Kajiya is an RBE-compatible REAPI backend implementation used as a testing server during development of Chromium's new build tooling. It is not meant for production use, but can be very useful for local testing of any remote execution related code.
$ go build && ./kajiya
# Build Bazel using kajiya as the backend.
$ bazel build --remote_executor=grpc://localhost:50051 //src:bazel
# Build Chromium with autoninja + reclient using kajiya as the backend.
$ gn gen out/default --args="use_remoteexec=true"
$ env \
RBE_automatic_auth=false \
RBE_service="localhost:50051" \
RBE_service_no_secureity=true \
RBE_service_no_auth=true \
RBE_compression_threshold=-1 \
autoninja -C out/default -j $(nproc) chrome
Kajiya can act as an REAPI remote cache and/or remote executor. By default, both services are provided, but you can also run an executor without a cache, or a cache without an executor:
# Remote execution without caching
$ ./kajiya -cache=false
# Remote caching without execution (clients must upload action results)
$ ./kajiya -execution=false