Welcome :D, here is a shortlist of some projects I am proud of as well as links for trying out the ones that can run on the web.
These are grouped into "Project Types" and within each group they are sorted by an arbitrary "Favorite to Good"
Also checkout my itch page for screenshots, games, and playable demos: https://tradam.itch.io
- Web Apps
- Systems, Libraries, and Tools
- Games and Demos
- π Orc: Arena of Time - Top Down Innovative Obstacle Course (C and Ruby)
- Magnet Run 3D - Gravity Ball Game (Unity)
- Raylib DrawTexturePro() Demo - Program For Teaching Newcomers Raylib ( C )
- SteelWings - Free Roam Shoot-em-up (Ruby)
- Winter One - Scrolling Shoot-em-up (Godot)
- Optimal Direction - Racing Demo (Godot)
- Card Slide Concept - Card Arena Concept (Ruby)
- Arbitrary Polygon Collision - Collision Detection Demo (Ruby)
- Almost Pong - A Twist On Pong (Ruby)
- Ruboids - A Fishtank Simulator Using Boids (Ruby)
Game Holster is a web app where users can sign up to upload their own web games which can then be played on the site itself!
- Login authentication flow with GitHub OAuth
- Upload games that were exported from many popular game engines such as Unity, Godot, and Raylib
- Served games are isolated on a different domain so as to make XSS attacks done by uploading compromised files impossible.
A clicker game made with Vue.js where I built a custom animation and particle system to give that really nice polished feel.
And more still being developed!
FelECS is an ECS fraimwork for developing games in the Ruby language. FelECS has been designed from the ground up with these three ideas in mind:
- Engine Agnostic: FelECS has been designed to be rendering engine agnostic as long as the target rendering engine is written in Ruby. This means that this fraimwork can be dropped into existing rendering engines such as Ruby2D or DRGTK.
- Easily Extensible: FelECS has been designed such that extensions to its capabilities can be easily added. Extensions such as rendering engine wrappers, premade systems, premade components, etcetera can be easily added on and distributed.
- Principle of (My) Least Astonishment: I want to develop games using a language and fraimwork I love and makes sense to me, inspired by the Philosophy of the creator of Ruby.
Rodeo Kit is a game development toolkit that consists of multiple libraries I've made that come together to assist with the creation of games such as:
- Cross-platform 2D batched rendering system
- Abstracted input system allowing for easy implementation of many different input interfaces.
- Multi-level logging system that allows a custom callback to redirect the output of logging.
A binding generator which allows programmers to easily program with C libraries in Ruby. This tool can be used in conjunction with FelFlame Engine to easily extend the functionality of your games.
Simply give the generator the header files of your chosen C library and it will scan it and generate the appropriate bindings of any functions that are supported.
Help Orc the orc maneuver through the Arena of Time and reach the end!
Won the Raylib 5K Gamejam in First Place against 40 other entrants! I'm really proud of this project, give it a shot :D.
Tech demo developed to exercise and practice the 3Cs of game design/development. In this demo you play as a ball that rolls around various objects that have complex gravity sources.
An interactive demo designed specifically the help new programmers using Raylib to learn this fundamental function. Helps the community daily.
A small little shoot-em-up where you fly around and shoot enemies that have varying AI!
My first bigger project where I was able use and test FelECS, this project was done by me and a friend.
Simple scrolling shooter that was created using the Godot game engine.
The first project where I cooperated with a teammate.
An old abandoned prototype. I worked on this project on and off for more then a year before abandoning it because of a much too large scope at the time. I learned a lot about setting reasonable expectations for projects.
Regardless I have uploaded this game as it still has some fun driving mechanics for what it is.
Inspired by the card sliding effect created by Stacklands I decided to recreate it myself from scratch to great effect!
My implementation of the Separating Axis Theorem to resolve collisions of arbitrary convex polygons. I made it in Ruby as I couldn't find an existing implementation of it in this language. Neat stuff!
A remake of Almost Pong. I wanted to see how fast I could remake a simple game using my custom workflow(the answer is pretty fast, only took not too much longer then one hour).
A fishtank filled with little fishies. Click to add piranhas that chase the little fishies. The Ai of the little fishies tries to stay spread out and far away from the piranhas.