As an initial part of a revisional study based on the genus Salvia L. (Lamiaceae), extensive fiel... more As an initial part of a revisional study based on the genus Salvia L. (Lamiaceae), extensive field studies, herbarium and literature surveys, and multivariate analysis have been conducted on the basis of the Salvia euphratica sensu lato (S. cerino-pruinosa, S. euphratica, S. leiocalycina, and S. pseudeuphratica) and its closely related species (S. kronenburgii and S. sericeo-tomentosa) in order to understand their taxonomic status. For the multivariate analysis, 35 OTUs (Operational Taxonomic Units) representing 24 populations of the species were investigated and scored on the basis of 25 character states by means of MVSP software. Principle coordinate analysis (PCO) utilizing the Gower coefficient on standardized data was conducted on the specimens to see their distribution as 3-dimensional plots. In the Flora of Turkey, S. euphratica, S. kronenburgii, and S. sericeo-tomentosa were evaluated as separate species. On the other hand, S. cerino-pruinosa and S. pseudeuphratica were regarded as synonyms of S. euphratica. As a result of the present study, S. cerino-pruinosa and S. pseudeuphratica are accepted as distinct species. Turkish endemic S. cerino-pruinosa and its closest relative Iranian endemic S. kermanshahensis are also discussed in terms of their morphological and taxonomical relationships. Literature surveys and herbarium studies indicated that S. pseudeuphratica has been rediscovered once again since it was first collected 117 years ago. A diagnostic key for the species studied is given and their diagnostic morphological characters are discussed. Moreover, their amended and expanded descriptions, distributions, phenology, ecology, and photographs are provided.
The precise evaluation of the conservation status of endemic and rare species is necessary in ord... more The precise evaluation of the conservation status of endemic and rare species is necessary in order to prevent their extinction. According to our current taxonomic revision of Turkish Salvia L., the Mediterranean and Aegean geographic regions of Turkey have 60 taxa, 32 of which are endemic (mainly local endemics), 5 of which are non-endemic rare, and the remaining 23 taxa are widely distributed. The rate of endemism is 53% in the area. The destruction of habitat through human encroachment such as urbanisation, land clearing, overgrazing, pollution, and road and dam constructions is the principal threat in the study area. Based on our field and population observations and the obtained data, we re-evaluated their current conservation status at both regional and (inter)national level using recent IUCN Red List categories. According to the results, threat categories of species at international level are as follows: 1 taxon Data Deficient (DD), 1 taxon Critically Endangered (CR), 8 taxa Endangered (EN), 15 taxa Vulnerable (VU), 7 taxa Near Threatened (NT), and 28 taxa Least Concern (LC). The threatened species are concentrated in 3 regions. The first region covers Antalya, Elmalı, Korkuteli, Denizli, and Burdur. The second region covers Karaman, Mut, Gülnar, and Ermenek. The third region covers Adana, Kahramanmaraş, and Hatay. The areas rich in terms of the endemic species number need to be legally protected with protection of population and vegetation. In addition, the area needs to be urgently modelled and managed by means of the Geographical Information System (GIS). In addition, some other measures need to be considered such as rehabilitation or restoration of damaged habitats and transferring the species to national parks and botanical gardens. Furthermore, public awareness and interest on the conservation of species should be increased.
Lathyrus L. (Papilionoideae, Fabaceae), a cosmopolitan genus, has great significance in terms of ... more Lathyrus L. (Papilionoideae, Fabaceae), a cosmopolitan genus, has great significance in terms of food and agricultural areas. There are too few studies on the vegetative anatomy and the floral and foliar micromorphology of the genus. The present study is therefore carried out by means of multivariate cluster analysis (CA) and principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) on the basis of the anatomical, micromorphological as well as macromorphological characteristics of L. aureus (Steven) Bornm., L. czeczottianus Bassler (endemic to Turkey), L. inconspicuus L., L. pratensis L., and L. sphaericus Retz. assigned to this genus. This study is the first comprehensive report dealing with the vegetative anatomy and the petal, sepal and leaf epidermal micromorphology of these species. In general, the results of the current analysis clearly reveal the usefulness of these characters in inference of species delimitation and phylogenetic relationships.
The genus Rubia L. includes valuable species in terms of important agricultural, industrial, and ... more The genus Rubia L. includes valuable species in terms of important agricultural, industrial, and pharmacological characteristics. Red dye obtained from the roots of Rubia tinctorum L., naturally found in the flora of Turkey and known as common madder, has been used as the source of a natural dye since ancient times. In this work, a preliminary report is given on anatomical and palynological traits of R. tinctorum distributed in the Aegean Region of Turkey examined by light and scanning electron microscopy. In the root anatomy, the cortex composed of multilayered parenchyma cells, the vascular tissue organized in collateral vascular bundles, 1(-2)-rowed ray cells, and the pith with a cavity at the center are observed. In the leaf anatomy, the bifacial and amphistomatic leaf, the dorsiventral mesophyll with one layer of columnar palisade parenchyma cells and a few layers of irregularly organized spongy parenchyma cells, and the midrib with a large collateral vascular bundle surrounded by parenchymatous bundle sheath cells are recognized. Pollen grains are shed as monads, small, mostly spheroidal in equatorial view, generally hexacolpate and have a microechinate-perforate exine ornamentation.
In this study, the epidermal types and their distribution on dorsal and lateral petals, the trich... more In this study, the epidermal types and their distribution on dorsal and lateral petals, the trichome types and their density on sepals of Lathyrus chloranthus, L. digitatus, L. laxiflorus subsp. laxiflorus, L. roseus subsp. roseus, L. sativus, and L. tuberosus, belonging to sections Lathyrus, Lathyrostylis, Pratensis, and Orobon of the genus Lathyrus in Turkey were investigated using light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the systematic significance of these characters was evaluated. These taxa, except L. sativus, are studied for the first time under aspects of the petal and sepal micromorphology. Three major epidermal types were recognized on the petal: tabular rugose striate cells (TRS), areolate cells with more or less striations (AS), and papillose conical striate cells (PCS). TRS and AS were further subdivided into three subtypes. TRS was found on the dorsal and lateral petals of L. chloranthus, L. sativus, and L. tuberosus: the dorsal petals of L. ro...
The genus Salvia L. (sage), which belongs to the tribe Mentheae of the subfamily Nepetoideae with... more The genus Salvia L. (sage), which belongs to the tribe Mentheae of the subfamily Nepetoideae within the family Lamiaceae, is well-known for its medicinal, ornamental, culinary and hallucinogenic uses. The section Hemisphace Benth. of this genus is respresented in Turkey by three species. The present study is conducted on two morphologically similar Salvia species belonging to this section: Salvia napifolia Jacq. and S. russellii Benth. (excluding S. verticillata L.). For this purpose, the pericarp ultrastructure of these species is investigated in detail with the help of light and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Morphometric characters are analyzed using one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with Tukey's honestly significant difference (HSD) post-hoc test for multiple comparisons. The taxonomic potential of pericarp characteristics is discussed. The most prominent traits are the thickness of the pericarp, mesocarp and sclerenchyma region that permit the separation of the species studied. Myxocarpy (mucilage formation) is recognized on the surface of the wetted mericarps of both species. Mucilaginous cells reveal a moderate reaction but S. napifolia is of a somewhat thicker mucilaginous layer, about 0.20-0.34 mm. This study represents the first comprehensive findings on the pericarp ultrastructure of the species examined.
Morphological characteristics of stems, leaves, bracts, calyces and corollas are taxonomically di... more Morphological characteristics of stems, leaves, bracts, calyces and corollas are taxonomically discriminating characters in Salvia. In this paper we present morphological, anatomical and ecological features of S. limbata C.A. Meyer and S. palaestina Bentham as well as micromorphological characteristics of their pollen grains and nutlets using scanning electron microscopy. Anatomical characters such as size of cortex and vascular tissue, number of palisade parenchyma rows and vascular bundles are found to be important species specific characters. Pollen grains in the species are different in shape and size, but they look similar in their exine sculpturing; shape, size and ornamentation of nutlets are found to be different. The two investigated Salvia species grow on clayey-loamy and loamy soils, with pH 7.6-7.9, with 0.4-2.1% of organic matter, 0.006-0.026% of total salt content, 4.2-21.0 mg kg-1 phosphorus and 87.0-445.8 mg kg-1 potassium.
Th is study examined morphological, anatomical and palynological characters for six species, two ... more Th is study examined morphological, anatomical and palynological characters for six species, two subspecies and two varieties of perennial Onobrychis growing in northeast Iran. In the morphological study, shape, size and color of vegetative organs and legumes were assessed. For the anatomical study, cross sections of mature fresh or dried stems, leafl ets and petioles were prepared and stained. In the palynological study, pollen were extracted, acetolysed and observed by SEM. Th e morphological study indicated that some characteristics varied among species, such as shape of stipules and calyx teeth, color and shape of corolla segments and legumes and an identifi cation key is provided based on these characters. Also, in internal structure some diff erences were noticed in the shape of petiole cross sections, the thickness of cortex and pith shape in petioles and the arrangement of vessels in stems. Some anatomical characters proved useful to identify species, but not sections. Palynological results showed circular and obtuse triangular pollen in polar view and elliptical pollen in equatorial view with reticulate ornamentation. In addition, a cluster analysis was done based on morphological, anatomical and palynological features. Th e resulting dendrogram confi rmed the taxonomic treatment suggested by Sirjaev and Rechinger.
The gross anatomical features, namely stem, blade and petiole and the micromorphological features... more The gross anatomical features, namely stem, blade and petiole and the micromorphological features, trichome, pollen and nutlet of Salvia vermifolia Hedge & Hub.-Mor. (Sect. Aethiopis Bentham, Lamiaceae) were examined using light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). S. vermifolia is a perennial endemic herb growing on igneous and serpentine slopes in Sivas province, Central Anatolia, Turkey. The results obtained from anatomical studies show that the stem is made up of 4–8-layers of collenchyma cells and 1-3-layers chlorenchyma cells. The blade is amphistomatic, bifacial, with 2-3-layered palisade cells on the adaxial. The petiole has three large central bundles and six small subsidiary bundles. Peltate glandular, capitate glandular and non-glandular trichomes are present in S. vermifolia. The peltate glandular trichomes are present in abundance on the calyx and corolla, and capitate glandular trichomes are predominant on the calyx, inflorescence axis, pedicel and s...
Th e current conservation status of the Salvia L. (sage) taxa of the family Lamiaceae distributed... more Th e current conservation status of the Salvia L. (sage) taxa of the family Lamiaceae distributed in the East, SouthEast , Central, North Anatolian, and Marmara geographic regions of Turkey was reassessed at regional, national, and global levels using IUCN Red List categories and criteria. In accordance with the present taxonomic revision of the genus since 2005, the study area seems to cover 79 taxa, 36 of which are endemic and 4 of which are rare nonendemic; the remaining 39 taxa are widely distributed. Th e rate of endemism is 46% in the area. Based on new fi eld observations of populations and distribution data, taxa were classifi ed into the following threat categories at the global scale: Critically Endangered (CR) (5 taxa), Endangered (EN) (8 taxa), Vulnerable (VU) (11 taxa), Near Th reatened (NT) (12 taxa), and Least Concern (LC) (43 taxa). Th e most threatened species at the global scale are S. anatolica, S. ballsiana, S. freyniana, S. odontochlamys, and S. pseudeuphratica. Th e threatened taxa are under pressure from intensive human activities such as overgrazing, construction (e.g., road construction), land clearing (e.g., agricultural activities), and urbanisation. Th e threatened endemic taxa are concentrated in 3 main areas. Th e fi rst area includes Sivas, Divriği, Gürün, Pınarbaşı, and Kemaliye. Th e second area includes Ankara, Beypazarı, Polatlı, and Sivrihisar. Th e third area includes Yozgat, Akdağmadeni, Nevşehir, and Kayseri. Some signifi cant measures are recommended here for the conservation and management of the high number of endemic taxa under threat in the research area.
In this study, the karyotypes of mitotic chromosomes were determined of seven taxa of Salvia (Lam... more In this study, the karyotypes of mitotic chromosomes were determined of seven taxa of Salvia (Lamiaceae) collected from their natural habitats in Turkey: S. viridis (2n = 16), S. candidissima subsp. occidentalis (2n = 20), S. sclarea, S. ceratophylla, S. chionantha (2n = 22), S. viscosa and S. verticillata subsp. amasiaca (2n = 32). The karyotype formulae were 5m+3sm in S. viridis, 2M+5m+3sm in S. candidissima subsp. occidentalis, 1M+10m in S. sclarea, 8m+3sm in S. ceratophylla, 7m+4sm in S. chionantha, 9m+5sm+2st in S. viscosa, and 15m+1sm in S. verticillata subsp. amasiaca by the karyotype image analysis system. Somatic chromosome numbers ranged from 2n = 16 to 2n = 32. The ideograms were drawn based on centromeric index and arranged in decreasing size order. The present results were compared with the previous cytological studies in the genus.
Palynological characteristics of 30 Salvia taxa in sections Hymenosphace and Aethiopis from Turke... more Palynological characteristics of 30 Salvia taxa in sections Hymenosphace and Aethiopis from Turkey were investigated by light and scanning electron microscopy. S. aethiopis (sect. Aethiopis) has the smallest pollen while S. blepharochlaena (sect. Hymenosphace) has the largest pollen. The basic shape of the pollen grains in most taxa is suboblate, oblate-spheroidal, or prolate-spheroidal to spheroidal; however, subprolate pollen grains are occasionally are found in S. cassia of sect. Aethiopis. Hexacolpate pollen is dominant in all studied taxa, but heptacolpate and octacolpate pollen grains are mixed together in S. palaestina (heptacolpate, 20%) and S. candidissima subsp. candidissima (heptacolpate, 2% and octacolpate, 40%). The exine sculpturing is bireticulate (the common type) or reticulate-perforate. The bireticulate and the reticulate-perforate sculpturing patterns can be divided into subtypes according to the number of primary lumina. Taxonomic implications of the pollen data are also discussed.
The anatomy, palynology, morphology and distribution of the trichomes on the aerial parts of Salv... more The anatomy, palynology, morphology and distribution of the trichomes on the aerial parts of Salvia chrysophylla Stapf, an endemic species in Turkey, were studied in order to understand the usefulness of these characteristics for systematic purposes. Some anatomical characters such as (1-)2-24-rowed pith rays in roots, dorsiventral leaves, obviously larger upper epidermal cells, and two to three large vascular bundles in the center and two to four small subsidiary bundles in the wings of petiole provide information of taxonomical significance. Three main types of trichomes were observed on the stem, inflorescence axis, leaf and calyx surfaces of S. chrysophylla. They are peltate, capitate glandular and nonglandular. Capitate glandular and non-glandular trichomes were further subdivided into several kinds. Glandular trichomes are present in abundance on the inflorescence axis and calyx, but non-glandular ones were mainly situated on the leaf and stem. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) studies on the pollen grains have revealed that they are oblate-spheroidal and their exine ornamentation is bireticulate-perforate.
Flora - Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants, 2011
In this study, pollen and seed morphology of Velezia L. (Caryophyllaceae) species in Turkey were ... more In this study, pollen and seed morphology of Velezia L. (Caryophyllaceae) species in Turkey were investigated by light and scanning electron microscopy. The genus is represented by 5 species in Turkey: V. tunicoides P.H.Davis, V. hispida Boiss., V. quadridentata Sibth. & Sm., V. pseudorigida Hub.-Mor. and V. rigida L. Endemism ratio of the genus is 60%, which shows that Turkey is the gene center for this genus. The pollen grains of Velezia species are radially symmetrical and isopolar, oblate-spheroidal, operculate, and polypantoporate, pores with conical spinules on operculum. Pollen ornamentation, pore numbers, exine thickness, pore diameter, operculum ornamentation, and spinule sizes are varying characters between Velezia species. Seeds of Velezia species are bright black when mature; the embryo is straight, the cylindrical seeds are dorsiventrally compressed usually with incurved and thickened margins; the hilum being situated in the centre of the concave surface. Number of seeds in capsule, seed length and width, presence of tubercle, suture shape and the number of suture points per plate are important characters in differentiating Velezia species.
In 1890, Salvia freyniana Bornm., an endemic species of Turkey, was first collected and described... more In 1890, Salvia freyniana Bornm., an endemic species of Turkey, was first collected and described by J.F. Bornmueller in 1892. While revising the genus occurring in Turkey based on specimens collected from Yenipazar, south of Yozgat (Turkey in 1892), it was discovered once again in 2006. The diagnostic morphological characters of this rare endemic species are discussed. Details of fruiting material and pollen micromorphology are given for the first time. Moreover, an emended and expanded description, distribution, phenology and ecology of this species are also provided along with its conservation status. Key words: Salvia freyniana Bornm.; Lamiaceae; Endangered; Rediscovery; Turkey
Colchicum kurdicum (Bornm.) Stef. (syn. Merendera kurdica Bornm.) (Colchicaceae), which grows in ... more Colchicum kurdicum (Bornm.) Stef. (syn. Merendera kurdica Bornm.) (Colchicaceae), which grows in alpine steppe in the southern Turkey, Iran and Iraq, is a perennial acaulescent plant. This investigation presents anatomical features of C. kurdicum for the first time. Anatomical studies have been carried out on tranverse sections of roots, leaves and surface sections of the leaves of the species. The plant has the roots with 4 to 6-layered cortex, 4 sets of protoxylem arms and one large metaxylem, anomocytic stomata, amphistomatic and equifacial leaves, 2-layered (rarely 3) palisade parenchyma and 2 to 3-layered spongy parenchyma. The stomata are 30-37 µm long and 22-36 µm wide. Raphides (elongated needle-shaped crystals) were investigated in the roots of C. kurdicum and their distribution were determined.
This current study presents investigations on the morphological and anatomical characteristics of... more This current study presents investigations on the morphological and anatomical characteristics of Bellevalia paradoxa Boiss., a very attractive geophyte growing in the eastern and northeastern Turkey. For morphological studies, a detailed description as well as a distribution map of B. paradoxa are given. The morphological features of the species are also compared to those reported in Flora of Turkey. For anatomical studies, tranverse sections of the roots, scapes and leaves, and surface sections of the leaves are studied for the first time. The results show that the plant has roots composed of 7 protoxylem arms and 3-4 large metaxylem, amphistomatic and equifacial leaves, 2-3-layered palisade parenchyma, three-layered leaf margins and anomocytic stomata. Raphide crystals in the leaves of B. paradoxa and their distribution were determined using a light microscope.
Morphological characteristics of stems, leaves, bracts, calyces and corollas are taxonomically di... more Morphological characteristics of stems, leaves, bracts, calyces and corollas are taxonomically discriminating characters in Salvia. In this paper we present morphological, anatomical and ecological features of S. limbata C.A. Meyer and S. palaestina Bentham as well as micromorphological characteristics of their pollen grains and nutlets using scanning electron microscopy. Anatomical characters such as size of cortex and vascular tissue, number of palisade parenchyma rows and vascular bundles are found to be important species specific characters. Pollen grains in the species are different in shape and size, but they look similar in their exine sculpturing; shape, size and ornamentation of nutlets are found to be different. The two investigated Salvia species grow on clayey-loamy and loamy soils, with pH 7.6-7.9, with 0.4-2.1% of organic matter, 0.006-0.026% of total salt content, 4.2-21.0 mg kg-1 phosphorus and 87.0-445.8 mg kg-1 potassium.
As an initial part of a revisional study based on the genus Salvia L. (Lamiaceae), extensive fiel... more As an initial part of a revisional study based on the genus Salvia L. (Lamiaceae), extensive field studies, herbarium and literature surveys, and multivariate analysis have been conducted on the basis of the Salvia euphratica sensu lato (S. cerino-pruinosa, S. euphratica, S. leiocalycina, and S. pseudeuphratica) and its closely related species (S. kronenburgii and S. sericeo-tomentosa) in order to understand their taxonomic status. For the multivariate analysis, 35 OTUs (Operational Taxonomic Units) representing 24 populations of the species were investigated and scored on the basis of 25 character states by means of MVSP software. Principle coordinate analysis (PCO) utilizing the Gower coefficient on standardized data was conducted on the specimens to see their distribution as 3-dimensional plots. In the Flora of Turkey, S. euphratica, S. kronenburgii, and S. sericeo-tomentosa were evaluated as separate species. On the other hand, S. cerino-pruinosa and S. pseudeuphratica were regarded as synonyms of S. euphratica. As a result of the present study, S. cerino-pruinosa and S. pseudeuphratica are accepted as distinct species. Turkish endemic S. cerino-pruinosa and its closest relative Iranian endemic S. kermanshahensis are also discussed in terms of their morphological and taxonomical relationships. Literature surveys and herbarium studies indicated that S. pseudeuphratica has been rediscovered once again since it was first collected 117 years ago. A diagnostic key for the species studied is given and their diagnostic morphological characters are discussed. Moreover, their amended and expanded descriptions, distributions, phenology, ecology, and photographs are provided.
The precise evaluation of the conservation status of endemic and rare species is necessary in ord... more The precise evaluation of the conservation status of endemic and rare species is necessary in order to prevent their extinction. According to our current taxonomic revision of Turkish Salvia L., the Mediterranean and Aegean geographic regions of Turkey have 60 taxa, 32 of which are endemic (mainly local endemics), 5 of which are non-endemic rare, and the remaining 23 taxa are widely distributed. The rate of endemism is 53% in the area. The destruction of habitat through human encroachment such as urbanisation, land clearing, overgrazing, pollution, and road and dam constructions is the principal threat in the study area. Based on our field and population observations and the obtained data, we re-evaluated their current conservation status at both regional and (inter)national level using recent IUCN Red List categories. According to the results, threat categories of species at international level are as follows: 1 taxon Data Deficient (DD), 1 taxon Critically Endangered (CR), 8 taxa Endangered (EN), 15 taxa Vulnerable (VU), 7 taxa Near Threatened (NT), and 28 taxa Least Concern (LC). The threatened species are concentrated in 3 regions. The first region covers Antalya, Elmalı, Korkuteli, Denizli, and Burdur. The second region covers Karaman, Mut, Gülnar, and Ermenek. The third region covers Adana, Kahramanmaraş, and Hatay. The areas rich in terms of the endemic species number need to be legally protected with protection of population and vegetation. In addition, the area needs to be urgently modelled and managed by means of the Geographical Information System (GIS). In addition, some other measures need to be considered such as rehabilitation or restoration of damaged habitats and transferring the species to national parks and botanical gardens. Furthermore, public awareness and interest on the conservation of species should be increased.
Lathyrus L. (Papilionoideae, Fabaceae), a cosmopolitan genus, has great significance in terms of ... more Lathyrus L. (Papilionoideae, Fabaceae), a cosmopolitan genus, has great significance in terms of food and agricultural areas. There are too few studies on the vegetative anatomy and the floral and foliar micromorphology of the genus. The present study is therefore carried out by means of multivariate cluster analysis (CA) and principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) on the basis of the anatomical, micromorphological as well as macromorphological characteristics of L. aureus (Steven) Bornm., L. czeczottianus Bassler (endemic to Turkey), L. inconspicuus L., L. pratensis L., and L. sphaericus Retz. assigned to this genus. This study is the first comprehensive report dealing with the vegetative anatomy and the petal, sepal and leaf epidermal micromorphology of these species. In general, the results of the current analysis clearly reveal the usefulness of these characters in inference of species delimitation and phylogenetic relationships.
The genus Rubia L. includes valuable species in terms of important agricultural, industrial, and ... more The genus Rubia L. includes valuable species in terms of important agricultural, industrial, and pharmacological characteristics. Red dye obtained from the roots of Rubia tinctorum L., naturally found in the flora of Turkey and known as common madder, has been used as the source of a natural dye since ancient times. In this work, a preliminary report is given on anatomical and palynological traits of R. tinctorum distributed in the Aegean Region of Turkey examined by light and scanning electron microscopy. In the root anatomy, the cortex composed of multilayered parenchyma cells, the vascular tissue organized in collateral vascular bundles, 1(-2)-rowed ray cells, and the pith with a cavity at the center are observed. In the leaf anatomy, the bifacial and amphistomatic leaf, the dorsiventral mesophyll with one layer of columnar palisade parenchyma cells and a few layers of irregularly organized spongy parenchyma cells, and the midrib with a large collateral vascular bundle surrounded by parenchymatous bundle sheath cells are recognized. Pollen grains are shed as monads, small, mostly spheroidal in equatorial view, generally hexacolpate and have a microechinate-perforate exine ornamentation.
In this study, the epidermal types and their distribution on dorsal and lateral petals, the trich... more In this study, the epidermal types and their distribution on dorsal and lateral petals, the trichome types and their density on sepals of Lathyrus chloranthus, L. digitatus, L. laxiflorus subsp. laxiflorus, L. roseus subsp. roseus, L. sativus, and L. tuberosus, belonging to sections Lathyrus, Lathyrostylis, Pratensis, and Orobon of the genus Lathyrus in Turkey were investigated using light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the systematic significance of these characters was evaluated. These taxa, except L. sativus, are studied for the first time under aspects of the petal and sepal micromorphology. Three major epidermal types were recognized on the petal: tabular rugose striate cells (TRS), areolate cells with more or less striations (AS), and papillose conical striate cells (PCS). TRS and AS were further subdivided into three subtypes. TRS was found on the dorsal and lateral petals of L. chloranthus, L. sativus, and L. tuberosus: the dorsal petals of L. ro...
The genus Salvia L. (sage), which belongs to the tribe Mentheae of the subfamily Nepetoideae with... more The genus Salvia L. (sage), which belongs to the tribe Mentheae of the subfamily Nepetoideae within the family Lamiaceae, is well-known for its medicinal, ornamental, culinary and hallucinogenic uses. The section Hemisphace Benth. of this genus is respresented in Turkey by three species. The present study is conducted on two morphologically similar Salvia species belonging to this section: Salvia napifolia Jacq. and S. russellii Benth. (excluding S. verticillata L.). For this purpose, the pericarp ultrastructure of these species is investigated in detail with the help of light and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Morphometric characters are analyzed using one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with Tukey's honestly significant difference (HSD) post-hoc test for multiple comparisons. The taxonomic potential of pericarp characteristics is discussed. The most prominent traits are the thickness of the pericarp, mesocarp and sclerenchyma region that permit the separation of the species studied. Myxocarpy (mucilage formation) is recognized on the surface of the wetted mericarps of both species. Mucilaginous cells reveal a moderate reaction but S. napifolia is of a somewhat thicker mucilaginous layer, about 0.20-0.34 mm. This study represents the first comprehensive findings on the pericarp ultrastructure of the species examined.
Morphological characteristics of stems, leaves, bracts, calyces and corollas are taxonomically di... more Morphological characteristics of stems, leaves, bracts, calyces and corollas are taxonomically discriminating characters in Salvia. In this paper we present morphological, anatomical and ecological features of S. limbata C.A. Meyer and S. palaestina Bentham as well as micromorphological characteristics of their pollen grains and nutlets using scanning electron microscopy. Anatomical characters such as size of cortex and vascular tissue, number of palisade parenchyma rows and vascular bundles are found to be important species specific characters. Pollen grains in the species are different in shape and size, but they look similar in their exine sculpturing; shape, size and ornamentation of nutlets are found to be different. The two investigated Salvia species grow on clayey-loamy and loamy soils, with pH 7.6-7.9, with 0.4-2.1% of organic matter, 0.006-0.026% of total salt content, 4.2-21.0 mg kg-1 phosphorus and 87.0-445.8 mg kg-1 potassium.
Th is study examined morphological, anatomical and palynological characters for six species, two ... more Th is study examined morphological, anatomical and palynological characters for six species, two subspecies and two varieties of perennial Onobrychis growing in northeast Iran. In the morphological study, shape, size and color of vegetative organs and legumes were assessed. For the anatomical study, cross sections of mature fresh or dried stems, leafl ets and petioles were prepared and stained. In the palynological study, pollen were extracted, acetolysed and observed by SEM. Th e morphological study indicated that some characteristics varied among species, such as shape of stipules and calyx teeth, color and shape of corolla segments and legumes and an identifi cation key is provided based on these characters. Also, in internal structure some diff erences were noticed in the shape of petiole cross sections, the thickness of cortex and pith shape in petioles and the arrangement of vessels in stems. Some anatomical characters proved useful to identify species, but not sections. Palynological results showed circular and obtuse triangular pollen in polar view and elliptical pollen in equatorial view with reticulate ornamentation. In addition, a cluster analysis was done based on morphological, anatomical and palynological features. Th e resulting dendrogram confi rmed the taxonomic treatment suggested by Sirjaev and Rechinger.
The gross anatomical features, namely stem, blade and petiole and the micromorphological features... more The gross anatomical features, namely stem, blade and petiole and the micromorphological features, trichome, pollen and nutlet of Salvia vermifolia Hedge & Hub.-Mor. (Sect. Aethiopis Bentham, Lamiaceae) were examined using light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). S. vermifolia is a perennial endemic herb growing on igneous and serpentine slopes in Sivas province, Central Anatolia, Turkey. The results obtained from anatomical studies show that the stem is made up of 4–8-layers of collenchyma cells and 1-3-layers chlorenchyma cells. The blade is amphistomatic, bifacial, with 2-3-layered palisade cells on the adaxial. The petiole has three large central bundles and six small subsidiary bundles. Peltate glandular, capitate glandular and non-glandular trichomes are present in S. vermifolia. The peltate glandular trichomes are present in abundance on the calyx and corolla, and capitate glandular trichomes are predominant on the calyx, inflorescence axis, pedicel and s...
Th e current conservation status of the Salvia L. (sage) taxa of the family Lamiaceae distributed... more Th e current conservation status of the Salvia L. (sage) taxa of the family Lamiaceae distributed in the East, SouthEast , Central, North Anatolian, and Marmara geographic regions of Turkey was reassessed at regional, national, and global levels using IUCN Red List categories and criteria. In accordance with the present taxonomic revision of the genus since 2005, the study area seems to cover 79 taxa, 36 of which are endemic and 4 of which are rare nonendemic; the remaining 39 taxa are widely distributed. Th e rate of endemism is 46% in the area. Based on new fi eld observations of populations and distribution data, taxa were classifi ed into the following threat categories at the global scale: Critically Endangered (CR) (5 taxa), Endangered (EN) (8 taxa), Vulnerable (VU) (11 taxa), Near Th reatened (NT) (12 taxa), and Least Concern (LC) (43 taxa). Th e most threatened species at the global scale are S. anatolica, S. ballsiana, S. freyniana, S. odontochlamys, and S. pseudeuphratica. Th e threatened taxa are under pressure from intensive human activities such as overgrazing, construction (e.g., road construction), land clearing (e.g., agricultural activities), and urbanisation. Th e threatened endemic taxa are concentrated in 3 main areas. Th e fi rst area includes Sivas, Divriği, Gürün, Pınarbaşı, and Kemaliye. Th e second area includes Ankara, Beypazarı, Polatlı, and Sivrihisar. Th e third area includes Yozgat, Akdağmadeni, Nevşehir, and Kayseri. Some signifi cant measures are recommended here for the conservation and management of the high number of endemic taxa under threat in the research area.
In this study, the karyotypes of mitotic chromosomes were determined of seven taxa of Salvia (Lam... more In this study, the karyotypes of mitotic chromosomes were determined of seven taxa of Salvia (Lamiaceae) collected from their natural habitats in Turkey: S. viridis (2n = 16), S. candidissima subsp. occidentalis (2n = 20), S. sclarea, S. ceratophylla, S. chionantha (2n = 22), S. viscosa and S. verticillata subsp. amasiaca (2n = 32). The karyotype formulae were 5m+3sm in S. viridis, 2M+5m+3sm in S. candidissima subsp. occidentalis, 1M+10m in S. sclarea, 8m+3sm in S. ceratophylla, 7m+4sm in S. chionantha, 9m+5sm+2st in S. viscosa, and 15m+1sm in S. verticillata subsp. amasiaca by the karyotype image analysis system. Somatic chromosome numbers ranged from 2n = 16 to 2n = 32. The ideograms were drawn based on centromeric index and arranged in decreasing size order. The present results were compared with the previous cytological studies in the genus.
Palynological characteristics of 30 Salvia taxa in sections Hymenosphace and Aethiopis from Turke... more Palynological characteristics of 30 Salvia taxa in sections Hymenosphace and Aethiopis from Turkey were investigated by light and scanning electron microscopy. S. aethiopis (sect. Aethiopis) has the smallest pollen while S. blepharochlaena (sect. Hymenosphace) has the largest pollen. The basic shape of the pollen grains in most taxa is suboblate, oblate-spheroidal, or prolate-spheroidal to spheroidal; however, subprolate pollen grains are occasionally are found in S. cassia of sect. Aethiopis. Hexacolpate pollen is dominant in all studied taxa, but heptacolpate and octacolpate pollen grains are mixed together in S. palaestina (heptacolpate, 20%) and S. candidissima subsp. candidissima (heptacolpate, 2% and octacolpate, 40%). The exine sculpturing is bireticulate (the common type) or reticulate-perforate. The bireticulate and the reticulate-perforate sculpturing patterns can be divided into subtypes according to the number of primary lumina. Taxonomic implications of the pollen data are also discussed.
The anatomy, palynology, morphology and distribution of the trichomes on the aerial parts of Salv... more The anatomy, palynology, morphology and distribution of the trichomes on the aerial parts of Salvia chrysophylla Stapf, an endemic species in Turkey, were studied in order to understand the usefulness of these characteristics for systematic purposes. Some anatomical characters such as (1-)2-24-rowed pith rays in roots, dorsiventral leaves, obviously larger upper epidermal cells, and two to three large vascular bundles in the center and two to four small subsidiary bundles in the wings of petiole provide information of taxonomical significance. Three main types of trichomes were observed on the stem, inflorescence axis, leaf and calyx surfaces of S. chrysophylla. They are peltate, capitate glandular and nonglandular. Capitate glandular and non-glandular trichomes were further subdivided into several kinds. Glandular trichomes are present in abundance on the inflorescence axis and calyx, but non-glandular ones were mainly situated on the leaf and stem. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) studies on the pollen grains have revealed that they are oblate-spheroidal and their exine ornamentation is bireticulate-perforate.
Flora - Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants, 2011
In this study, pollen and seed morphology of Velezia L. (Caryophyllaceae) species in Turkey were ... more In this study, pollen and seed morphology of Velezia L. (Caryophyllaceae) species in Turkey were investigated by light and scanning electron microscopy. The genus is represented by 5 species in Turkey: V. tunicoides P.H.Davis, V. hispida Boiss., V. quadridentata Sibth. & Sm., V. pseudorigida Hub.-Mor. and V. rigida L. Endemism ratio of the genus is 60%, which shows that Turkey is the gene center for this genus. The pollen grains of Velezia species are radially symmetrical and isopolar, oblate-spheroidal, operculate, and polypantoporate, pores with conical spinules on operculum. Pollen ornamentation, pore numbers, exine thickness, pore diameter, operculum ornamentation, and spinule sizes are varying characters between Velezia species. Seeds of Velezia species are bright black when mature; the embryo is straight, the cylindrical seeds are dorsiventrally compressed usually with incurved and thickened margins; the hilum being situated in the centre of the concave surface. Number of seeds in capsule, seed length and width, presence of tubercle, suture shape and the number of suture points per plate are important characters in differentiating Velezia species.
In 1890, Salvia freyniana Bornm., an endemic species of Turkey, was first collected and described... more In 1890, Salvia freyniana Bornm., an endemic species of Turkey, was first collected and described by J.F. Bornmueller in 1892. While revising the genus occurring in Turkey based on specimens collected from Yenipazar, south of Yozgat (Turkey in 1892), it was discovered once again in 2006. The diagnostic morphological characters of this rare endemic species are discussed. Details of fruiting material and pollen micromorphology are given for the first time. Moreover, an emended and expanded description, distribution, phenology and ecology of this species are also provided along with its conservation status. Key words: Salvia freyniana Bornm.; Lamiaceae; Endangered; Rediscovery; Turkey
Colchicum kurdicum (Bornm.) Stef. (syn. Merendera kurdica Bornm.) (Colchicaceae), which grows in ... more Colchicum kurdicum (Bornm.) Stef. (syn. Merendera kurdica Bornm.) (Colchicaceae), which grows in alpine steppe in the southern Turkey, Iran and Iraq, is a perennial acaulescent plant. This investigation presents anatomical features of C. kurdicum for the first time. Anatomical studies have been carried out on tranverse sections of roots, leaves and surface sections of the leaves of the species. The plant has the roots with 4 to 6-layered cortex, 4 sets of protoxylem arms and one large metaxylem, anomocytic stomata, amphistomatic and equifacial leaves, 2-layered (rarely 3) palisade parenchyma and 2 to 3-layered spongy parenchyma. The stomata are 30-37 µm long and 22-36 µm wide. Raphides (elongated needle-shaped crystals) were investigated in the roots of C. kurdicum and their distribution were determined.
This current study presents investigations on the morphological and anatomical characteristics of... more This current study presents investigations on the morphological and anatomical characteristics of Bellevalia paradoxa Boiss., a very attractive geophyte growing in the eastern and northeastern Turkey. For morphological studies, a detailed description as well as a distribution map of B. paradoxa are given. The morphological features of the species are also compared to those reported in Flora of Turkey. For anatomical studies, tranverse sections of the roots, scapes and leaves, and surface sections of the leaves are studied for the first time. The results show that the plant has roots composed of 7 protoxylem arms and 3-4 large metaxylem, amphistomatic and equifacial leaves, 2-3-layered palisade parenchyma, three-layered leaf margins and anomocytic stomata. Raphide crystals in the leaves of B. paradoxa and their distribution were determined using a light microscope.
Morphological characteristics of stems, leaves, bracts, calyces and corollas are taxonomically di... more Morphological characteristics of stems, leaves, bracts, calyces and corollas are taxonomically discriminating characters in Salvia. In this paper we present morphological, anatomical and ecological features of S. limbata C.A. Meyer and S. palaestina Bentham as well as micromorphological characteristics of their pollen grains and nutlets using scanning electron microscopy. Anatomical characters such as size of cortex and vascular tissue, number of palisade parenchyma rows and vascular bundles are found to be important species specific characters. Pollen grains in the species are different in shape and size, but they look similar in their exine sculpturing; shape, size and ornamentation of nutlets are found to be different. The two investigated Salvia species grow on clayey-loamy and loamy soils, with pH 7.6-7.9, with 0.4-2.1% of organic matter, 0.006-0.026% of total salt content, 4.2-21.0 mg kg-1 phosphorus and 87.0-445.8 mg kg-1 potassium.