Bu tezde güneş pili/termal toplayıcı (PV/T) hibrid sisteminin elektriksel ve ısıl verimi incelene... more Bu tezde güneş pili/termal toplayıcı (PV/T) hibrid sisteminin elektriksel ve ısıl verimi incelenerek binaların elektrik, sıcak su ve ısıtma gibi gereksinimlerinin karşılanmasında kullanılabilirliği araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla bir yarı saydam PV modül ve Titanium Dioksit kaplamalı düzlemsel toplayıcı beraber kullanılmıştır. Kurulan hibrid sistemden maksimum verimin elde edilebilmesi için optimizasyon yapılmıştır. Sistem doğal dolaşımlı ve zorlanmış dolaşımlı olarak çalıştırılarak verim incelenmiştir. PV/T panelin verimi termal toplayıcı ve güneş modülü verimleriyle karşılaştırılmıştır
In this paper, the hybrid photovoltaic/thermal collector (PV/T) system's electrical and thermal e... more In this paper, the hybrid photovoltaic/thermal collector (PV/T) system's electrical and thermal efficiency was examined by stating a mathematical model and developing a prototype of the system. To enhance the electrical efficiency, the cell temperature of the PV module was decreased with cooling and the heated fluid could be used for low heating applications. For this purpose, a PV/T system was modeled and constructed using a thermal collector placed beneath the photovoltaic panel where the excess heat and solar radiation through the transparent PV module was the input of the thermal collector. A transparent solar module was used in order to improve the total efficiency of the hybrid PV/T system by means of increasing the radiant solar energy reaching the absorber plate of the collector. The absorber plate was coated with titanium dioxide as the absorption level of the coating was higher than 95%, which increases the thermal output by 10%. We note that using TINOX coating for the absorber plate and transparent solar module had the advantage of increasing the thermal yield of the hybrid system. The influences of the dynamic parameters on the system performance, wind speed and water flow rate, were examined on a daily basis and it was observed that the wind speed had a minor effect on the performance and that forced circulation improved the thermal efficiency. The PV/T hybrid system was compared with the separate PV module and thermal collector efficiencies and the results are presented. With these improvements, the efficiency of the single cover, water type PV/T hybrid system is increased to the maximum reported value in literature.
2014 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, 2014
This paper presents an embedded mechatronic system that tracks sun for improving photovoltaic pan... more This paper presents an embedded mechatronic system that tracks sun for improving photovoltaic panel performance with low power consumption. The electronics part of this sun tracker consists of a DC motor driven by an ARM core microcontroller, and motor driving circuit with feedback sensors. Developed real-time control algorithm combines the open-loop and the closed-loop control methods to improve performance and reliability of the two-axis sun tracker. Energy gain issues are taken into account, which implies besides other issues, the sun is not continually tracked with the same exactitude, overconsumption by the motors. Experimental results of two-axis sun tracker are presented together with the fixed one.
2013 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, 2013
In this study, PID control algorithm for a level control system is designed and applied to a prog... more In this study, PID control algorithm for a level control system is designed and applied to a programmable logic controller in order to meet the requirements of engineering students' hands on training on PID control of processes. The auto-tuning mode of operation based on PID analog measurements in a closed-loop control system is preferred to present how stable, less time consuming solution it is. Trial and error method is also used for determining PID parameters in order to compare the results with the auto-tuning method.
2013 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, 2013
The overall objective of this study is to develop a control algorithm that improves performance a... more The overall objective of this study is to develop a control algorithm that improves performance and reliability of the two-axis solar tracker, focusing on optimization of the controller board, drive hardware and software. An embedded two-axis solar tracking system and real-time control algorithm was developed for improving photovoltaic panel utilization. The system consists of a microcontroller, two motor-control modules, two DC motors, feedback devices, and other sensors needed for robust operation. The real-time control algorithm enables the solar tracker to be used as a stand-alone system, which can operate automatically without external control. The system combines two different control methods: the open-loop method and the closed-loop method. An experimental prototype was built and field results have proven the good performance of the developed tracking system.
2019 Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications Conference (ASYU), 2019
The aim of the study is to design and implement an OPC-based SCADA system’s physical and software... more The aim of the study is to design and implement an OPC-based SCADA system’s physical and software structure model, which controls and supervises systems containing multiple controllers from different commercial companies.Within the scope of the study, we implemented an electro-pneumatic pressing unit as a prototype and designed the operator panel to be used by the operator for handling the pressing process and integrated it into the system.An OPC server-based SCADA system was designed to supervise and control all the Electro-Pneumatic Pressing System, which contains multiple controllers from different commercial brands, which use different industrial communications protocols.
2020 9th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO), 2020
In this study, an artificial neural network, which runs on a real-time controller to obtain outpu... more In this study, an artificial neural network, which runs on a real-time controller to obtain outputs of nonlinear multivariable system is presented. Within the scope of the study, forward kinematics problems of a 6 DOF articulated manipulator has been used for the case study of a nonlinear system. An artificial neural network has been trained for forward kinematics problem and implemented on a PLC to predict the responses of the nonlinear systems on real-time. Also an HMI was used for the observation of system responses and serve as an input device. As a conclusion, an embedded real-time system that successfully works with trained artificial neural network, has been implemented on a common nonlinear case.
Leiomyoma is a benign tumor of the uterus. It typically does not present with weight loss, massiv... more Leiomyoma is a benign tumor of the uterus. It typically does not present with weight loss, massive ascites, gastrointestinal symptoms, elevated CA125, and elevated alpha fetoprotein. This was a rare case of a 48-year-old nullipara, emaciated with grossly distended abdomen, huge abdominal mass corresponding to 36 weeks' gestation, associated anorexia, easy satiety, constipation and vomiting that had TAH and BSO for suspected ovarian malignancy, which histology report revealed leiomyoma. Abdominal ultrasound scan done noted huge right ovarian mass, possibly malignant, with massive ascites. Findings at surgery, revealed a large, firm mass with necrotic patches, attached to the uterine fundus by a thin stalk 5 x 3 cm thick and to the omentum by large dilated blood vessels and adhesions. Mass weighed 5.8 kg. Eleven (11) liters of ascitic fluid was aspirated, sent for cytology and report showed no malignant cells. Histology confirmed a degenerated leiomyoma with no evidence of malignancy. Atypical presentation of leiomyoma can mimic that of malignancy. This knowledge will help Clinicians and Gynaecologists to have a high index of suspicion with such clinical features, in making prompt diagnosis and instituting appropriate management.
Design, Control and Applications of Mechatronic Systems in Engineering, 2017
Essential part of a mechatronics system is the measurement system that senses the variations in t... more Essential part of a mechatronics system is the measurement system that senses the variations in the physical parameters, such as temperature, pressure, displacement, and so on, and converts it to voltage or current. The control of industrial processes and automated manufacturing systems requests accurate, moreover, linearized sensor measurements, where numerous sensors have nonlinear characteristics. In mechatronic systems, accurate measurement of the dynamic variables plays a vital role for the actuators to function properly. This chapter presents linearization methods and a measurement system in mechatronics consisting of temperature sensors and the signal-conditioning circuits, providing detailed information on design process of an embedded measurement and linearization system. This system uses a 32-bit microcontroller for thermocouple (T/C) cold junction compensation, amplification of low output voltage, then conversion to digital, and linearization of the type K thermocouple's output by software to output a desired signal. Piecewise and polynomial methods are used in linearization software, and the implemented embedded system for the linearization of a type K T/C is presented as a case study. The obtained results are compared to give an insight to the researchers who work on measurement systems in mechatronics.
In this paper, a pre-feasibility study of using PV-based hybrid energy system to provide electric... more In this paper, a pre-feasibility study of using PV-based hybrid energy system to provide electricity to a residential area in west coast of Turkey is examined. The selected case study represents a power demand of 12.6kWh day-1 with a 2.9 kW peak power demand. The power system used in this study contains diesel generator, grid connection and PV modules with backup storage. The energy system was redesigned and optimized as PV based in order to meet the existing user's power demand at a minimum cost of energy. Temperature and solar radiation data obtained from Ege University meteorology station has been used in the simulation process through optimization software, HOMER. Three systems that were considered in this study area are stand-alone PV-diesel, stand-alone PV-battery and grid connected PV system. The proposed systems then were compared regarding on their operational characteristics and cost values. The comparisons prove that grid connected PV energy system had the lowest total net present cost and cost of energy, $53,197 and $0.57/kWh, respectively that makes it the most cost effective system and followed by PV-diesel and stand-alone PV-battery system. It can be concluded that the renewable-based system can become a favorable system without aid from the grid system and bring advantage in technical and economic point of view and also suitable to be applied in the residential application as energy supply if only the current cost of PV arrays and battery system technology have been reduced to its minimum rate.
Sizing of wind and photovoltaic generators ensures lower operational costs and therefore, is cons... more Sizing of wind and photovoltaic generators ensures lower operational costs and therefore, is considered as an important issue. An approach for sizing along with a best management technique for a PV-wind hybrid system with batteries is proposed in this paper, in which the best size for every component of the system could be optimized according to the weather conditions and the load profile. The average hourly values for wind speed and solar radiation for Izmir, Turkey has been used in the design of the systems, along with expected load profile. A hybrid power model is also developed for battery operation according to the power balance between generators and loads used in the software, to anticipate performances for the different systems according to the different weather conditions. The output of the program will display the performance of the system during the year, the total cost of the system, and the best size for the PV-generator, wind generator, and battery capacity. Using proposed procedure, a 1.2 kWp PV-wind hybrid system was designed for Izmir, and simulated and measured results are presented.
2012 5th European DSP Education and Research Conference (EDERC), 2012
This paper presents the development of a line follower wheeled mobile robot. In this project, LM3... more This paper presents the development of a line follower wheeled mobile robot. In this project, LM3S811 which is ARM cortex-3 based microcontroller is chosen as the main controller to react towards the data received from infra-red line sensors to give fast, smooth, accurate and safe movement in partially structured environment. A dynamic PID control algorithm has been proposed to improve the navigation reliability of the wheeled mobile robot which uses differential drive locomotion system. The experimental results show that the dynamic PID algorithm can be performed under the system real-time requirements.
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2013
This paper presents the development of a solar cell based simple and practical leaf area meter. T... more This paper presents the development of a solar cell based simple and practical leaf area meter. The system has a silicon solar module which is composed of 6 series connected cells, a light source, and a parabolic reflector with opal glass for diffusing the light. Partial shading effect on PV cell's voltage and current are evaluated with different geometrical shapes for testing the performance of the model, and the resulting equations for voltage and current changes with respect to measured areas are obtained. The measured current has a good correlation: 2 > 0.99 for regularly shaped leaves and 2 > 0.95 for irregularly shaped ones. The resulting voltage and current measurements are then fed to an ARM Cortex M3 core 32-bit LM3S1968 microcontroller via a voltage and current measuring unit. The calculated leaf areas from the obtained area-current relations are shown on an OLED graphics display. The whole system is easy to use and user-friendly. The leaf area measurements are confirmed by comparing the results with measurements of grid counting method.
B u calismanin amaci gunes pili ile yaprak alaninin olculmesidir. Bu amacla alti adet seri hucred... more B u calismanin amaci gunes pili ile yaprak alaninin olculmesidir. Bu amacla alti adet seri hucreden olusan 7x10 cm2 ve 5x7 cm2'lik amorf silisyum gunes pilleri kullanilmis ve cesitli alanlarla golgelenerek alan-akim ve alan-gerilim grafikleri cikarilmistir. Calismalarda once gunes pili uzerinde golgeleme yapilmis, ancak seri bagli hucrelerden olusan gunes pilinin kismi golgelenmesi sonucu ayni alanlar farkli geometrik sekiller icin farkli akim degerleri ile ifade edilmistir. Bunun uzerine isik kaynagi uzerinde golgeleme ile isik miktari degistirilerek olcumler tekrarlanmistir. Alan-akim ve alan-gerilim egrileri alan ile gunes pili akimindaki degismenin oldukca dogrusal oldugunu gostermektedir
Bu tezde güneş pili/termal toplayıcı (PV/T) hibrid sisteminin elektriksel ve ısıl verimi incelene... more Bu tezde güneş pili/termal toplayıcı (PV/T) hibrid sisteminin elektriksel ve ısıl verimi incelenerek binaların elektrik, sıcak su ve ısıtma gibi gereksinimlerinin karşılanmasında kullanılabilirliği araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla bir yarı saydam PV modül ve Titanium Dioksit kaplamalı düzlemsel toplayıcı beraber kullanılmıştır. Kurulan hibrid sistemden maksimum verimin elde edilebilmesi için optimizasyon yapılmıştır. Sistem doğal dolaşımlı ve zorlanmış dolaşımlı olarak çalıştırılarak verim incelenmiştir. PV/T panelin verimi termal toplayıcı ve güneş modülü verimleriyle karşılaştırılmıştır
In this paper, the hybrid photovoltaic/thermal collector (PV/T) system's electrical and thermal e... more In this paper, the hybrid photovoltaic/thermal collector (PV/T) system's electrical and thermal efficiency was examined by stating a mathematical model and developing a prototype of the system. To enhance the electrical efficiency, the cell temperature of the PV module was decreased with cooling and the heated fluid could be used for low heating applications. For this purpose, a PV/T system was modeled and constructed using a thermal collector placed beneath the photovoltaic panel where the excess heat and solar radiation through the transparent PV module was the input of the thermal collector. A transparent solar module was used in order to improve the total efficiency of the hybrid PV/T system by means of increasing the radiant solar energy reaching the absorber plate of the collector. The absorber plate was coated with titanium dioxide as the absorption level of the coating was higher than 95%, which increases the thermal output by 10%. We note that using TINOX coating for the absorber plate and transparent solar module had the advantage of increasing the thermal yield of the hybrid system. The influences of the dynamic parameters on the system performance, wind speed and water flow rate, were examined on a daily basis and it was observed that the wind speed had a minor effect on the performance and that forced circulation improved the thermal efficiency. The PV/T hybrid system was compared with the separate PV module and thermal collector efficiencies and the results are presented. With these improvements, the efficiency of the single cover, water type PV/T hybrid system is increased to the maximum reported value in literature.
2014 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, 2014
This paper presents an embedded mechatronic system that tracks sun for improving photovoltaic pan... more This paper presents an embedded mechatronic system that tracks sun for improving photovoltaic panel performance with low power consumption. The electronics part of this sun tracker consists of a DC motor driven by an ARM core microcontroller, and motor driving circuit with feedback sensors. Developed real-time control algorithm combines the open-loop and the closed-loop control methods to improve performance and reliability of the two-axis sun tracker. Energy gain issues are taken into account, which implies besides other issues, the sun is not continually tracked with the same exactitude, overconsumption by the motors. Experimental results of two-axis sun tracker are presented together with the fixed one.
2013 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, 2013
In this study, PID control algorithm for a level control system is designed and applied to a prog... more In this study, PID control algorithm for a level control system is designed and applied to a programmable logic controller in order to meet the requirements of engineering students' hands on training on PID control of processes. The auto-tuning mode of operation based on PID analog measurements in a closed-loop control system is preferred to present how stable, less time consuming solution it is. Trial and error method is also used for determining PID parameters in order to compare the results with the auto-tuning method.
2013 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, 2013
The overall objective of this study is to develop a control algorithm that improves performance a... more The overall objective of this study is to develop a control algorithm that improves performance and reliability of the two-axis solar tracker, focusing on optimization of the controller board, drive hardware and software. An embedded two-axis solar tracking system and real-time control algorithm was developed for improving photovoltaic panel utilization. The system consists of a microcontroller, two motor-control modules, two DC motors, feedback devices, and other sensors needed for robust operation. The real-time control algorithm enables the solar tracker to be used as a stand-alone system, which can operate automatically without external control. The system combines two different control methods: the open-loop method and the closed-loop method. An experimental prototype was built and field results have proven the good performance of the developed tracking system.
2019 Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications Conference (ASYU), 2019
The aim of the study is to design and implement an OPC-based SCADA system’s physical and software... more The aim of the study is to design and implement an OPC-based SCADA system’s physical and software structure model, which controls and supervises systems containing multiple controllers from different commercial companies.Within the scope of the study, we implemented an electro-pneumatic pressing unit as a prototype and designed the operator panel to be used by the operator for handling the pressing process and integrated it into the system.An OPC server-based SCADA system was designed to supervise and control all the Electro-Pneumatic Pressing System, which contains multiple controllers from different commercial brands, which use different industrial communications protocols.
2020 9th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO), 2020
In this study, an artificial neural network, which runs on a real-time controller to obtain outpu... more In this study, an artificial neural network, which runs on a real-time controller to obtain outputs of nonlinear multivariable system is presented. Within the scope of the study, forward kinematics problems of a 6 DOF articulated manipulator has been used for the case study of a nonlinear system. An artificial neural network has been trained for forward kinematics problem and implemented on a PLC to predict the responses of the nonlinear systems on real-time. Also an HMI was used for the observation of system responses and serve as an input device. As a conclusion, an embedded real-time system that successfully works with trained artificial neural network, has been implemented on a common nonlinear case.
Leiomyoma is a benign tumor of the uterus. It typically does not present with weight loss, massiv... more Leiomyoma is a benign tumor of the uterus. It typically does not present with weight loss, massive ascites, gastrointestinal symptoms, elevated CA125, and elevated alpha fetoprotein. This was a rare case of a 48-year-old nullipara, emaciated with grossly distended abdomen, huge abdominal mass corresponding to 36 weeks' gestation, associated anorexia, easy satiety, constipation and vomiting that had TAH and BSO for suspected ovarian malignancy, which histology report revealed leiomyoma. Abdominal ultrasound scan done noted huge right ovarian mass, possibly malignant, with massive ascites. Findings at surgery, revealed a large, firm mass with necrotic patches, attached to the uterine fundus by a thin stalk 5 x 3 cm thick and to the omentum by large dilated blood vessels and adhesions. Mass weighed 5.8 kg. Eleven (11) liters of ascitic fluid was aspirated, sent for cytology and report showed no malignant cells. Histology confirmed a degenerated leiomyoma with no evidence of malignancy. Atypical presentation of leiomyoma can mimic that of malignancy. This knowledge will help Clinicians and Gynaecologists to have a high index of suspicion with such clinical features, in making prompt diagnosis and instituting appropriate management.
Design, Control and Applications of Mechatronic Systems in Engineering, 2017
Essential part of a mechatronics system is the measurement system that senses the variations in t... more Essential part of a mechatronics system is the measurement system that senses the variations in the physical parameters, such as temperature, pressure, displacement, and so on, and converts it to voltage or current. The control of industrial processes and automated manufacturing systems requests accurate, moreover, linearized sensor measurements, where numerous sensors have nonlinear characteristics. In mechatronic systems, accurate measurement of the dynamic variables plays a vital role for the actuators to function properly. This chapter presents linearization methods and a measurement system in mechatronics consisting of temperature sensors and the signal-conditioning circuits, providing detailed information on design process of an embedded measurement and linearization system. This system uses a 32-bit microcontroller for thermocouple (T/C) cold junction compensation, amplification of low output voltage, then conversion to digital, and linearization of the type K thermocouple's output by software to output a desired signal. Piecewise and polynomial methods are used in linearization software, and the implemented embedded system for the linearization of a type K T/C is presented as a case study. The obtained results are compared to give an insight to the researchers who work on measurement systems in mechatronics.
In this paper, a pre-feasibility study of using PV-based hybrid energy system to provide electric... more In this paper, a pre-feasibility study of using PV-based hybrid energy system to provide electricity to a residential area in west coast of Turkey is examined. The selected case study represents a power demand of 12.6kWh day-1 with a 2.9 kW peak power demand. The power system used in this study contains diesel generator, grid connection and PV modules with backup storage. The energy system was redesigned and optimized as PV based in order to meet the existing user's power demand at a minimum cost of energy. Temperature and solar radiation data obtained from Ege University meteorology station has been used in the simulation process through optimization software, HOMER. Three systems that were considered in this study area are stand-alone PV-diesel, stand-alone PV-battery and grid connected PV system. The proposed systems then were compared regarding on their operational characteristics and cost values. The comparisons prove that grid connected PV energy system had the lowest total net present cost and cost of energy, $53,197 and $0.57/kWh, respectively that makes it the most cost effective system and followed by PV-diesel and stand-alone PV-battery system. It can be concluded that the renewable-based system can become a favorable system without aid from the grid system and bring advantage in technical and economic point of view and also suitable to be applied in the residential application as energy supply if only the current cost of PV arrays and battery system technology have been reduced to its minimum rate.
Sizing of wind and photovoltaic generators ensures lower operational costs and therefore, is cons... more Sizing of wind and photovoltaic generators ensures lower operational costs and therefore, is considered as an important issue. An approach for sizing along with a best management technique for a PV-wind hybrid system with batteries is proposed in this paper, in which the best size for every component of the system could be optimized according to the weather conditions and the load profile. The average hourly values for wind speed and solar radiation for Izmir, Turkey has been used in the design of the systems, along with expected load profile. A hybrid power model is also developed for battery operation according to the power balance between generators and loads used in the software, to anticipate performances for the different systems according to the different weather conditions. The output of the program will display the performance of the system during the year, the total cost of the system, and the best size for the PV-generator, wind generator, and battery capacity. Using proposed procedure, a 1.2 kWp PV-wind hybrid system was designed for Izmir, and simulated and measured results are presented.
2012 5th European DSP Education and Research Conference (EDERC), 2012
This paper presents the development of a line follower wheeled mobile robot. In this project, LM3... more This paper presents the development of a line follower wheeled mobile robot. In this project, LM3S811 which is ARM cortex-3 based microcontroller is chosen as the main controller to react towards the data received from infra-red line sensors to give fast, smooth, accurate and safe movement in partially structured environment. A dynamic PID control algorithm has been proposed to improve the navigation reliability of the wheeled mobile robot which uses differential drive locomotion system. The experimental results show that the dynamic PID algorithm can be performed under the system real-time requirements.
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2013
This paper presents the development of a solar cell based simple and practical leaf area meter. T... more This paper presents the development of a solar cell based simple and practical leaf area meter. The system has a silicon solar module which is composed of 6 series connected cells, a light source, and a parabolic reflector with opal glass for diffusing the light. Partial shading effect on PV cell's voltage and current are evaluated with different geometrical shapes for testing the performance of the model, and the resulting equations for voltage and current changes with respect to measured areas are obtained. The measured current has a good correlation: 2 > 0.99 for regularly shaped leaves and 2 > 0.95 for irregularly shaped ones. The resulting voltage and current measurements are then fed to an ARM Cortex M3 core 32-bit LM3S1968 microcontroller via a voltage and current measuring unit. The calculated leaf areas from the obtained area-current relations are shown on an OLED graphics display. The whole system is easy to use and user-friendly. The leaf area measurements are confirmed by comparing the results with measurements of grid counting method.
B u calismanin amaci gunes pili ile yaprak alaninin olculmesidir. Bu amacla alti adet seri hucred... more B u calismanin amaci gunes pili ile yaprak alaninin olculmesidir. Bu amacla alti adet seri hucreden olusan 7x10 cm2 ve 5x7 cm2'lik amorf silisyum gunes pilleri kullanilmis ve cesitli alanlarla golgelenerek alan-akim ve alan-gerilim grafikleri cikarilmistir. Calismalarda once gunes pili uzerinde golgeleme yapilmis, ancak seri bagli hucrelerden olusan gunes pilinin kismi golgelenmesi sonucu ayni alanlar farkli geometrik sekiller icin farkli akim degerleri ile ifade edilmistir. Bunun uzerine isik kaynagi uzerinde golgeleme ile isik miktari degistirilerek olcumler tekrarlanmistir. Alan-akim ve alan-gerilim egrileri alan ile gunes pili akimindaki degismenin oldukca dogrusal oldugunu gostermektedir
Papers by Dilşad Engin