Arnon Rolnick
Dr. Arnon Rolnick is a clinical psychologist with a special interest in the integration oftechnology and psychology.Rolnick gained his PhD in psychology from Tel Aviv University and did his postdoctoralresearch at Brandeis University in Massachusetts . A recipient of the Rothschild and theLewis fellowships, he served as a visiting scientist in several motion sickness researchcenters in the USA, Britain and the Netherlands.Based on his 20 years’ career as a psychologist in the Israeli Navy, Rolnick developedmethods for stress management. He uses motion sickness and seasickness in particular as amodel for general research in medical psychology.In 1991, Rolnick established the Israeli Association for Applied Psychophysiology andBiofeedback and served on the board of the American Association for AppliedPsychophysiology and Biofeedback.His therapeutic approach is integrative: on the one hand, Rolnickis a graduate of the threeyear advanced psychotherapeutic program of the Israeli Psychoanalytic Institute inJerusalem, and on the other hand he is a certified CBT supervisor.One of Rolnick’s area of interest is couple and family therapy. Using integration of Gottman,Imago and EFT for couples, he developed methods to see couple online in their homeenvironment.Dr. Rolnick founded and owns a clinic employing a dozen therapists who integrate variouspsychological orientations. In this role he supervises many therapists using online methods.In parallel, Rolnick is engaged in consulting work for British and Israeli startups, helping themdevelop psychophysiological and internet based programs, software and apps as wellcognitive behavioral interventions.Dr. Rolnick's academic writing during his work at the Ben Gurion University and HerzliyaInterdisciplinary Center is focused on the integration of psychotherapy, biofeedback withinterpersonal neurobiology.Rolnick recently co-edited the book Theory and Practice of Online-Therapy (London andNew York: Routledge) where he suggests that virtual therapy opens a unique way to studythe role of the body and the brain in therapy.Arnon is the proud father of two children: His son works on integrating AI, linguistics andsoftware at Google, and his daughter is a Clinical Psychologist at the Tel Aviv SouraskyMedical Center
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Papers by Arnon Rolnick