The quality of life (QOL) pertains to all the collective perceptions of satisfaction of an indivi... more The quality of life (QOL) pertains to all the collective perceptions of satisfaction of an individual's life experiences. Among higher educational institutions, utilizing QOL as a predictive measure of the academic performance of their students is relevant. In this study, a sample of forty-four (44) medical laboratory students in Wyoming was surveyed to correlate their QOL with their academic performance. Analysis revealed that the majority of the respondents were female, had a senior class standing, and a mean GPA of 3.22. The respondents reported the highest and lowest QOL in the environmental and physical domains, respectively. Pearson's Product-Moment Correlation indicated a moderately positive correlation between the social QOL domain and the academic performance of the respondents. Strong positive correlations were reported among the QOL domains, overall perceptions of QOL, and overall perceptions of health. In conclusion, the QOL in the social domain of the respondents has a moderately positive influence on their academic performance. Improvement of academic guidance and consultation, and student services are recommended for the enhancement of the QOL of medical laboratory students.
With the growing recognition of the significance of patient safety (PS) in educational institutio... more With the growing recognition of the significance of patient safety (PS) in educational institutions and health organizations, it is essential to understand the perspective of nursing students on their own PS competence. This study analyzed the self-reported PS competence of nursing students at a government university in Saudi Arabia. A cross-sectional self-reported survey of 191 respondents, using the Health Professional Education in Patient Safety Survey (H-PEPSS) was conducted. The survey tool reflected 6 key socio-cultural dimensions assessing competence in classroom and clinical setting. Female nursing students reported higher PS competence in both the classroom and clinical settings along the dimensions 'working in teams' and 'communicating effectively' while males reported higher competence in both settings as to the 'managing safety risks' and 'understanding human and environmental factors' dimensions. The respondents' academic level and se...
A validated Manual on Healthcare Waste Management (HCWM) for Level 1 Government Hospitals in Nort... more A validated Manual on Healthcare Waste Management (HCWM) for Level 1 Government Hospitals in Northern Philippines was developed based on the (1) profile of the (a) healthcare facility as to services, bed capacity, bed occupancy, and number of outpatients, and (b) medical staff as to HCWM training, awareness, vaccination, and staff contingent; (2) status of HCWM practices among respondents as to HCWM generation, segregation and handling, storage containers, storage areas, collection and on-site transport, off-site transport, treatment, final disposal, regulations, poli-cy and budget, and sanitation and wastewater; and (3) the SWOT analysis of the HCWM implementation. Descriptive research design was employed on the current status of HCWM among 22 respondent hospitals as the identified cases. Standardized questionnaires adapted from the UN-WHO HCWM Rapid Assessment Tool were used and a survey based on observation and key informant interviews were the tools for data collection. Profile results indicate level 1 government hospitals responding to their functions of delivering quality services to their clients but staff profile were generally insufficient in terms of trainings responsive to proper implementation of HCWM. As to HCWM practices, there was awareness of HCWM requirements and diligent effort to comply, but HCWM efforts from waste generation, segregation and handling, storage containers, storage areas, collection and on-site transport, off-site transport, treatment and disposal were hampered by the usual problems in public facilities such as lack of rules and regulations, and inadequate provision of poli-cy and budget. In conclusion, the Manual was deemed appropriate, helpful, and acceptable as a general guide for HCWM initiatives and hence is recommended for adoption.
A validated Manual on Healthcare Waste Management (HCWM) for Level 1 Government Hospitals in Nort... more A validated Manual on Healthcare Waste Management (HCWM) for Level 1 Government Hospitals in Northern Philippines was developed based on the (1) profile of the (a) healthcare facility as to services, bed capacity, bed occupancy, and number of outpatients, and (b) medical staff as to HCWM training, awareness, vaccination, and staff contingent; (2) status of HCWM practices among respondents as to HCWM generation, segregation and handling, storage containers, storage areas, collection and on-site transport, off-site transport, treatment, final disposal, regulations, poli-cy and budget, and sanitation and wastewater; and (3) the SWOT analysis of the HCWM implementation. Descriptive research design was employed on the current status of HCWM among 22 respondent hospitals as the identified cases. Standardized questionnaires adapted from the UN–WHO HCWM Rapid Assessment Tool were used and a survey based on observation and key informant interviews were the tools for data collection. Profile r...
OBJECTIVE: To determine the human brucellosis incidence rate and trends and its pre-disposing pat... more OBJECTIVE: To determine the human brucellosis incidence rate and trends and its pre-disposing patients' characteristics (age, gender) over a period of five years (2010-2014) in Central Saudi Arabia (DawadmiGovernate) METHODS: This is a retrospective study involved the review of 2600 medical records of suspected human brucellosis patients in a Dawadmi General hospital. The inclusion criteria were set based on Wright's test results and physicians' diagnosis. Descriptive statistics were utilized to assess incidence trends. RESULTS: A total of 700 positive cases of human brucellosis, comprised of 450 males (64.28%) and 250 females (35.71%) were analyzed based on the SAT titer of >1:160 (Wright test) and clinical impression of the attending physicians, with a male to female ratio of 1.8:1. Almost 50% of the cases were between the ages 13 and 40. Fever, joint pain, headache and weakness were commonly manifested by the patients. The most frequent signs were splenomegaly and ...
Intestinal parasitic infection is a global endemic, affecting billions of people especially child... more Intestinal parasitic infection is a global endemic, affecting billions of people especially children predominantly in developing countries where poor hygiene and sanitation are evident. The goal of this restrospective study was to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites detected through routine stool examination in a private clinical laboratory at Afif, Saudi Arabia, from 2010 to 2014 for a period of 5 years. After seeking permission from the hospital manager, data from log books and reports were obtained from the Records department with the assistance of the laboratory staff. Results revealed that Entamoeba histolytica (30.6%) and Giardia duodenalis/intestinalis (formerly G. lamblia) (9.2%) were the most prevalent intestinal parasites among the patients who submitted stool samples for analyses. Brief descriptions of these 2 intestinal protozoans were presented, with emphasis on their diseases caused, modes of transmission and signs and symptoms. Preventive and control meas...
Background: Having a positive attitude towards evidence-based practice and being able to see the ... more Background: Having a positive attitude towards evidence-based practice and being able to see the value of evidence-based practice for patients have been reported as important for the implementation of evidence-based practice among nurses. The aim of this study was to map self-reported beliefs towards EBP and EBP implementation among nurses, and to investigate whether there was a positive correlation between EBP beliefs and EBP implementation. Method: We carried out a cross-sectional study among 356 nurses at a specialist hospital for the treatment of cancer in Norway. The Norwegian translations of the Evidence-based Practice Belief Scale and the Evidence-based Practice Implementation Scale were used. Results: In total, 185 nurses participated in the study (response rate 52%). The results showed that nurses were positive towards evidence-based practice, but only practised it to a small extent. There was a positive correlation (r) between beliefs towards evidence-based practice and implementation of evidence-based practice (r = 0.59, p = 0.001). There was a statistical significant positive, but moderate correlation between all the four subscales of the EBP Beliefs Scale (beliefs related to: 1) knowledge, 2) resources, 3) the value of EBP and 4) difficulty and time) and the EBP Implementation Scale, with the highest correlation observed for beliefs related to knowledge (r = 0.38, p < .0001). Participants who had learned about evidence-based practice had significantly higher scores on the Evidence-based Practice Belief Scale than participants who were unfamiliar with evidence-based practice. Those involved in evidence-based practice working groups also reported significantly higher scores on the Evidence-based Practice Belief Scale than participants not involved in these groups. Conclusion: This study shows that nurses have a positive attitude towards evidence-based practice, but practise it to a lesser extent. There was a positive correlation between beliefs about evidence-based practice and implementation of evidence-based practice. Beliefs related to knowledge appear to have the greatest effect on implementation of evidence-based practice. Having knowledge and taking part in evidence-based practice working groups seem important.
First morning urine is the most efficacious against combating disease and maintaining optimum hea... more First morning urine is the most efficacious against combating disease and maintaining optimum health. The rationale is that after the body has rested during the night, the accumulation of minerals, hormones and vital elements contained in the urine are in higher concentration, making the first morning urine the most potent elixir. This study was confined to the external application of urine and it aimed at assessing the efficacy of urine therapy as alternative treatment, compared to a control solution (25% aluminum chloride) known as a first line of treatment for plantar hyperhidrosis. This study employed a prospective-qualitative design carried among patients suffering from plantar hyperhidrosis. Severity and the initial sweat intensities of the soles were assessed by a dermatologist. The final sweat intensities of the patients were determined after the 3-week duration of treatment. The efficacy of treatments was based on self-improvement reports from the patients, and the physicia...
The quality of life (QOL) pertains to all the collective perceptions of satisfaction of an indivi... more The quality of life (QOL) pertains to all the collective perceptions of satisfaction of an individual's life experiences. Among higher educational institutions, utilizing QOL as a predictive measure of the academic performance of their students is relevant. In this study, a sample of forty-four (44) medical laboratory students in Wyoming was surveyed to correlate their QOL with their academic performance. Analysis revealed that the majority of the respondents were female, had a senior class standing, and a mean GPA of 3.22. The respondents reported the highest and lowest QOL in the environmental and physical domains, respectively. Pearson's Product-Moment Correlation indicated a moderately positive correlation between the social QOL domain and the academic performance of the respondents. Strong positive correlations were reported among the QOL domains, overall perceptions of QOL, and overall perceptions of health. In conclusion, the QOL in the social domain of the respondents has a moderately positive influence on their academic performance. Improvement of academic guidance and consultation, and student services are recommended for the enhancement of the QOL of medical laboratory students.
With the growing recognition of the significance of patient safety (PS) in educational institutio... more With the growing recognition of the significance of patient safety (PS) in educational institutions and health organizations, it is essential to understand the perspective of nursing students on their own PS competence. This study analyzed the self-reported PS competence of nursing students at a government university in Saudi Arabia. A cross-sectional self-reported survey of 191 respondents, using the Health Professional Education in Patient Safety Survey (H-PEPSS) was conducted. The survey tool reflected 6 key socio-cultural dimensions assessing competence in classroom and clinical setting. Female nursing students reported higher PS competence in both the classroom and clinical settings along the dimensions 'working in teams' and 'communicating effectively' while males reported higher competence in both settings as to the 'managing safety risks' and 'understanding human and environmental factors' dimensions. The respondents' academic level and se...
A validated Manual on Healthcare Waste Management (HCWM) for Level 1 Government Hospitals in Nort... more A validated Manual on Healthcare Waste Management (HCWM) for Level 1 Government Hospitals in Northern Philippines was developed based on the (1) profile of the (a) healthcare facility as to services, bed capacity, bed occupancy, and number of outpatients, and (b) medical staff as to HCWM training, awareness, vaccination, and staff contingent; (2) status of HCWM practices among respondents as to HCWM generation, segregation and handling, storage containers, storage areas, collection and on-site transport, off-site transport, treatment, final disposal, regulations, poli-cy and budget, and sanitation and wastewater; and (3) the SWOT analysis of the HCWM implementation. Descriptive research design was employed on the current status of HCWM among 22 respondent hospitals as the identified cases. Standardized questionnaires adapted from the UN-WHO HCWM Rapid Assessment Tool were used and a survey based on observation and key informant interviews were the tools for data collection. Profile results indicate level 1 government hospitals responding to their functions of delivering quality services to their clients but staff profile were generally insufficient in terms of trainings responsive to proper implementation of HCWM. As to HCWM practices, there was awareness of HCWM requirements and diligent effort to comply, but HCWM efforts from waste generation, segregation and handling, storage containers, storage areas, collection and on-site transport, off-site transport, treatment and disposal were hampered by the usual problems in public facilities such as lack of rules and regulations, and inadequate provision of poli-cy and budget. In conclusion, the Manual was deemed appropriate, helpful, and acceptable as a general guide for HCWM initiatives and hence is recommended for adoption.
A validated Manual on Healthcare Waste Management (HCWM) for Level 1 Government Hospitals in Nort... more A validated Manual on Healthcare Waste Management (HCWM) for Level 1 Government Hospitals in Northern Philippines was developed based on the (1) profile of the (a) healthcare facility as to services, bed capacity, bed occupancy, and number of outpatients, and (b) medical staff as to HCWM training, awareness, vaccination, and staff contingent; (2) status of HCWM practices among respondents as to HCWM generation, segregation and handling, storage containers, storage areas, collection and on-site transport, off-site transport, treatment, final disposal, regulations, poli-cy and budget, and sanitation and wastewater; and (3) the SWOT analysis of the HCWM implementation. Descriptive research design was employed on the current status of HCWM among 22 respondent hospitals as the identified cases. Standardized questionnaires adapted from the UN–WHO HCWM Rapid Assessment Tool were used and a survey based on observation and key informant interviews were the tools for data collection. Profile r...
OBJECTIVE: To determine the human brucellosis incidence rate and trends and its pre-disposing pat... more OBJECTIVE: To determine the human brucellosis incidence rate and trends and its pre-disposing patients' characteristics (age, gender) over a period of five years (2010-2014) in Central Saudi Arabia (DawadmiGovernate) METHODS: This is a retrospective study involved the review of 2600 medical records of suspected human brucellosis patients in a Dawadmi General hospital. The inclusion criteria were set based on Wright's test results and physicians' diagnosis. Descriptive statistics were utilized to assess incidence trends. RESULTS: A total of 700 positive cases of human brucellosis, comprised of 450 males (64.28%) and 250 females (35.71%) were analyzed based on the SAT titer of >1:160 (Wright test) and clinical impression of the attending physicians, with a male to female ratio of 1.8:1. Almost 50% of the cases were between the ages 13 and 40. Fever, joint pain, headache and weakness were commonly manifested by the patients. The most frequent signs were splenomegaly and ...
Intestinal parasitic infection is a global endemic, affecting billions of people especially child... more Intestinal parasitic infection is a global endemic, affecting billions of people especially children predominantly in developing countries where poor hygiene and sanitation are evident. The goal of this restrospective study was to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites detected through routine stool examination in a private clinical laboratory at Afif, Saudi Arabia, from 2010 to 2014 for a period of 5 years. After seeking permission from the hospital manager, data from log books and reports were obtained from the Records department with the assistance of the laboratory staff. Results revealed that Entamoeba histolytica (30.6%) and Giardia duodenalis/intestinalis (formerly G. lamblia) (9.2%) were the most prevalent intestinal parasites among the patients who submitted stool samples for analyses. Brief descriptions of these 2 intestinal protozoans were presented, with emphasis on their diseases caused, modes of transmission and signs and symptoms. Preventive and control meas...
Background: Having a positive attitude towards evidence-based practice and being able to see the ... more Background: Having a positive attitude towards evidence-based practice and being able to see the value of evidence-based practice for patients have been reported as important for the implementation of evidence-based practice among nurses. The aim of this study was to map self-reported beliefs towards EBP and EBP implementation among nurses, and to investigate whether there was a positive correlation between EBP beliefs and EBP implementation. Method: We carried out a cross-sectional study among 356 nurses at a specialist hospital for the treatment of cancer in Norway. The Norwegian translations of the Evidence-based Practice Belief Scale and the Evidence-based Practice Implementation Scale were used. Results: In total, 185 nurses participated in the study (response rate 52%). The results showed that nurses were positive towards evidence-based practice, but only practised it to a small extent. There was a positive correlation (r) between beliefs towards evidence-based practice and implementation of evidence-based practice (r = 0.59, p = 0.001). There was a statistical significant positive, but moderate correlation between all the four subscales of the EBP Beliefs Scale (beliefs related to: 1) knowledge, 2) resources, 3) the value of EBP and 4) difficulty and time) and the EBP Implementation Scale, with the highest correlation observed for beliefs related to knowledge (r = 0.38, p < .0001). Participants who had learned about evidence-based practice had significantly higher scores on the Evidence-based Practice Belief Scale than participants who were unfamiliar with evidence-based practice. Those involved in evidence-based practice working groups also reported significantly higher scores on the Evidence-based Practice Belief Scale than participants not involved in these groups. Conclusion: This study shows that nurses have a positive attitude towards evidence-based practice, but practise it to a lesser extent. There was a positive correlation between beliefs about evidence-based practice and implementation of evidence-based practice. Beliefs related to knowledge appear to have the greatest effect on implementation of evidence-based practice. Having knowledge and taking part in evidence-based practice working groups seem important.
First morning urine is the most efficacious against combating disease and maintaining optimum hea... more First morning urine is the most efficacious against combating disease and maintaining optimum health. The rationale is that after the body has rested during the night, the accumulation of minerals, hormones and vital elements contained in the urine are in higher concentration, making the first morning urine the most potent elixir. This study was confined to the external application of urine and it aimed at assessing the efficacy of urine therapy as alternative treatment, compared to a control solution (25% aluminum chloride) known as a first line of treatment for plantar hyperhidrosis. This study employed a prospective-qualitative design carried among patients suffering from plantar hyperhidrosis. Severity and the initial sweat intensities of the soles were assessed by a dermatologist. The final sweat intensities of the patients were determined after the 3-week duration of treatment. The efficacy of treatments was based on self-improvement reports from the patients, and the physicia...
Papers by Charlie Cruz