- io9Trailers
New Gotham Trailer Showcases The Villains—Including A Brand-New Foe
The first trailer for the Gotham TV show focused on young Bruce Wayne’s tragedy, but this one’s all about the villains. Take a good look at the Penguin, Selina Kyle, and the new player in town, Jada Pinkett Smith’s crime boss Fish Mooney. So is this the core trio that Jim Gordon will be facing … Continued
By Lauren Davis - io9
I Was Already Having Kind of a Bad Week, and Then This Happened
I know it sounds petty now, but we were having a giant office drama over whose bioengineering project should get more priority. Would it be the hyper-gymnosperm group, or the dire rodent group? Well, that whole debate came to a crashing halt when somebody else’s project started to eat Los Angeles. The show-offs over in … Continued
- Tech News
Christopher Guest’s Production Designer On How He Sets A Movie’s Mood
Waiting for Guffman is one of the funniest movies of all time. Christopher Guest is a comedic genius who pioneered the now-ubiquitous mockumentary style, and fills his films with actors who are improv pros. But a big part of why his work feels so true to life are the spot-on visual details that fill out … Continued
- io9
Fantasy Creatures Play A Roleplaying Game Set In Our Mundane World
What do wizards and orcs do when they need to blow off a little steam after a long day of questing? They sit down with a game of Cubicles & Careers and navigate the perils of angry bosses and flirtatious small talk. The folks behind FantasyCon created the web series Cubicles & Careers to advertise … Continued
By Lauren Davis - Tech NewsSploid
Movie lines ridiculously edited by TV censors
I can understand adjusting movie formats to fit a screen. I can understand bleeping offensive words on regular networks. But changing entire iconic lines from movies like The Departed, Scarface, The Usual Suspects, or Pulp Fiction into absolutely ridiculous stuff is almost offensively stupid—and hilarious. How can you go from “I’ve had it with the … Continued
By Jesus Diaz - Tech NewsCommerce
Amazon Fire Phone Hands-On: Great For Amazon, Less For You
Amazon revealed its first ever phone today. Dubbed the Fire Phone, it has all kinds of wild features like the head-tracking Dynamic Perspective, Firefly (for buying all the things), and all kinds of other bells and whistles. Novel stuff, but is it actually, y’know, good? We just went hands-on, and we’re not too sure. https://gizmodo.com/amazons-fire-phone-is-here-at-last-developing-1592702508 … Continued
By Brent Rose - io9
A Handy Game Of Thrones Phrasebook For Your Trip To Westeros
Westeros is a dangerous place, whether you’re seeking the Iron Throne yourself or just a humble tourist in search of some good skiing weather and a souvenir “I survived the Night’s Watch!” T-shirt. But this traveler’s phrasebook may just give you a chance at making it out of Westeros alive. Today, we were joined by … Continued
By Ria Misra - Tech News
Locating Reclaimed Spacecraft with the Deep Space Network
The 1970s ISEE-3 spacecraft is the target of the first-ever citizen scientist project to reclaim an abandoned spacecraft, crowdfunded in part by you. Now they’re using the Deep Space Network to determine precise locational data, the first time the two have spoken since I carried change for pay phones. https://gizmodo.com/can-this-1970s-spacecraft-explore-again-1563432452 Nicknamed the zombie spacecraft that … Continued
- Tech News
China Is Building Fake Islands to Bolster Its Claim to Disputed Waters
Pity the poor mapmaker assigned to the South China Sea. The hotly disputed waters in the Pacific are torn between competing claims from all the countries that surround it. China, especially, has been aggressive and sly. It’s now dumping sand onto small reefs and shoals, building whole new islands to bolster its territorial claims. The … Continued
By Sarah Zhang - Tech NewsSploid
These are the alien creatures that secretly lurk under the polar circle
Alexander Semenov is the leader of the Aquatilis Expedition, a quest to find “the weirdest creatures that lurk in the deep” over a three-year-long, 30,000-nautical-mile adventure that will sail in late 2015. Alexander has already found several amazing creatures and photographed them with exquisite detail. Talking in an email, Alexander says that Aquatilis “represents a … Continued
By Jesus Diaz - io9Books & Comics
Quentin Tarantino Is Making A Django Unchained/Zorro Crossover Comic
We hoped that Quentin Tarantino’s avenging ex-slave Django would ride again, but we never expected that he’d team up with another pop culture character. Tarantino is collaborating on a comic where Django meets up with the famed vigilante Zorro. Dynamite Entertainment announced that it’s teaming up with DC Comics to bring the Django/Zorro comic to … Continued
By Lauren Davis - io9Movies
Every Webpage From the 1995 Movie The Net
To say the 1995 movie The Net is a classic would be…an overstatement. The Irwin Winkler film starring Sandra Bullock, Jeremy Northam, and Dennis Miller didn’t have the best reception when it came out, and over time it’s gotten a reputation as a very schlocky paranoid thriller (in reality, it’s probably become more realistic as … Continued
Phil Edwards - Trivia Happy - io9
Gorgeous Amateur Timelapse of Jupiter Re-enacts Voyager Flyby
A group of seven Swedish amateur astronomers have achieved their goal of replicating the Voyager probe’s iconic 1979 flyby of Saturn by using images taken with their own ground-based telescopes. Back in the 1970′s when NASA launched the two Voyager spacecraft to Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, I remember being mesmerized by a movie created … Continued
Nancy Atkinson — Universe Today - Tech News
Gold Nanoparticles Are Coming To Melt Your Fat for Liposuction
Maybe you’ve heard about how gold nanoparticles are going to revolutionize our lives. Is that day here? No. But do we now have gold nanoparticle-assisted liposuction? Yes. The grossly fascinating technique, which is currently being tested in animals before it moves to human trials, uses gold nanoparticles to melt unwanted fat. Liposuction as it’s currently … Continued
By Sarah Zhang - io9
The Stunning Factory Porn Of Aircraft Assembly Lines
Airplanes let us witness the majesty of the world above the clouds, but the places where these vessels are born and serviced have a beauty all their own—efficient, complex, and remarkably clean. A Rainbow Ladder, for cleaning purposes, stands above a Boeing 737-800 at the Boeing Wichita plant in Wichita, Kansas, August 18, 2004. (Photo … Continued
- Tech News
Only a Long Exposure Photo Can Reveal This Video’s Secret Images
An artist named Brian Matthew Hart has found a way to cleverly combine long-exposure photography and video into a kind of new medium that requires a bit of patience—and a decent camera—to fully experience and appreciate. To the human eye, Brian’s video Uncertainty looks like nothing but white dots randomly milling about against a black … Continued
- Tech News
Did Disneyland’s Main Street, USA, Inspire Better Urban Design?
Walt Disney didn’t set out to revolutionize urban design when he created Disneyland—that’s what his Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow, or EPCOT, was for. But whereas EPCOT never became anything more than a sort of permanent world’s fair, it was Disneyland and especially its Main Street, USA, that ultimately changed the way we think about … Continued
- io9Television
Alan Ball Is Working On A True Blood Musical!
This show will never die! Never! AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! On the red carpet press line for the premiere of the final season of True Blood, show creator Alan Ball revealed that he has big plans for these horny vampire friends. Singing plans! Ball told The AP that he has been … Continued
- io9
A Song About Why Schrödinger’s Cat Is Actually Kind of Pissed
Geek chanteuse Sarah Donner has created a lovely, snarky song out of the rather outraged musings of Schrödinger’s famous cat. Called “The Rebuttal of Schrödinger’s Cat,” it was filmed entirely on location at the Princeton Plasma Physics Library. And it is hilarious. My favorite line: This quantum mechanics thought experiment on a macroscopic level just … Continued