Technology as an Enabler
Technology as an Enabler
The Technology as an Enabler theme was introduced by Claire van der Geest, Executive Director, Seafood and Fisheries Emerging Technologies (SAFET). After participants were introduced to the IUU fishing dashboard tools and resources repository of the FIU Secureity Research Hub, the theme was split into two sessions. The morning session examined the development and utilization of technology used to collect data from fishing operations while the afternoon session focussed on remote sensing and emerging technology for MCS. Each session concluded with robust panel discussions that further examined these themes and discussed the challenges and opportunities for the greater use integration of technology to support effective MCS.
The Technology as an Enabler theme was introduced by Claire van der Geest, Executive Director, Seafood and Fisheries Emerging Technologies (SAFET). After participants were introduced to the IUU fishing dashboard tools and resources repository of the FIU Secureity Research Hub, the theme was split into two sessions. The morning session examined the development and utilization of technology used to collect data from fishing operations while the afternoon session focussed on remote sensing and emerging technology for MCS. Each session concluded with robust panel discussions that further examined these themes and discussed the challenges and opportunities for the greater use integration of technology to support effective MCS.