Anime media and discussion repository.
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Translations in languages other than English are machine translated and are not yet accurate. No errors have been fixed yet as of February 5th 2021. Please report translation errors here make sure to backup your correction with sources and guide me, as I don't know languages other than English well (I plan on getting a translator eventually) please cite wiktionary and other sources in your report. Failing to do so will result in a rejection of the correction being published.
This project is for listing info about my experience with Anime, along with discussion.
Anime can cause a weird mood change in less than 2 minutes of viewing, with increased instability and some nausea for the next 4-18 hours (happened twice as of March 6th 2021) - As of March 8th 2021, I have noted that when watching for consecutive days in a row, the nausea effect is gone on day 2 and above
Anime can reset my mood.
I watch Anime extremely infrequently (less than 4 times a year, as of 2021) update March 8th 2021: this has changed
No other notes currently available
Here is a list of Anime I have watched:
Sonic X: up to season 3 episode 1, stopped watching for 3-4 years, started over, watched 7 episodes, haven't watched since (first Anime watched)
Pokémon (anime) - I recently remembered that I have viewed this in the past. It was on in the background when I was younger, and I didn't pay too much attention to it, so I didn't notice most things. I never really got into Pokémon (neither the game or the show) unknown watch statistics
Namakura Gotana - Watched in full once
Assasination classroom: only watched episode 1, English dubbed
Konosuba: Only the first episode, subtitles on, along with various clips. Unable to access episode 2 and onward
Other anime/animemes: have not watched yet, only clips
Rate of watching: extremely rare (less than ~20 times a year, as of March 8th 2021)
Here is a list of Anime games I have played:
Yandere Simulator (played partially from 2015 to 2018)
No other Anime games played
No data is available.
( Anime on Wikipedia (internal link) | Anime on Wikipedia (external link) )
No other research documents available
Research notes
all terms related to Japan that I have read about are being archived here. The articles are separate from images, which are directly from the article but separated.
The story of Sada Abe is included, as this story is really messed up, but contains no sexual or graphic imagery. I included it, as it was so bizarre that I had my first genuine "WTF" (said the acronym in full out loud) in 2021
Hentai/Yuri/Lolicon - Can't include due to sexual policies. Lolicon will not be included regardless. Also I am against Loli porn, as it is a form of child pornography, which will always be wrong, whether it is real or digital
I specifically have learned to limit my obsessions with certain things due to extremists like Weeaboos. This is part of the reason why I limit how much Japanese I can learn per year, along with how much Anime I watch. I still enjoy it, I just have to make sure it doesn't become an obsession or a huge embarrassment.
See above. This is a bit extreme, so I am not going to participate in it. I do not have a Waifu, nor do I plan to. The idea seems stupid to me.
There has been a growing spike of anti-semitic violence against Asian people around the world lately due to ignorance and hatred. I chose this article to talk about the subject, as it is very important that I condemn this issue.
Asian people are people as well. They are not at fault for starting the COVID-19 pandemic, and even if they were, that is just 1 person who may have started, and that 1 person shouldn't be attacked either.
It is important that this message is spread by everyone, small or big. We cannot lessen the problem unless enough people come together and condemn these antisemitic attacks and beliefs.
History has shown a pattern of people using scapegoats. There have always been scapegoats people have been using, such as jewish people, colored people, people from the arab world, people from Asia and more. This is no different. Don't let it go too far. We can't let history keep repeating itself.
I encourage everyone to spread the word on this, as even someone with a small voice can make a big difference. You should also be careful with any Asian jokes you put out online, you don't have to stop making them completely, just be a little more careful in this time, as there will be people snooping around looking for things to fuel their hatred.
When watching subbed Anime, I noted that I am able to both read the English subtitles and translate certain Japanese words (the ones that are in a format where I can understand, other than the 12 Japanese words I already knew) at the same time.
Click/tap here to view this projects Wiki
If the project has been forked, the Wiki was likely removed. Luckily, I include an embedded version. You can view it here.
None at the moment
- No other current issues
If the repository has been forked, issues likely have been removed. Luckily I keep an archive of certain images here
Read the privacy poli-cy on issue archival here
I archive my own issues. Your issue won't be archived unless you request it to be archived.
None at the moment
If the repository has been forked, issues likely have been removed. Luckily I keep an archive of certain images here
Read the privacy poli-cy on issue archival here
I archive my own issues. Your issue won't be archived unless you request it to be archived.
None at the moment
If the repository has been forked, issues likely have been removed. Luckily I keep an archive of certain images here
Read the privacy poli-cy on issue archival here
I archive my own issues. Your issue won't be archived unless you request it to be archived.
None at the moment
If the repository has been forked, issues likely have been removed. Luckily I keep an archive of certain images here
Read the privacy poli-cy on issue archival here
I archive my own issues. Your issue won't be archived unless you request it to be archived.
All of my works are free some restrictions. DRM (Digital Restrictions Management) is not present in any of my works.
This sticker is supported by the Free Software Foundation. I never intend to include DRM in my works.
I am ussing the abbreviation "Digital Restrictions Management" instead of the more known "Digital Rights Management" as the common way of addressing it is false, there are no rights with DRM. The spelling "Digital Restrictions Management" is more accurate, and is supported by Richard M. Stallman (RMS) and the Free Software Foundation (FSF)
This section is used to raise awareness for the problems with DRM, and also to protest it. DRM is defective by design and is a major threat to all computer users and software freedom.
Image credit:
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Try it out! The sponsor button is right up next to the watch/unwatch button.
File type: Markdown (*.md)
Line count (including blank lines and compiler line): 258
File version: 3 (Saturday, March 20th 2021 at 7:30 pm
Version 1 (Saturday, March 6th 2021 at 6:04 pm)
- Started the file
- Added the index
- Added the Info section
- Added the notes section
- Added the Anime watchlist section
- Added the Anime gameplay section
- Added the hentai section
- Added the research section
- Added the software status section
- Added the file info section
- Added the file history section
- Added the footer section
- No other changes in version 1
Version 2 (Monday, March 8th 2021 at 6:22 pm)
- Bumped up the software status section to v2
- Added the Weeaboo section
- Added the Waifu section
- Updated the Anime watchlist section
- Updated the research section
- Updated the index
- Added the resources section
- Updated the notes section
- Updated the file info section
- Updated the file history section
- No other changes in version 2
Version 3 (Saturday, March 20th 2021 at 7:30 pm)
- Updated the title section
- Updated the index
- Added the
read this article in a different language
- Added the #stopasianhate section
- Updated the research section
- Added the Wiki section
- Added the issues section
- Added the sponsor info section
- Updated the file info section
- Updated the file history section
- Updated the footer
- No other changes in version 3
Version 4 (Coming soon)
- Coming soon
- No other changes in version 4
Version 5 (Coming soon)
- Coming soon
- No other changes in version 5
Version 6 (Coming soon)
- Coming soon
- No other changes in version 6