The National Public Health Institute (KTL) has monitored health behaviour among the Finnish elder... more The National Public Health Institute (KTL) has monitored health behaviour among the Finnish elderly since 1985 using biannual postal surveys. This report presents results from the health behaviour survey in the spring 1999. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health financially supports this study. The research has been conducted at the Health Education Research Unit of the Department of Epidemiology and Health Promotion. The primary purpose of this study was to obtain information about living conditions, state of health, lifestyle and coping with everyday life demands among persons 65 to 84 years in Finland. The variable-spesific tables constitute a significant part of the report. All tables and figures are labelled in English. The study material was collected by a postal survey. Random samples of 300 persons in each of the four five-year age groups of men and women were drawn from the National Population Register. Out of these 2400 persons 2390 were contacted. Of the contacted 72 % of the men and 78 % of the women responded (Table ). This years questionnaire included some questions about men's erection problems which might have lowered their willingness to response. Since the sample was divided into five-year age groups, standardisation for the purpose of tabulating the results was performed by applying the direct method to the population i.e. Finnish people aged 65-84 (Table ). The columns presenting the totals therefore describe the distributions of the whole population. The crucial questions have been kept unchanged during the monitoring period to maintain the comparability between study years. Some changes have though been inevitable. The 1999 study introduced new questions about ability to read newspaper, to hear conversations and to manage everyday mental tasks. Out of the elderly males only 20 % lived alone while the corresponding number for the females was 50 %. Life expectancy is higher among females than males. As a result of that most of the widowed persons were women. The main occupational background among both male and female respondents was in office and service work. The proportion of males in this occupational group had increased 10 % from 1997 study. About a quarter of elderly males and females had worked in agriculture. About 40 % of the men and 42 % of the women regarded their own health status quite good or good. In spite of that there was a high prevalence of chronic diseases. 75 % of men and 80 % of women reported at least one in preceding 12 months. Good subjective health was correlated with younger and high level of education. The single and divorced men and women reported a bit more often than married and widowed that they suffered from none of the diseased mentioned. The prevalence of smoking decreased with age. Single and divorced and those who lived alone reported a highest prevalence of daily smoking. The increasing trend of highly educated women who smoke or have smoked daily levelled-off in 1999. Still smoking was less prevalent among elderly Finns than among the population of the working age. 11 % of men and 18 % of women in the study reported that they follow a special diet prescribed by a doctor. Special diet was more common among women with a lower level of education and with those women who were living alone. The dietary habits of the elderly population are changed into a healthier direction. Nevertheless, these habits have been changing more slowly than among the working-age population. The biggest changes have occurred in the quality of fat used in cooking and on bread and also in the type of milk consumed. Increased use of vegetable oil, low fat spread and skimmed milk and decreased use of butter are the typical dietary change patterns among the Finnish seniors. There has been a slight improvement in the consumption of vegetables but not in the use of fruits and berries from the early 1990s to this day. 38 % of males and 40 % of females had been advised by a health personnel to reduce use of salt, mostly because of a high blood pressure. 76 % of males and 50 % of females reported that they have used at least some alcohol d uring, tic previous months. The most popular drink among men was beer and an long women it was wine. There was a correlation between age, level of education and drinking. Drinking was most common habit among the youngest 5-year age group received. Only 6 % of males and 12 % were using the basic home service. This service was mostly used by oldest respondents, widowed and those who lived alone. Functional capacity clearly reduced with age. and with those who were highly educated. Consumption of at least 8 units (men) and at least 5 units (women) of alcohol per week has been a habit of highly educated throughout the 1990s. 67 % of males and 63 % of females reported that they walk at least 4 times a week outdoors at least half an hour. The number of physically active persons diminished slightly after the age of 75 years. Those living alone were more keen walkers that those living with others. There has not been a great difference between higher and lower educated elderly in the level of frequent walking throughout the 1990s. 44 % of pensioner males and 38 % of females had visited to the dentist during the preceding 12 months. Visits to the dentist correlated with age and level of education. Younger respondents and those with higher level of education had visited dentist most studiously. 34 % of men and 48 % of women indicated total absence of their own teeth. Age and educational group discrepancies were great. Most of the respondents (males 82 %, females 79 %) were able to read newspaper (with or without glasses). Ability to hear conversations was slightly higher among women. Men used hearing aid more often than women. 17 % of males and 20 % of females were able to manage mental tasks well. Age and educational group discrepancies in previous tasks were clearly more advantageous to younger and highly educated. Men more often than women reported slightly better capability to climb stairs, to handle matters outside home and to carry heavy things, particularly in older age. Especially among females the younger respondents and those with the higher level of education reported better ability to cope with demands of everyday life than older ones and lower educated. 95 % of the male and female respondents reported that they were able to eat without help. Most of the respondents were also capable to use toilet, wash themselves and perform light housework. The pensioners were generally satisfied with services they
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, Aug 1, 1994
Study objective -The study aimed to assess the association of different indi- cators of socioecon... more Study objective -The study aimed to assess the association of different indi- cators of socioeconomic status with levels of cardiovascular disease risk factors in men and women aged 25-64 years. Design -This was a cross sectional sur- vey, using a community based random sample. Setting -The provinces of North Karelia and Kuopio in eastern Finland and the cities of Turku and Loimaa and sur- rounding communities in southwestern Finland in 1987. Participants -Altogether 2164 men and 2182 women aged 25-64 years took part. Measurements and main results -Data were collected using self administered questionnaires and the measurement of height, body weight, and blood pressure and blood sampling for lipid determi- nations were done at the survey site. The risk of cardiovascular disease was deter- mined by calculating a simple risk factor score based on the observed values of HDL and total cholesterol, leisure time, physical activity, blood pressure, medi- cation for hypertension, body mass index, and smoking. Indicators of socio- economic position used were years of education, family income, marital status, and the person's occupation. Lower levels of education, occupation, and income were all significantly associated with an unfavorable risk factor profile in men and women. Education and occupation showed the strongest associations with the risk factor score in both men and women. The results changed little when adjusting for income and marital status. Family income was more strongly associ- ated with the risk factor score in women than men. When adjusting for occupation and education, income was no longer significantly associated with the risk factor score in men. Marital status was not significantly associated with the risk factor score in either sex. Conclusions -Using the strength of the association with the cardiovascular risk factor score as the criterion for a good socioeconomic indicator, the present study suggests that education and occu- pation may be equally good indicators in both men and women. Family income may have some additional importance,
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, May 23, 2007
Background: Studies from different time periods have shown that consumption of vegetables is more... more Background: Studies from different time periods have shown that consumption of vegetables is more common in higher socioeconomic groups and among women. However, there are only few studies of changes of socioeconomic differences in vegetable consumption over time. Our aim was to determine whether socioeconomic differences, measured by educational level and household income, in daily vegetable consumption have increased, decreased or been stable over the last two decades among Finnish men and women. Methods: Data on daily consumption of fresh vegetables were derived from repeated annual cross-sectional surveys performed among representative samples of Finnish working aged (15-64 years) population. Data from the years 1979-2002 were linked with data on education and household income from Statistics Finland. Those under 25 years and all students were excluded, giving a total of 69 383 respondents. The main analyses were conducted with logistic regression. Results: Daily consumption of fresh vegetables became overall more prevalent during the study period. Daily consumption of fresh vegetables was more common among those with higher education and higher income during the whole study period. Both educational level and household income differences in daily vegetable consumption slightly narrowed since 1979 among men and women. Conclusions: Women with high socioeconomic position have been initial trend setters, but the prevalence of daily consumers of vegetables in these groups has not increased since the early 1990s. The prevalence of daily consumption of fresh vegetables has increased more in lower educational and income groups during the 1980s and 1990s along with narrowing socioeconomic differences.
Objective-To evaluate the associations between social class as defined by occupation, health be- ... more Objective-To evaluate the associations between social class as defined by occupation, health be- haviour, and mortality from all causes and coronary heart disease among middle aged men and women in eastern Finland. Design-Prospective observational study of two independent, random population samples examined in 1972 and 1977. Setting-North Karelia and Kuopio, Finland. Subjects-8967 men and 9694 women aged 30-64 years at the beginning of the follow up study. The subjects were followed up for mortality up till 1987 by using the National Death Registry. Measurements and main results--Altogether 1429 men and 620 women died during the follow up, 603 men and 164 women of coronary heart disease. Among both sexes, compared with white collar workers unskilled blue collar workers had more adverse risk factors and also higher mortality due to coronary heart disease, other cardiovascular diseases, cancer, violent causes, and all other causes. Among men the age adjusted relative risk for all cause mortality in unskilled blue collar workers v white collar workers was reduced from 1-86 (95!o confidence interval 1 55 to 2.22) to 1-47 (1.23 to 1.77) when adjusted for smoking, serum cholesterol concentration, hypertension, body mass index, and physical activity in leisure time. Among women the corresponding reduction in hazard ratio was from 149 (1 15 to 1.92) to 1*39 (1.07 to 181). The respective hazard ratios for coronary heart disease were 1-54 (1.16 to 2.02) and 1-22 (0.92 to 1.61) among men and 1-74 (1.05 to 2.90) and 1-66 (0.99 to 2.79) among women. Conclusions-Unfavourable cardiovascular risk factors and high mortality are concentrated among lower social classes in Finland. Among men about half of the excess coronary and all cause mortality among unskilled blue collar workers was associated with their unfavourable risk factor profile. The association was smaller in women.
The plant stanol ester margarine Benecol ® is a functional food that has been shown to lower effe... more The plant stanol ester margarine Benecol ® is a functional food that has been shown to lower effectively serum total and LDL-cholesterol. The purpose of this post-marketing study is to characterize users of plant stanol ester margarine with and without cardiovascular disease. Methods: A cohort of plant stanol ester margarine users was established based on a compilation of 15 surveys conducted by the National Public Health Institute in Finland between 1996-2000. There were 29 772 subjects aged 35-84 years in the cohort. The users of plant stanol ester margarine were identified by the type of bread spread used. The plant stanol ester margarine was used as bread spread by 1332 (4.5%) subjects. Almost half (46%) of the users reported a history of cardiovascular disease. Persons with cardiovascular disease were more likely to use plant stanol ester margarine (8%) than persons without cardiovascular disease (3%). Users with and without cardiovascular disease seemed to share similar characteristics. In particular, they were elderly people with otherwise healthy life-styles and diet. They were less likely smokers, more likely physically active and less likely obese than nonusers. The users reported being in good or average health in general and having used cholesterol-lowering drugs. Plant stanol ester margarine seems to be used by persons for whom it was designed and in a way it was meant: as part of efforts for cardiovascular disease risk reduction.
Objective-To analyse the dynamics of smoking prevalence, initiation, and cessation in relation to... more Objective-To analyse the dynamics of smoking prevalence, initiation, and cessation in relation to sex, age, birth cohort, study year, and educational level. Design-Six independent cross-sectional population surveys repeated every five years between 1972 and 1997. Setting-The provinces of North Karelia and Kuopio in eastern Finland. Subjects-Independent random samples of 18 088 men and 19 200 women aged 25-64 years. Those comprising the oldest birth cohort were born in 1913-17 and those in the youngest were born in 1968-72. Results-Among men the prevalence of smoking decreased over time, but the cohort eVect observed in smoking initiation was obscured by the changes in smoking cessation. DiVerences between the educational categories were small. Among women the prevalence of smoking increased during the study period. This was mainly caused by the less highly educated, in whom smoking initiation clearly increased in successive birth cohorts, but a more moderate cohort eVect was also present among the more highly educated women. Conclusions-In men decreased initiation and increased cessation contributed to the downward trend in smoking prevalence, whereas among women, changes in smoking were mostly caused by augmented initiation in successive birth cohorts. During the study period educational inequalities in smoking widened, as the less highly educated came increasingly to form the smoking population.
Gender differences in lifestyle-related mortality and morbidity suggest a need to investigate gen... more Gender differences in lifestyle-related mortality and morbidity suggest a need to investigate gender-specificity of health behaviour change process and factors influencing it. We tested whether changes in self-efficacy beliefs and planning, as well as the level of social support predict change in exercise. Finnish men and women, aged 50-65 years, at an increased risk for type 2 diabetes were recruited from health care centres to participate in the Good Ageing in Lahti Region (GOAL) Lifestyle Implementation Trial. Psychosocial factors were measured with questionnaires and exercise with 7-day physical activity diaries at baseline and at 3 months. At baseline, no gender differences were found in self-efficacy and planning, but men reported receiving more social support than women. At 3 months, women reported having formed more action plans for changing their exercise routines than men. Among women, increase in selfefficacy and planning predicted increase in exercise. Among men, changes in planning played a less significant role. The more salient role of planning for women than for men, and the fact that women receive less social support, may reflect life circumstances allowing less spontaneous lifestyle decisions and a lower acceptance of lifestyle changes by their social environment.
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, Apr 1, 1995
Study objective -To compare differences in coronary heart disease (CHD) risk fac- tor levels betw... more Study objective -To compare differences in coronary heart disease (CHD) risk fac- tor levels between educational groups in the 1970s and 1980s in eastern Finland. Design and participants -Independent, cross sectional population surveys were undertaken in 1972, 1977, 1982, and 1987 ofrandomly selected men and women aged 30-59 living in two provinces in eastern Finland. Altogether 20096 subjects par- ticipated. The lowest observed level ofpar- ticipation in either sex or province in any year was 77%. Serum cholesterol values and blood pressure measurements, body mass index, smoking, and the level of edu- cation were determined in each survey using comparable methodology. Main results -More poorly educated men and women had higher levels of all risk factors at the end of the study period (1987). There was no change between 1972 and 1987 in differences between edu- cational groups in mean serum cholesterol values and the diastolic blood pressure level in either sex, and in smoking in men. In women, the proportion of smokers was highest in the better educated in the 1970s but lowest in this group in the 1980s (interaction between year ofexamination and educational level p<0-01). Differences be- tween educational groups in mean body mass index increased with time in both men (p<0-001) and women (p = 0.06).
Helsinki 2010 Raportti 16/2010 Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos Varusmiesten ravitsemus ja muut e... more Helsinki 2010 Raportti 16/2010 Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos Varusmiesten ravitsemus ja muut elintavat sekä terveyden riskitekijät palveluksen aikana Varusmiesten ravitsemus -hankkeessa mukana olevat yliopisto-ja tutkimuslaitokset Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos Nuorisotutkimusverkosto Helsingin yliopisto, Elintarviketeknologian laitos ja Yhteiskuntahistorian laitos
Kansanterveyslaitoksen Epidemiologian ja terveyden edistämisen osastolla (ETEO) tehdään krooniste... more Kansanterveyslaitoksen Epidemiologian ja terveyden edistämisen osastolla (ETEO) tehdään kroonisten kansantautien, niihin liittyvien elintapojen sekä tautien ehkäisyn ja väestön terveyden edistämisen tutkimus-ja asiantuntijatyötä. Tässä julkaisussa esitellään Kansanterveyslaitoksen tekemän suomalaisen aikuisväestön terveyskäyttäytymisen (AVTK) seurannan tuloksia keväältä 2000. Seuranta on toteutettu Sosiaali-ja terveysministeriön tuella. Vastaava raportti on julkaistu vuosittain alkaen vuodesta 1978. Raportissa olevat tiedot muodostavat yhtäläisesti kerätyn koko maan aikuisväestöä kuvaavan aikasarjan, jonka luvut ovat keskenään vertailukelpoisia. Raportti on laadittu terveyden edistämisen tutkimusyksikössä (TETY), jonka tehtävä on mm. seurata aikuisväestön terveyskäyttäytymistä ja sen muutoksia sekä arvioida valtakunnallisia terveyskasvatus-ja terveydenedistämisohjelmia.
Background: The aim of this study was to identify population groups which are the most crucial as... more Background: The aim of this study was to identify population groups which are the most crucial as targets for anti-tobacco action. Methods: A comparison was made of the prevalence and patterns of smoking and passive smoking in Estonia, Finland and Lithuania. Results: Total exposure to smoking, both one's own and passive smoking, was more common in two Baltic countries than in Finland. In these Baltic countries passive smoking was notably common among women. In all countries the exposure was more prevalent among the younger and less educated, but no difference emerged between urban and rural areas. Conclusions: The following target groups were identified as priorities for anti-tobacco actions: i) men of all ages in Estonia and Lithuania to stop their already established tobacco use, ii) young women in all three countries to prevent their starting a career of tobacco use and ill) young and less educated women in Estonia and Lithuania to prevent passive smoking, i.e. their exposure to environmental tobacco smoke.
Nuorten päihdehäiriöt -tunnistaminen ja hoito s. 8 Ikääntyminen ja alkoholi s. 17 Rokotusten hait... more Nuorten päihdehäiriöt -tunnistaminen ja hoito s. 8 Ikääntyminen ja alkoholi s. 17 Rokotusten haittavaikutukset -uusi ilmoitusmenettely s. 21 2 • Kansanterveys 3/2007 päätoimittajalta Kansan Kansi: Ossi Lehtonen Kansanterveyslaitoksen tuoreiden tutkimusten mukaan täysin raittiita on hieman runsas kymmenesosa aikuisväestöstä. Kyselyä edeltävän viikon aikana 59 % miehistä oli juonut olutta, 36 % väkeviä viinoja ja 29 % viiniä; naisilla vastaavat osuudet olivat 29 %, 17 % ja 34 %. Miehistä neljännes ja naisista lähes yksi kymmenestä ilmoitti juovansa vähintään kerran viikossa alkoholia kuusi annosta tai enemmän kerralla. Vuonna 2005 arvioitu alkoholin kokonaiskulutus oli 10,5 litraa alkoholia henkeä kohden, siis noin kaksi keskiolutpullollista tai kolmannes viinipullollisesta vuoden jokaisena päivänä jokaiselle suomalaiselle -vauvat ja vaarit mukaan lukien. Olemme lähes saavuttaneet vanhojen viinimaiden, esimerkiksi Ranskan kokonaisalkoholikulutuksen. Alkoholin arvioidaan aiheuttavan vuosittain noin 3000 kuolemaa, ja lähes kymmenkertaisen määrän sairaalahoitojaksoja. Osa alkoholinkäytön haitoista jää helposti tilastojen ulkopuolelle. Tällaisia ovat esimerkiksi vanhempien alkoholinkäytön heijastukset lasten elämään ja turvallisuuteen, tai monet alkoholin senioriväestölle aiheuttamat ongelmat. Alkoholin käyttö on arkipäiväistynyt viime vuosikymmenten aikana. Olemme oppineet "eurooppalaiseen" kulttuuriin, mutta sen ohella traditionaalinen reipas alkoholin käyttö on edelleen tyypillistä suomalaisille. Alkoholin kulutuksen kasvun hillintä pysyy haasteellisena niin kauan kuin runsasta käyttöä ihannoivat asenteet ovat yleisiä. Tupakan vastaisen työn menestymiselle merkittävää on ollut se, että yleinen suhtautuminen tupakointiin on viime vuosina muuttunut selvästi torjuvammaksi ja tupakan glamour on häviämässä. Viime kuukausina on julkisuudessa pohdittu moneen otteeseen, miten alkoholin haitat saataisiin pysymään kurissa ja kulutus hallittuna. Valistusta ja valvontaa on pyritty tehostamaan, ja alkoholijuomien verotuksen kiristämistä on esitetty usealta taholta. Valinta eri toimintalinjojen välillä ei ole helppo, ja päätöksillä on moninaisia seurauksia. Poliitikkojen soisi kuitenkin ymmärtävän alkoholin terveyshaittojen laajan merkityksen, ja ottaa niiden minimointi erityiseksi tavoitteeksi toimenpideohjelmista päätettäessä.
Kaiken kaikkiaan kampanjan suunnittelussa on pyritty näkemään eri huumausaineet erillisinä, erila... more Kaiken kaikkiaan kampanjan suunnittelussa on pyritty näkemään eri huumausaineet erillisinä, erilaisia riskejä sisältävinä aineina. Kampanjaan kytkeytyy myös useita ehkäisevän huumetyön paikallishankkeita. Vaikka kampanjalla ei ole selkeää iskulausetta (vrt. Irti huumeista ry., Elämä on parasta huumetta ry.), kampanjamateriaalia yhdistää ilmoituksen alareunassa oleva merkki, jossa lukee joko tai Jatkossa kampanjaa kutsutaan nimellä kokototuus/puolitotuus-kampanja. Kampanjamateriaalina ovat olleet amfetamiinin riskeistä kertova ilmoitus ("Amfetamiini voi viedä sydämen"), ekstaasin riskeistä kertovat ilmoitukset ("Ekstaasi ja masennuslääke voi olla tappava yhdistelmä", "Eeeeemeli!" ja "Ekstaasi ja osumatarkkuus"), gammahydroksivoihapon riskeistä kertova ilmoitus ("Gamma + alkoholi"), tiedon hankkimiseen kehottava ilmoitus ("Tietoa huumeista 0mk/g"), huumekeskusteluun kehottavat ilmoitukset ("Mykkänen", "Narkkarit kärsiköön. Itsepähän ovat ongelmansa aiheuttaneet", "Huumekeskustelua myös turuksi", "Suomi tänään") sekä huumekaupan ja -salakuljetuksen vaarallisuudesta kertova ilmoituspari ("Palvelukseen halutaan muuli" sekä huumekuriirin kuolinilmoitus). Huhtikuussa 2002 otettiin vielä käyttöön kaksi kannabikseen liittyvää ilmoitusta "Leikitkö mielelläsi?" ja "Hatsia pissassa" (ks. ). Sek&Greyssä. Kesäkuuhun 2002 mennessä viestintäkampanjan ilmoituksia on ollut sanoma-ja aikakauslehdissä (mm. City-lehti, 7 päivää, Image, Suomen Kuvalehti, Helsingin Sanomat, Hufvudstadsbladet, Aamulehti, Kaleva, Turun Sanomat, Keskisuomalainen, Savon Sanomat, Etelä-Saimaa, Lapin Kansa, Pohjalainen), katukuvassa (syksyllä 2001 bussien kyljet ja tankotaulut Helsingissä, Turussa, Vaasassa, Kotkassa ja Porissa sekä huhtikuussa 2002 Abribus-taulut Helsingissä), ravintoloissa, radiossa (Radio Nova, Suomipop, NRJ, Kiss FM) ja televisiossa (Yle1 ja Yle2). Toukokuun lopulla 2002 lähetettiin julistesarja kaikkiin Suomen kuntiin ja kesäkuussa kampanja oli esillä lukuisilla festivaaleilla eri puolella Suomea (mm. Kaivopuiston kesäkuun konsertti, 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 Yht./Total % (N) Miehet/Males 52 55 55 60 71 58 (1481) Naiset/Females 74 69 70 74 76 72 (1778) Yht./Total 62 62 62 66 74 65 (3259) 4 KONTAKTIT HUUMEIDEN KÄYTTÄJIIN JA HUUMEIDEN TARJOAMINEN Vuonna 2002 81% suomalaisista raportoi, että ei tiennyt tuttaviensa joukossa ketään, joka olisi kokeillut huumeita viimeksi kuluneen vuoden aikana (Liitetaulukko 1). Erityisesti ikä oli yhteydessä siihen, oliko vastaajalla tällaisia tuttavia. 15-24-vuotiaista 53% tunsi vähintään yhden huumeita käyttäneen henkilön, kun vastaava luku 25-34vuotiaiden keskuudessa oli 24%, 35-44-vuotiaiden keskuudessa 11%, 45-53-vuotiaiden keskuudessa 9% ja 55-64-vuotiaiden keskuudessa 7%. Kun nuorempia ikäryhmiä tarkastellaan lähemmin (Kuvio 1), eniten huumeita kokeilleita tunnettiin ikäryhmässä 20-24-vuotiaat: heistä 59% tunsi vähintään yhden huumeita edellisen vuoden aikana kokeilleen, kun vastaava luku 15-19-vuotiaiden keskuudessa oli 48%, 25-29-vuotiaiden keskuudessa 31% ja 30-34-vuotiaiden keskuudessa 17%.
Kansanterveyslaitos on vuodesta 1985 lähtien kerännyt Sosiaali-ja terveysministeriön tuella kahde... more Kansanterveyslaitos on vuodesta 1985 lähtien kerännyt Sosiaali-ja terveysministeriön tuella kahden vuoden välein (poikkeuksena vuosi 1991, jolloin aineistoa ei kerätty) tietoa eläkeikäisen väestön terveyskäyttäytymisestä. Seurantaan on kerätty tietoja mm. suoma-
Objectives-To compare background and process variables, as well as follow up status, of the parti... more Objectives-To compare background and process variables, as well as follow up status, of the participants in the International Quit and Win '96 contests of China and Finland, and analyse factors contributing to sustained maintenance. Design-A standardised 12 month follow up was conducted in both countries with random samples of participants. The sample sizes were 3119 in China and 1448 in Finland, with response rates of 91.2% and 65.2%, respectively. Interventions-The International Quit and Win '96 contest was the second coordinated, multinational smoking cessation campaign targeted at adult daily smokers. Altogether 25 countries participated, including China with 15 000 and Finland with 6000 smokers registered. Main outcome measures-Conservative (considering all non-respondents relapsed) and non-conservative (based on respondents only) estimates were calculated for one month abstinence, 12 month continuous abstinence, and point abstinence at the time point of follow up. Results-Great diVerences were found in the background and process variables, as well as in the outcome measures. At one year follow up, the conservative continuous abstinence rates show that the Chinese participants maintained their abstinence better (38%) compared to the Finnish ones (12%). In China women reached higher abstinence rate (50%) than men (36%), whereas in Finland men achieved a better result (14%) than women (9%). Conclusions-The Quit and Win contest is a mass smoking cessation method feasible in countries showing great variance in smoking habits and rates. However, in countries with diVerent stages of antismoking development, such as China and Finland, diVerent practical implementation strategies may be needed.
Objective-To evaluate Quit and Win campaigns repeated in North Karelia and rest of Finland. Desig... more Objective-To evaluate Quit and Win campaigns repeated in North Karelia and rest of Finland. Design-Repeated comparisons of participation rates, abstinence rates, and other measures between North Karelia and the rest of Finland. Subjects-Adult daily smokers in Finland participating in the Quit and Win contests in 1986-1997. Interventions-Quit and Win smoking cessation campaigns targeted at adult daily smokers throughout Finland in 1986, 1989, 1994, 1996, and 1997, including more intensive activities in North Karelia. Main outcome measures-Participation rates, self reported six-month abstinence rates, other eVectiveness measures (% of smokers who attended, intended, tried, and succeeded in cessation). Results-North Karelia's participation rates were significantly higher in each campaign compared with the rest of Finland. The abstinence rates in North Karelia were also higher, the diVerence being significant in 1986 and 1994 (p<0.05). In the target population in 1996 over 75% of smokers in North Karelia, compared with 40% of smokers surveyed elsewhere, reported awareness of the campaign (p<0.001). Approximately 9% of the smokers in North Karelia and 6% elsewhere intended to participate (p = NS). Over 2% in North Karelia, compared with less than 1% elsewhere, tried to quit (p<0.001). Among the targeted group, 0.3% of North Karelian smokers were complete abstainers throughout the 12 months of follow up, compared with an average of 0.1% in other areas (p<0.001). Conclusions-The Quit and Win campaign is a feasible cessation method in long-term community-wide programmes. Intensified community activities are associated with higher success. In repeat campaigns, high participation and abstinence rates can be maintained.
Nuorten päihdehäiriöt -tunnistaminen ja hoito s. 8 Ikääntyminen ja alkoholi s. 17 Rokotusten hait... more Nuorten päihdehäiriöt -tunnistaminen ja hoito s. 8 Ikääntyminen ja alkoholi s. 17 Rokotusten haittavaikutukset -uusi ilmoitusmenettely s. 21 brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at provided by Julkari 2 • Kansanterveys 3/2007 päätoimittajalta Kansan Kansi: Ossi Lehtonen Kansanterveyslaitoksen tuoreiden tutkimusten mukaan täysin raittiita on hieman runsas kymmenesosa aikuisväestöstä. Kyselyä edeltävän viikon aikana 59 % miehistä oli juonut olutta, 36 % väkeviä viinoja ja 29 % viiniä; naisilla vastaavat osuudet olivat 29 %, 17 % ja 34 %. Miehistä neljännes ja naisista lähes yksi kymmenestä ilmoitti juovansa vähintään kerran viikossa alkoholia kuusi annosta tai enemmän kerralla. Vuonna 2005 arvioitu alkoholin kokonaiskulutus oli 10,5 litraa alkoholia henkeä kohden, siis noin kaksi keskiolutpullollista tai kolmannes viinipullollisesta vuoden jokaisena päivänä jokaiselle suomalaiselle -vauvat ja vaarit mukaan lukien. Olemme lähes saavuttaneet vanhojen viinimaiden, esimerkiksi Ranskan kokonaisalkoholikulutuksen. Alkoholin arvioidaan aiheuttavan vuosittain noin 3000 kuolemaa, ja lähes kymmenkertaisen määrän sairaalahoitojaksoja. Osa alkoholinkäytön haitoista jää helposti tilastojen ulkopuolelle. Tällaisia ovat esimerkiksi vanhempien alkoholinkäytön heijastukset lasten elämään ja turvallisuuteen, tai monet alkoholin senioriväestölle aiheuttamat ongelmat. Alkoholin käyttö on arkipäiväistynyt viime vuosikymmenten aikana. Olemme oppineet "eurooppalaiseen" kulttuuriin, mutta sen ohella traditionaalinen reipas alkoholin käyttö on edelleen tyypillistä suomalaisille. Alkoholin kulutuksen kasvun hillintä pysyy haasteellisena niin kauan kuin runsasta käyttöä ihannoivat asenteet ovat yleisiä. Tupakan vastaisen työn menestymiselle merkittävää on ollut se, että yleinen suhtautuminen tupakointiin on viime vuosina muuttunut selvästi torjuvammaksi ja tupakan glamour on häviämässä. Viime kuukausina on julkisuudessa pohdittu moneen otteeseen, miten alkoholin haitat saataisiin pysymään kurissa ja kulutus hallittuna. Valistusta ja valvontaa on pyritty tehostamaan, ja alkoholijuomien verotuksen kiristämistä on esitetty usealta taholta. Valinta eri toimintalinjojen välillä ei ole helppo, ja päätöksillä on moninaisia seurauksia. Poliitikkojen soisi kuitenkin ymmärtävän alkoholin terveyshaittojen laajan merkityksen, ja ottaa niiden minimointi erityiseksi tavoitteeksi toimenpideohjelmista päätettäessä.
Ruokatottumukset ovat seurannan aikana kehittyneet terveellisempään suuntaan. Pitkällä aikavälill... more Ruokatottumukset ovat seurannan aikana kehittyneet terveellisempään suuntaan. Pitkällä aikavälillä voin käyttö on vähentynyt merkittävästi. Myös kasvisten sekä hedelmien ja marjojen käyttö on lisääntynyt. Vuonna 2011 voin ja voi-kasvisöljyseoksen käyttö sekä leivällä että ruoan valmistuksessa yleistyi verrattuna edeltäviin vuosiin. Miesten tupakointi on vähentynyt ja naisten pysynyt matalalla tasolla. Alkoholinkäyttö on lisääntynyt etenkin 65-74-vuotiailla, ja raittiiden eläkeikäisten osuus on pienentynyt pitkällä aikavälillä. Liikunnan harrastaminen vähintään neljä kertaa viikossa on vähentynyt.
The National Public Health Institute (KTL) has monitored health behaviour among the Finnish elder... more The National Public Health Institute (KTL) has monitored health behaviour among the Finnish elderly since 1985 using biannual postal surveys. This report presents results from the health behaviour survey in the spring 1999. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health financially supports this study. The research has been conducted at the Health Education Research Unit of the Department of Epidemiology and Health Promotion. The primary purpose of this study was to obtain information about living conditions, state of health, lifestyle and coping with everyday life demands among persons 65 to 84 years in Finland. The variable-spesific tables constitute a significant part of the report. All tables and figures are labelled in English. The study material was collected by a postal survey. Random samples of 300 persons in each of the four five-year age groups of men and women were drawn from the National Population Register. Out of these 2400 persons 2390 were contacted. Of the contacted 72 % of the men and 78 % of the women responded (Table ). This years questionnaire included some questions about men's erection problems which might have lowered their willingness to response. Since the sample was divided into five-year age groups, standardisation for the purpose of tabulating the results was performed by applying the direct method to the population i.e. Finnish people aged 65-84 (Table ). The columns presenting the totals therefore describe the distributions of the whole population. The crucial questions have been kept unchanged during the monitoring period to maintain the comparability between study years. Some changes have though been inevitable. The 1999 study introduced new questions about ability to read newspaper, to hear conversations and to manage everyday mental tasks. Out of the elderly males only 20 % lived alone while the corresponding number for the females was 50 %. Life expectancy is higher among females than males. As a result of that most of the widowed persons were women. The main occupational background among both male and female respondents was in office and service work. The proportion of males in this occupational group had increased 10 % from 1997 study. About a quarter of elderly males and females had worked in agriculture. About 40 % of the men and 42 % of the women regarded their own health status quite good or good. In spite of that there was a high prevalence of chronic diseases. 75 % of men and 80 % of women reported at least one in preceding 12 months. Good subjective health was correlated with younger and high level of education. The single and divorced men and women reported a bit more often than married and widowed that they suffered from none of the diseased mentioned. The prevalence of smoking decreased with age. Single and divorced and those who lived alone reported a highest prevalence of daily smoking. The increasing trend of highly educated women who smoke or have smoked daily levelled-off in 1999. Still smoking was less prevalent among elderly Finns than among the population of the working age. 11 % of men and 18 % of women in the study reported that they follow a special diet prescribed by a doctor. Special diet was more common among women with a lower level of education and with those women who were living alone. The dietary habits of the elderly population are changed into a healthier direction. Nevertheless, these habits have been changing more slowly than among the working-age population. The biggest changes have occurred in the quality of fat used in cooking and on bread and also in the type of milk consumed. Increased use of vegetable oil, low fat spread and skimmed milk and decreased use of butter are the typical dietary change patterns among the Finnish seniors. There has been a slight improvement in the consumption of vegetables but not in the use of fruits and berries from the early 1990s to this day. 38 % of males and 40 % of females had been advised by a health personnel to reduce use of salt, mostly because of a high blood pressure. 76 % of males and 50 % of females reported that they have used at least some alcohol d uring, tic previous months. The most popular drink among men was beer and an long women it was wine. There was a correlation between age, level of education and drinking. Drinking was most common habit among the youngest 5-year age group received. Only 6 % of males and 12 % were using the basic home service. This service was mostly used by oldest respondents, widowed and those who lived alone. Functional capacity clearly reduced with age. and with those who were highly educated. Consumption of at least 8 units (men) and at least 5 units (women) of alcohol per week has been a habit of highly educated throughout the 1990s. 67 % of males and 63 % of females reported that they walk at least 4 times a week outdoors at least half an hour. The number of physically active persons diminished slightly after the age of 75 years. Those living alone were more keen walkers that those living with others. There has not been a great difference between higher and lower educated elderly in the level of frequent walking throughout the 1990s. 44 % of pensioner males and 38 % of females had visited to the dentist during the preceding 12 months. Visits to the dentist correlated with age and level of education. Younger respondents and those with higher level of education had visited dentist most studiously. 34 % of men and 48 % of women indicated total absence of their own teeth. Age and educational group discrepancies were great. Most of the respondents (males 82 %, females 79 %) were able to read newspaper (with or without glasses). Ability to hear conversations was slightly higher among women. Men used hearing aid more often than women. 17 % of males and 20 % of females were able to manage mental tasks well. Age and educational group discrepancies in previous tasks were clearly more advantageous to younger and highly educated. Men more often than women reported slightly better capability to climb stairs, to handle matters outside home and to carry heavy things, particularly in older age. Especially among females the younger respondents and those with the higher level of education reported better ability to cope with demands of everyday life than older ones and lower educated. 95 % of the male and female respondents reported that they were able to eat without help. Most of the respondents were also capable to use toilet, wash themselves and perform light housework. The pensioners were generally satisfied with services they
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, Aug 1, 1994
Study objective -The study aimed to assess the association of different indi- cators of socioecon... more Study objective -The study aimed to assess the association of different indi- cators of socioeconomic status with levels of cardiovascular disease risk factors in men and women aged 25-64 years. Design -This was a cross sectional sur- vey, using a community based random sample. Setting -The provinces of North Karelia and Kuopio in eastern Finland and the cities of Turku and Loimaa and sur- rounding communities in southwestern Finland in 1987. Participants -Altogether 2164 men and 2182 women aged 25-64 years took part. Measurements and main results -Data were collected using self administered questionnaires and the measurement of height, body weight, and blood pressure and blood sampling for lipid determi- nations were done at the survey site. The risk of cardiovascular disease was deter- mined by calculating a simple risk factor score based on the observed values of HDL and total cholesterol, leisure time, physical activity, blood pressure, medi- cation for hypertension, body mass index, and smoking. Indicators of socio- economic position used were years of education, family income, marital status, and the person's occupation. Lower levels of education, occupation, and income were all significantly associated with an unfavorable risk factor profile in men and women. Education and occupation showed the strongest associations with the risk factor score in both men and women. The results changed little when adjusting for income and marital status. Family income was more strongly associ- ated with the risk factor score in women than men. When adjusting for occupation and education, income was no longer significantly associated with the risk factor score in men. Marital status was not significantly associated with the risk factor score in either sex. Conclusions -Using the strength of the association with the cardiovascular risk factor score as the criterion for a good socioeconomic indicator, the present study suggests that education and occu- pation may be equally good indicators in both men and women. Family income may have some additional importance,
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, May 23, 2007
Background: Studies from different time periods have shown that consumption of vegetables is more... more Background: Studies from different time periods have shown that consumption of vegetables is more common in higher socioeconomic groups and among women. However, there are only few studies of changes of socioeconomic differences in vegetable consumption over time. Our aim was to determine whether socioeconomic differences, measured by educational level and household income, in daily vegetable consumption have increased, decreased or been stable over the last two decades among Finnish men and women. Methods: Data on daily consumption of fresh vegetables were derived from repeated annual cross-sectional surveys performed among representative samples of Finnish working aged (15-64 years) population. Data from the years 1979-2002 were linked with data on education and household income from Statistics Finland. Those under 25 years and all students were excluded, giving a total of 69 383 respondents. The main analyses were conducted with logistic regression. Results: Daily consumption of fresh vegetables became overall more prevalent during the study period. Daily consumption of fresh vegetables was more common among those with higher education and higher income during the whole study period. Both educational level and household income differences in daily vegetable consumption slightly narrowed since 1979 among men and women. Conclusions: Women with high socioeconomic position have been initial trend setters, but the prevalence of daily consumers of vegetables in these groups has not increased since the early 1990s. The prevalence of daily consumption of fresh vegetables has increased more in lower educational and income groups during the 1980s and 1990s along with narrowing socioeconomic differences.
Objective-To evaluate the associations between social class as defined by occupation, health be- ... more Objective-To evaluate the associations between social class as defined by occupation, health be- haviour, and mortality from all causes and coronary heart disease among middle aged men and women in eastern Finland. Design-Prospective observational study of two independent, random population samples examined in 1972 and 1977. Setting-North Karelia and Kuopio, Finland. Subjects-8967 men and 9694 women aged 30-64 years at the beginning of the follow up study. The subjects were followed up for mortality up till 1987 by using the National Death Registry. Measurements and main results--Altogether 1429 men and 620 women died during the follow up, 603 men and 164 women of coronary heart disease. Among both sexes, compared with white collar workers unskilled blue collar workers had more adverse risk factors and also higher mortality due to coronary heart disease, other cardiovascular diseases, cancer, violent causes, and all other causes. Among men the age adjusted relative risk for all cause mortality in unskilled blue collar workers v white collar workers was reduced from 1-86 (95!o confidence interval 1 55 to 2.22) to 1-47 (1.23 to 1.77) when adjusted for smoking, serum cholesterol concentration, hypertension, body mass index, and physical activity in leisure time. Among women the corresponding reduction in hazard ratio was from 149 (1 15 to 1.92) to 1*39 (1.07 to 181). The respective hazard ratios for coronary heart disease were 1-54 (1.16 to 2.02) and 1-22 (0.92 to 1.61) among men and 1-74 (1.05 to 2.90) and 1-66 (0.99 to 2.79) among women. Conclusions-Unfavourable cardiovascular risk factors and high mortality are concentrated among lower social classes in Finland. Among men about half of the excess coronary and all cause mortality among unskilled blue collar workers was associated with their unfavourable risk factor profile. The association was smaller in women.
The plant stanol ester margarine Benecol ® is a functional food that has been shown to lower effe... more The plant stanol ester margarine Benecol ® is a functional food that has been shown to lower effectively serum total and LDL-cholesterol. The purpose of this post-marketing study is to characterize users of plant stanol ester margarine with and without cardiovascular disease. Methods: A cohort of plant stanol ester margarine users was established based on a compilation of 15 surveys conducted by the National Public Health Institute in Finland between 1996-2000. There were 29 772 subjects aged 35-84 years in the cohort. The users of plant stanol ester margarine were identified by the type of bread spread used. The plant stanol ester margarine was used as bread spread by 1332 (4.5%) subjects. Almost half (46%) of the users reported a history of cardiovascular disease. Persons with cardiovascular disease were more likely to use plant stanol ester margarine (8%) than persons without cardiovascular disease (3%). Users with and without cardiovascular disease seemed to share similar characteristics. In particular, they were elderly people with otherwise healthy life-styles and diet. They were less likely smokers, more likely physically active and less likely obese than nonusers. The users reported being in good or average health in general and having used cholesterol-lowering drugs. Plant stanol ester margarine seems to be used by persons for whom it was designed and in a way it was meant: as part of efforts for cardiovascular disease risk reduction.
Objective-To analyse the dynamics of smoking prevalence, initiation, and cessation in relation to... more Objective-To analyse the dynamics of smoking prevalence, initiation, and cessation in relation to sex, age, birth cohort, study year, and educational level. Design-Six independent cross-sectional population surveys repeated every five years between 1972 and 1997. Setting-The provinces of North Karelia and Kuopio in eastern Finland. Subjects-Independent random samples of 18 088 men and 19 200 women aged 25-64 years. Those comprising the oldest birth cohort were born in 1913-17 and those in the youngest were born in 1968-72. Results-Among men the prevalence of smoking decreased over time, but the cohort eVect observed in smoking initiation was obscured by the changes in smoking cessation. DiVerences between the educational categories were small. Among women the prevalence of smoking increased during the study period. This was mainly caused by the less highly educated, in whom smoking initiation clearly increased in successive birth cohorts, but a more moderate cohort eVect was also present among the more highly educated women. Conclusions-In men decreased initiation and increased cessation contributed to the downward trend in smoking prevalence, whereas among women, changes in smoking were mostly caused by augmented initiation in successive birth cohorts. During the study period educational inequalities in smoking widened, as the less highly educated came increasingly to form the smoking population.
Gender differences in lifestyle-related mortality and morbidity suggest a need to investigate gen... more Gender differences in lifestyle-related mortality and morbidity suggest a need to investigate gender-specificity of health behaviour change process and factors influencing it. We tested whether changes in self-efficacy beliefs and planning, as well as the level of social support predict change in exercise. Finnish men and women, aged 50-65 years, at an increased risk for type 2 diabetes were recruited from health care centres to participate in the Good Ageing in Lahti Region (GOAL) Lifestyle Implementation Trial. Psychosocial factors were measured with questionnaires and exercise with 7-day physical activity diaries at baseline and at 3 months. At baseline, no gender differences were found in self-efficacy and planning, but men reported receiving more social support than women. At 3 months, women reported having formed more action plans for changing their exercise routines than men. Among women, increase in selfefficacy and planning predicted increase in exercise. Among men, changes in planning played a less significant role. The more salient role of planning for women than for men, and the fact that women receive less social support, may reflect life circumstances allowing less spontaneous lifestyle decisions and a lower acceptance of lifestyle changes by their social environment.
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, Apr 1, 1995
Study objective -To compare differences in coronary heart disease (CHD) risk fac- tor levels betw... more Study objective -To compare differences in coronary heart disease (CHD) risk fac- tor levels between educational groups in the 1970s and 1980s in eastern Finland. Design and participants -Independent, cross sectional population surveys were undertaken in 1972, 1977, 1982, and 1987 ofrandomly selected men and women aged 30-59 living in two provinces in eastern Finland. Altogether 20096 subjects par- ticipated. The lowest observed level ofpar- ticipation in either sex or province in any year was 77%. Serum cholesterol values and blood pressure measurements, body mass index, smoking, and the level of edu- cation were determined in each survey using comparable methodology. Main results -More poorly educated men and women had higher levels of all risk factors at the end of the study period (1987). There was no change between 1972 and 1987 in differences between edu- cational groups in mean serum cholesterol values and the diastolic blood pressure level in either sex, and in smoking in men. In women, the proportion of smokers was highest in the better educated in the 1970s but lowest in this group in the 1980s (interaction between year ofexamination and educational level p<0-01). Differences be- tween educational groups in mean body mass index increased with time in both men (p<0-001) and women (p = 0.06).
Helsinki 2010 Raportti 16/2010 Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos Varusmiesten ravitsemus ja muut e... more Helsinki 2010 Raportti 16/2010 Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos Varusmiesten ravitsemus ja muut elintavat sekä terveyden riskitekijät palveluksen aikana Varusmiesten ravitsemus -hankkeessa mukana olevat yliopisto-ja tutkimuslaitokset Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos Nuorisotutkimusverkosto Helsingin yliopisto, Elintarviketeknologian laitos ja Yhteiskuntahistorian laitos
Kansanterveyslaitoksen Epidemiologian ja terveyden edistämisen osastolla (ETEO) tehdään krooniste... more Kansanterveyslaitoksen Epidemiologian ja terveyden edistämisen osastolla (ETEO) tehdään kroonisten kansantautien, niihin liittyvien elintapojen sekä tautien ehkäisyn ja väestön terveyden edistämisen tutkimus-ja asiantuntijatyötä. Tässä julkaisussa esitellään Kansanterveyslaitoksen tekemän suomalaisen aikuisväestön terveyskäyttäytymisen (AVTK) seurannan tuloksia keväältä 2000. Seuranta on toteutettu Sosiaali-ja terveysministeriön tuella. Vastaava raportti on julkaistu vuosittain alkaen vuodesta 1978. Raportissa olevat tiedot muodostavat yhtäläisesti kerätyn koko maan aikuisväestöä kuvaavan aikasarjan, jonka luvut ovat keskenään vertailukelpoisia. Raportti on laadittu terveyden edistämisen tutkimusyksikössä (TETY), jonka tehtävä on mm. seurata aikuisväestön terveyskäyttäytymistä ja sen muutoksia sekä arvioida valtakunnallisia terveyskasvatus-ja terveydenedistämisohjelmia.
Background: The aim of this study was to identify population groups which are the most crucial as... more Background: The aim of this study was to identify population groups which are the most crucial as targets for anti-tobacco action. Methods: A comparison was made of the prevalence and patterns of smoking and passive smoking in Estonia, Finland and Lithuania. Results: Total exposure to smoking, both one's own and passive smoking, was more common in two Baltic countries than in Finland. In these Baltic countries passive smoking was notably common among women. In all countries the exposure was more prevalent among the younger and less educated, but no difference emerged between urban and rural areas. Conclusions: The following target groups were identified as priorities for anti-tobacco actions: i) men of all ages in Estonia and Lithuania to stop their already established tobacco use, ii) young women in all three countries to prevent their starting a career of tobacco use and ill) young and less educated women in Estonia and Lithuania to prevent passive smoking, i.e. their exposure to environmental tobacco smoke.
Nuorten päihdehäiriöt -tunnistaminen ja hoito s. 8 Ikääntyminen ja alkoholi s. 17 Rokotusten hait... more Nuorten päihdehäiriöt -tunnistaminen ja hoito s. 8 Ikääntyminen ja alkoholi s. 17 Rokotusten haittavaikutukset -uusi ilmoitusmenettely s. 21 2 • Kansanterveys 3/2007 päätoimittajalta Kansan Kansi: Ossi Lehtonen Kansanterveyslaitoksen tuoreiden tutkimusten mukaan täysin raittiita on hieman runsas kymmenesosa aikuisväestöstä. Kyselyä edeltävän viikon aikana 59 % miehistä oli juonut olutta, 36 % väkeviä viinoja ja 29 % viiniä; naisilla vastaavat osuudet olivat 29 %, 17 % ja 34 %. Miehistä neljännes ja naisista lähes yksi kymmenestä ilmoitti juovansa vähintään kerran viikossa alkoholia kuusi annosta tai enemmän kerralla. Vuonna 2005 arvioitu alkoholin kokonaiskulutus oli 10,5 litraa alkoholia henkeä kohden, siis noin kaksi keskiolutpullollista tai kolmannes viinipullollisesta vuoden jokaisena päivänä jokaiselle suomalaiselle -vauvat ja vaarit mukaan lukien. Olemme lähes saavuttaneet vanhojen viinimaiden, esimerkiksi Ranskan kokonaisalkoholikulutuksen. Alkoholin arvioidaan aiheuttavan vuosittain noin 3000 kuolemaa, ja lähes kymmenkertaisen määrän sairaalahoitojaksoja. Osa alkoholinkäytön haitoista jää helposti tilastojen ulkopuolelle. Tällaisia ovat esimerkiksi vanhempien alkoholinkäytön heijastukset lasten elämään ja turvallisuuteen, tai monet alkoholin senioriväestölle aiheuttamat ongelmat. Alkoholin käyttö on arkipäiväistynyt viime vuosikymmenten aikana. Olemme oppineet "eurooppalaiseen" kulttuuriin, mutta sen ohella traditionaalinen reipas alkoholin käyttö on edelleen tyypillistä suomalaisille. Alkoholin kulutuksen kasvun hillintä pysyy haasteellisena niin kauan kuin runsasta käyttöä ihannoivat asenteet ovat yleisiä. Tupakan vastaisen työn menestymiselle merkittävää on ollut se, että yleinen suhtautuminen tupakointiin on viime vuosina muuttunut selvästi torjuvammaksi ja tupakan glamour on häviämässä. Viime kuukausina on julkisuudessa pohdittu moneen otteeseen, miten alkoholin haitat saataisiin pysymään kurissa ja kulutus hallittuna. Valistusta ja valvontaa on pyritty tehostamaan, ja alkoholijuomien verotuksen kiristämistä on esitetty usealta taholta. Valinta eri toimintalinjojen välillä ei ole helppo, ja päätöksillä on moninaisia seurauksia. Poliitikkojen soisi kuitenkin ymmärtävän alkoholin terveyshaittojen laajan merkityksen, ja ottaa niiden minimointi erityiseksi tavoitteeksi toimenpideohjelmista päätettäessä.
Kaiken kaikkiaan kampanjan suunnittelussa on pyritty näkemään eri huumausaineet erillisinä, erila... more Kaiken kaikkiaan kampanjan suunnittelussa on pyritty näkemään eri huumausaineet erillisinä, erilaisia riskejä sisältävinä aineina. Kampanjaan kytkeytyy myös useita ehkäisevän huumetyön paikallishankkeita. Vaikka kampanjalla ei ole selkeää iskulausetta (vrt. Irti huumeista ry., Elämä on parasta huumetta ry.), kampanjamateriaalia yhdistää ilmoituksen alareunassa oleva merkki, jossa lukee joko tai Jatkossa kampanjaa kutsutaan nimellä kokototuus/puolitotuus-kampanja. Kampanjamateriaalina ovat olleet amfetamiinin riskeistä kertova ilmoitus ("Amfetamiini voi viedä sydämen"), ekstaasin riskeistä kertovat ilmoitukset ("Ekstaasi ja masennuslääke voi olla tappava yhdistelmä", "Eeeeemeli!" ja "Ekstaasi ja osumatarkkuus"), gammahydroksivoihapon riskeistä kertova ilmoitus ("Gamma + alkoholi"), tiedon hankkimiseen kehottava ilmoitus ("Tietoa huumeista 0mk/g"), huumekeskusteluun kehottavat ilmoitukset ("Mykkänen", "Narkkarit kärsiköön. Itsepähän ovat ongelmansa aiheuttaneet", "Huumekeskustelua myös turuksi", "Suomi tänään") sekä huumekaupan ja -salakuljetuksen vaarallisuudesta kertova ilmoituspari ("Palvelukseen halutaan muuli" sekä huumekuriirin kuolinilmoitus). Huhtikuussa 2002 otettiin vielä käyttöön kaksi kannabikseen liittyvää ilmoitusta "Leikitkö mielelläsi?" ja "Hatsia pissassa" (ks. ). Sek&Greyssä. Kesäkuuhun 2002 mennessä viestintäkampanjan ilmoituksia on ollut sanoma-ja aikakauslehdissä (mm. City-lehti, 7 päivää, Image, Suomen Kuvalehti, Helsingin Sanomat, Hufvudstadsbladet, Aamulehti, Kaleva, Turun Sanomat, Keskisuomalainen, Savon Sanomat, Etelä-Saimaa, Lapin Kansa, Pohjalainen), katukuvassa (syksyllä 2001 bussien kyljet ja tankotaulut Helsingissä, Turussa, Vaasassa, Kotkassa ja Porissa sekä huhtikuussa 2002 Abribus-taulut Helsingissä), ravintoloissa, radiossa (Radio Nova, Suomipop, NRJ, Kiss FM) ja televisiossa (Yle1 ja Yle2). Toukokuun lopulla 2002 lähetettiin julistesarja kaikkiin Suomen kuntiin ja kesäkuussa kampanja oli esillä lukuisilla festivaaleilla eri puolella Suomea (mm. Kaivopuiston kesäkuun konsertti, 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 Yht./Total % (N) Miehet/Males 52 55 55 60 71 58 (1481) Naiset/Females 74 69 70 74 76 72 (1778) Yht./Total 62 62 62 66 74 65 (3259) 4 KONTAKTIT HUUMEIDEN KÄYTTÄJIIN JA HUUMEIDEN TARJOAMINEN Vuonna 2002 81% suomalaisista raportoi, että ei tiennyt tuttaviensa joukossa ketään, joka olisi kokeillut huumeita viimeksi kuluneen vuoden aikana (Liitetaulukko 1). Erityisesti ikä oli yhteydessä siihen, oliko vastaajalla tällaisia tuttavia. 15-24-vuotiaista 53% tunsi vähintään yhden huumeita käyttäneen henkilön, kun vastaava luku 25-34vuotiaiden keskuudessa oli 24%, 35-44-vuotiaiden keskuudessa 11%, 45-53-vuotiaiden keskuudessa 9% ja 55-64-vuotiaiden keskuudessa 7%. Kun nuorempia ikäryhmiä tarkastellaan lähemmin (Kuvio 1), eniten huumeita kokeilleita tunnettiin ikäryhmässä 20-24-vuotiaat: heistä 59% tunsi vähintään yhden huumeita edellisen vuoden aikana kokeilleen, kun vastaava luku 15-19-vuotiaiden keskuudessa oli 48%, 25-29-vuotiaiden keskuudessa 31% ja 30-34-vuotiaiden keskuudessa 17%.
Kansanterveyslaitos on vuodesta 1985 lähtien kerännyt Sosiaali-ja terveysministeriön tuella kahde... more Kansanterveyslaitos on vuodesta 1985 lähtien kerännyt Sosiaali-ja terveysministeriön tuella kahden vuoden välein (poikkeuksena vuosi 1991, jolloin aineistoa ei kerätty) tietoa eläkeikäisen väestön terveyskäyttäytymisestä. Seurantaan on kerätty tietoja mm. suoma-
Objectives-To compare background and process variables, as well as follow up status, of the parti... more Objectives-To compare background and process variables, as well as follow up status, of the participants in the International Quit and Win '96 contests of China and Finland, and analyse factors contributing to sustained maintenance. Design-A standardised 12 month follow up was conducted in both countries with random samples of participants. The sample sizes were 3119 in China and 1448 in Finland, with response rates of 91.2% and 65.2%, respectively. Interventions-The International Quit and Win '96 contest was the second coordinated, multinational smoking cessation campaign targeted at adult daily smokers. Altogether 25 countries participated, including China with 15 000 and Finland with 6000 smokers registered. Main outcome measures-Conservative (considering all non-respondents relapsed) and non-conservative (based on respondents only) estimates were calculated for one month abstinence, 12 month continuous abstinence, and point abstinence at the time point of follow up. Results-Great diVerences were found in the background and process variables, as well as in the outcome measures. At one year follow up, the conservative continuous abstinence rates show that the Chinese participants maintained their abstinence better (38%) compared to the Finnish ones (12%). In China women reached higher abstinence rate (50%) than men (36%), whereas in Finland men achieved a better result (14%) than women (9%). Conclusions-The Quit and Win contest is a mass smoking cessation method feasible in countries showing great variance in smoking habits and rates. However, in countries with diVerent stages of antismoking development, such as China and Finland, diVerent practical implementation strategies may be needed.
Objective-To evaluate Quit and Win campaigns repeated in North Karelia and rest of Finland. Desig... more Objective-To evaluate Quit and Win campaigns repeated in North Karelia and rest of Finland. Design-Repeated comparisons of participation rates, abstinence rates, and other measures between North Karelia and the rest of Finland. Subjects-Adult daily smokers in Finland participating in the Quit and Win contests in 1986-1997. Interventions-Quit and Win smoking cessation campaigns targeted at adult daily smokers throughout Finland in 1986, 1989, 1994, 1996, and 1997, including more intensive activities in North Karelia. Main outcome measures-Participation rates, self reported six-month abstinence rates, other eVectiveness measures (% of smokers who attended, intended, tried, and succeeded in cessation). Results-North Karelia's participation rates were significantly higher in each campaign compared with the rest of Finland. The abstinence rates in North Karelia were also higher, the diVerence being significant in 1986 and 1994 (p<0.05). In the target population in 1996 over 75% of smokers in North Karelia, compared with 40% of smokers surveyed elsewhere, reported awareness of the campaign (p<0.001). Approximately 9% of the smokers in North Karelia and 6% elsewhere intended to participate (p = NS). Over 2% in North Karelia, compared with less than 1% elsewhere, tried to quit (p<0.001). Among the targeted group, 0.3% of North Karelian smokers were complete abstainers throughout the 12 months of follow up, compared with an average of 0.1% in other areas (p<0.001). Conclusions-The Quit and Win campaign is a feasible cessation method in long-term community-wide programmes. Intensified community activities are associated with higher success. In repeat campaigns, high participation and abstinence rates can be maintained.
Nuorten päihdehäiriöt -tunnistaminen ja hoito s. 8 Ikääntyminen ja alkoholi s. 17 Rokotusten hait... more Nuorten päihdehäiriöt -tunnistaminen ja hoito s. 8 Ikääntyminen ja alkoholi s. 17 Rokotusten haittavaikutukset -uusi ilmoitusmenettely s. 21 brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at provided by Julkari 2 • Kansanterveys 3/2007 päätoimittajalta Kansan Kansi: Ossi Lehtonen Kansanterveyslaitoksen tuoreiden tutkimusten mukaan täysin raittiita on hieman runsas kymmenesosa aikuisväestöstä. Kyselyä edeltävän viikon aikana 59 % miehistä oli juonut olutta, 36 % väkeviä viinoja ja 29 % viiniä; naisilla vastaavat osuudet olivat 29 %, 17 % ja 34 %. Miehistä neljännes ja naisista lähes yksi kymmenestä ilmoitti juovansa vähintään kerran viikossa alkoholia kuusi annosta tai enemmän kerralla. Vuonna 2005 arvioitu alkoholin kokonaiskulutus oli 10,5 litraa alkoholia henkeä kohden, siis noin kaksi keskiolutpullollista tai kolmannes viinipullollisesta vuoden jokaisena päivänä jokaiselle suomalaiselle -vauvat ja vaarit mukaan lukien. Olemme lähes saavuttaneet vanhojen viinimaiden, esimerkiksi Ranskan kokonaisalkoholikulutuksen. Alkoholin arvioidaan aiheuttavan vuosittain noin 3000 kuolemaa, ja lähes kymmenkertaisen määrän sairaalahoitojaksoja. Osa alkoholinkäytön haitoista jää helposti tilastojen ulkopuolelle. Tällaisia ovat esimerkiksi vanhempien alkoholinkäytön heijastukset lasten elämään ja turvallisuuteen, tai monet alkoholin senioriväestölle aiheuttamat ongelmat. Alkoholin käyttö on arkipäiväistynyt viime vuosikymmenten aikana. Olemme oppineet "eurooppalaiseen" kulttuuriin, mutta sen ohella traditionaalinen reipas alkoholin käyttö on edelleen tyypillistä suomalaisille. Alkoholin kulutuksen kasvun hillintä pysyy haasteellisena niin kauan kuin runsasta käyttöä ihannoivat asenteet ovat yleisiä. Tupakan vastaisen työn menestymiselle merkittävää on ollut se, että yleinen suhtautuminen tupakointiin on viime vuosina muuttunut selvästi torjuvammaksi ja tupakan glamour on häviämässä. Viime kuukausina on julkisuudessa pohdittu moneen otteeseen, miten alkoholin haitat saataisiin pysymään kurissa ja kulutus hallittuna. Valistusta ja valvontaa on pyritty tehostamaan, ja alkoholijuomien verotuksen kiristämistä on esitetty usealta taholta. Valinta eri toimintalinjojen välillä ei ole helppo, ja päätöksillä on moninaisia seurauksia. Poliitikkojen soisi kuitenkin ymmärtävän alkoholin terveyshaittojen laajan merkityksen, ja ottaa niiden minimointi erityiseksi tavoitteeksi toimenpideohjelmista päätettäessä.
Ruokatottumukset ovat seurannan aikana kehittyneet terveellisempään suuntaan. Pitkällä aikavälill... more Ruokatottumukset ovat seurannan aikana kehittyneet terveellisempään suuntaan. Pitkällä aikavälillä voin käyttö on vähentynyt merkittävästi. Myös kasvisten sekä hedelmien ja marjojen käyttö on lisääntynyt. Vuonna 2011 voin ja voi-kasvisöljyseoksen käyttö sekä leivällä että ruoan valmistuksessa yleistyi verrattuna edeltäviin vuosiin. Miesten tupakointi on vähentynyt ja naisten pysynyt matalalla tasolla. Alkoholinkäyttö on lisääntynyt etenkin 65-74-vuotiailla, ja raittiiden eläkeikäisten osuus on pienentynyt pitkällä aikavälillä. Liikunnan harrastaminen vähintään neljä kertaa viikossa on vähentynyt.
Papers by Antti Uutela