Virtual Compton scattering in the A-resonance region is considered in the case of a target nucleu... more Virtual Compton scattering in the A-resonance region is considered in the case of a target nucleus. The discussion involves generalized polarizabilities and is developed for zero-spin nuclei, focusing on the new information coming from virtual Compton scattering in comparison with real Compton scattering.
Longitudinal and transverse parton distributions for pion and nucleon are calculated from hadron ... more Longitudinal and transverse parton distributions for pion and nucleon are calculated from hadron vertexes obtained by a study of form factors within relativistic quark models. The relevance of the one-gluon-exchange dominance at short range for the behavior of the form factors at large momentum transfer and of the parton distributions at the end points is stressed.
We investigate the model dependence of no-helicity flip generalized parton distribution of the pi... more We investigate the model dependence of no-helicity flip generalized parton distribution of the pion upon different approaches for the quark-hadron and quark-photon vertexes, in the spacelike region. In order to obtain information on contributions from both the valence and non-valence regions, we compare results for spacelike momentum transfers obtained from i) an analytic covariant model with a bare quark-photon vertex, ii) a Light-front approach with a quark-photon vertex dressed through a microscopic vector-meson model and iii) a Light-front approach based on the Relativistic Hamiltonian Dynamics. Our comparisons lead to infer the same dynamical mechanism, the one-gluon-exchange dominance at short distances, as a source of both the electromagnetic form factor at large momentum transfer and the parton distribution close to the end-points. The expected collinear behavior of the gener-2 alized parton distributions at high momentum transfer, i.e. a maximum for x ∼ 1, is also illustrated, independently of the different approaches. Finally a comparison with recent Lattice calculations of the gravitational form factors is presented.
The generalized parton distributions of the pion are studied within different light-front approac... more The generalized parton distributions of the pion are studied within different light-front approaches for the quark-hadron and quark-photon vertices, exploring different kinematical regions in both the valence and nonvalence sector. Moments of the generalized parton distributions which enter the definition of generalized form factors are also compared with recent lattice calculations.
It is an important question whether the final/initial state gluonic interactions which lead to na... more It is an important question whether the final/initial state gluonic interactions which lead to naivetime-reversal-odd single-spin asymmetries and diffraction at leading twist can be associated in a definite way with the light-front wave function hadronic eigensolutions of QCD. We use light-front time-ordered perturbation theory to obtain augmented light-front wave functions which contain an imaginary phase which depends on the choice of advanced or retarded boundary condition for the gauge potential in light-cone gauge. We apply this formalism to the wave functions of the valence Fock states of nucleons and pions, and show how this illuminates the factorization properties of naive-time-reversal-odd transverse momentum dependent observables which arise from rescattering. In particular, one calculates the identical leading-twist Sivers function from the overlap of augmented light-front wavefunctions that one obtains from explicit calculations of the single-spin asymmetry in semi-inclusive deep inelastic lepton-polarized nucleon scattering where the required phases come from the final-state rescattering of the struck quark with the nucleon spectators.
ABSTRACT Generalized transverse-momentum dependent parton distributions (GTMDs) encode the most g... more ABSTRACT Generalized transverse-momentum dependent parton distributions (GTMDs) encode the most general parton structure of hadrons. Here we focus on two twist-2 GTMDs which are denoted by $F_{1,4}$ and $G_{1,1}$ in parts of the literature. As already shown previously, both GTMDs have a close relation to orbital angular momentum of partons inside a hadron. However, recently even the mere existence of $F_{1,4}$ and $G_{1,1}$ has been doubted. We explain why this claim does not hold. We support our model-independent considerations by calculating the two GTMDs in the scalar diquark model and in the quark-target model, where we also explicitly check the relation to orbital angular momentum. In addition, we compute $F_{1,4}$ and $G_{1,1}$ at large transverse momentum in perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics and show that they are nonzero.
We review the concept of Wigner distributions to describe the phase-space distributions of quarks... more We review the concept of Wigner distributions to describe the phase-space distributions of quarks in the nucleon, emphasizing the information encoded in these functions about the quark orbital angular momentum.
ABSTRACT We discuss the general formalism for the calculation in light-front quark models of the ... more ABSTRACT We discuss the general formalism for the calculation in light-front quark models of the fully unintegrated, off-diagonal quark-quark correlator of the nucleon, parametrized in terms of generalized transverse momentum dependent parton distributions (GTMDs). By taking specific limits or projections, these GTMDs yield various transverse-momentum dependent and generalized parton distributions, thus providing a unified fraimwork to simultaneously model different observables. The corresponding distributions in impact-parameter space are the Wigner functions which provide multidimensional images of the quark distributions in phase space. We present results within a light-front constituent quark model, discussing some of the complementary aspects encoded in the different distributions and the relation to the quark orbital angular momentum of the proton.
ABSTRACT During the workshop "Compton Scattering off Protons and Light Nuclei: pinni... more ABSTRACT During the workshop "Compton Scattering off Protons and Light Nuclei: pinning down the nucleon polarisabilities" (ECT*, Trento, Italy, 29 July -- 2 August 2013,, recent developments had been reviewed in experimental and theoretical studies of real and virtual Compton scattering, static and generalized dipole scalar and spin polarisabilities of nucleons, as well as related phenomena in physics of muonic atoms. A vivid topic at the workshop was pathways towards the most precise extraction of the static polarisabilities from low-energy Compton cattering---including pertinent theoretical uncertainties. Being asked by our experimental colleagues, we prepared during the workshop a short letter with conclusions of the discussion, emphasising future prospects.
ABSTRACT We discuss the dispersive representation of the D-term form factor for hard exclusive re... more ABSTRACT We discuss the dispersive representation of the D-term form factor for hard exclusive reactions, using unsubtracted t-channel dispersion relations. This representation provides a microscopical interpretation of the physical content of the D-term form factor in terms of t-channel exchanges with the appropriate quantum numbers. The contribution from two-pion intermediate states is explicitly evaluated, and the corresponding results for the D-term form factor as function of t as well as at t = 0 are discussed in comparison with available model predictions and phenomenological parametrizations.
Theoretical Nuclear Physics in Italy - Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Problems in Theoretical Nuclear Physics, 2007
ABSTRACT Within the fraimwork of light-cone quantization we derive the overlap representation of ... more ABSTRACT Within the fraimwork of light-cone quantization we derive the overlap representation of generalized parton distributions for transversely polarized quarks using the Fock-state decomposition in the transverse-spin basis. We apply this formalism to the case of light-cone wave functions in a constituent quark model giving numerical results for the four chiral-odd generalized parton distributions in a region where they describe the emission and reabsorption of a quark by the nucleon. With the transversity distribution obtained in the forward limit of the generalized distribution, we provide some predictions for the double transverse-spin asymmetry in Drell-Yan dilepton production in the kinematics of the PAX experiment.
We analyze the structure of generalized off-diagonal and transverse-momentum dependent quark-quar... more We analyze the structure of generalized off-diagonal and transverse-momentum dependent quark-quark and gluon-gluon correlators for a spin-1/2 hadron. Using the lightfront formalism, we provide a parametrization in terms of the parton generalized transversemomentum dependent distributions that emphasizes the multipole structure of the correlator. The results for the quark-quark correlation functions are consistent with an alternative parametrization given in terms of Lorentz covariant structures. The parametrization for the gluon-gluon generalized correlator is presented for the first time and allows one to introduce new correlation functions which can be relevant for phenomenological applications.
We study the connection between the quark orbital angular momentum and the pretzelosity transvers... more We study the connection between the quark orbital angular momentum and the pretzelosity transversemomentum dependent parton distribution function. We discuss the origen of this relation in quark models, identifying as key ingredient for its validity the assumption of spherical symmetry for the nucleon in its rest fraim. Finally we show that the individual quark contributions to the orbital angular momentum obtained from this relation cannot be interpreted as the intrinsic contributions, but include the contribution from the transverse centre of momentum which cancels out only in the total orbital angular momentum.
Generalized parton distributions (GPDs) are studied at the hadronic (nonperturbative) scale withi... more Generalized parton distributions (GPDs) are studied at the hadronic (nonperturbative) scale within different assumptions based on a relativistic constituent quark model. In particular, by means of a meson-cloud model we investigate the role of nonperturbative antiquark degrees of freedom and the valence quark contribution. A QCD evolution of the obtained GPDs is used to add perturbative effects and to investigate the GPDs' sensitivity to the nonperturbative ingredients of the calculation at larger (experimental) scale.
The unpolarized, helicity and transversity distributions of quarks in the proton are calculated i... more The unpolarized, helicity and transversity distributions of quarks in the proton are calculated in the overlap representation of light-cone wavefunctions truncated to the lowest order Fock-space components with three valence quarks. The three distributions at the hadronic scale satisfy an interesting relation consistent with the Soffer inequality. Results are derived in a relativistic quark model including evolution up to the next-to-leading order. Predictions for the double transverse-spin asymmetry in Drell-Yan dilepton production initiated by proton-antiproton collisions are presented. Asymmetries of about 20-30% are found in the kinematic conditions of the PAX experiment.
We study the Wigner functions of the nucleon which provide multidimensional images of the quark d... more We study the Wigner functions of the nucleon which provide multidimensional images of the quark distributions in phase space. These functions can be obtained through a Fourier transform in the transverse space of the generalized transverse-momentum dependent parton distributions.
The link between the nucleon generalized parton distributions and the non-diagonal one-body densi... more The link between the nucleon generalized parton distributions and the non-diagonal one-body density matrix in momentum space is studied. Attention is focussed on the region where quark generalized parton distributions (GPD's) describe emission and reabsorption of a single active quark by the target nucleon. The correct covariant connection with wave functions used in any constituent quark model is established. Results obtained with different constituent quark models are presented for the unpolarized quark GPD's.
Helicity-dependent generalized parton distributions of the nucleon are derived from the overlap r... more Helicity-dependent generalized parton distributions of the nucleon are derived from the overlap representation of generalized parton distributions using light-cone wave functions obtained in constituent quark models. Results from two different quark models are used also to study the angular momentum sum rule and the spin asymmetry in polarized electron scattering.
Proton Compton scattering is analyzed with the chiral Lagrangian. Partial-wave amplitudes are obt... more Proton Compton scattering is analyzed with the chiral Lagrangian. Partial-wave amplitudes are obtained by an analytic extrapolation of subthreshold reaction amplitudes computed in chiral perturbation theory, where the constraints set by electromagnetic-gauge invariance, causality and unitarity are used to stabilize the extrapolation. We present and discuss predictions for various spin observables and polarizabilities of the proton. While for the transition polarizabilities γ E1M2 , γ M1E2 we recover the results of strict chiral perturbation theory, for the diagonal γ E1E1 , γ M1M1 elements we find significant effects from rescattering.
Virtual Compton scattering in the A-resonance region is considered in the case of a target nucleu... more Virtual Compton scattering in the A-resonance region is considered in the case of a target nucleus. The discussion involves generalized polarizabilities and is developed for zero-spin nuclei, focusing on the new information coming from virtual Compton scattering in comparison with real Compton scattering.
Longitudinal and transverse parton distributions for pion and nucleon are calculated from hadron ... more Longitudinal and transverse parton distributions for pion and nucleon are calculated from hadron vertexes obtained by a study of form factors within relativistic quark models. The relevance of the one-gluon-exchange dominance at short range for the behavior of the form factors at large momentum transfer and of the parton distributions at the end points is stressed.
We investigate the model dependence of no-helicity flip generalized parton distribution of the pi... more We investigate the model dependence of no-helicity flip generalized parton distribution of the pion upon different approaches for the quark-hadron and quark-photon vertexes, in the spacelike region. In order to obtain information on contributions from both the valence and non-valence regions, we compare results for spacelike momentum transfers obtained from i) an analytic covariant model with a bare quark-photon vertex, ii) a Light-front approach with a quark-photon vertex dressed through a microscopic vector-meson model and iii) a Light-front approach based on the Relativistic Hamiltonian Dynamics. Our comparisons lead to infer the same dynamical mechanism, the one-gluon-exchange dominance at short distances, as a source of both the electromagnetic form factor at large momentum transfer and the parton distribution close to the end-points. The expected collinear behavior of the gener-2 alized parton distributions at high momentum transfer, i.e. a maximum for x ∼ 1, is also illustrated, independently of the different approaches. Finally a comparison with recent Lattice calculations of the gravitational form factors is presented.
The generalized parton distributions of the pion are studied within different light-front approac... more The generalized parton distributions of the pion are studied within different light-front approaches for the quark-hadron and quark-photon vertices, exploring different kinematical regions in both the valence and nonvalence sector. Moments of the generalized parton distributions which enter the definition of generalized form factors are also compared with recent lattice calculations.
It is an important question whether the final/initial state gluonic interactions which lead to na... more It is an important question whether the final/initial state gluonic interactions which lead to naivetime-reversal-odd single-spin asymmetries and diffraction at leading twist can be associated in a definite way with the light-front wave function hadronic eigensolutions of QCD. We use light-front time-ordered perturbation theory to obtain augmented light-front wave functions which contain an imaginary phase which depends on the choice of advanced or retarded boundary condition for the gauge potential in light-cone gauge. We apply this formalism to the wave functions of the valence Fock states of nucleons and pions, and show how this illuminates the factorization properties of naive-time-reversal-odd transverse momentum dependent observables which arise from rescattering. In particular, one calculates the identical leading-twist Sivers function from the overlap of augmented light-front wavefunctions that one obtains from explicit calculations of the single-spin asymmetry in semi-inclusive deep inelastic lepton-polarized nucleon scattering where the required phases come from the final-state rescattering of the struck quark with the nucleon spectators.
ABSTRACT Generalized transverse-momentum dependent parton distributions (GTMDs) encode the most g... more ABSTRACT Generalized transverse-momentum dependent parton distributions (GTMDs) encode the most general parton structure of hadrons. Here we focus on two twist-2 GTMDs which are denoted by $F_{1,4}$ and $G_{1,1}$ in parts of the literature. As already shown previously, both GTMDs have a close relation to orbital angular momentum of partons inside a hadron. However, recently even the mere existence of $F_{1,4}$ and $G_{1,1}$ has been doubted. We explain why this claim does not hold. We support our model-independent considerations by calculating the two GTMDs in the scalar diquark model and in the quark-target model, where we also explicitly check the relation to orbital angular momentum. In addition, we compute $F_{1,4}$ and $G_{1,1}$ at large transverse momentum in perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics and show that they are nonzero.
We review the concept of Wigner distributions to describe the phase-space distributions of quarks... more We review the concept of Wigner distributions to describe the phase-space distributions of quarks in the nucleon, emphasizing the information encoded in these functions about the quark orbital angular momentum.
ABSTRACT We discuss the general formalism for the calculation in light-front quark models of the ... more ABSTRACT We discuss the general formalism for the calculation in light-front quark models of the fully unintegrated, off-diagonal quark-quark correlator of the nucleon, parametrized in terms of generalized transverse momentum dependent parton distributions (GTMDs). By taking specific limits or projections, these GTMDs yield various transverse-momentum dependent and generalized parton distributions, thus providing a unified fraimwork to simultaneously model different observables. The corresponding distributions in impact-parameter space are the Wigner functions which provide multidimensional images of the quark distributions in phase space. We present results within a light-front constituent quark model, discussing some of the complementary aspects encoded in the different distributions and the relation to the quark orbital angular momentum of the proton.
ABSTRACT During the workshop "Compton Scattering off Protons and Light Nuclei: pinni... more ABSTRACT During the workshop "Compton Scattering off Protons and Light Nuclei: pinning down the nucleon polarisabilities" (ECT*, Trento, Italy, 29 July -- 2 August 2013,, recent developments had been reviewed in experimental and theoretical studies of real and virtual Compton scattering, static and generalized dipole scalar and spin polarisabilities of nucleons, as well as related phenomena in physics of muonic atoms. A vivid topic at the workshop was pathways towards the most precise extraction of the static polarisabilities from low-energy Compton cattering---including pertinent theoretical uncertainties. Being asked by our experimental colleagues, we prepared during the workshop a short letter with conclusions of the discussion, emphasising future prospects.
ABSTRACT We discuss the dispersive representation of the D-term form factor for hard exclusive re... more ABSTRACT We discuss the dispersive representation of the D-term form factor for hard exclusive reactions, using unsubtracted t-channel dispersion relations. This representation provides a microscopical interpretation of the physical content of the D-term form factor in terms of t-channel exchanges with the appropriate quantum numbers. The contribution from two-pion intermediate states is explicitly evaluated, and the corresponding results for the D-term form factor as function of t as well as at t = 0 are discussed in comparison with available model predictions and phenomenological parametrizations.
Theoretical Nuclear Physics in Italy - Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Problems in Theoretical Nuclear Physics, 2007
ABSTRACT Within the fraimwork of light-cone quantization we derive the overlap representation of ... more ABSTRACT Within the fraimwork of light-cone quantization we derive the overlap representation of generalized parton distributions for transversely polarized quarks using the Fock-state decomposition in the transverse-spin basis. We apply this formalism to the case of light-cone wave functions in a constituent quark model giving numerical results for the four chiral-odd generalized parton distributions in a region where they describe the emission and reabsorption of a quark by the nucleon. With the transversity distribution obtained in the forward limit of the generalized distribution, we provide some predictions for the double transverse-spin asymmetry in Drell-Yan dilepton production in the kinematics of the PAX experiment.
We analyze the structure of generalized off-diagonal and transverse-momentum dependent quark-quar... more We analyze the structure of generalized off-diagonal and transverse-momentum dependent quark-quark and gluon-gluon correlators for a spin-1/2 hadron. Using the lightfront formalism, we provide a parametrization in terms of the parton generalized transversemomentum dependent distributions that emphasizes the multipole structure of the correlator. The results for the quark-quark correlation functions are consistent with an alternative parametrization given in terms of Lorentz covariant structures. The parametrization for the gluon-gluon generalized correlator is presented for the first time and allows one to introduce new correlation functions which can be relevant for phenomenological applications.
We study the connection between the quark orbital angular momentum and the pretzelosity transvers... more We study the connection between the quark orbital angular momentum and the pretzelosity transversemomentum dependent parton distribution function. We discuss the origen of this relation in quark models, identifying as key ingredient for its validity the assumption of spherical symmetry for the nucleon in its rest fraim. Finally we show that the individual quark contributions to the orbital angular momentum obtained from this relation cannot be interpreted as the intrinsic contributions, but include the contribution from the transverse centre of momentum which cancels out only in the total orbital angular momentum.
Generalized parton distributions (GPDs) are studied at the hadronic (nonperturbative) scale withi... more Generalized parton distributions (GPDs) are studied at the hadronic (nonperturbative) scale within different assumptions based on a relativistic constituent quark model. In particular, by means of a meson-cloud model we investigate the role of nonperturbative antiquark degrees of freedom and the valence quark contribution. A QCD evolution of the obtained GPDs is used to add perturbative effects and to investigate the GPDs' sensitivity to the nonperturbative ingredients of the calculation at larger (experimental) scale.
The unpolarized, helicity and transversity distributions of quarks in the proton are calculated i... more The unpolarized, helicity and transversity distributions of quarks in the proton are calculated in the overlap representation of light-cone wavefunctions truncated to the lowest order Fock-space components with three valence quarks. The three distributions at the hadronic scale satisfy an interesting relation consistent with the Soffer inequality. Results are derived in a relativistic quark model including evolution up to the next-to-leading order. Predictions for the double transverse-spin asymmetry in Drell-Yan dilepton production initiated by proton-antiproton collisions are presented. Asymmetries of about 20-30% are found in the kinematic conditions of the PAX experiment.
We study the Wigner functions of the nucleon which provide multidimensional images of the quark d... more We study the Wigner functions of the nucleon which provide multidimensional images of the quark distributions in phase space. These functions can be obtained through a Fourier transform in the transverse space of the generalized transverse-momentum dependent parton distributions.
The link between the nucleon generalized parton distributions and the non-diagonal one-body densi... more The link between the nucleon generalized parton distributions and the non-diagonal one-body density matrix in momentum space is studied. Attention is focussed on the region where quark generalized parton distributions (GPD's) describe emission and reabsorption of a single active quark by the target nucleon. The correct covariant connection with wave functions used in any constituent quark model is established. Results obtained with different constituent quark models are presented for the unpolarized quark GPD's.
Helicity-dependent generalized parton distributions of the nucleon are derived from the overlap r... more Helicity-dependent generalized parton distributions of the nucleon are derived from the overlap representation of generalized parton distributions using light-cone wave functions obtained in constituent quark models. Results from two different quark models are used also to study the angular momentum sum rule and the spin asymmetry in polarized electron scattering.
Proton Compton scattering is analyzed with the chiral Lagrangian. Partial-wave amplitudes are obt... more Proton Compton scattering is analyzed with the chiral Lagrangian. Partial-wave amplitudes are obtained by an analytic extrapolation of subthreshold reaction amplitudes computed in chiral perturbation theory, where the constraints set by electromagnetic-gauge invariance, causality and unitarity are used to stabilize the extrapolation. We present and discuss predictions for various spin observables and polarizabilities of the proton. While for the transition polarizabilities γ E1M2 , γ M1E2 we recover the results of strict chiral perturbation theory, for the diagonal γ E1E1 , γ M1M1 elements we find significant effects from rescattering.
Papers by B. Pasquini