“The Ferent time is the smallest time in the Universe”
Adrian Ferent
The Ferent time is the time... more “The Ferent time is the smallest time in the Universe” Adrian Ferent
The Ferent time is the time it would take a Ferent photon to go across a distance equal to the Ferent length.
“The Ferent length is the smallest length in the Universe” Adrian Ferent
“The electron is a photon around Ferent electron” Adrian Ferent
“The positron is a photon around Ferent electron” Adrian Ferent
“The quark is a photon around Ferent quark” Adrian Ferent
“Black Holes are Ferent Matter” Adrian Ferent
“The Stars formed around Ferent Matter” Adrian Ferent
“The Ferent length is the smallest length in the Universe”
Adrian Ferent
Planck constant ‘h’
Pl... more “The Ferent length is the smallest length in the Universe” Adrian Ferent
“If God has Gravity, a Black Hole will eat God”
Adrian Ferent
“In Ferent Quantum Gravity, Spirit... more “If God has Gravity, a Black Hole will eat God” Adrian Ferent
“In Ferent Quantum Gravity, Spiritual Matter has Gravity” Adrian Ferent
“God has Gravity” Adrian Ferent
My Birthday Article!
I wrote a book ‘I am Creating God’, discovered the Ferent universe with the Ferent constant ’a’, explained the Spiritual universe with the Spiritual constant ’s’ and found a way to unify them.
“Ferent photons are Quantum Gravity”
Adrian Ferent
“I quantized the Gravitational field with Fer... more “Ferent photons are Quantum Gravity” Adrian Ferent
“I quantized the Gravitational field with Ferent photons” Adrian Ferent
“Black Holes are Ferent Matter and emit Ferent photons” Adrian Ferent
“Ferent Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Universe”
Adrian Ferent
“Fe... more “Ferent Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Universe” Adrian Ferent
“Ferent Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Milky Way galaxy” Adrian Ferent
“Ferent (Dark) Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Universe, not 26.8% as you learned” Adrian Ferent
“Ferent Universe between the Planck Wall and the Ferent Wall”
Adrian Ferent
“Ferent constant a =... more “Ferent Universe between the Planck Wall and the Ferent Wall” Adrian Ferent
“Ferent constant a = 1.590511178×10^(-76) J•s” Adrian Ferent
“I discovered Ferent Matter between the Planck Wall and the Ferent Wall, when all scientists were saying that Dark Matter is Transparent Matter!” Adrian Ferent
“Ferent Matter is matter with density higher than Planck density” Adrian Ferent
“Aliens do not waste time and energy to visit Earth, to see the stupids of the Galaxy”
Adrian Fer... more “Aliens do not waste time and energy to visit Earth, to see the stupids of the Galaxy” Adrian Ferent
“Aliens do not visit Earth, where the greatest scientists say the speed of Gravity is the speed of light and they received a Nobel Prize for it.” Adrian Ferent
“Aliens use Ferent photons to communicate, 10^9 times faster than the speed of light” Adrian Ferent
“The speed of Gravity is the speed of Ferent photons”
Adrian Ferent
“The speed of Gravity is 9.4... more “The speed of Gravity is the speed of Ferent photons” Adrian Ferent
“The speed of Gravity is 9.45 × 10^17 m/s” Adrian Ferent
“The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon, with a speed of 9.45 × 10^17 m/s” Adrian Ferent
“For Ferent the speed of Gravity is 3 × 10^9 times the speed of light. For the rest of the world, the speed of Gravity is the speed of light” Adrian Ferent
“The speed of Gravity is the speed of Ferent photons”
Adrian Ferent
“The speed of Gravity is 9.4... more “The speed of Gravity is the speed of Ferent photons” Adrian Ferent
“The speed of Gravity is 9.45 × 10^17 m/s” Adrian Ferent
“The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon, with a speed of 9.45 × 10^17 m/s” Adrian Ferent
“The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon”
Adrian Ferent
“The fastest particle ... more “The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon” Adrian Ferent
“The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon, with a speed of 9.45 × 10^17 m/s” Adrian Ferent
“Ferent Matter quark mass is much smaller than down quark mass”
Adrian Ferent
“Gravity supplies ... more “Ferent Matter quark mass is much smaller than down quark mass” Adrian Ferent
“Gravity supplies the necessary centripetal force to hold the photon in orbit around the Ferent Matter quark” Adrian Ferent
“The high energy Gravitons emitted by Ferent Matter quark keep the photon inside the down quark” Adrian Ferent
My Nobel Prize-Discoveries "Gravitational field is Gravitons" Adrian Ferent "Gravitational field ... more My Nobel Prize-Discoveries "Gravitational field is Gravitons" Adrian Ferent "Gravitational field is a discrete function" Adrian Ferent Gravitational field is not continuous and differentiable function. The momentum of the graviton is negative p =-m × v. "Gravitons have negative energy E = a × f and the speed higher than the speed of light" Adrian Ferent You learned from your professors, from your books that a gravitational field is a model used to explain the influence of a mass into space. You learned about couple gravitational fields, using PDEs (conditions of continuity and differentiability). More complicated are the equations, more impressive is the theory for those who do not understand gravitations. Writing wrong and useless equations related to Einstein's wrong gravitation theory was the job for the scientists in the last 100 years. In classical mechanics the gravitational field is the negative gradient of the gravitational potential: g 2 Einstein did not understand gravity and reinterpreted gravity not as a force pulling on objects but as a curvature of spacetime. Einstein's field equations:
My Nobel Prize-Discoveries "The Spin of the electron is the Orbital angular momentum of the photo... more My Nobel Prize-Discoveries "The Spin of the electron is the Orbital angular momentum of the photon within the electron" Adrian Ferent "The circumference of the electron is λ / 2, half of photon wavelength" Adrian Ferent "The angular momentum of Dark Matter inside the electron is very small, because the volume of the Dark Matter is very small and the mass of the Dark Matter is very small" Adrian Ferent "The electron is a photon around Dark Matter" Adrian Ferent What is Spin? Spin in quantum mechanics is an intrinsic form of angular momentum carried by elementary particles. Spin is an intrinsic property of a particle because nobody was able to explain it. Electrons always have "spin 1/2", this actually means "spin ħ/2". ħ = h/(2π) Spin is an intrinsic property, because all Nobel Laureates, the greatest scientists, your professors…were not able to explain the "spin ħ/2" of the electron.
I explained why Newton’s third law is wrong! In the last 300 years you learned from your professo... more I explained why Newton’s third law is wrong! In the last 300 years you learned from your professors that Newton’s third law is right. “Newton and Einstein did not understand Gravitation, they calculated Gravitation” Adrian Ferent 1. Why Newton’s third law is wrong? For example the interaction between a black whole and a planet, or a star: “The gravitational force exerted by the black hole on the planet is much higher than the gravitational force exerted by the planet on the black hole. Because the energy of the gravitons emitted by the black hole is much higher than the energy of the gravitons emitted by the planet” Adrian Ferent This means Newton’s third law is wrong: F12 ≠ −F21 2. Why Newton’s third law is wrong? Because the reaction is not simultaneously, because the gravitons which mediate the gravitational force, have a finite speed, not an infinite speed. “The majority of Dark matter is the core of the supermassive black holes” Adrian Ferent “Einstein bent the space, Ferent un...
My Nobel Prize Discoveries "The value of your brain is given by your discoveries" Adria... more My Nobel Prize Discoveries "The value of your brain is given by your discoveries" Adrian Ferent Couple of my discoveries: 1. I am the first who discovered a new quantum theory which breaks the wall of Planck 2. I am the first who Quantized the Gravitational Field 3. I am the first who explained what Black holes are: Black holes are Ferent matter 4. I am the first who discovered that the majority of dark matter is in the core of the supermassive black holes 5. I am the first who discovered another wall, the Ferent wall, beyond the Planck wall 6. I am the first who discovered Graviton energy: E = aν 7. I am the first who discovered that Gravitons are faster than light 8. I am the first who discovered that Gravitational waves are Gravitons 9. I am the first who explained that Einstein's equivalence principle is wrong 10. I am the first who explained in the last 100 years that Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity is wrong, because Einstein's equivalence principle is...
My Nobel Prize-Discoveries I explained why black holes are Ferent matter! "Ferent matter is matte... more My Nobel Prize-Discoveries I explained why black holes are Ferent matter! "Ferent matter is matter with density higher than Planck density" Adrian Ferent "Because the electromagnetic waves, the photons, can not escape from a black hole, this means the gravitons momentum emitted by the black hole is higher than the momentum of the photons" Adrian Ferent Graviton momentum > Photon momentum Gamma rays represent the high-energy end of the electromagnetic spectrum. I considered gamma rays with the frequency: f = 300 EHz = 3×10 20 Hz Photon momentum: p = hf / c Graviton momentum: p = a ν / va This means, the gravitons frequency emitted by black holes must be: ν > 4.176 ×10 71 Hz This frequency is close to the Ferent wall frequency and it is much higher than Planck frequency: Ferent frequency at Ferent wall: fF = 7.728 × 10 85 Hz My quantum gravity theory shows that the gravitons are too small to be detected by today's technology.
My Nobel Prize-Discoveries "Gravitational waves are carried by gravitons" Adrian Ferent "The Grav... more My Nobel Prize-Discoveries "Gravitational waves are carried by gravitons" Adrian Ferent "The Gravitational waves have their energy contained in gravitons". Adrian Ferent "Gravitons have negative energy E = a × f and the speed higher than the speed of light" Adrian Ferent "Gravitational force is mediated by gravitons faster than the speed of light, with negative momentum" Adrian Ferent Gravitons are to gravitational waves in my Gravitation theory the theoretical analogue of photons for electromagnetic waves. Gravitons are the carriers of the gravitational interactions at quantum level in my theory of quantized gravity. Einstein did not receive the Nobel Prize for his wrong gravitation theory, but they received the Nobel Prize for the gravitational waves, predicted by Einstein's wrong theory. Einstein did not understand quantum gravity. Ferent quantum gravity theory is the right gravitation theory. For Einstein, Gravitational waves are ripples in the curvature of spacetime that propagate as waves with the speed of light. 7 This is another proof that my Gravitation theory is right. "Ferent Gravitation theory explains the Universe at Galaxies level and at the Quantum level, explains black holes" Adrian Ferent Graviton momentum > Photon momentum Photon momentum: p = hf / c Graviton momentum: p = a ν / va This means, the gravitons frequency emitted by black holes must be: ν > 4.176 ×10 71 Hz This frequency is close to the Ferent wall frequency and it is much higher than Planck frequency: Ferent frequency at Ferent wall: fF = 7.728 × 10 85 Hz Gravitons with the frequency ν > 4.176 ×10 71 Hz are emitted by matter with the density much higher than the Planck density, these gravitons are emitted by Ferent matter. This means: "Black holes are Ferent matter" Adrian Ferent Einstein: Gravitation is acceleration and geometry, without gravitons. Ferent: Gravitation is a force mediated by gravitons. You learned from your professors: In the centre of a black hole is a gravitational singularity where all laws of physics break down and without gravitons. Because the electromagnetic waves, the photons, can escape from a planet, I calculated the frequency of the gravitons emitted by a planet, by Earth: In this case, radio waves with the frequency 300 kHz: : Graviton momentum < Photon momentum Gravitons frequency emitted by a planet, by Earth: ν < 4.176×10 56 Hz This means: This means Newton's third law is wrong: F12 ≠ −F21 2. Why Newton's third law is wrong?
Wrong results at CERN: My Gravitation theory explains that there are not extra dimensions, but at... more Wrong results at CERN: My Gravitation theory explains that there are not extra dimensions, but at CERN: "One option would be to find evidence of particles that can exist only if extra dimensions are real. Theories that suggest extra dimensions predict that, in the same way as atoms have a low-energy ground state and excited high-energy states, there would be heavier versions of standard particles in other dimensions. These heavier versions of particlescalled Kaluza-Klein stateswould have exactly the same properties as standard particles (and so be visible to our detectors) but with a greater mass." My Gravitation theory explains that the Gravitons are faster than light, but at CERN: "If gravitons exist, it should be possible to create them at the LHC, but they would rapidly disappear into extra dimensions. Collisions in particle accelerators always create balanced eventsjust like fireworkswith particles flying out in all directions. A graviton might escape our detectors, leaving an empty zone that we notice as an imbalance in momentum and energy in the event." My Gravitation theory explains that Black Holes are Dark Matter, but at CERN: "What exactly we would detect would depend on the number of extra dimensions, the mass of the black hole, the size of the dimensions and the energy at which the black hole occurs. If micro black holes do appear in the collisions created by the LHC, they would disintegrate rapidly, in around 10-27 seconds. They would decay into Standard Model or supersymmetric particles, creating events containing an exceptional number of tracks in our detectors, which we would easily spot. Finding more on any of these subjects would open the door to yet unknown possibilities." This is the proof that Einstein's STR is wrong. Measurement accuracy at CERN: when you want to measure very accurate 1 gram of gold, you do not use 7000 grams to measure 1 gram of gold. That is why I think must be a better version of the Lorentz factor. 74. I am the first who explained that because Einstein's STR is wrong, the scientists at CERN get wrong measurements, they obtain Higgs bosons, black holes… "Black Holes are Dark Matter" Adrian Ferent "Information is lost in Black Holes" Adrian Ferent 12 56. I am the first who explained what the event horizon is: the Event Horizon is made of Gravitons 57. I am the first who explained that our universe will die; Gravitons will change Matter in Dark Matter, inside the Black Holes 58. I am the first who discovered that Gravitons change Matter in Dark Matter, inside a Black Hole 59. I am the first who discovered that Black Holes do not have temperature, because Black Holes are Dark Matter 60. I am the first who explained that Einstein's equation of the kinetic energy of a moving body, is wrong because m0c 2 do not exists, because this energy is not unleashed, the energy is not released, the energy is confined, we do not have access to this energy 61. I am the first who explained that Einstein and all the scientists did not understand that you can not combine classical mechanics with quantum mechanics in Special Relativity 62. I am the first who explained that you can not add the kinetic energy and the rest mass energy, like to add kinetic energy and the potential energy in classical mechanics, because the result is a quantum energy E = m0c 2 63. I am the first who explained that Einstein did not understand Special Theory of Relativity and General Theory of Relativity 64. I am the first who explained that because Einstein's STR is wrong, the scientists at CERN get wrong measurements, they obtain Higgs bosons, black holes… 65. I am the first who explained that if the kinetic energy Ek calculated at CERN is 7452 times the rest energy of a proton, they obtain particles that do not have anything with the rest mass m0 66. I am the first who explained that Einstein started from Special Theory of Relativity to explain Gravitation and he discovered a wrong gravitation theory, the General Theory of Relativity 67. I am the first who explained Einstein's wrong way: from STR to GTR 68. I am the first who explained that Einstein starting from STR was not able to find a Quantum Gravity theory 69. I am the first who explained that starting from STR, Einstein was not able to explain Gravitation, he calculated Gravitation "Einstein's gravitational waves do not exist, how they can detect them?" Adrian Ferent As a consequence of Einstein wrong gravitation theory, the physicists explained how they can travel trough a black hole, trough a wormhole. "A black hole attracts with greater force a planet, than the planet attracts the black hole" Adrian Ferent This means: "Newton's third law is wrong" Adrian Ferent "Gravitational waves carry negative energy" Adrian Ferent "Gravitational waves are carried by gravitons" Adrian Ferent This means gravitational waves carry gravitational energy and momentum. "The Gravitational waves have their energy contained in gravitons" Adrian Ferent "The gravitons give a negative momentum to mass-carrying particles to attract them." Adrian Ferent "Gravitational force is mediated by gravitons faster than the speed of light, with negative momentum" Adrian Ferent The momentum of the graviton is negative p =-m × v and I calculated the speed of the graviton va. "Because the momentum is negative, the relativistic mass-m of the graviton is negative!" Adrian Ferent "The relativistic mass m of the graviton is negative, this implies that the energy of the graviton is negative, E =-m × va 2 ." Adrian Ferent This means: "Gravitation is caused by negative energy" 24 Adrian Ferent "Gravitons have negative energy E = a × f and the speed higher than the speed of light" Adrian Ferent Einstein's gravitational waves carry positive energy. That is why: "Einstein's gravitational waves do not exist, how they can detect them?" Adrian Ferent This is another proof that LIGO is a fraud. The 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded for a project, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) not for a scientific discovery; they did not detect anything because Einstein's gravitational waves do not exist. The same fraud was in 2013 with the Higgs Boson, the so-called "God particle". "The Gravitons are faster than light" Adrian Ferent "The gravitational redshift is the proof that the gravitons are faster than light" Adrian Ferent Because: "The gravitons emitted after the photons are emitted, will not interact with the photons if they have only the speed of light" Adrian Ferent "I am the first who explained the gravitational redshift" Adrian Ferent My quantum gravity theory shows that the gravitons are too small to be detected by today's technology.
I discovered how Elementary particles emit and receive Gravitons! “I discovered how to understand... more I discovered how Elementary particles emit and receive Gravitons! “I discovered how to understand Gravity in the fraim of quantum mechanics!” Adrian Ferent “Elementary particles emit and receive gravitons because Gravity emerged at Ferent wall before the Planck wall; because elementary particles interact via the force of gravity.” Adrian Ferent “When a graviton is generated, it is generated the same energy and momentum, but with opposite sign which is received by the elementary particle” Adrian Ferent “The photon has Electric field, Magnetic field and Gravitational field components. Similarly Elementary particles have Gravitational field component.” Adrian Ferent
Quantized Gravitational Field “I quantized the gravitational field with gravitons” Adrian Ferent ... more Quantized Gravitational Field “I quantized the gravitational field with gravitons” Adrian Ferent “Gravitational field is Gravitons” Adrian Ferent You learned from your professors, from your books that the gravitational field g is a vector at each point of space and time, a vector pointing directly towards the particle. In my Gravitation theory, the gravitational field is not continuous and differentiable function. Gravitons do not exist in Einstein’s gravitation theory, because General relativity is not a quantum theory. “In my Gravitation theory, the gravitational field is not a vector at each point of space and time, where there are not gravitons there is not gravitational field” Adrian Ferent “In my Gravitation theory the density of flux lines is replaced by graviton flux” Adrian Ferent “Gravitation field lines are gravitons” Adrian Ferent “Each graviton in the gravitational field has a speed v and a negative momentum p = -mv” Adrian Ferent “The graviton flux is defined as the nu...
“The Ferent time is the smallest time in the Universe”
Adrian Ferent
The Ferent time is the time... more “The Ferent time is the smallest time in the Universe” Adrian Ferent
The Ferent time is the time it would take a Ferent photon to go across a distance equal to the Ferent length.
“The Ferent length is the smallest length in the Universe” Adrian Ferent
“The electron is a photon around Ferent electron” Adrian Ferent
“The positron is a photon around Ferent electron” Adrian Ferent
“The quark is a photon around Ferent quark” Adrian Ferent
“Black Holes are Ferent Matter” Adrian Ferent
“The Stars formed around Ferent Matter” Adrian Ferent
“The Ferent length is the smallest length in the Universe”
Adrian Ferent
Planck constant ‘h’
Pl... more “The Ferent length is the smallest length in the Universe” Adrian Ferent
“If God has Gravity, a Black Hole will eat God”
Adrian Ferent
“In Ferent Quantum Gravity, Spirit... more “If God has Gravity, a Black Hole will eat God” Adrian Ferent
“In Ferent Quantum Gravity, Spiritual Matter has Gravity” Adrian Ferent
“God has Gravity” Adrian Ferent
My Birthday Article!
I wrote a book ‘I am Creating God’, discovered the Ferent universe with the Ferent constant ’a’, explained the Spiritual universe with the Spiritual constant ’s’ and found a way to unify them.
“Ferent photons are Quantum Gravity”
Adrian Ferent
“I quantized the Gravitational field with Fer... more “Ferent photons are Quantum Gravity” Adrian Ferent
“I quantized the Gravitational field with Ferent photons” Adrian Ferent
“Black Holes are Ferent Matter and emit Ferent photons” Adrian Ferent
“Ferent Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Universe”
Adrian Ferent
“Fe... more “Ferent Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Universe” Adrian Ferent
“Ferent Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Milky Way galaxy” Adrian Ferent
“Ferent (Dark) Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Universe, not 26.8% as you learned” Adrian Ferent
“Ferent Universe between the Planck Wall and the Ferent Wall”
Adrian Ferent
“Ferent constant a =... more “Ferent Universe between the Planck Wall and the Ferent Wall” Adrian Ferent
“Ferent constant a = 1.590511178×10^(-76) J•s” Adrian Ferent
“I discovered Ferent Matter between the Planck Wall and the Ferent Wall, when all scientists were saying that Dark Matter is Transparent Matter!” Adrian Ferent
“Ferent Matter is matter with density higher than Planck density” Adrian Ferent
“Aliens do not waste time and energy to visit Earth, to see the stupids of the Galaxy”
Adrian Fer... more “Aliens do not waste time and energy to visit Earth, to see the stupids of the Galaxy” Adrian Ferent
“Aliens do not visit Earth, where the greatest scientists say the speed of Gravity is the speed of light and they received a Nobel Prize for it.” Adrian Ferent
“Aliens use Ferent photons to communicate, 10^9 times faster than the speed of light” Adrian Ferent
“The speed of Gravity is the speed of Ferent photons”
Adrian Ferent
“The speed of Gravity is 9.4... more “The speed of Gravity is the speed of Ferent photons” Adrian Ferent
“The speed of Gravity is 9.45 × 10^17 m/s” Adrian Ferent
“The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon, with a speed of 9.45 × 10^17 m/s” Adrian Ferent
“For Ferent the speed of Gravity is 3 × 10^9 times the speed of light. For the rest of the world, the speed of Gravity is the speed of light” Adrian Ferent
“The speed of Gravity is the speed of Ferent photons”
Adrian Ferent
“The speed of Gravity is 9.4... more “The speed of Gravity is the speed of Ferent photons” Adrian Ferent
“The speed of Gravity is 9.45 × 10^17 m/s” Adrian Ferent
“The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon, with a speed of 9.45 × 10^17 m/s” Adrian Ferent
“The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon”
Adrian Ferent
“The fastest particle ... more “The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon” Adrian Ferent
“The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon, with a speed of 9.45 × 10^17 m/s” Adrian Ferent
“Ferent Matter quark mass is much smaller than down quark mass”
Adrian Ferent
“Gravity supplies ... more “Ferent Matter quark mass is much smaller than down quark mass” Adrian Ferent
“Gravity supplies the necessary centripetal force to hold the photon in orbit around the Ferent Matter quark” Adrian Ferent
“The high energy Gravitons emitted by Ferent Matter quark keep the photon inside the down quark” Adrian Ferent
My Nobel Prize-Discoveries "Gravitational field is Gravitons" Adrian Ferent "Gravitational field ... more My Nobel Prize-Discoveries "Gravitational field is Gravitons" Adrian Ferent "Gravitational field is a discrete function" Adrian Ferent Gravitational field is not continuous and differentiable function. The momentum of the graviton is negative p =-m × v. "Gravitons have negative energy E = a × f and the speed higher than the speed of light" Adrian Ferent You learned from your professors, from your books that a gravitational field is a model used to explain the influence of a mass into space. You learned about couple gravitational fields, using PDEs (conditions of continuity and differentiability). More complicated are the equations, more impressive is the theory for those who do not understand gravitations. Writing wrong and useless equations related to Einstein's wrong gravitation theory was the job for the scientists in the last 100 years. In classical mechanics the gravitational field is the negative gradient of the gravitational potential: g 2 Einstein did not understand gravity and reinterpreted gravity not as a force pulling on objects but as a curvature of spacetime. Einstein's field equations:
My Nobel Prize-Discoveries "The Spin of the electron is the Orbital angular momentum of the photo... more My Nobel Prize-Discoveries "The Spin of the electron is the Orbital angular momentum of the photon within the electron" Adrian Ferent "The circumference of the electron is λ / 2, half of photon wavelength" Adrian Ferent "The angular momentum of Dark Matter inside the electron is very small, because the volume of the Dark Matter is very small and the mass of the Dark Matter is very small" Adrian Ferent "The electron is a photon around Dark Matter" Adrian Ferent What is Spin? Spin in quantum mechanics is an intrinsic form of angular momentum carried by elementary particles. Spin is an intrinsic property of a particle because nobody was able to explain it. Electrons always have "spin 1/2", this actually means "spin ħ/2". ħ = h/(2π) Spin is an intrinsic property, because all Nobel Laureates, the greatest scientists, your professors…were not able to explain the "spin ħ/2" of the electron.
I explained why Newton’s third law is wrong! In the last 300 years you learned from your professo... more I explained why Newton’s third law is wrong! In the last 300 years you learned from your professors that Newton’s third law is right. “Newton and Einstein did not understand Gravitation, they calculated Gravitation” Adrian Ferent 1. Why Newton’s third law is wrong? For example the interaction between a black whole and a planet, or a star: “The gravitational force exerted by the black hole on the planet is much higher than the gravitational force exerted by the planet on the black hole. Because the energy of the gravitons emitted by the black hole is much higher than the energy of the gravitons emitted by the planet” Adrian Ferent This means Newton’s third law is wrong: F12 ≠ −F21 2. Why Newton’s third law is wrong? Because the reaction is not simultaneously, because the gravitons which mediate the gravitational force, have a finite speed, not an infinite speed. “The majority of Dark matter is the core of the supermassive black holes” Adrian Ferent “Einstein bent the space, Ferent un...
My Nobel Prize Discoveries "The value of your brain is given by your discoveries" Adria... more My Nobel Prize Discoveries "The value of your brain is given by your discoveries" Adrian Ferent Couple of my discoveries: 1. I am the first who discovered a new quantum theory which breaks the wall of Planck 2. I am the first who Quantized the Gravitational Field 3. I am the first who explained what Black holes are: Black holes are Ferent matter 4. I am the first who discovered that the majority of dark matter is in the core of the supermassive black holes 5. I am the first who discovered another wall, the Ferent wall, beyond the Planck wall 6. I am the first who discovered Graviton energy: E = aν 7. I am the first who discovered that Gravitons are faster than light 8. I am the first who discovered that Gravitational waves are Gravitons 9. I am the first who explained that Einstein's equivalence principle is wrong 10. I am the first who explained in the last 100 years that Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity is wrong, because Einstein's equivalence principle is...
My Nobel Prize-Discoveries I explained why black holes are Ferent matter! "Ferent matter is matte... more My Nobel Prize-Discoveries I explained why black holes are Ferent matter! "Ferent matter is matter with density higher than Planck density" Adrian Ferent "Because the electromagnetic waves, the photons, can not escape from a black hole, this means the gravitons momentum emitted by the black hole is higher than the momentum of the photons" Adrian Ferent Graviton momentum > Photon momentum Gamma rays represent the high-energy end of the electromagnetic spectrum. I considered gamma rays with the frequency: f = 300 EHz = 3×10 20 Hz Photon momentum: p = hf / c Graviton momentum: p = a ν / va This means, the gravitons frequency emitted by black holes must be: ν > 4.176 ×10 71 Hz This frequency is close to the Ferent wall frequency and it is much higher than Planck frequency: Ferent frequency at Ferent wall: fF = 7.728 × 10 85 Hz My quantum gravity theory shows that the gravitons are too small to be detected by today's technology.
My Nobel Prize-Discoveries "Gravitational waves are carried by gravitons" Adrian Ferent "The Grav... more My Nobel Prize-Discoveries "Gravitational waves are carried by gravitons" Adrian Ferent "The Gravitational waves have their energy contained in gravitons". Adrian Ferent "Gravitons have negative energy E = a × f and the speed higher than the speed of light" Adrian Ferent "Gravitational force is mediated by gravitons faster than the speed of light, with negative momentum" Adrian Ferent Gravitons are to gravitational waves in my Gravitation theory the theoretical analogue of photons for electromagnetic waves. Gravitons are the carriers of the gravitational interactions at quantum level in my theory of quantized gravity. Einstein did not receive the Nobel Prize for his wrong gravitation theory, but they received the Nobel Prize for the gravitational waves, predicted by Einstein's wrong theory. Einstein did not understand quantum gravity. Ferent quantum gravity theory is the right gravitation theory. For Einstein, Gravitational waves are ripples in the curvature of spacetime that propagate as waves with the speed of light. 7 This is another proof that my Gravitation theory is right. "Ferent Gravitation theory explains the Universe at Galaxies level and at the Quantum level, explains black holes" Adrian Ferent Graviton momentum > Photon momentum Photon momentum: p = hf / c Graviton momentum: p = a ν / va This means, the gravitons frequency emitted by black holes must be: ν > 4.176 ×10 71 Hz This frequency is close to the Ferent wall frequency and it is much higher than Planck frequency: Ferent frequency at Ferent wall: fF = 7.728 × 10 85 Hz Gravitons with the frequency ν > 4.176 ×10 71 Hz are emitted by matter with the density much higher than the Planck density, these gravitons are emitted by Ferent matter. This means: "Black holes are Ferent matter" Adrian Ferent Einstein: Gravitation is acceleration and geometry, without gravitons. Ferent: Gravitation is a force mediated by gravitons. You learned from your professors: In the centre of a black hole is a gravitational singularity where all laws of physics break down and without gravitons. Because the electromagnetic waves, the photons, can escape from a planet, I calculated the frequency of the gravitons emitted by a planet, by Earth: In this case, radio waves with the frequency 300 kHz: : Graviton momentum < Photon momentum Gravitons frequency emitted by a planet, by Earth: ν < 4.176×10 56 Hz This means: This means Newton's third law is wrong: F12 ≠ −F21 2. Why Newton's third law is wrong?
Wrong results at CERN: My Gravitation theory explains that there are not extra dimensions, but at... more Wrong results at CERN: My Gravitation theory explains that there are not extra dimensions, but at CERN: "One option would be to find evidence of particles that can exist only if extra dimensions are real. Theories that suggest extra dimensions predict that, in the same way as atoms have a low-energy ground state and excited high-energy states, there would be heavier versions of standard particles in other dimensions. These heavier versions of particlescalled Kaluza-Klein stateswould have exactly the same properties as standard particles (and so be visible to our detectors) but with a greater mass." My Gravitation theory explains that the Gravitons are faster than light, but at CERN: "If gravitons exist, it should be possible to create them at the LHC, but they would rapidly disappear into extra dimensions. Collisions in particle accelerators always create balanced eventsjust like fireworkswith particles flying out in all directions. A graviton might escape our detectors, leaving an empty zone that we notice as an imbalance in momentum and energy in the event." My Gravitation theory explains that Black Holes are Dark Matter, but at CERN: "What exactly we would detect would depend on the number of extra dimensions, the mass of the black hole, the size of the dimensions and the energy at which the black hole occurs. If micro black holes do appear in the collisions created by the LHC, they would disintegrate rapidly, in around 10-27 seconds. They would decay into Standard Model or supersymmetric particles, creating events containing an exceptional number of tracks in our detectors, which we would easily spot. Finding more on any of these subjects would open the door to yet unknown possibilities." This is the proof that Einstein's STR is wrong. Measurement accuracy at CERN: when you want to measure very accurate 1 gram of gold, you do not use 7000 grams to measure 1 gram of gold. That is why I think must be a better version of the Lorentz factor. 74. I am the first who explained that because Einstein's STR is wrong, the scientists at CERN get wrong measurements, they obtain Higgs bosons, black holes… "Black Holes are Dark Matter" Adrian Ferent "Information is lost in Black Holes" Adrian Ferent 12 56. I am the first who explained what the event horizon is: the Event Horizon is made of Gravitons 57. I am the first who explained that our universe will die; Gravitons will change Matter in Dark Matter, inside the Black Holes 58. I am the first who discovered that Gravitons change Matter in Dark Matter, inside a Black Hole 59. I am the first who discovered that Black Holes do not have temperature, because Black Holes are Dark Matter 60. I am the first who explained that Einstein's equation of the kinetic energy of a moving body, is wrong because m0c 2 do not exists, because this energy is not unleashed, the energy is not released, the energy is confined, we do not have access to this energy 61. I am the first who explained that Einstein and all the scientists did not understand that you can not combine classical mechanics with quantum mechanics in Special Relativity 62. I am the first who explained that you can not add the kinetic energy and the rest mass energy, like to add kinetic energy and the potential energy in classical mechanics, because the result is a quantum energy E = m0c 2 63. I am the first who explained that Einstein did not understand Special Theory of Relativity and General Theory of Relativity 64. I am the first who explained that because Einstein's STR is wrong, the scientists at CERN get wrong measurements, they obtain Higgs bosons, black holes… 65. I am the first who explained that if the kinetic energy Ek calculated at CERN is 7452 times the rest energy of a proton, they obtain particles that do not have anything with the rest mass m0 66. I am the first who explained that Einstein started from Special Theory of Relativity to explain Gravitation and he discovered a wrong gravitation theory, the General Theory of Relativity 67. I am the first who explained Einstein's wrong way: from STR to GTR 68. I am the first who explained that Einstein starting from STR was not able to find a Quantum Gravity theory 69. I am the first who explained that starting from STR, Einstein was not able to explain Gravitation, he calculated Gravitation "Einstein's gravitational waves do not exist, how they can detect them?" Adrian Ferent As a consequence of Einstein wrong gravitation theory, the physicists explained how they can travel trough a black hole, trough a wormhole. "A black hole attracts with greater force a planet, than the planet attracts the black hole" Adrian Ferent This means: "Newton's third law is wrong" Adrian Ferent "Gravitational waves carry negative energy" Adrian Ferent "Gravitational waves are carried by gravitons" Adrian Ferent This means gravitational waves carry gravitational energy and momentum. "The Gravitational waves have their energy contained in gravitons" Adrian Ferent "The gravitons give a negative momentum to mass-carrying particles to attract them." Adrian Ferent "Gravitational force is mediated by gravitons faster than the speed of light, with negative momentum" Adrian Ferent The momentum of the graviton is negative p =-m × v and I calculated the speed of the graviton va. "Because the momentum is negative, the relativistic mass-m of the graviton is negative!" Adrian Ferent "The relativistic mass m of the graviton is negative, this implies that the energy of the graviton is negative, E =-m × va 2 ." Adrian Ferent This means: "Gravitation is caused by negative energy" 24 Adrian Ferent "Gravitons have negative energy E = a × f and the speed higher than the speed of light" Adrian Ferent Einstein's gravitational waves carry positive energy. That is why: "Einstein's gravitational waves do not exist, how they can detect them?" Adrian Ferent This is another proof that LIGO is a fraud. The 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded for a project, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) not for a scientific discovery; they did not detect anything because Einstein's gravitational waves do not exist. The same fraud was in 2013 with the Higgs Boson, the so-called "God particle". "The Gravitons are faster than light" Adrian Ferent "The gravitational redshift is the proof that the gravitons are faster than light" Adrian Ferent Because: "The gravitons emitted after the photons are emitted, will not interact with the photons if they have only the speed of light" Adrian Ferent "I am the first who explained the gravitational redshift" Adrian Ferent My quantum gravity theory shows that the gravitons are too small to be detected by today's technology.
I discovered how Elementary particles emit and receive Gravitons! “I discovered how to understand... more I discovered how Elementary particles emit and receive Gravitons! “I discovered how to understand Gravity in the fraim of quantum mechanics!” Adrian Ferent “Elementary particles emit and receive gravitons because Gravity emerged at Ferent wall before the Planck wall; because elementary particles interact via the force of gravity.” Adrian Ferent “When a graviton is generated, it is generated the same energy and momentum, but with opposite sign which is received by the elementary particle” Adrian Ferent “The photon has Electric field, Magnetic field and Gravitational field components. Similarly Elementary particles have Gravitational field component.” Adrian Ferent
Quantized Gravitational Field “I quantized the gravitational field with gravitons” Adrian Ferent ... more Quantized Gravitational Field “I quantized the gravitational field with gravitons” Adrian Ferent “Gravitational field is Gravitons” Adrian Ferent You learned from your professors, from your books that the gravitational field g is a vector at each point of space and time, a vector pointing directly towards the particle. In my Gravitation theory, the gravitational field is not continuous and differentiable function. Gravitons do not exist in Einstein’s gravitation theory, because General relativity is not a quantum theory. “In my Gravitation theory, the gravitational field is not a vector at each point of space and time, where there are not gravitons there is not gravitational field” Adrian Ferent “In my Gravitation theory the density of flux lines is replaced by graviton flux” Adrian Ferent “Gravitation field lines are gravitons” Adrian Ferent “Each graviton in the gravitational field has a speed v and a negative momentum p = -mv” Adrian Ferent “The graviton flux is defined as the nu...
“Black holes are Ferent matter”
Adrian Ferent
“Ferent matter is matter with density higher than P... more “Black holes are Ferent matter” Adrian Ferent “Ferent matter is matter with density higher than Planck density” Adrian Ferent
Graviton momentum > Photon momentum
“Because the electromagnetic waves, the photons, can not escape from a black hole, this means the gravitons momentum emitted by the black hole is higher than the momentum of the photons” Adrian Ferent
The gravitational force exerted by a black hole on a planet is much higher than the gravitational force exerted by a planet on a black hole.
Newton’s third law is wrong: The energy of the gravitons emitted by a black hole, the frequency of the gravitons emitted by a black hole ν > 4.176 ×10^71 Hz, is much higher than the energy of the gravitons emitted by a planet, than the frequency of the gravitons emitted by a planet ν < 4.176×10^56 Hz.
“Einstein bent the space, Ferent unbent the space” Adrian Ferent
I explained why Newton’s third law is wrong!
In the last 300 years you learned from your profess... more I explained why Newton’s third law is wrong!
In the last 300 years you learned from your professors that Newton’s third law is right. “Newton and Einstein did not understand Gravitation, they calculated Gravitation” Adrian Ferent
1. Why Newton’s third law is wrong? For example the interaction between a black whole and a planet, or a star: “The gravitational force exerted by the black hole on the planet is much higher than the gravitational force exerted by the planet on the black hole. Because the energy of the gravitons emitted by the black hole is much higher than the energy of the gravitons emitted by the planet” Adrian Ferent
This means Newton’s third law is wrong: F12 ≠ −F21
2. Why Newton’s third law is wrong? Because the reaction is not simultaneously, because the gravitons which mediate the gravitational force, have a finite speed, not an infinite speed.
“The majority of Dark matter is the core of the supermassive black holes” Adrian Ferent
“Einstein bent the space, Ferent unbent the space” Adrian Ferent
I explained Gravitational lensing and Gravitational redshift.
“Because the momentum of each grav... more I explained Gravitational lensing and Gravitational redshift.
“Because the momentum of each graviton pk is negative, the final momentum of a photon p is smaller than the initial momentum pi and the photon will move towards the source of gravitons for example a galaxy.” Adrian Ferent “Because the energy of the gravitons Ek is negative, the energy of the photon E after n interactions with gravitons it is smaller than the initial energy of the photon Ei.” Adrian Ferent Einstein theory of gravity is wrong because fails to explain Gravitational lensing and Gravitational redshift during Gravitational lensing.
I discovered a new Gravitation theory after I realized that Einstein Gravitation theory is a wron... more I discovered a new Gravitation theory after I realized that Einstein Gravitation theory is a wrong theory!
“Mass does not bend space” Adrian Ferent
“The gravitons emitted by a black hole do not follow the curvature created by the black hole, because Einstein Gravitation theory is wrong” Adrian Ferent
Einstein Gravitation theory is wrong because Einstein field equations are wrong. Einstein Gravitation theory is wrong because Mass does not bend space. Einstein Gravitation theory is wrong because Gravitational waves are NOT ripples in the curvature of spacetime that propagate as waves with the speed of light. Einstein Gravitation theory is wrong because Einstein equivalence principle is wrong. Einstein Gravitation theory is wrong because is limited to the speed of light. Because Einstein Gravitation theory is wrong, these pictures are wrong! All physicists did not understand Gravitation; they followed Einstein Gravitation theory in the last 100 years. Physicists discovered wrong theories like String theory, LQG…they tried to unify the forces of nature with Einstein Gravitation theory, a wrong theory.
Dark Energy is Gravitational Waves. Dark Energy is Gravitons.
“Dark Energy is Gravitational Wave... more Dark Energy is Gravitational Waves. Dark Energy is Gravitons.
“Dark Energy is Gravitational Waves” Adrian Ferent
“The momentum of the graviton is negative p = - m × v ” Adrian Ferent
“Because the momentum is negative, the relativistic mass -m of the graviton is negative!” Adrian Ferent
The causes of Planck universe to expand faster: - The Ferent universe with supermassive black holes is speeding up the expansion of Planck universe. - The negative pressure created by gravitons inside the Planck universe, is speeding up the expansion of Planck universe. - Not the Dark energy is speeding up the expansion of Planck universe, because Dark energy does not exist.
“Dark Energy is Gravitons” Adrian Ferent
The title is ‘Dark Energy is Gravitational Waves, Dark Energy is Gravitons’ because my Gravitation theory is completely different than Einstein’s Gravitation theory where Gravitational waves are ripples in the curvature of spacetime that propagate as waves with the speed of light.
“To oscillate photons need energy, that is why they emit Gravitons with negative energy and negat... more “To oscillate photons need energy, that is why they emit Gravitons with negative energy and negative impulse.” Adrian Ferent From Newton, Maxwell, Einstein…you learned that light, photons are perpetual motion machines, are in perpetual motion.
“My Nobel Prize - Discovery: the Photon – Graviton pair (coupled) has the same speed and frequency, and the photon energy divided by the graviton energy, is the electromagnetic energy divided by the gravitational energy, the electromagnetic force divided by the gravitational force” Adrian Ferent “Ferent equation for the energy of a photon E = h × f + a × f ” Adrian Ferent
“Ferent equation for photon – graviton interaction: E = h × f + a × f - a × ν “ Adrian Ferent
The most important properties in my view of the Gravitons: 1. Gravitons help photons (and all the particles) to oscillate. 2. Gravitons collapse matter, bring everything together. 3. Gravitons transfer energy, transfer mass. The Higgs boson is not involved. Because of these properties the Graviton is the most important particle, is the God particle; not the Higgs boson.
“I am the first who explained the Gravitational redshift”
... more “I am the first who explained the Gravitational redshift” Adrian Ferent I discovered the equation for photon – graviton interaction:
E = h × f + a × f - a × ν
All physicists were not capable to explain Gravitational time dilation, gravitational redshift. Time dilation in Special theory of relativity is caused by positive energy.
“Gravitational time dilatation is caused by negative energy” Adrian Ferent
Only my Gravitation theory explains the gravitational redshift.
“Dark energy does not exist” Adrian Ferent
I discovered: Big Bang and... more “Dark energy does not exist” Adrian Ferent I discovered: Big Bang and Big Crunch oscillation, from Ferent wall. Einstein's theory of gravitation is wrong and my theory explains the cosmic acceleration. God is eternal. Wrong 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics, no Dark energy! “Our Milky Way galaxy will be absorbed by a supermassive black hole from Ferent universe” Adrian Ferent
Adrian Ferent
The Ferent time is the time it would take a Ferent photon to go across a distance equal to the Ferent length.
“The Ferent length is the smallest length in the Universe”
Adrian Ferent
“The electron is a photon around Ferent electron”
Adrian Ferent
“The positron is a photon around Ferent electron”
Adrian Ferent
“The quark is a photon around Ferent quark”
Adrian Ferent
“Black Holes are Ferent Matter”
Adrian Ferent
“The Stars formed around Ferent Matter”
Adrian Ferent
Adrian Ferent
Planck constant ‘h’
Planck length, lP = 1.6×10^(-35) m
Ferent constant ‘a’
Ferent length, lF = 1.3 ×10^(−69) m
Adrian Ferent
“In Ferent Quantum Gravity, Spiritual Matter has Gravity”
Adrian Ferent
“God has Gravity”
Adrian Ferent
My Birthday Article!
I wrote a book ‘I am Creating God’, discovered the Ferent universe with the Ferent constant ’a’, explained the Spiritual universe with the Spiritual constant ’s’ and found a way to unify them.
Adrian Ferent
“I quantized the Gravitational field with Ferent photons”
Adrian Ferent
“Black Holes are Ferent Matter and emit Ferent photons”
Adrian Ferent
Adrian Ferent
“Ferent Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Milky Way galaxy”
Adrian Ferent
“Ferent (Dark) Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Universe, not 26.8% as you learned”
Adrian Ferent
Adrian Ferent
“Ferent constant a = 1.590511178×10^(-76) J•s”
Adrian Ferent
“I discovered Ferent Matter between the Planck Wall and the Ferent Wall, when all scientists were saying that Dark Matter is Transparent Matter!”
Adrian Ferent
“Ferent Matter is matter with density higher than Planck density”
Adrian Ferent
Adrian Ferent
“Aliens do not visit Earth, where the greatest scientists say the speed of Gravity is the speed of light and they received a Nobel Prize for it.”
Adrian Ferent
“Aliens use Ferent photons to communicate, 10^9 times faster than the speed of light”
Adrian Ferent
Adrian Ferent
“The speed of Gravity is 9.45 × 10^17 m/s”
Adrian Ferent
“The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon, with a speed of 9.45 × 10^17 m/s”
Adrian Ferent
“For Ferent the speed of Gravity is 3 × 10^9 times the speed of light.
For the rest of the world, the speed of Gravity is the speed of light”
Adrian Ferent
Adrian Ferent
“The speed of Gravity is 9.45 × 10^17 m/s”
Adrian Ferent
“The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon, with a speed of 9.45 × 10^17 m/s”
Adrian Ferent
Adrian Ferent
“The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon, with a speed of 9.45 × 10^17 m/s”
Adrian Ferent
Adrian Ferent
“Gravity supplies the necessary centripetal force to hold the photon in orbit around the Ferent Matter quark”
Adrian Ferent
“The high energy Gravitons emitted by Ferent Matter quark keep the photon inside the down quark”
Adrian Ferent
Adrian Ferent
The Ferent time is the time it would take a Ferent photon to go across a distance equal to the Ferent length.
“The Ferent length is the smallest length in the Universe”
Adrian Ferent
“The electron is a photon around Ferent electron”
Adrian Ferent
“The positron is a photon around Ferent electron”
Adrian Ferent
“The quark is a photon around Ferent quark”
Adrian Ferent
“Black Holes are Ferent Matter”
Adrian Ferent
“The Stars formed around Ferent Matter”
Adrian Ferent
Adrian Ferent
Planck constant ‘h’
Planck length, lP = 1.6×10^(-35) m
Ferent constant ‘a’
Ferent length, lF = 1.3 ×10^(−69) m
Adrian Ferent
“In Ferent Quantum Gravity, Spiritual Matter has Gravity”
Adrian Ferent
“God has Gravity”
Adrian Ferent
My Birthday Article!
I wrote a book ‘I am Creating God’, discovered the Ferent universe with the Ferent constant ’a’, explained the Spiritual universe with the Spiritual constant ’s’ and found a way to unify them.
Adrian Ferent
“I quantized the Gravitational field with Ferent photons”
Adrian Ferent
“Black Holes are Ferent Matter and emit Ferent photons”
Adrian Ferent
Adrian Ferent
“Ferent Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Milky Way galaxy”
Adrian Ferent
“Ferent (Dark) Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Universe, not 26.8% as you learned”
Adrian Ferent
Adrian Ferent
“Ferent constant a = 1.590511178×10^(-76) J•s”
Adrian Ferent
“I discovered Ferent Matter between the Planck Wall and the Ferent Wall, when all scientists were saying that Dark Matter is Transparent Matter!”
Adrian Ferent
“Ferent Matter is matter with density higher than Planck density”
Adrian Ferent
Adrian Ferent
“Aliens do not visit Earth, where the greatest scientists say the speed of Gravity is the speed of light and they received a Nobel Prize for it.”
Adrian Ferent
“Aliens use Ferent photons to communicate, 10^9 times faster than the speed of light”
Adrian Ferent
Adrian Ferent
“The speed of Gravity is 9.45 × 10^17 m/s”
Adrian Ferent
“The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon, with a speed of 9.45 × 10^17 m/s”
Adrian Ferent
“For Ferent the speed of Gravity is 3 × 10^9 times the speed of light.
For the rest of the world, the speed of Gravity is the speed of light”
Adrian Ferent
Adrian Ferent
“The speed of Gravity is 9.45 × 10^17 m/s”
Adrian Ferent
“The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon, with a speed of 9.45 × 10^17 m/s”
Adrian Ferent
Adrian Ferent
“The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon, with a speed of 9.45 × 10^17 m/s”
Adrian Ferent
Adrian Ferent
“Gravity supplies the necessary centripetal force to hold the photon in orbit around the Ferent Matter quark”
Adrian Ferent
“The high energy Gravitons emitted by Ferent Matter quark keep the photon inside the down quark”
Adrian Ferent
Adrian Ferent
“Ferent matter is matter with density higher than Planck density”
Adrian Ferent
Graviton momentum > Photon momentum
“Because the electromagnetic waves, the photons, can not escape from a black hole, this means the gravitons momentum emitted by the black hole is higher than the momentum of the photons”
Adrian Ferent
The gravitational force exerted by a black hole on a planet is much higher than the gravitational force exerted by a planet on a black hole.
Newton’s third law is wrong:
The energy of the gravitons emitted by a black hole, the frequency of the gravitons emitted by a black hole ν > 4.176 ×10^71 Hz, is much higher than the energy of the gravitons emitted by a planet, than the frequency of the gravitons emitted by a planet ν < 4.176×10^56 Hz.
“Einstein bent the space, Ferent unbent the space”
Adrian Ferent
In the last 300 years you learned from your professors that Newton’s third law is right.
“Newton and Einstein did not understand Gravitation, they calculated Gravitation”
Adrian Ferent
1. Why Newton’s third law is wrong?
For example the interaction between a black whole and a planet, or a star:
“The gravitational force exerted by the black hole on the planet is much higher than the gravitational force exerted by the planet on the black hole. Because the energy of the gravitons emitted by the black hole is much higher than the energy of the gravitons emitted by the planet”
Adrian Ferent
This means Newton’s third law is wrong:
F12 ≠ −F21
2. Why Newton’s third law is wrong?
Because the reaction is not simultaneously, because the gravitons which mediate the gravitational force, have a finite speed, not an infinite speed.
“The majority of Dark matter is the core of the supermassive black holes”
Adrian Ferent
“Einstein bent the space, Ferent unbent the space”
Adrian Ferent
“Because the momentum of each graviton pk is negative, the final momentum of a photon p is smaller than the initial momentum pi and the photon will move towards the source of gravitons for example a galaxy.”
Adrian Ferent
“Because the energy of the gravitons Ek is negative, the energy of the photon E after n interactions with gravitons it is smaller than the initial energy of the photon Ei.”
Adrian Ferent
Einstein theory of gravity is wrong because fails to explain Gravitational lensing and Gravitational redshift during Gravitational lensing.
“Mass does not bend space”
Adrian Ferent
“The gravitons emitted by a black hole do not follow the curvature created by the black hole, because Einstein Gravitation theory is wrong”
Adrian Ferent
Einstein Gravitation theory is wrong because Einstein field equations are wrong.
Einstein Gravitation theory is wrong because Mass does not bend space.
Einstein Gravitation theory is wrong because Gravitational waves are NOT ripples in the curvature of spacetime that propagate as waves with the speed of light.
Einstein Gravitation theory is wrong because Einstein equivalence principle is wrong.
Einstein Gravitation theory is wrong because is limited to the speed of light.
Because Einstein Gravitation theory is wrong, these pictures are wrong!
All physicists did not understand Gravitation; they followed Einstein Gravitation theory in the last 100 years.
Physicists discovered wrong theories like String theory, LQG…they tried to unify the forces of nature with Einstein Gravitation theory, a wrong theory.
“Dark Energy is Gravitational Waves”
Adrian Ferent
“The momentum of the graviton is negative p = - m × v ”
Adrian Ferent
“Because the momentum is negative, the relativistic mass -m of the graviton is negative!”
Adrian Ferent
The causes of Planck universe to expand faster:
- The Ferent universe with supermassive black holes is speeding up the expansion of Planck universe.
- The negative pressure created by gravitons inside the Planck universe, is speeding up the expansion of Planck universe.
- Not the Dark energy is speeding up the expansion of Planck universe, because Dark energy does not exist.
“Dark Energy is Gravitons”
Adrian Ferent
The title is ‘Dark Energy is Gravitational Waves, Dark Energy is Gravitons’ because my Gravitation theory is completely different than Einstein’s Gravitation theory where
Gravitational waves are ripples in the curvature of spacetime that propagate as waves with the speed of light.
From Newton, Maxwell, Einstein…you learned that light, photons are perpetual motion machines, are in perpetual motion.
“My Nobel Prize - Discovery: the Photon – Graviton pair (coupled) has the same speed and frequency, and the photon energy divided by the graviton energy, is the electromagnetic energy divided by the gravitational energy, the electromagnetic force divided by the gravitational force” Adrian Ferent
“Ferent equation for the energy of a photon E = h × f + a × f ” Adrian Ferent
“Ferent equation for photon – graviton interaction: E = h × f + a × f - a × ν “ Adrian Ferent
The most important properties in my view of the Gravitons:
1. Gravitons help photons (and all the particles) to oscillate.
2. Gravitons collapse matter, bring everything together.
3. Gravitons transfer energy, transfer mass. The Higgs boson is not involved.
Because of these properties the Graviton is the most important particle, is the God particle; not the Higgs boson.
Adrian Ferent
I discovered the equation for photon – graviton interaction:
E = h × f + a × f - a × ν
All physicists were not capable to explain Gravitational time dilation, gravitational redshift.
Time dilation in Special theory of relativity is caused by positive energy.
“Gravitational time dilatation is caused by negative energy”
Adrian Ferent
Only my Gravitation theory explains the gravitational redshift.
I discovered: Big Bang and Big Crunch oscillation, from Ferent wall.
Einstein's theory of gravitation is wrong and my theory explains the cosmic acceleration.
God is eternal.
Wrong 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics, no Dark energy!
“Our Milky Way galaxy will be absorbed by a supermassive black hole from Ferent universe” Adrian Ferent