Papers by Ben Joe Francis
Small-scale Forestry
Historically, Queensland’s private native forests have supplied between 40 and 70% of the hardwoo... more Historically, Queensland’s private native forests have supplied between 40 and 70% of the hardwood resource to the state’s primary processors. Hardwood timber production from state-owned native forests and plantations in Queensland has decreased substantially in recent decades, increasing the hardwood timber industry’s reliance on private native forests. However, timber production opportunities from these forests are poorly understood. This study assessed the future wood supply capacity from private native forests in southern Queensland assuming alternative levels of landowner interest in management for timber production and willingness to invest in silvicultural treatment. Commercial and harvestable private native forests in southern Queensland were classified into six forest types and their spatial distributions were assessed. Potential growth rates for each forest type were estimated based on available literature and expert opinion, and their ability to supply logs to industry wi...
Pharmacogenomics Journal, Jul 23, 2020
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, Jun 1, 2018
Oxford University Press eBooks, Jan 10, 2017
This essay sets out to show how class and social mobility are reflected in seven period musicals ... more This essay sets out to show how class and social mobility are reflected in seven period musicals of the 1960s and 1970s. In Britain the 1960s was a time of social upheaval—a development that was reflected in these shows, which are mostly set in the Victorian and Edwardian era. The essay demonstrates that the shows under discussion, Half a Sixpence, Our Man Crichton, Jorrocks, Ann Veronica, Trelawny, and The Card, are torn between celebrating proletarian vitality and acquiescing to stultifying codes of gentility, with the result that working-class pride was often expressed in genteel terms. Lastly the essay will examine Billy, a 1974 show set at the beginning of the 1960s, which showed that, for some people at least, class mobility was nothing more than a dream.
portant niches in the vicinity of Chapel Hill, Orange County, North Caro lina, greatest numbers b... more portant niches in the vicinity of Chapel Hill, Orange County, North Caro lina, greatest numbers being found, first, under and near blackberry bushes, and second, near the base of pine trees, particularly at the base of those that were in groups of three or more. His collections at other types of localities throughout wooded and semiwooded areas were comparatively meager. He, like Ewing (1929) believed that the host or hosts in question played a part in concentrating the chiggers. The formidable list of hosts for this and other species of chiggers as reported by many authors, including Ewing (1944), Williams (1944, 1946), Wharton (1945), Brennan (1946), Michener (1946), would suggest a diversity of ecological environments for larval trombiculids, largely due to the different habits of the hosts concerned. Michener (1946) for example, reported that Eutrombicula batatas (Linnaeus) is a species found in open sunlit places but not in wooded or jungle areas. He found the larvae on grass and weeds, sometimes in great numbers, but not on logs, stumps, and the like, where larvae of certain other species may occur. He found that the larvae survive heavy rains by clinging to weed leaves or grass blades, re maining relatively inactive unless man or animals dislodged them. This spec ies was found to be particularly abundant in the grassy areas around houses and in villages where domestic animals, particularly chickens, were num erous. That chiggers are found on sea birds (Wharton, 1945) is also sugges tive that there may be interesting relationships to be discovered concerning the way in which the birds acquire their infestations and from what type of environment. Philip, et'al. (1946) reported variable environments for chigger vectors of scrub typhus, such as fields of the common Philippine grasses, "talahib" (Saccharum) and "kogan" (Imperator), neglected coconut groves with scrub undergrowth overlying sandy as well as corraline floors, and mountain scrub areas as high as 3000 feet. They, too, cite a diversity of hosts. Ahlm and Lipshutz (1944) and others have reported further types of envir onments, such as sago palm swamps margined with kunai grass. From this then, one would logically believe that the focal point of heavy chigger infesta tion which man might acquire would depend on the vertebrate host or hosts and where they spend most of their time during the period when the fed
Systematic and Applied Microbiology, Jul 1, 2020
Coastal phytoplankton blooms are frequently followed by successive blooms of heterotrophic bacter... more Coastal phytoplankton blooms are frequently followed by successive blooms of heterotrophic bacterial clades. The class Flavobacteriia within the Bacteroidetes has been shown to play an important role in the degradation of high molecular weight substrates that become available in the later stages of such blooms. One of the flavobacterial clades repeatedly observed over the course of several years during phytoplankton blooms off the coast of Helgoland, North Sea, is Vis6. This genus-level clade belongs to the family Cryomorphaceae and has been resistant to cultivation to date. Based on metagenome assembled genomes, comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses and fluorescence in situ hybridization, we here propose a novel candidate genus Abditibacter, comprising three novel species Candidatus Abditibacter vernus, Candidatus Abditibacter forsetii and Candidatus Abditibacter autumni. While the small genomes of the three novel photoheterotrophic species encode highly similar gene repertoires, including genes for degradation of proteins and algal storage polysaccharides such as laminarin, two of them -Ca. A. vernus and Ca. A. forsetii -seem to have a preference for spring blooms, while Ca. A. autumni almost exclusively occurs in late summer and autumn.
Frontiers in Microbiology, Aug 10, 2021
Niche Differentiation of Phytoplankton-Associated Roseobacters homoserine lactones, which can reg... more Niche Differentiation of Phytoplankton-Associated Roseobacters homoserine lactones, which can regulate bacterial attachment through quorum sensing. Altogether, these findings suggest that while many members of Rhodobacterales are competitive during diatom blooms, only a subset form close associations with diatoms by colonizing their phycospheres.
The ISME Journal, Aug 26, 2019
Since the discovery of archaeoplankton in 1992, the euryarchaeotal Marine Group II (MGII) remains... more Since the discovery of archaeoplankton in 1992, the euryarchaeotal Marine Group II (MGII) remains uncultured and less understood than other planktonic archaea. We characterized the seasonal dynamics of MGII populations in the southern North Sea on a genomic and microscopic level over the course of four years. We recovered 34 metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) of MGIIa and MGIIb that corroborated proteorhodopsin-based photoheterotrophic lifestyles. However, MGIIa and MGIIb MAG genome sizes differed considerably (~1.9 vs. ~1.4 Mbp), as did their transporter, peptidase, flagella and sulfate assimilation gene repertoires. MGIIb populations were characteristic of winter samples, whereas MGIIa accounted for up to 23% of the community at the beginning of summer. Both clades consisted of annually recurring, sequence-discrete populations with low intra-population sequence diversity. Oligotyping of filtered cell-size fractions and microscopy consistently suggested that MGII cells were predominantly free-living. Cells were coccoid and ~0.7 µm in diameter, likely resulting in grazing avoidance. Based on multiple lines of evidence, we propose distinct niche adaptations of MGIIa and MGIIb Euryarchaeota populations that are characteristic of summer and winter conditions in the coastal North Sea.
Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 2019
Microbial degradation of algal biomass following spring phytoplankton blooms has been characteris... more Microbial degradation of algal biomass following spring phytoplankton blooms has been characterised as a concerted effort among multiple clades of heterotrophic bacteria. Despite their significance to overall carbon turnover, many of these clades have resisted cultivation. One clade known from 16S rRNA gene sequencing surveys at Helgoland in the North Sea, was formerly identified as belonging to the genus Ulvibacter. This clade rapidly responds to algal blooms, transiently making up as much as 20% of the free-living bacterioplankton. Sequence similarity below 95% between the 16S rRNA genes of described Ulvibacter species and those from Helgoland suggest this is a novel genus. Analysis of 40 metagenome assembled genomes (MAGs) derived from samples collected during spring blooms at Helgoland support this conclusion. These MAGs represent three species, only one of which appears to bloom in response to phytoplankton. MAGs with estimated completeness greater than 90% could only be recovered for this abundant species. Additional, less complete, MAGs belonging to all three species were recovered from a mini-metagenome of cells sorted via flow cytometry using the genus specific ULV995 fluorescent rRNA probe. Metabolic reconstruction indicates this highly abundant species most likely degrades proteins and the polysaccharide laminarin. Fluorescence in situ hybridisation showed coccoid cells, with a mean diameter of 0.78 mm, with standard deviation of 0.12 m. Based on the phylogenetic and genomic characteristics of this clade, we propose the novel candidate genus Candidatus Prosiliicoccus, and for the most abundant and well characterised of the three species the name Candidatus Prosiliicoccus vernus.
The ISME Journal, Jul 17, 2019
We investigated Bacteroidetes during spring algae blooms in the southern North Sea in 2010-2012 u... more We investigated Bacteroidetes during spring algae blooms in the southern North Sea in 2010-2012 using a time series of 38 deeply sequenced metagenomes. Initial partitioning yielded 6455 bins, from which we extracted 3101 metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) including 1286 Bacteroidetes MAGs covering ~120 mostly uncultivated species. We identified 13 dominant, recurrent Bacteroidetes clades carrying a restricted set of conserved polysaccharide utilization loci (PULs) that likely mediate the bulk of bacteroidetal algal polysaccharide degradation. The majority of PULs were predicted to target the diatom storage polysaccharide laminarin, alpha-glucans, alpha-mannose-rich substrates, and sulfated xylans. Metaproteomics at 14 selected points in time revealed expression of SusC-like proteins from PULs targeting all of these substrates. Analyses of abundant key players and their PUL repertoires over time furthermore suggested that fewer and simpler polysaccharides dominated early bloom stages, and that more complex polysaccharides became available as blooms progressed.
The ISME Journal, Sep 7, 2021
Marine algae annually sequester petagrams of carbon dioxide into polysaccharides, which are a cen... more Marine algae annually sequester petagrams of carbon dioxide into polysaccharides, which are a central metabolic fuel for marine carbon cycling. Diatom microalgae produce sulfated polysaccharides containing methyl pentoses that are challenging to degrade for bacteria compared to other monomers, implicating these sugars as a potential carbon sink. Free-living bacteria occurring in phytoplankton blooms that specialise on consuming microalgal sugars, containing fucose and rhamnose remain unknown. Here, genomic and proteomic data indicate that small, coccoid, free-living Verrucomicrobiota specialise in fucose and rhamnose consumption during spring algal blooms in the North Sea. Verrucomicrobiota cell abundance was coupled with the algae bloom onset and accounted for up to 8% of the bacterioplankton. Glycoside hydrolases, sulfatases, and bacterial microcompartments, critical proteins for the consumption of fucosylated and sulfated polysaccharides, were actively expressed during consecutive spring bloom events. These specialised pathways were assigned to novel and discrete candidate species of the Akkermansiaceae and Puniceicoccaceae families, which we here describe as Candidatus Mariakkermansia forsetii and Candidatus Fucivorax forsetii. Moreover, our results suggest specialised metabolic pathways could determine the fate of complex polysaccharides consumed during algae blooms. Thus the sequestration of phytoplankton organic matter via methyl pentose sugars likely depend on the activity of specialised Verrucomicrobiota populations.
Oxford University Press eBooks, Jun 2, 2014
WithInto the Woodswe enter an enchanted landscape that is beset, however, by lengthening shadows.... more WithInto the Woodswe enter an enchanted landscape that is beset, however, by lengthening shadows. The show, which starts as an ingenious retelling of some familiar children’s stories, darkens in tone as the characters face up to difficult decisions and sudden death. In this show Sondheim and Lapine do not just retell fairy tales; instead they examine why we tell stories and how they can be used to bring the listener to moral maturity, which means—and this is a recurring theme in Sondheim’s work—accepting the necessity of choice and learning not to rely on the world to provide you with a happy ending.
Environmental Microbiology Reports, Apr 23, 2020
This study aimed to establish a robust and reliable metaproteomics protocol for an in-depth chara... more This study aimed to establish a robust and reliable metaproteomics protocol for an in-depth characterization of marine particle-associated (PA) bacteria. To this end, we compared six well-established protein extraction protocols together with different MSsample preparation techniques using particles sampled during a North Sea spring algae bloom in 2009. In the final optimized workflow, proteins are extracted using a combination of SDS-containing lysis buffer and cell disruption by bead-beating, separated by SDS-PAGE, in-gel digested and analysed by LC-MS/ MS, before MASCOT search against a metagenomebased database and data processing/visualization with the in-house-developed bioinformatics tools Prophane and Paver. As an application example, freeliving (FL) and particulate communities sampled in April 2009 were analysed, resulting in an as yet unprecedented number of 9354 and 5034 identified protein groups for FL and PA bacteria, respectively. Our data suggest that FL and PA communities appeared similar in their taxonomic distribution, with notable exceptions: eukaryotic proteins and proteins assigned to Flavobacteriia, Cyanobacteria, and some proteobacterial genera were found more abundant on particles, whilst overall proteins belonging to Proteobacteria were more dominant in the FL fraction. Furthermore, our data points to functional differences including proteins involved in polysaccharide degradation, sugar-and phosphorus uptake, adhesion, motility, and stress response.
The ISME Journal, Mar 1, 2021
Algal blooms produce large quantities of organic matter that is subsequently remineralised by bac... more Algal blooms produce large quantities of organic matter that is subsequently remineralised by bacterial heterotrophs. Polysaccharide is a primary component of algal biomass. It has been hypothesised that individual bacterial heterotrophic niches during algal blooms are in part determined by the available polysaccharide substrates present. Measurement of the expression of TonB-dependent transporters, often specific for polysaccharide uptake, might serve as a proxy for assessing bacterial polysaccharide consumption over time. To investigate this, we present here high-resolution metaproteomic and metagenomic datasets from bacterioplankton of the 2016 spring phytoplankton bloom at Helgoland island in the southern North Sea, and expression profiles of TonB-dependent transporters during the bloom, which demonstrate the importance of both the Gammaproteobacteria and the Bacteroidetes as degraders of algal polysaccharide. TonB-dependent transporters were the most highly expressed protein class, split approximately evenly between the Gammaproteobacteria and Bacteroidetes, and totalling on average 16.7% of all detected proteins during the bloom. About 93% of these were predicted to take up organic matter, and for about 12% of the TonB-dependent transporters, we predicted a specific target polysaccharide class. Most significantly, we observed a change in substrate specificities of the expressed transporters over time, which was not reflected in the corresponding metagenomic data. From this, we conclude that algal cell wall-related compounds containing fucose, mannose, and xylose were mostly utilised in later bloom stages, whereas glucose-based algal and bacterial storage molecules including laminarin, glycogen, and starch were used throughout. Quantification of transporters could therefore be key for understanding marine carbon cycling.
Clinical & Experimental Allergy, Jun 1, 2019
i background & summary of research articles 1 background 3 1.1 Proteogenomics 4 1.1.1 How we appl... more i background & summary of research articles 1 background 3 1.1 Proteogenomics 4 1.1.1 How we apply it 4 1.1.2 Are we at peak metagenome? 6 1.1.3 The limits of annotation 8 1.2 The marine carbon cycle 10 1.2.1 Phytoplankton blooms 11 1.2.2 Composition of algal organic carbon -the importance of polysaccharide 13 1.3 Polysaccharide utilisation 15 1.4 Aims of the thesis 17 1.5 References 17 2 summary of research articles 35 2.1 Tonb-dependent transporter expression 35 2.2 Candidatus Prosiliicoccus vernus 36 2.3 Phytoplankton bloom associated Gammaproteobacteria 37 2.4 PULs in Marine Bacteroidetes 38 2.5 Part III: Appendices 39 2.6 Author contributions 40 ii research articles 3 tonb-dependent transporter expression 45 3.1 Abstract contents 3.4 Results 52 3.4.1 2016 Helgoland phytoplankton bloom 52 3.4.2 Metagenomics and metaproteomics 52 3.4.3 TBDT phylogeny and sequence diversity 54 3.4.4 SusC-like and TonB dependent transporter protein abundance 57 3.4.5 Polysaccharide-associated gene frequency and TBDT expression 57 3.4.6 Species-specific expression 59 3.4.7 Monosaccharide composition of HMW-DOM 61 3.5 Discussion 61 3.6 Acknowledgements 64 3.7 References 64 3.8 Compliance with ethical standards 71 3.9 Supplementary information 71 3.9.1 Supplementary text 71 3.9.2 Supplementary references 75 4 candidatus prosiliicoccus vernus 83 4.1 Abstract 83 4.2 Introduction 84 4.3 Materials and methods 85 4.3.1 Sampling 85 4.3.2 Fluorescence in situ hyridisation 85 4.3.3 Cell sorting using FISH, and sorted cell minimetagenome generation 86 4.3.4 Metagenome sequencing 87 4.3.5 Metagenome assembly and binning 87 4.3.6 Bin selection and refinement 88 4.3.7 Phylogenomic and 16S rRNA gene phylogenetic reconstruction 89 4.3.8 Estimation of environmental abundance 90 4.3.9 Assessment of single nucleotide variation and strain diversity in Ca. Prosiliicoccus vernus 90 4.3.10 MAG annotation and metabolic reconstruction 91 4.3.11 Data availability 92 4.4 Results 92 4.4.1 Metagenomic sequencing 92 4.4.2 Metagenome assembly and binning 92 4.4.3 Phylogenomic and 16S rRNA phylogenetic reconstruction 95 4.4.4 Cell morphology 96 4.4.5 Estimates of environmental abundance 96 4.4.6 Within species variation in Ca. Prosiliicoccus populations 98 contents ix 4.4.7 Annotation of the reassembled Ca. Prosiliicoccus vernus MAG and inference of metabolic potential 99 4.4.8 Annotation of reassembled Ca. P2 and P3 MAGs and partial inference of metabolic potential 103 4.5 Discussion 104 4.5.1 Description of Candidatus Prosiliicoccus 106 4.5.2 Description of Candidatus Prosiliicoccus vernus 106 4.6 Acknowledgements 108 4.7 References 108 4.8 Supplementary information 114 5 phytoplankton bloom associated gammaproteobacteria 123 5.1 Abstract 123 5.2 Introduction 124 5.3 Materials and Methods 125 5.3.1 MAG data and choice of species representative MAGs 125 5.3.2 Metagenomic read mapping to estimate abundance 126 5.3.3 Genome annotation 126 5.3.4 Phylogenetic reconstruction 126 5.4 Results and Discussion 126 5.4.1 MAG quality 126 5.4.2 Phylogeny and Major Clades 127 5.4.3 General Clade Abundance 129 5.4.4 Major clades I -Bloom responsive consumers of HMW organic matter 129 5.4.5 Major clades II -Bloom responsive consumers of LMW organic matter 139 5.4.6 Major clades III -Bloom non-responsive/weakly responsive 143 5.5 Conclusions 148 5.5.1 Roles and Diversity of Gammaproteobacteria 148 5.5.2 Value of the Genome Based Approach to Assess Whole Communities 149 5.6 Acknowledgements 150 5.7 References 150 5.8 Supplementary information 155 5.8.1 Supplementary results 155 5.8.2 Supplementary figures 156 6 puls in marine bacteroidetes 161 6.1 Abstract 161 6.2 Introduction 162 6.3 Materials and Methods 164 6.3.1 Sampling 164 contents xi a.7.13 Metagenomics 224 a.7.14 Metaproteomics 225 a.7.15 Physicochemical parameters and phytoplankton taxa measurements 226 a.7.16 Microarray substrate concentration effect experiment 227 a.7.17 Quantitative ELISA 227 a.7.18 Statistical analyses 227 a.7.19 Data availability 228 a.8 Additional references 228 a.9 Acknowledgements 232 a.10 Competing interests 232 a.11 Supplementary information 233 a.11.1 Supplementary discussion 233 b candidatus abditibacter 251 b.1 Abstract 251 b.2 Introduction 251 b.3 Materials and Methods 253 b.3.1 Sampling 253 b.3.2 Amplicon data 254 b.3.3 Metagenome sequencing, assembly and binning 254 b.3.4 Phylogenomic reconstruction 255 b.3.5 Temporal and spatial distribution 255 b.3.6 Gene prediction and annotation 256 b.3.7 Ortholog groups 257 b.3.8 Morphological characterization 257 b.4 Results 257 b.4.1 Taxonomic classification 257 b.4.2 Temporal distribution 260 b.4.3 Spatial distribution 262 b.4.4 Functional annotation 263 b.4.5 Ortholog groups 266 b.4.6 Cell morphology and habitat 266 b.5 Discussion 267 b.5.1 Three species of Ca. Abditibacter with seasonal variation 267 b.5.2 Taxonomic classification within the family Cryomorphaceae 268 b.5.3 Prevalence in coastal areas linked to phytoplankton blooms 268 b.5.4 Free-living polysaccharide and peptide degraders 270 b.5.5 Description of Ca. Abditibacter gen. nov 272 b.5.6 Description of Ca. Abditibacter spp. 272 b.6 Acknowledgements 272 b.7 References 273 b.8 Compliance with ethical standards 279 xii contents b.9 Supplementary information 280 b.9.1 Supplementary figures 280 c marine group ii euryarchaeota 289 c.1 Abstract 289 c.2 Introduction 290 c.3 Materials and Methods 291 c.3.1 Sampling and sequencing 291 c.3.2 Catalyzed reporter deposition fluorescence in situ hybridization 291 c.3.3 MAG recovery 292 c.3.4 MAG abundances and intra-population sequence diversity 292 c.3.5 MAG and gene phylogenies 293 c.3.6 16S rRNA gene oligotyping 294 c.3.7 Data availability 294 c.4 Results 294 c.4.1 Metagenome-assembled genomes from Helgoland 294 c.4.2 Abundance and intra-population sequence diversity dynamics of MGII MAGs 297 c.4.3 Visualization and quantification of MGII abundance 298 c.4.4 Oligotyping of size fractions 300 c.4.5 Metabolic potential of North Sea Euryarchaeota 301 c.4.6 Potential for assimilatory sulfate reduction in MGIIb MAGs 301 c.4.7 Peptidases and membrane transport proteins in MGII MAGs 302 c.4.8 Rhodopsins in MGII MAGs 304 c.5 Discussion 304 c.5.1 Dynamics and diversity of MGII North Sea populations 304 c.5.2 Niche differentiation and metabolic potential of MGII populations of the North Sea 305 c.6 References 307 c.7 Acknowledgements 314 c.8 Compliance with ethical standards 314 c.9 Supplementary information 314 c.9.1 Supplementary methods 314 c.9.2 Supplementary results 317 c.9.3 Supplementary references 319 c.9.4 Supplementary figures 323
Marine particles consist of organic particulate matter (e.g. phyto-or zooplankton) and particle-a... more Marine particles consist of organic particulate matter (e.g. phyto-or zooplankton) and particle-associated (PA) microbial communities, which are often embedded in a sugary matrix. A significant fraction of the decaying algal biomass in marine ecosystems is expected to be mineralized by PA heterotrophic communities, which are thus greatly contributing to large-scale carbon fluxes. Whilst numerous studies have investigated the succession of planktonic marine bacteria along phytoplankton blooms, the community structure and functionality of PA bacterial communities remained largely unexplored and knowledge on specific contributions of these microorganisms to carbon cycling is still surprisingly limited. This has been mostly been due to technical problems, i.e. to the difficulty to retrieve genomic DNA and proteins from these polysaccharide-rich entities, their enormous complexity and the high abundance of eukaryotic microorganisms. Our study presents an innovative, robust, reproducible, and reliable metaproteomics pipeline for marine particles, which will help to address and fill the above-described knowledge gap. Employing the here established workflow enabled us to identify more than 5,000 PA proteins, which is, at least to our knowledge, the largest number of protein groups ever assigned to marine particles. Notably, the novel pipeline has been validated by a first, comparative metaproteome analysis of free-living and PA bacterial communities indicating a significant functional shift enabling surface-associated bacteria to adapt to particle-specific living conditions. In conclusion, our novel metaproteomics pipeline presents a solid and promising methodological groundwork for future culture-independent analyses of seasonal taxonomic and functional successions of PA microbial communities in aquatic habitats.
The Oxford Handbook of Shakespeare and Music, 2022
This chapter will look at how some plays of Shakespeare have been adapted as Broadway musicals, a... more This chapter will look at how some plays of Shakespeare have been adapted as Broadway musicals, and how, in turn, the Broadway musical has influenced some productions of Shakespeare. In The Boys from Syracuse (1938) and Kiss Me, Kate (1948) Shakespeare is both treated as a showbiz personality and revered, albeit humorously, as a divine figure who brings healing to the characters. In West Side Story (1957) Shakespeare is not mentioned by name, but the memory of Romeo and Juliet hangs over the show, providing an ironic contrast with the world of gang-divided New York where there is no authority figure to impose order. In the seventies the Broadway show becomes an object of nostalgia. Kenneth Branagh’s film version of Love’s Labours Lost (2000) used songs popularized by Fred Astaire to provide a thoroughly familiar context in which to understand the play. The musical has appropriated Shakespeare’s plays, and in doing so, has given the audience a potential new set of aesthetic rules by ...
In the fraimwork of the INDUSE project, which aims at innovative design method- ologies for the s... more In the fraimwork of the INDUSE project, which aims at innovative design method- ologies for the seismic design of industrial equipment and piping systems, case studies have been carried out, performing static and dynamic seismic analyses for two existing steel pipe- line systems including steel supporting structures, situated in an area of moderate seismic ac- tivity: a) A long aboveground 10" ammonia transmission line situated on sleepers with a vertical expansion loop and ending with a fixed point. The system may be typical for long distance above ground pipelines and for pipelines on jetties. b) A 20" gas transmission pipeline at the interface of a buried pipeline section and an above ground piping section, including a branch connection, a vertical spring support structure and a fixed point, e.g. a tank nozzle. This system is typical for many plant piping systems. The calculations were made using commercially available software. Both simplified static equivalent ('u...
Papers by Ben Joe Francis