that I (Leo Xiong) will not be held responsible for any violations of the Ingress Terms of Service which may result in the suspension or ban of your Ingress account.
Please be considerate of the Ingress servers and set a reasonably long interval in between screenshots.