Idaho Birding Trail
Wildlife viewing enthusiasts will find it easier to locate birds in Idaho thanks to the long anticipated update to the Idaho Birding Trail. Originally launched in 2005, this auto-driven way to wander deep into Idaho’s rural communities and along backcountry roads, was created as a tourism initiative to promote outdoor recreational opportunities, provide education and an increased awareness of the state’s important wildlife resources, and create a diversified economic income for rural communities. A state house resolution in 2006 recognized the trail as the official state birding trail.
Explore the Trail
Statewide Birding Trail Interactive Map Fact Sheet

What's New
- New artwork featuring Idaho’s state bird, the Mountain Bluebird, and three Species of Greatest Conservation Need — Lewis’s Woodpecker, Cassia Crossbill, and White-faced Ibis
- Over 250 sites to visit; up from 175 sites.
- Four regional foldout guides, available to the public free of charge, at all Idaho Fish and Game regional offices.
- Revised site directions include GPS coordinates and eBird information.
- Easier to read regional and city maps.
- Information about the Cassia Crossbill — Idaho’s only endemic bird species!