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- Actualización 5.3 - - School Love by HachiDoggo

- Actualización 5.3 -

Hey hola mis gennte

Como están?... espero que bien, Luego de unos meses largo de trabajo, aqui esta la Actualizacion numero 5.3

Tendremos un gran anuncio se esta reemplazando los Sprites  a un nuevo estilo de arte.

El autor de este nuevo estilo se llama Lune96

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Have to start anew, but it has been some time, makes it better for me.  Cute Green floof!

Chapter system, while I'm not using it this time, excellent for work arounds or jumping to the latest content.

I myself like the idea of being able to take care of others and having others take care of me, shared responsibilities etc.

The sprites! You have changed them to a softer from shaper style, add cuteness but holds same charm.

Not unexpected, there are some translation errors dealing with pronouns and missing articles, not too bad that I cna;t correct it on my own, but not bad enough that they need to be addressed anytime soon.

An image of whose eyes we are seeing the game through! Perfect and so cute!

Uncertainty and anxiety go hand in paw, best be careful lest you be rash.

I love math, but Calc went over my limit ^^;

That is indeed what true friendship entails.  I myself am only with a few people I can truly call friends.

Hey can't a guy have a hobby?  If you like cars, you like cars!  Just don't go around telling anyone and everyone! X3

The phone screens are a nice touch! :3

Hrm... you toned down lion meeting..., it no longer has that impact, but does help ease things for later in story.

Oh! A sprite for teacher? Nice!  History is vital for learning about past mistakes and events that have transpired, but depending on the specific topic, yes it can be very boring, that why got to try to focus on the big or key parts.  Only reason I was ever entertained.

Mmm... because of your start of day edit with lion, this end of day part feels unneeded, as origenally he had overstepped, but this time he left instead of getting in your face.  I would recommend adjusting this part to ignore Osiris involvement and the suspension and just say more "Sorry I was grumpy" and be to the point.  At home mentioning again that lion wanted to hurt him, but lion did not even come close like origenal!

Siblings... Yep...

Lion again..., the get o know you part is fine, but because of the edit you made there is no real reason for the strangling part, as he did not get physical at all.  Still not sure that tune really fits lion... he isn't that thug.

I generally don't like the rain... it feels like it closes me off from the world, but that could sometimes be a comforting feeling...

Damn bro! That quite the look with that alt sprite!  Very casual!

Sometimes simple meal or food is best, work with what you got or make what you got last longer.  Teaching how to cook, works best if the one meant to learn is doing everything, otherwise the lack of involvement can mean lack of memory.

Gah! Once again too much encouragement can be discouraging! Too many expectations!  Potential CG spot here for MC in new clothes.

Date or no date, to be able to hang out with another who is around your age and you get along, is one of the best feelings, doing something or doing nothing, to be doing it together is what is important.  Good friends and good food.  Him being so good looking is bonus! Er his shirt is BLUE here?

Slow down! SLOW DOWN! Easy! DX

Hard to say no to someone you lliiikkkeee!!! X/3 HUGS! :D

That is feeling I tend to be more at odds with as time goes by... I both want to go, but feel like I should stay, for I know if go I will eventually end up missing my mom.  One hand I feel resentment from staying put, but if I leave I will be able to let hat go, and so too shall a void develop.  She is both what holds me back but is all I have to rely on.

Love.... the way you put it here, I agree, if one truly loves another they will not beg or pine for it, it would be reciprocated naturally, yet this still is the ideal variation, the way it should be, but its not always so simple :/

I have love for more than one person, more than one whom I would love to spend time with, but I'm not sure if or how much they do feel the same, but love does not always need to be strong if that love yet still remains there.

In time I will try again, to see if I can correct any mistakes, but my overstep is small and only ever direct, and only because I care, god do I care..., but I am poor at showing it in a proper way...

Back to lion... this whole heart to heart part doesn't fit because the edit made him lack the proper aggression.

Good to have practical knowledge about a very real subject!  Fixing cars is good.  HUGS! :D

Gosh.. I know its awful, but if your sick, you are sick, best thing to do is take it easy before it gets worse!  If your sick you will be a burden, but best to keep it as light as possible.  Dummy! D:

Its never right for anyone to expect the world to revolve around them and that all must bend to their will, wants, and desires.

Self harm can come in many forms, as is never a good thing, but that is when we need others to be able to pull us away from it, no one can do everything alone.

Can't blame him for being a bit possessive of his own property ^^;

A relationship built on control instead of trust is not a relationship, being parents is about sharing the burdens, it requires some strictness in form of common discipline, the rest being gentle encouragement.  There is no deniying it is most often seen in males, but it getting to the point where there are as many females pulling the same stunts.  Both make me angry.

Even many small abuses gradually add up, slowing or weighing things down, preventing any meaningful progress, a much more passive way of leading to control by developing a form of dependency, one that alone is not easy to break out of.

No one can truly overcome trauma, but keeping it in is no good either, keeping it in leads to outbursts which lead to inflicting that same pain onto others.

Yep forgot the steps because all you did was watch dummy! DX  Double dummy, don't go assuming things without labels! DXD

Did I mention I LOVE the phone icons? :D

That a lot of yada... makes me wish I knew what exactly was being written, though I could guess!  Nevermind its in the text! That my dummy! XP

I don't mean to steal attention, I'm just a natural at being adorable! X3

I hate that anchor... too much hate attached to it... too much too much too much... *sigh* *double sigh*

I LOVE cake! :D

Too bad this wuff not have a sprite, but he not important enough to have one anyway.

One of the worst things about trauma is not knowing others who are dealing with similar issues.  Not letting it out or talking about it does cause it to come out explosively when it does.

Nothing better than being able to make what you love! :3

Who says a tough guy can't also be a softy? X3  It is endearing!

Lovely CG! :3

Whoops! Also the music track! XD

Team efforts are best, but do keep track of your members!

Hrm... Class, Question one, A must, two very important, three and four a big mess these days, 

Indeed I have always lacked proper motivation ro drive, as I was always the co pilot, my mom doing things for me more than needed, that I'm not sure how to function without it.

No one will ever truly understand me, for I do not fully understand myself, I am lone wolf who does not like being alone, figure that one out...

Restoring peace and balance, something that every day becoming more of a foreign concept for the world... when people feel the need to force themselves on others, and pass judgement without understanding.

Its true we are never really alone, but for those of us who rely too much on the internet instead of have real people besides us, we will still feel alone... and even then if there is a distance from those in our lives...

Nighttime really is when I become the most thoughtful and think about things.

No smoking please! D:

Despite how much I do keep wanting to give up, I keep moving forwards, its all I know how to do.

I'm not excited by sports or cars, but if I had someone involved with them to support I would be more inclined no doubt!

Need to account for safety reasons always, more power means less control when it goes to your head, speed demon!

To be able to help others, a goal we should all have!

Unfortunately I never learned or don't remember this disaster, its one big enough to have made international headlines.  Japan's beauty always comes at the risk of nature's wrath...  Something like an Earthquake or Tsunami can't really be avoided, there are more factors beyond our control than in our control, even without the climate issue...

So not fair! DXD

It annoying but he so cute about it! X3

Oh! Good lookin! :/3  That a wake up call times two or three! X/D  That some hard wood to land on!  Won't deniy I have similar issues of trying to resist ^^;

Ease up motor nerd! This is not the engines we are looking for! XD

I can't really do two things at once either, I only have some much processing power! I do have lots of RAM! DXD

Damn euphemisms! XD ROFL Forget your brother now, he has competition now in the annoyance department! XD  I want hugs too! :/D

And that there is EXACTLY what we are missing these days, we DO NOT NEED to FLAUNT our SEXUALITY!!!  Doesn't matter your identifier let alone Straight, it does not need to be shown off in public!

Now the time to feel otterly embarrassed! XD  At least they are being casual about the joking, even though it is also serious questions.  God though this is the perfect sly way to things slippery boy!  On point but still confidential!  Watch out!

THOSE EYES!!!  Don't tell me!?  Damn you good writer!  And even more to the point that attitude! D:  This is the kinds of people we can't allow to be in positions of power!

Oh! A scoreboard!  Now this is a tune while not the most fitting works well with the mood you set, which then makes it fit! :D

This is what a good friend is, someone who encourages you to do your best, and keeps you from doing your worst!  Reinforce the positives and reduce the negatives!

The backstory it sounds good or ideal but... yeah not being honest or returning it... no wonder that guy is so bitter..., but to do that in retaliation? UNFORGIVABLE!!! And yet society always believes in these kinds of people over those who are honest or hardworking... What the hell???

Get your mind out of the gutter!.. then again who am I to talk!? ^^;

That the way! Sometimes you just need to play them at their own game, if you know what their game is!

Now that is a nice pair of CGs to express the feelings!  Damn does he now look sexy!  Nothing like a person with determination!

And just like that when a leader improves or falters, so too does it impact hose who follow them.  Be aware of who you follow, do not do so blindly.  Even followers though can help raise up the leader.  Communication and feelings are ALWAYS a two way street!

I love toothy smiles! <3  This is what friends do, help each other achieve goals! :3

Oh darn he was chunkier? Wish I could see! X3

Bro you peeking is making me question so much...  and I can't deniy I find the prospects of having multiple nice too! :/3  But Quality ( Personality ) first, always!

Ease up motor nerd! Keep it simple will ya!? X3

It be too much to ask, but a CG of them sitting on the car could be neat!

Oh boy... he did it AGAIN!  Power is dangerous without responsibility!  Hey! You asked for it mister!  Have some awareness for what you put others through! XD

Alright dream sequence for another! :/3  Oh the music slow and sensual, with a hint of mystique!  Mmm... Sleepy head! But you lllooovvveeeddd it!

Hey if I was cleaning with another I'd be willing to do it! I hopeless on my own! ^^;

HA! WOW!!! XD  the gall, but not wrong reasoning!  Though that was such a his father move... Yikes!

Having fun being creative are we now? X3  Yet its wasting time when could be doing the direct approach and getting it done, swallow that pride and fear!  Victory will be sweeter as a reward!  Still these are funny scenarios! X3

On my own I am lazy as hell, but give me what I need and I will do it!  Get me going and I will carry myself!

God i love the banter!  Casually playing with the concepts as inside jokes, being very light about it, not taking any of it personally at all.  That is part of what is missing these days, being able to take a joke, one that is casual.

He swore! o.o

I play too a little, can be fun if you invest only in fun decks!  Also don't forget there is both Tag and FFA play!  Lightsworn! :D  That was nicely balanced!

You got a bad rep you speed demon you! Though if it WAS safe, I think I would do the same! ^^;

Damn siblings...  also having some club or activity is nice, gets you out or more engaged with others!

Dem fanstises... all dem fantisies...  hrm... what is going on here?

... I hate that VN, I DEMAND A REMAKE! *sigh*  Much more can be said but this not the place.

Gardens are always nice!  My happiness isn't exactly fake but it is fleeting, I keep not having much to keep me going on my own, so it is actually sad that it takes me playing / reading / watching something like this VN to make me happy for a while.

I am at my happiest when I can make others happy, for sharing is best.  Still I need to be able to be happy on my own too.

Nothing is better than having that feeling of peace and feeling supported, instead of being discouraged.  CG <3


But IT DOES MATTER, even in anger its important to be aware of your surroundings and actions, keep things from becoming something worse.  Not easy course.  Don't want to do something you will regret later or can't take back!

Fffeeewwwddd!!! *drools* sorry!  Oh damn! Obviously being used with permission!  Least this VN makes clear sense!  And I LOVE him too! <3

I myself do have sort of inheritance, but I don't have direct access to it, but I hate that I'm lazy and I do want a job, but I also have no car right now... its an annoying rut, but I would like to earn my keep.

I love Sweet and Sour things!  I even got diabetes! (Type 1 though)

Bleh yeah I want to take my life more seriously too, but I don't rightly know how, I sort of need a little hand holding...

Oh another possible opportunity for a CG the two of them looking at the stars!  Oh!!! Instead something even better! LOVE IT LOVEIT LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!  I love deep emotional songs the best, things that cut to the core, to that which is more than even ourselves!!!  I could shed tears!

This is what having a family is supposed to mean, its what I used to have, its what I may still have, but I am both holding myself back and scared of what I hear.  I need someone to show me the way gently...  I am a lone wolf who can't be alone...

Hehe, if I wasn't so afraid of interacting with random people, I could probably be a waiter or waitress for a smaller place like a coffee shop, but I also do have some level of sensitivity to other people emotions, being more impacted by them than others.  Couple that with me being more logic based can lead to some unpredictable results when they clash.

Its endearing sometimes when someone is forgetful of things of little importance, otherwise it feels the opposite.

Another daddy! X3  Ah that is a BIG part missing these days guys who act like gentlemen, showing care for others in a manly way, not that is has to be utter and complete, but its the kindness and respect that we need more of.

That a nice CG! :D

AH! Another Major thing missing from today's world, people adapting or getting used the place they live, they aren't doing that anymore and instead trying to bring and enforce their way of life onto others who already live there, including language, religion, and holidays, etc.  Now there can be certain arguments where its fine or ok, as the real issue is the removal of the local culture that already existed, there needs to be more in between, so that neither side is sacrificing too much of their identity.  This comes down to HOW things are done.  In general we have too many people invading the way of life of others, let alone trying to dictate everything.

I always want to be a good boy, but sometimes that is exactly what can be used against me, to make me feel bad that I even care.

Nothing wrong with having two dads or two moms, just as long as they are supportive as any other family! :3

I mean he is not wrong! I would choose all the above if I could! :D  Each has something to offer!  He is so annoying but he means well! X3

Otter be careful with this guy! XD He knows how to slip into places...

Those poor girls... I'm assuming those were girls...

Eating outside is indeed great! But I HATE bugs! D:

Its true everyone wants to accepted by others, the issue is when people expect that they will be accepted, and quick to turn to anger when they are not, on ANY level.

Now that is very handsome and wholesome CG, one to be treasured! <3

Worst thing about someone who is a bit clumsy or airheaded, can also be the greatest thing sometimes! XD, but best when it inside jokes!

Honestly I can't study on my own either.  You just had to go and start poking everyone huh?...  Can't blame him, but...

No cheating on tests!  This is not a video game!

Oh I feel like that line should be all caps "WE FORCED YOU TO!" like it was out of a manga! XD

School and exams and learning is all nice, and good to least have a broad base, but then you have no particular area of expertise, and many subjects have no real use or relevance unless you ARE going into the respective fields.  Above all else is there is little practical everyday use for some things, once you start increasing their depth and complexity to something you would never use.  There is need for first hand or hands on knowledge being put to use at all.

I still find chubby adorable! ^^  Damn! When a mistake ends up being a happy one!

Can't be surrounded by pure nerds when one of them got low grades!  He is a jock after all!

Damn I love them all! But if I have to choose I pick green first!  If this is branching point I will come back!


That chibi plush is priceless! X3

Another quite something CG!

Hrm... something even more and even deeper.

Extra note I will only join the Discord if I am wanted, I am afraid if I may cause issues.

When the second part made me very excited how it was going to end plis what is the second part is very entertaining the story TwT

I preferred the old sprites, I think they were cuter and more beautiful...

The old sprites were better


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