Papers by Bernhard Spiess
Malignant melanomas with extensive metastasis in various organs were diagnosed in a 8-year-old eu... more Malignant melanomas with extensive metastasis in various organs were diagnosed in a 8-year-old european shorthair cat and a 10-year-old persian cat. The primary tumor in the european shorthair cat was located within the eye. The clinical progress, gross pathology and histology are outlined. The possibility of an increase of melanomas in combination with FIV-or FeLV-infections is discussed. [References: 15]

Aldose reductase activity and glucose-related opacities in incubated lenses from dogs and cats
Http Dx Doi Org 10 2460 Ajvr 2002 63 1591, Dec 7, 2005
To determine responses of canine and feline lenses to incubation in a medium with a high glucose ... more To determine responses of canine and feline lenses to incubation in a medium with a high glucose concentration. Lenses from 35 dogs and 26 cats. Glucose concentrations were measured in paired lenses from 25 dogs and 17 cats after incubation for 14 days in high-glucose (30 mmol of glucose/L) or control (6 mmol of glucose/L) medium. Aldose reductase activity was measured spectrophotometrically in the incubated lenses and in freshly frozen lenses from 10 dogs and 9 cats. Two lenses of each group were studied histologically. Canine and feline lenses in high-glucose medium developed glucose-specific opacities of variable localization and extent. Canine lenses developed equatorial vacuoles, but severity of the lesions was not associated with the age of the dog. Lenses from young cats (< or = 4 years old) developed extensive posterior cortical opacities, whereas those from older cats (> 4 years old) did not. Glucose concentrations were similar in all lenses incubated in high-glucose medium; however aldose reductase activity was significantly lower in lenses from older cats, compared with lenses from young cats and from dogs. High aldose reductase activity and glucose-related opacities suggest a central role for this enzyme in the pathogenesis of diabetic cataracts in dogs and cats. Because onset of diabetes mellitus usually occurs in cats > 7 years of age, low activity of aldose reductase in lenses of older cats may explain why diabetic cataracts are rare in this species despite hyperglycemia.
Bilateral Lipid Keratopathy and Atherosclerosis in an Alpaca (Lama pacos) due to Hypercholesterolemia
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, Nov 1, 2006

Collie Eye Anomaly in Switzerland
Sat Schweizer Archiv Fur Tierheilkunde, Dec 1, 2009
In this retrospective study, the results of 3'527 eye examinations in 6 different breeds ... more In this retrospective study, the results of 3'527 eye examinations in 6 different breeds affected with Collie Eye Anomaly (CEA) over a period of 8 years (1999 - 2007) are described. CEA was divided into three main ophthalmoscopic features, a) choroidal hypoplasia (CRH), b) CRH and coloboma and c) coloboma alone. Of the 101 Smooth Collies 8.9 % showed signs of CRH, whereas 36.9 % of Rough Collies were affected with CRH, 2.8 % with CRH and coloboma and 0.38 % with coloboma alone. Choroidal hypoplasia was present in 13.1 %, CRH and coloboma in 1.8 % and coloboma alone in 0.2 % of the Shetland Sheepdogs. Only one Australian Shepherd dog had CRH, while 0.7 % of the Border Collies were affected with CRH. None of the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers were affected with CEA. There were no statistically significant differences in the occurrence of CEA between males and females, nor was there any relation between coat colors. Significant differences could be shown between dogs younger or older than 8 weeks at first examination. CEA was more often diagnosed in dogs younger than 8 weeks within the Rough Collie and Shetland Sheepdog.
[Equine recurrent uveitis]
Sat Schweizer Archiv Fur Tierheilkunde, Feb 1, 1997
Equine recurrent uveitis is an important ocular disease and the most common cause for blindness i... more Equine recurrent uveitis is an important ocular disease and the most common cause for blindness in horses and mules worldwide. The anatomy, physiology, immunology and inflammatory reactions of the uveal tract are discussed. Possible etiologies and the clinical signs are described. A detailed description of possible therapies is given and the prognosis is discussed.
Augenverletzungen durch Katzenkrallen beim Hund
A retrospective study of ocular cat claw injuries in the dog revealed an over-representation of v... more A retrospective study of ocular cat claw injuries in the dog revealed an over-representation of very young dogs in our case material. Puppies up to the age of 12 weeks have no menace response. Thus, an important protective mechanism is missing in early life. This may be one reason for the frequently occurring severe ocular trauma caused by cat claw injuries in puppies. Older dogs are less likely to sustain such an injury. Cat claw injuries cause corneal and lens capsule perforation with ensuing severe phacoclastic uveitis. In our series phthisis bulbi or secondary glaucoma were the result in 50% of the cases. In large lens capsule tears early lens extraction may prevent severe uveitis and may retain functional vision.
Goniodysplasie beim Bouvier des Flandres
Ophthalmologic examination of 72 Bouvier des Flandres dogs revealed variable degrees of goniodysg... more Ophthalmologic examination of 72 Bouvier des Flandres dogs revealed variable degrees of goniodysgenesis in 37.5% of the animals. All dogs examined were normotensive and asymptomatic. Tonography in 4 dogs showed normal c-values for out-flow facility in all of them. Pedigree analysis demonstrated a recessive inheritance. Although the frequency of goniodysgenesis appears to be very high in this breed, the incidence of glaucoma remains low. Genetic counseling and careful selection of breeding stock showed that gonioscopically normal animals can be produced.

Specific Inner Retinal Layer Cell Damage in an Autoimmune Glaucoma Model Is Induced by GDNF With or Without HSP27
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, 2016
Previously, immunization of rats with ocular antigens induced retinal ganglion cell (RGC) degener... more Previously, immunization of rats with ocular antigens induced retinal ganglion cell (RGC) degeneration. We investigated the effect of immunization with glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) or GDNF in combination with heat shock protein 27 (GDNF+HSP) on RGCs and other retinal cells. Rats were immunized with GDNF or GDNF+HSP. After 4 weeks, retinas were stained with Brn-3a and NeuN to quantify RGCs. GFAP and vimentin staining were used to investigate macroglia. Microglia were marked with Iba1 and ED1. Amacrine cells were labeled with parvalbumin and ChAT. Photoreceptors were evaluated with rhodopsin and opsin staining and bipolar cells with PKCα and recoverin. For these cell types, Western blotting was also performed. Retinas of immunized animals showed a significant loss of Brn-3a+ and NeuN+ RGCs. No significant changes could be observed in regard to macroglia. An increase in Iba1+ microglia was detected in both groups, but little change in regard to activated microglia...
[Experiences with a new method for the treatment of absolute glaucoma in the dog and cat]
SAT Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde

Protective coatings for intraocular wirelessly controlled microrobots for implantation: Corrosion, cell culture, and in vivo animal tests
Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials, Jan 24, 2016
Diseases in the ocular posterior segment are a leading cause of blindness. The surgical skills re... more Diseases in the ocular posterior segment are a leading cause of blindness. The surgical skills required to treat them are at the limits of human manipulation ability, and involve the risk of permanent retinal damage. Instrument tethering and design limit accessibility within the eye. Wireless microrobots suturelessly injected into the posterior segment, steered using magnetic manipulation are proposed for procedures involving implantation. Biocompatibility is a prerequisite for these procedures. This article investigates the use of polypyrrole- and gold-coated cobalt-nickel microrobots. While gold has been used in ocular implants, no ocular implantation involving polypyrrole is reported, despite its well-established biocompatibility properties. Coated and uncoated microrobots were investigated for their corrosion properties, and solutions that had contained coated and uncoated microrobots for one week were tested for cytotoxicity by monitoring NIH3T3 cell viability. None of the micr...

Photonics and Lasers in Medicine, 2012
Lasers are routinely used in veterinary ophthalmology for the treatment of a number of ophthalmic... more Lasers are routinely used in veterinary ophthalmology for the treatment of a number of ophthalmic conditions and diseases. In veterinary ophthalmology, gas lasers (CO 2 lasers) and semiconductor lasers (diode lasers) are used primarily, but the therapy of posterior capsular opacifi cation with the Nd:YAG laser has also been described. This paper presents and discusses the most common indications for the use of the diode and CO 2 lasers. Diode lasers are mainly used in the treatment of glaucoma, either by transscleral cyclophotocoagulation or by endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation. Other indications are various forms of retinal detachments, as well as pigmented neoplasms of the uvea. An emerging fi eld in veterinary ophthalmology using diode lasers is photodynamic therapy of periocular tumors. CO 2 lasers are used for pars plana vitrectomies and surgical excision of ocular tumors.
[Reference: article of Mr. Prof. Dr. W. Kraft: Clinical veterinary medicine in Germany--quo vadis? (Tierärztliche Praxis 1995; 23:224-51)]
Tierärztliche Praxis
Klinische Elektroretinographie beim Hund. 2. Teil
The second part of this study deals primarily with the technical aspects of electroretinography. ... more The second part of this study deals primarily with the technical aspects of electroretinography. A custom made dark chamber for the patient is presented. The requirements for an optical stimulator are discussed in detail and the recording instrumentation--electrodes, amplifiers, averager, digitalizer--are presented. The display of the signals on a monitor and plotter concludes this technical description. The remainder of part 2 is devoted to the many factors influencing the recording of an ERG, notably pupillary diameter, anesthesia, oxygen and glucose supply to the animal, body temperature of the patient, its intraocular pressure and level of retinal adaptation, and finally the age of the patient. On the technical side the intensity, wavelength and frequency of stimulation play an important role.
[Therapy of orbital neoplasms in small animals]
Tierärztliche Praxis
The incidence, clinical signs and diagnostic work-up of orbital neoplasms is briefly discussed. T... more The incidence, clinical signs and diagnostic work-up of orbital neoplasms is briefly discussed. The surgical management of such tumors is discussed in detail on the basis of three clinical cases. Long-term functional and cosmetic results are shown. Intraoperative and postoperative complications are discussed.
Leitsymptom "Erblinden" -Differentialdiagnosen im Flussdiagramm
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca beim Hund
![Research paper thumbnail of [Prolapse of the eyeball in small animals: a retrospective study of 36 cases]](
[Prolapse of the eyeball in small animals: a retrospective study of 36 cases]
Tierärztliche Praxis
Proptosis of the globe is an ophthalmic emergency, which requires rapid assessment of the situati... more Proptosis of the globe is an ophthalmic emergency, which requires rapid assessment of the situation and immediate medical and surgical therapy. The relevant prognostic signs as well as the medical and surgical management are discussed. A retrospective study of 36 proptosed globes at the Zurich Veterinary School revealed that young animals with a mean age of 5.2 years (dogs) and 4.7 years (cats) are at risk. In the dog both sexes are equally at risk, while tomcats have a higher incidence than females. In ten cases immediate enucleation of the proptosed globe was necessary. The remaining eyes could be replaced. The majority of the repositioned globes were subsequently blind, the cosmetic result, however, was satisfactory according to most owners. Ophthalmic follow-up examinations revealed a large number of long-term damages in repositioned eyes in dogs and cats concerning anterior and posterior segment.
Herpes-Keratitis der Katze
![Research paper thumbnail of [Oscillating potentials on the B-wave of the ERG in the dog]](
[Oscillating potentials on the B-wave of the ERG in the dog]
Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 1992
The oscillatory potentials (OP) on the b-wave of the canine ERG are characterized. Normal values ... more The oscillatory potentials (OP) on the b-wave of the canine ERG are characterized. Normal values for an OP-index, implicit times and periodicity are given. The OP-index increases during dark adaptation as well as with increasing stimulus intensities for white light flashes. Scotopic blue and red stimuli, although balanced for the maximum b-wave amplitude, surprisingly result in higher OP-indices for red flashes. Implicit times decrease for all OP with increasing stimulus intensities. Scotopic balanced red light results in OP with markedly reduced implicit times compared to blue light stimulation. The intervals between two OPs remain constant during dark adaptation, however, intervals between OPs with longer implicit times tend to be shorter. In contrast, the b-waves for scotopic balanced stimuli show rhythmic oscillations with constant intervals between them, the intervals being shorter for blue light than for red light. The intervals between OPs tend to become shorter with increasi...
[Goniodysplasia in the Bouvier des Flandres]
SAT Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde
Ophthalmologic examination of 72 Bouvier des Flandres dogs revealed variable degrees of goniodysg... more Ophthalmologic examination of 72 Bouvier des Flandres dogs revealed variable degrees of goniodysgenesis in 37.5% of the animals. All dogs examined were normotensive and asymptomatic. Tonography in 4 dogs showed normal c-values for out-flow facility in all of them. Pedigree analysis demonstrated a recessive inheritance. Although the frequency of goniodysgenesis appears to be very high in this breed, the incidence of glaucoma remains low. Genetic counseling and careful selection of breeding stock showed that gonioscopically normal animals can be produced.
Papers by Bernhard Spiess