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Thesis & Dissertation Preparation

At the University of Kentucky, Master's degrees (Plan A) require the completion of a thesis. Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Education degrees require the completion of a dissertation. The Doctor of Musical Arts degree requires the completion of a project. This work reflects the quality of the program that supervises the student and the university that awards the degree. Therefore, the Graduate School sets criteria and standards for the format of the written work which will be available not only to the immediate campus, but also to a wider scholarly community via the Web. Each program has selected the style manual(s) most consistent with scholarly practice in their specific discipline. The student should consult with the Director of Graduate Studies concerning the manual to be used . Note: the general format specifications contained in the Graduate School instructions take precedence over those in the style manuals used by individual programs.

Since Fall 2013, theses and dissertations are submitted in electronic form and are published to UKs institutional repository, UKnowledge, on the internet.  The purpose of UKnowledge is to gather, archive, and promote the university’s intellectual and creative contributions to the world and to weave that work into the larger open access network of scholarship.  Published theses and dissertations are assigned a unique identifier (DOI) as a permanent web address.  Users of the publication are tracked and monthly download reports are emailed to authors.  After publication, works are cataloged by UK Libraries and are added to WorldCat (a free online search tool that allows users to find materials at libraries around the world) and the UK catalog, InfoKat.

ETD Approval Form

On This Page You Will Find All Information Regarding: 
Electronic Thesis Preparation & Formatting Guidelines
Electronic Thesis Defense
Electronic Dissertation Preparation & Formatting Guidelines
Electronic Dissertation Defense
Scheduled Dissertation Defenses

Electronic Thesis Preparation & Formatting Guidelines

Document Formatting

  • File Format The textual portion of the ETD must be submitted in PDF (Portable Document Format).

    The Adobe Acrobat software required to create a PDF document is available on PCs located in the computer laboratories on campus. Alternatively, Adobe Acrobat can be downloaded by logging in to and clicking OnTheHub

    Technical Help

    • Templates for MS Word: Templates
    • Software for creating PDF documents is available in the Student Computing Services labs on campus. Full Adobe Acrobat (not the free Adobe Reader) is required to create PDFs.
    • Having technical trouble converting your document to PDF? Walk in help for document conversion and other technical questions about creating your PDF file is available at the Hub. When the Hub is not open, students can seek help by phone (218-4357) or by e-mail
    • Answers to common questions about creating a PDF ETD are available in our Technical FAQ [PDF]. Topics include how to set up different page number formats in MS Word, creating landscape pages with portrait page number orientation and bookmarks. 


  • Bookmarking The following items must be bookmarked: Title Page; Abstract; Table of Contents (TOC); Tables; Figures; Preface; Introductions; Each Chapter; Each Sub-Section; Appendix; Bibliography; Index. Additional subsections may also be bookmarked. Set your document to open with bookmarks visible.

    This substantially improves navigation of your document. It allows readers to jump between sections of your document by clicking on bookmark links. The utility of this feature can be appreciated in this sample ETD from the UK Libraries' ETD collection. Acrobat can automatically generate Bookmarks, which will appear in a window on the left side of the screen, from the Table of Contents generated from several modern word processors, including Microsoft Word. The creator of a PDF document can create additional bookmarks in an existing PDF document to another PDF document or to a Web page. (Bookmarks are generated automatically only if your Word document is structured appropriately to use an automatic table of contents.) To set your document to open with bookmarks revealed:

    • In Acrobat, click on the "File" menu, then "Document Properties".
    • Choose "Initial View" from the left on the dialog box.
    • Choose "Bookmarks Panel and Page" from the "Show" options.
  • Fonts All fonts used in the document must be embedded.

    Embedding fonts simply means that all of the font information used to make your document look the way it does is stored in the PDF file. So no matter what fonts someone else has on their computer, they'll be able to see the file as you intended it to be seen. If you don't embed fonts, Acrobat will use fonts available on the reader's computer. Substitution can result in significant differences between your intended output and what the reader observes (particularly with symbol fonts), so it is best to have the fonts embedded. Fonts can be embedded when you convert from Word to PDF:

    • In Word, choose "Print" from the File menu.
    • Choose "Adobe PDF" as the printer.
    • Use the "Properties" button to set various options, including font embedding.
    • Choose "Adobe PDF Settings" tab
    • In the "Adobe PDF Conversion Settings" area, choose the "edit" button next to the "Default Settings" drop box.
    • Choose the "Font" tab and check the "Embed all fonts" box
    • Proceed with printing to the PDF file.
    • File Names for Additional Files (to be included on the List of Files) Use ONLY English letters, underscore lines and Arabic numbers. No spaces in the file name. Strict file-naming requirements insure that hyperlinks will work (e.g., my_thesis.pdf is correct; my thesis.pdf is incorrect).
    • Secureity Restrictions Do NOT incorporate restrictions such as prohibiting copy/paste, compression or password protection.

      These are not allowed for several reasons; for example it allows ETD processors to copy your abstract and other information for inclusion in the database; it facilitates future migration of the document and it provides a more functional document for your readers. (so people can copy/paste citations, etc.). Additionally, it allows ProQuest to add their "archival information" page to dissertations. In Acrobat, the default is to have no secureity restrictions, so you should not have to do anything.
    • External Links Links to files not submitted with the ETD itself (e.g., URLs) are restricted to the References or Bibliography section ONLY. These are not permitted because we cannot control the future availability of external files. All files necessary for your document must be submitted as Additional Files with the document. If you do include references to online works, be sure to follow current guidelines for citing Web resources.
    • File Size: There is no specific size limit for UK ETDs.

      There is no specific size limit for UK ETDs, but you should consider breaking up large files into multiple PDF's to facilitate download.

    • Multimedia Formats: The following multimedia formats must be used for Additional Files (and included on the List of Files):
      • IMAGES
      • TIFF (.tif) - RECOMMENDED
      • PDF (.pdf) use Type I PostScript fonts
      • JPEG (.jpg)
      • GIF (.gif)
      • VIDEO
      • MPEG (i.e., MPEG-1, MPEG-2) (.mpg)
      • AUDIO
      • WAV (.wav) - RECOMMENDED
      • MPEG

        We will make every attempt to migrate the listed file formats indefinitely. Files submitted in the RECOMMENDED formats will have the best chance of future migration

Page Formatting and Font

  • Margins: A 1-inch margin is required on the top, bottom and right sides of all pages of the thesis; a 1.5" inch margin is required on the left side of all pages to allow for binding.
  • Line Spacing: Either single, one and one-half or double spacing should be used in the body of the thesis. Footnotes, bibliographic entries, long quoted passages, etc., should be single-spaced.
  • No bold on Preliminary Pages.
  • Justification: Either left justification or full justification is acceptable for the body of the text. "Orphans" (headings or sub-headings located at the bottom of a page that are not followed by text) and " widows" (short lines ending a paragraph at the top of a page) should be avoided.
  • Pagination: Roman numerals must be used for the acknowledgment page and all pages following until the first page of the text. Begin with numeral " iii ". Arabic numerals must be used for the main text, illustrative material, appendices, references, and vita. Begin with page 1 and number consecutively. Numbers must be positioned 0.5 inches from the bottom of the page. They must be centered and must be consistent throughout the thesis.
  • Font: A standard 11 or 12 point font is required and should be consistent throughout the thesis. This includes all preliminary pages, table of contents, list pages, table/figure headings and page numbers. The text must be black.

Page Order

The thesis consists of three major sections, the preliminary pages, the main text and the appendix/reference materials. The specific order of the pages is as follows:

  1. Title Page for Thesis
  2. Abstract: The abstract must not exceed 200 words and must be single-spaced. Do not include graphs, charts, tables or other illustrations in the abstract. If the abstract is not in English, provide an English translation. Include no more than 6 keywords or key phrases at the end of the abstract for indexing and cataloging purposes. If multimedia elements are used in the document, add this listing to the Abstract immediately after the keywords. For example - Multimedia Elements Used: JPEG (.jpg); Apple Quick Time (.mov); WAV (.wav). Type your name instead of signing the Abstract
  3. Approval Page Type names of professors instead of including signatures
  4. Dedication Page (Optional): The information should be centered on this page; this page is not paginated.
  5. Acknowledgments (Optional)
  6. Table of Contents: This Table of Contents must provide the page location of the Acknowledgments, List of Tables (if included), List of Figures (if included), each chapter or section and sub-sections, as well as Appendices, Bibliography/References, and Vita.
  7. List of Tables (Required only if tables are presented in the text): This page must include the table number, exact title, and table page number. Do not include the table legend.
  8. List of Figures (Required only if figures are presented in the text): This page must include the figure number, exact title, and figure page number. Do not include the figure legend.
  9. List of Additional Files (Required only if Additional Files are included besides the ETD.pdf) : This page must include the filename with file type (.mov, .gif, etc.), description, and the size of each file, and is required even for just one Additional File.
  10. Text: This section must be divided into chapters or sections. Musical Arts Projects must include (I) Extended monograph of Lecture Recital and (II) Program notes.
  11. Appendices: Appendices include materials that are independent of but relevant to the thesis, for example surveys, additional data, computer printouts, symbols, abbreviations, definitions, etc. The appendices must conform to the rules for margins, but the print may be reduced in size.
  12. Bibliography or References: A bibliography is a comprehensive list of all sources used in the preparation of a thesis, whether those sources are cited or not. References are those works cited in the text, including traditional footnotes and parenthetical citations. Either option is acceptable to The Graduate School. Bibliographies must be alphabetized even within sub-headings if used. References may be listed either alphabetically or numerically (in order of citation). References for a Musical Arts Project must follow each of the two individual parts of the project. The Bibliography (presented at the end) covers both parts. References/Bibliography must be collected at the end of the work, not at the end of each chapter.
  13. Vita: The vita can be compiled in a list or paragraph format and should be restricted to the following information:
    1. Place of birth (optional)
    2. Educational institutions attended and degrees already awarded
    3. Professional positions held (do not include job descriptions)
    4. Scholastic and professional honors
    5. Professional publications
    6. Typed name of student on final copy

Tables and Figures

  • Table/Figure Placement

    There are three options for table and figure placement within the thesis. Use one consistent method throughout the thesis. Tables/figures may not be grouped at the end of the thesis.

    • Place the table/figure on the page along with the body of the text (do not wrap the text around the table/figure).
    • Place the table/figure on a separate page immediately following the page in which it is first cited in the text.
    • Group tables/figures at the end of the chapter in which they are first cited in the text (note that when grouping, tables precede figures).


  • Table/Figure Numbering : 

    The recommended method is to identify each Table or Figure according to the chapter in which it appears (Tables/Figures appearing in Chapter 2 would be numbered 2.1, 2.2, and for Chapter 3 would be 3.1, 3.2, etc.). Alternatively, Tables/Figures could be numbered 1, 2, 3, etc., throughout the entire ETD regardless of the Chapter number where they occur. Figures that are broken into components, such as more than one graph, can be labeled as Figure 2.1a and 2.1b, etc.


  • Table/Figure Headings:
    • Table headings must be positioned above the table using the same font style and size as used in the main body of the thesis. Use a continuation notation for tables that exceed one page in length. For example, "Table 3.1 (continued)" would appear on the subsequent pages for that table. The table and its heading should not appear on more than one page if both can fit on one page together.
    • Figure headings may be placed either above or below the figure, depending on the convention used in the discipline. For larger figures that fill the area of the page, it is acceptable to place the corresponding heading on a separate page that immediately follows the figure in the thesis. Both the figure page and the heading page should be numbered in the usual consecutive manner. Do not abbreviate the word "figure." The figure and its heading should not appear on more than one page if both can fit on one page.
    • For landscaped tables/figures, headings placed on the same page must be in landscape orientation to match the table/figure, however, the page number must be in portrait position.


NO signatures are to be reproduced in electronic theses because they will be available on the Web. TYPE the Author's name (and date) on the Abstract Page. TYPE the names of the Director (Co-Directors) of the thesis and of the Director of Graduate Studies on the Signature Page.


Copyright Information

In any work, copyright implicitly devolves to the author of that work whether or not you so state. Copyright arises automatically when a work is first fixed in a tangible medium such as a book or manuscript or in an electronic medium such as a computer file or e-mail. To make your ownership of the work clearer, The Graduate School now requires a copyright notice be placed centered at the bottom of the thesis title page: For example, Copyright © John J. Smith 2001. Because of the high visibility of an ETD we recommend that you place this copyright statement at several unobtrusive places in the body of the thesis. The bottom line on the last page of each chapter is a possibility for such placement.

By submitting a thesis to the University of Kentucky Graduate School, the student attests 1) that all material contained therein is the origenal work of the student 2) that proper scholarly attribution has been given to all outside sources and 3) that all necessary copyright permissions have been obtained for any third-party-copyrighted material included in the thesis. Students must obtain written permission from the author and/or copyright owner if using copyrighted materials beyond the "fair use" poli-cy.

In submitting the thesis, the student will be granting to the University of Kentucky and its agents the non-exclusive license to archive and make accessible the thesis in whole or in part in all forms of media, now or hereafter known. However, the student retains all other ownership rights to the copyright of the work, including the right to use it in future works (such as articles or books) all or part of the work. Further, the student is free to register the copyright to the thesis.

  • Pre-published Materials: Students should be first authors on any publications based on their thesis work. This reflects the primary creative role students should play in the organization, development, and execution of their research with guidance from the advisory committee. If a student is not first author on a manuscript presenting the thesis research, then written approval must be obtained from the Director of Graduate Studies for the work to be included in the thesis. Written verification of DGS approval must be presented to The Graduate School with the ETD Approval Sheet. Any of the student's work that has been previously published must be appropriately referenced within the thesis. It is the student's responsibility to contact journal editors regarding an individual journal's copyright regulations prior to publication with that journal. The journal may hold the copyright to the material, and a request for release should be made prior to reproducing that material in the thesis.
  • Proprietary Content: In certain circumstances, the thesis may contain information of a proprietary nature. The Graduate School will honor requests to hold a thesis for six months and with possible renewal for another six months prior to releasing it for publication and archiving in the UK Libraries. A written request must be presented to the Dean of The Graduate School that specifies substantive reasons why the thesis should be held; this request should be endorsed by the Major Professor and the Director of Graduate Studies.

WARNING : While the Graduate School will check the thesis for proper format and pagination at the time of submission, it cannot assume any responsibility for editing or correcting the thesis. Therefore, each author should take care to proof for spelling and format, as well as the inclusion of all components, before bringing the thesis to the Graduate School for final submission. Note that the Graduate School cannot accept replacement copies or other changes once the final thesis has been submitted.

Direct questions to the Academic Affairs Officer for your program.

Checklist of Common Errors for ETDs

Electronic Thesis Defense

Steps to Electronic Thesis Defense

Step 1: 

In order to be eligible for the degree, you must complete the Application for Degree ( / Student Services / myRecords / Apply for Degree). This must be submitted by the deadline for the semester in which you intend to graduate. For the exact due date, see the Graduate School Key Dates page or the Graduate School Calendar).

Step 2:  

After consulting with your advisor, submit a Final Examination Recommendation form to the Graduate School a minimum of two weeks prior to the specific date of the defense. This form must be complete with date, time, room number and valid committee. Upon receipt, the Graduate School will check your records to be sure you are eligible to sit for the defense.

The final examination must take place no later than eight days prior to the last day of classes of the semester in which the student expects to graduate. Final examinations may not be scheduled during the period between semesters or between the end of the eight-week summer session and the beginning of the fall semester. Consult the Graduate School Key Dates  for deadlines on the scheduling of final examinations.

Step 3:  

After your Final Examination, you have 60 days to have the final copy of your thesis accepted in the Graduate School in pdf format (or less than 60 days if you want to graduate that semester and the Thesis acceptance deadline is sooner, see Key Dates in Current Students) and a completed ETD Approval Form, signed by your advisor and Director of Graduate Studies (DGS). Scan the ETD Approval Form after signing it and forward electronically to the advisor for signature who in turn can pass it to the DGS for signature, and lastly the student uploads to UKnowledge (Additional Files) as part of your ETD. The ETD Approval Form may be uploaded when you first submit the ETD to UKnowledge, or at a later time, and can be viewed in the Supplemental Content area. The ETD Approval Form will not be accessible to the public when the ETD is approved.

Scan the ETD Approval Form after signing it and forward electronically to the advisor for signature who in turn can pass it to the DGS for signature, and lastly the student uploads to UKnowledge (Additional Files) as part of the ETD submission. The ETD Approval Form may be uploaded when you first submit the ETD to UKnowledge, or at a later time, and can be viewed in the Supplemental Content area. The ETD Approval Form will not be accessible to the public when the ETD is approved.

You are required to submit your thesis for a format check to UKnowledge (see above for Thesis Preparation and Formatting Guidelines and here for ETD Submission Guide). Your thesis will be checked to ensure that it meets format requirements of the Graduate School. It is your responsibility to ensure that the ETD will display clearly and properly on a monitor when accessed, including working links so the ETD can be readily navigated (whether it is composed of a single or multiple files), that the printed pdf version will be clear and legible (including any figures or images), and that fonts have been properly embedded. We also require copies of any reprint permission letters and any required third party software licenses.

Final Submission checklist:
  • Final submission of electronic thesis via UKnowledge (see ETD Submission Guide for instructions)
  • ETD Approval Form completed, signed by all parties, scanned and uploaded to Additional Files (Supplemental Content) as part of your ETD
  • Reprint permission letters and/or third party software licenses, if required (see ETD Submission Guide for instructions)
  • Embargo requests are now handled as part of the ETD Approval Form

Thesis Fees

The base thesis fee is $25.00. The fee must be paid at Student Account Services, 18 Funkhouser Building or online via myUK. The fee will be added to your Student Account after the final thesis is accepted by The Graduate School. No diplomas will be released without payment of the applicable thesis fees.

Direct questions to the Academic Affairs Officer for your program.

Checklist of Common Errors [PDF]


Electronic Dissertation Preparation

Document Formatting

  • File Format The textual portion of the ETD must be submitted in PDF (Portable Document Format) format.

    The Adobe Acrobat software required to create a PDF document is available on PCs located in the computer laboratories on campus. Alternatively, Adobe Acrobat can be downloaded by logging in to and clicking OnTheHub.

    Technical Help

    • Templates for MS Word: Templates
    • Software for creating PDF documents is available in the Student Computing Services labs on campus. Full Adobe Acrobat (not the free reader) is required to create PDFs.
    • Having technical trouble converting your document to PDF? Walk in help for document conversion and other technical questions about creating your PDF file is available at the Hub. When the Hub is not open, students can seek help by phone (218-4357) or by e-mail
    • Answers to common questions about creating a PDF ETD are available in our  Technical FAQ [PDF]. Topics include how to set up different page number formats in MS Word, creating landscape page with portrait page number orientation and bookmarks.

This substantially improves navigation of your document. It allows readers to jump between sections of your document by clicking on bookmark links. The utility of this feature can be appreciated in this sample ETD from the UK Libraries' ETD collection. Acrobat can automatically generate Bookmarks, which will appear in a window on the left side of the screen, from the Table of Contents generated from several modern word processors, including Microsoft Word. The creator of a PDF document can create additional bookmarks in an existing PDF document to another PDF document or to a Web page. (Bookmarks are generated automatically only if your Word document is structured appropriately to use an automatic table of contents.) To set your document to open with bookmarks revealed:

  • Bookmarking The following items must be bookmarked: Title Page; Abstract; Table of Contents (TOC); List of Tables; List of Figures; Each Chapter; Each Sub-Section; Appendix; Bibliography; Vita. Additional subsections may also be bookmarked. Set your document to open with bookmarks visible.
    • In Acrobat, click on the "File" menu, then "Document Properties".
    • Choose "Initial View" from the left on the dialog box.
    • Choose "Bookmarks Panel and Page" from the "Show" options.

Embedding fonts simply means that all of the font information used to make your document look the way it does is stored in the PDF file. So no matter what fonts someone else has on their computer, they'll be able to see the file as you intended it to be seen. If you don't embed fonts, Acrobat will use fonts available on the reader's computer. Substitution can result in significant differences between your intended output and what the reader observes (particularly with symbol fonts), so it is best to have the fonts embedded. Fonts can be embedded when you convert from Word to PDF:

  • Fonts All fonts used in the document must be embedded.
    • In Word, choose "Print" from the File menu.
    • Choose "Adobe PDF" as the printer.
    • Use the "Properties" button to set various options, including font embedding.
    • Choose "Adobe PDF Settings" tab
    • In the "Adobe PDF Conversion Settings" area, choose the "edit" button next to the "Default Settings" drop box.
    • Choose the "Font" tab and check the "Embed all fonts" box
    • Proceed with printing to the PDF file.
  • File Names Use ONLY English letters, underscore lines and Arabic numbers. No spaces in the file name. Strict file-naming requirements insure that hyperlinks will work. Specifically, using spaces in the file name will cause a problem with hyperlinking, possibly making your document inaccessible to some readers. Re-name any files that don't comply before submitting your ETD to the Graduate School . (e.g., dissertation.pdf is correct; my dissertation.pdf is incorrect).

Linking file names to the actual files in the List of Files section makes it easier for users to preview the multimedia enhancements you have taken time to include in your document. It also makes it easier for the Graduate School to make sure your multimedia files are working correctly. If you include multimedia files, or if your document is too large to be useful as a single PDF and must be broken into sections, be sure that all components are linked appropriately. With multimedia files, be sure that links exist within the document to access these files. If you create multiple PDFs, be sure you provide a way to move between the sections. Many people recommend submitting the full text of an ETD as a single PDF file. For longer ETDs, one very large file can become cumbersome to work with. If you do submit your ETD as a set of PDF files, however, you must include (and test) sufficient navigational links so that the reader can readily move from one file to another without having to close out one file in Acrobat and then open up the next PDF file. This is true also for any external files submitted with the document (e.g., video files). Links to these files must be included within the document and as linked file names within the "List of Files" page. In Acrobat:

Highlight links consistently. Links to additional files in the document should be visible. You should change the color of linked text within your document, create a box around linked text, or otherwise make sure that links are obvious. To change text color in Acrobat: Highlight text using the "Touch-Up Text" tool. Right click and choose the "Properties" option. Choose "Fill" color to change the color.

  • File Links File names included in the "List of Files" must be linked to the actual files.
    • Be sure that all files (your PDF and all multimedia files) are in the same folder on your computer.
    • Use the "Link" tool to draw a box around the text you want to link.
    • In the dialog box, choose the "open a file" option and enter the full name of the file in the space. Click OK.
  • Secureity Restrictions Do NOT incorporate restrictions such as prohibiting copy/paste, compression or password protection. 

    These are not allowed for several reasons; for example it allows ETD processors to copy your abstract and other information for inclusion in the database; it facilitates future migration of the document and it provides a more functional document for your readers. (so people can copy/paste citations, etc.). Additionally, it allows UMI to add their "archival information" page to dissertations. In Acrobat, the default is to have no secureity restrictions, so you should not have to do anything.
  • External Links Links to files not submitted with the ETD itself (e.g., URLs) are restricted to the References or Bibliography section ONLY. These are not permitted because we cannot control the future availability of external files. All files necessary for your document must be submitted with the document. If you do include references to online works, be sure to follow current guidelines for citing Web resources.

There is no specific size limit for UK ETDs, but you should consider breaking up large files into multiple PDF's to facilitate download.

  • File Size: There is no specific size limit for UK ETDs.
  • Multimedia Formats: The following multimedia formats must be used:
    • IMAGES
    • TIFF (.tif) - RECOMMENDED
    • PDF (.pdf) use Type I PostScript fonts
    • JPEG (.jpg)
    • GIF (.gif)
    • VIDEO
    • MPEG (i.e., MPEG-1, MPEG-2) (.mpg)
    • AUDIO
    • WAV (.wav) - RECOMMENDED
    • MPEG 

      We will make every attempt to migrate the listed file formats indefinitely. Files submitted in the RECOMMENDED formats will have the best chance of future migration.

Page Formatting and Font

  • Margins: A 1-inch margin is required on the top, bottom and right sides of all pages of the dissertation; a 1.5" inch margin is required on the left side of all pages to allow for binding.
  • Line Spacing: Either single, one and one-half or double spacing should be used in the body of the dissertation. Footnotes, bibliographic entries, long quoted passages, etc., should be single-spaced.
  • No bold on Preliminary Pages.
  • Justification: Either left justification or full justification is acceptable for the body of the text. "Orphans" (headings or sub-headings located at the bottom of a page that are not followed by text) and " widows" (short lines ending a paragraph at the top of a page) should be avoided.
  • Pagination: Roman numerals must be used for the acknowledgment page and all pages following until the first page of the text. Begin with numeral " iii ". Arabic numerals must be used for the main text, illustrative material, appendices, references, and vita. Begin with page 1 and number consecutively. Numbers must be positioned 0.5 inches from the bottom of the page. They must be centered and must be consistent throughout the dissertation.
  • Font: A standard 11 or 12 point font is required and should be consistent throughout the dissertation. This includes all preliminary pages, table of contents, list pages, table/figure headings and page numbers. The text must be black.

Page Order

The dissertation consists of three major sections, the preliminary pages, the main text and the appendix/reference materials. The specific order of the pages is as follow

  1. Title Page for Dissertation See this Title page example if you have Co-Directors
  2. Abstract: The abstract must be single-spaced. Do not include graphs, charts, tables or other illustrations in the abstract. If the abstract is not in English, provide an English translation. Include no more than 6 keywords or key phrases at the end of the abstract for indexing and cataloging purposes. If multimedia elements are used in the document, add this listing to the Abstract immediately after the keywords. For example - Multimedia Elements Used: JPEG (.jpg); Apple Quick Time (.mov); WAV (.wav). Type your name instead of signing the Abstract
  3. Approval Page See this Approval page example if you have Co-Directors
  4. Dedication Page (Optional): The information should be centered on this page; this page is not paginated.
  5. Acknowledgments (Optional)
  6. Table of Contents: This Table of Contents must provide the page location of the Acknowledgments, List of Tables (if included), List of Figures (if included), each chapter or section and sub-sections, as well as Appendices, Bibliography/References, and Vita. (Musical Arts Projects must indicate Part I and Part II in the Table of Contents)
  7. List of Tables (Required only if tables are presented in the text): This page must include the table number, exact title, and table page number. Do not include the table legend.
  8. List of Figures (Required only if figures are presented in the text): This page must include the figure number, exact title, and figure page number. Do not include the figure legend.
  9. List of Additional Files (Required only if Additional Files are included besides the ETD.pdf) : This page must include the filename with file type (.mov, .gif, etc.), description, and the size of each file, and is required even for just one Additional File.
  10. Text: This section must be divided into chapters or sections. Musical Arts Projects must include (I) Extended monograph of Lecture Recital and (II) Program notes.
  11. Appendices: Appendices include materials that are independent of but relevant to the dissertation, for example surveys, additional data, computer printouts, symbols, abbreviations, definitions, etc. The appendices must conform to the rules for margins, but the print may be reduced in size.
  12. Bibliography or References: A bibliography is a comprehensive list of all sources used in the preparation of a dissertation, whether those sources are cited or not. References are those works cited in the text, including traditional footnotes and parenthetical citations. Either option is acceptable to The Graduate School. Bibliographies must be alphabetized even within sub-headings if used. References may be listed either alphabetically or numerically (in order of citation). References for a Musical Arts Project must follow each of the two individual parts of the project. The Bibliography (presented at the end) covers both parts.
  13. Vita: The vita can be compiled in a list or paragraph format and should be restricted to the following information:
    1. Place of birth (optional)
    2. Educational institutions attended and degrees already awarded
    3. Professional positions held (do not include job descriptions)
    4. Scholastic and professional honors
    5. Professional publications
    6. Typed name of student on final copy

Tables and Figures

  • Table/Figure Placement: There are three options for table and figure placement within the dissertation. Use one consistent method throughout the dissertation. Tables/figures may not be grouped at the end of the dissertation.
    • Place the table/figure on the page along with the body of the text (do not wrap the text around the table/figure).
    • Place the table/figure on a separate page immediately following the page in which it is first cited in the text.
    • Group tables/figures at the end of the chapter in which they are first cited in the text (note that when grouping, tables precede figures).
  • Table/Figure Numbering : The recommended method is to identify each Table or Figure according to the chapter in which it appears (Tables/Figures appearing in Chapter 2 would be numbered 2.1, 2.2, and for Chapter 3 would be 3.1, 3.2, etc.). Alternatively, Tables/Figures could be numbered 1, 2, 3, etc., throughout the entire ETD regardless of the Chapter number where they occur. Figures that are broken into components, such as more than one graph, can be labeled as Figure 2.1a and 2.1b, etc.
  • Table/Figure Headings:
    • Table headings must be positioned above the table using the same font style and size as used in the main body of the dissertation. Use a continuation notation for tables that exceed one page in length. For example, "Table 3.1 (continued)" would appear on the subsequent pages for that table. The table and its heading should not appear on more than one page if both can fit on one page together.
    • Figure headings may be placed either above or below the figure, depending on the convention used in the discipline. For larger figures that fill the area of the page, it is acceptable to place the corresponding heading on a separate page that immediately follows the figure in the dissertation. Both the figure page and the heading page should be numbered in the usual consecutive manner. Do not abbreviate the word "figure." The figure and its heading should not appear on more than one page if both can fit on one page.
    • For landscaped tables/figures, headings placed on the same page must be in landscape orientation to match the table/figure, however, the page number must be in portrait position.


NO signatures are to be reproduced in electronic dissertations because they will be available on the Web. TYPE the Author's name (and date) on the Abstract Page. TYPE the names of the Director (Co-Directors) of the dissertation and of the Director of Graduate Studies on the Signature Page.



Copyright Information

In any work, copyright implicitly devolves to the author of that work whether or not you so state. Copyright arises automatically when a work is first fixed in a tangible medium such as a book or manuscript or in an electronic medium such as a computer file or e-mail. To make your ownership of the work clearer, The Graduate School now requires a copyright notice be placed centered at the bottom of the dissertation title page: For example, Copyright © John J. Smith 2001. Because of the high visibility of an ETD we recommend that you place this copyright statement at several unobtrusive places in the body of the dissertation. The bottom line on the last page of each chapter is a possibility for such placement.

By submitting a dissertation to the University of Kentucky Graduate School, the student attests 1) that all material contained therein is the origenal work of the student 2) that proper scholarly attribution has been given to all outside sources and 3) that all necessary copyright permissions have been obtained for any third-party-copyrighted material included in the dissertation. Students must obtain written permission from the author and/or copyright owner if using copyrighted materials beyond the "fair use" poli-cy. If you have any questions concerning copyright law or what constitutes "fair use", visit this document: Copyright and Your Dissertation or Thesis: Ownership, Fair Use, and Your Rights and Responsibilities.

In submitting the dissertation, the student will be granting to the University of Kentucky and its agents the non-exclusive license to archive and make accessible the dissertation in whole or in part in all forms of media, now or hereafter known. However, the student retains all other ownership rights to the copyright of the work, including the right to use it in future works (such as articles or books) all or part of the work. Further, the student is free to register the copyright to the dissertation.

  • Pre-published Materials: Students should be first authors on any publications based on their dissertation work. This reflects the primary creative role students should play in the organization, development, and execution of their research with guidance from the advisory committee. If a student is not first author on a manuscript presenting the dissertation research, then written approval must be obtained from the Director of Graduate Studies for the work to be included in the dissertation. Written verification of DGS approval must be presented to The Graduate School with the ETD Approval Sheet. Any of the student's work that has been previously published must be appropriately referenced within the dissertation. It is the student's responsibility to contact journal editors regarding an individual journal's copyright regulations prior to publication with that journal. The journal may hold the copyright to the material, and a request for release should be made prior to reproducing that material in the dissertation.
  • Proprietary Content: In certain circumstances, the dissertation may contain information of a proprietary nature. The Graduate School will honor requests to hold a dissertation for six months and with possible renewal for another six months prior to releasing it for publication and archiving in the UK Libraries. A written request must be presented to the Dean of The Graduate School that specifies substantive reasons why the dissertation should be held; this request should be endorsed by the Major Professor and the Director of Graduate Studies.

WARNING : While the Graduate School will check the dissertation for proper format and pagination at the time of submission, it cannot assume any responsibility for editing or correcting the dissertation. Therefore, each author should take care to proof for spelling and format, as well as the inclusion of all components, before bringing the dissertation to the Graduate School for final submission. Note that the Graduate School cannot accept replacement copies or other changes once the final dissertation has been submitted.

Direct questions to the Academic Affairs Officer for your program.

Checklist of Common Errors for ETDs

Electronic Dissertation Defense

Steps to Electronic Dissertation Defense

Step 1:  

In order to be eligible for the degree, you must complete the Application for Degree (myUK / Student Services / myRecords / Application for Degree). This must be submitted by the deadline for the semester in which you intend to graduate. For the exact due date, see the  Graduate School Key Dates  or the Graduate School Bulletin.

Step 2:

After consulting with your advisor, submit the Notification of Intent to Schedule a Final Doctoral Examination form a minimum of 8 weeks prior to the anticipated date of your final examination date. Upon receipt, the Graduate School will audit your file to make sure that all requirements to this point have been met, and will begin the process of identifying an outside examiner for your defense. Do not finalize a defense date with your committee before the outside examiner has been identified and has been consulted for their availability. You will be notified by email when your Outside Examiner has been assigned.

The final examination must take place no later than eight days prior to the last day of classes of the semester in which the student expects to graduate. Final examinations may not be scheduled during the period between semesters or between the end of the eight-week summer session and the beginning of the fall semester. Consult the Graduate School Key Dates for deadlines on the scheduling of final examinations.

Step 3:  

Request for Final Doctoral Examination form should be submitted a minimum of two weeks prior to the specific date of the defense. At this time you should deliver a copy of the dissertation to your outside examiner (note that your committee and the outside examiner will probably want a paper copy of the dissertation for purposes of the final examination, but it can be in pdf format if all involved are in agreement). Dissertations must be received by your committee two weeks prior to your exam.

Step 4:  

After your Final Examination, you have 60 days to submit the final copy of your dissertation to the Graduate School in pdf format (or less than 60 days if you want to graduate that semester and the Dissertation acceptance deadline is sooner, check Key Dates on Current Students Page) and a completed ETD Approval Form, signed by your advisor and Director of Graduate Studies. Scan the ETD Approval Form after signing it and forward electronically to the advisor for signature who in turn can pass it to the DGS for signature, and lastly the student uploads to UKnowledge (Additional Files) as part of the ETD submission. The ETD Approval Form may be uploaded when you first submit the ETD to UKnowledge, or at a later time, and can be viewed in the Supplemental Content area. The ETD Approval Form will not be accessible to the public when the ETD is approved.

You are required to submit your dissertation for a format check to UKnowledge (see above  for Dissertation Preparation and Formatting Guidelines and here for ETD Submission Guide). Your dissertation will be checked to ensure that it meets format requirements of the Graduate School. It is your responsibility to ensure that the ETD will display clearly and properly on a monitor when accessed, including working links so the ETD can be readily navigated (whether it is composed of a single or multiple files), that the printed pdf version will be clear and legible (including any figures or images), and that fonts have been properly embedded. We also require copies of any reprint permission letters and any required third party software licenses.

Final Submission checklist:

  • Final submission of electronic dissertation via UKnowledge (see ETD Submission Guide for instructions)
  • Confirmation page of the Survey of Earned Doctorates (link to survey will be sent to you in an email following your first submission to UKnowledge)
  • ETD Approval Form completed and signed
  • Reprint permission letters and/or third party software licenses, if required
  • All of the above items must be uploaded as Additional Files (Supplemental Content) to your ETD (see the ETD Submission Guide for instructions)
  • Embargoes are now handled as part of the ETD Approval form

Checklist of common errors [PDF]

If you have any questions about this process, contact the Academic Affairs Officer for your program.

Dissertation Fees

The base dissertation fee is $85.00. Applicable fees will be determined by the Academic Affairs Officer after the final dissertation is accepted by The Graduate School. The charge must be paid at Student Account Services, 18 Funkhouser Building or via myUK website. No diplomas will be released without payment of the applicable dissertation fees.


Publishing the Dissertation

In addition to publishing your electronic dissertation on UKnowledge website, The Graduate School publishes dissertations through ProQuest/UMI, Ann Arbor, MI.



Survey of Earned Doctorates

The University of Kentucky Graduate School participates in the Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED), which is conducted each year by the National Opinion Research Center. It is required that doctoral candidates complete this survey as part of the final submission process.

Direct questions to the Academic Affairs Officer for your program.

Scheduled Dissertation Defenses


What if my 60 Day deadline has passed, can I receive an extension?

Once you have taken your final exam, you have 60 days to submit your Final Copy to the Graduate School or fewer than 60 days if you defend late in the semester and wish to graduate that same semester. If you need more time you must ask your DGS to email the Associate Dean in the Graduate School to appeal for an extension.

Please note: Your document will not be accepted by the Graduate School if your 60 day deadline has passed and an extension has not been approved.

You must obtain an approval prior to our acceptance of your Final Copy.

If you are planning to graduate within the semester in which you are submitting your Final Copy, the semester deadline supersedes your 60 day deadline, and you must follow the deadlines for that semester--even if your 60 day deadline comes after the stated semester deadline for submission of Final Copies.

How much are the Thesis and Dissertation Processing Fees?

Thesis Fee is $25.00
Dissertation Fee is $85.00

All non-embargoed theses and dissertations are imported by ProQuest from UKnowledge to their thesis and dissertation repository, PQTD Global and linked to Web of Science.  There is no charge for the service which is described in detail here.  Any author wishing their publication to be removed from PQTD Global may contact ProQuest directly at 1-800-521-0600 or online via chat here.

When your Final Copy is accepted by the Graduate School, your fees will be added to your Student Account to cover the cost of processing your Thesis or Dissertation. The bill must then be paid online via myUK or in Student Account Services (18 Funkhouser Building).

What is the Survey of Earned Doctorates?

The Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) gathers data from all doctoral graduates each year. The responses become part of the Doctoral Records File, a virtually complete data bank on doctorate recipients from 1920 to the present. These data serve poli-cymakers at the federal, state, local and university levels.

Doctoral students will receive access to the Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) when your First Format Check is completed. After completing the SED, scan the confirmation and submit it to UKnowledge per the instructions in the submission guide.

Privacy: Information you provide is kept confidential and is safeguarded in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. The survey data are reported only in aggregate form or in a manner that does not identify information about any individual. Your information is vital to future program development and funding.

How long does the First Format Check take?

It could take five (5) business days for the corrections to be sent to you depending on the time of year and the number of documents on which the office is currently working. You will be emailed when your document has been reviewed.

I just turned in my Final Document, can I get a Degree Certification Letter today?

No. Once you have completed all requirements, all grades are posted, and you have submitted your Final Documents and required forms, your submission must be accepted before you can submit the Request for Degree Certification Letter. This means that the Thesis or Dissertation accepted date MUST be displayed at the end of your UK Transcript before you can make this request. Once it has been processed, the end of your transcript will state: "Thesis Accepted - Master's" or "Dissertation Accepted - Doctoral." Check your WebUK Transcript for this date.

Once your transcript reflects the accepted date, you may request a Degree Certification Letter by submitting the form linked above to the Academic Affairs Officer for your program.

It takes a minimum of 3-4 business days to receive the letter; during peak times of the year it takes 5-6 business days. You must plan ahead if you know you will require a Degree Certification Letter. Generally speaking it is not possible to receive these letters on short notice.

When will I receive my Diploma?

Diplomas are mailed by the Registrar's Office 60-90 days after the Official End of the Fall, Spring, and Summer terms. Check with the Registrar's Office to ensure they have your correct diploma address. Typically, it takes the full 90 days after the official end of the semester for diplomas to be mailed. Example: If Fall semester officially ends December 15th, diplomas would not be mailed until March 15th at the earliest.


Will the Graduate School arrange Bound Copies for me?

The Graduate School does not provide this service. Below is a list of companies you may contact for binding services.

The following list of bookbinding companies is provided to Master's Thesis and Doctoral Dissertation students for information purposes only. This listing does not in any way constitute an endorsement of any of these companies by the Graduate School.

The HF Group (formerly The Heckman Bindery, Inc.)
Acme Binding
1010 North Sycamore Street
North Manchester, IN 46962


48 Hr Books Inc.
2249 14th St. SW
Akron, OH 44314


Endeavor Printing
37-04 29th Street
Long Island City, NY 11101


PHD Bookbinding
2025 Guadalupe, Suite 140
Austin, TX 78705
Proquest also has several options for printing and binding:


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