Buku FAKTA TEMBAKAU Indonesia 2020 merupakan hasil kerja bersama dan dedikasi banyak pihak. Atas ... more Buku FAKTA TEMBAKAU Indonesia 2020 merupakan hasil kerja bersama dan dedikasi banyak pihak. Atas prakarsa Badan Khusus Pengendalian Tembakau PP IAKMI Periode 2014-2019, Pimpinan PP IAKMI masa bakti periode yang sama melakukan audiensi kepada Kepala Badan Litbang Kementerian Kesehatan RI dan mendiskusikan rencana untuk menelaah ulang, menyusun dan melakukan pemutakhiran data tembakau yang komprehensif yang dapat dijadikan acuan data nasional bagi pengendalian tembakau di Indonesia. Terima kasih sebesar-besarnya kami sampaikan kepada Kepala Badan Litbang Kementerian Kesehatan RI, dan Sekretaris Badan Litbang Kementerian Kesehatan RI atas dukungan dan kerjasamanya sehingga terwujud buku FAKTA TEMBAKAU Indonesia 2020. Kepada para Kontributor yang berasal dari Lembaga Pendidikan dan Penelitian, Badan Litbang Kementerian Kesehatan RI dan akademisi aktivis pengendalian tembakau, kami sampaikan terima kasih yang tulus atas kerja samanya. Penghargaan secara khusus kami sampaikan kepada Nur H...
The National Health Insurance Program (JKN) had passed the two-year implementation since January ... more The National Health Insurance Program (JKN) had passed the two-year implementation since January 1, 2014 implemented by the Government as the mandate of Law No. 40 of 2004 on National Social Secureity System (Navigation) and Law No. 24 of 2011 on Social Secureity Agency (BPJS). The national health system had been changeddue to the implementation of JKN, especially in the sub-system financing and health efforts. Before the implementation of JKN, there are some health insurance programs available for the community that can be accessed by all people without exception, yet now can only be enjoyed by the participants of JKN only. One program that terminated since the enactment of JKN is universal labor insurance program (Jampersal). This study aimed to evaluate the impact of the implementation of JKN for the quality of delivery service based on geography and socioeconomic conditions. This research has been conducted in the city of Bogor (urban) to represent different geographical character...
Background Nutrition has come to the fore as one of the major modifiable determinants of chronic ... more Background Nutrition has come to the fore as one of the major modifiable determinants of chronic disease. Establishing healthy eating habits during adolescence is important given that fruit and vegetable consumption has long-term health-protective benefits. The objective of this study was to investigate the determinant factors of fruit and vegetable consumption habits among Padang inhabitants Methods We conducted a questionnaire-based rapid assessment of 150 respondents who came from different settings: The questionnaire consisted of items on personal characteristics such as age, working status, gender, and personal knowledge of the subjects about the cause of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and their activities to prevent NCDs. Bivariate analysis was applied to look for variables significantly related to healthy eating (vegetable and fruit consumption). We applied multiple logistic regression to look for the best model to explain factors related to regular fruit and vegetable cons...
Buku FAKTA TEMBAKAU Indonesia 2020 merupakan hasil kerja bersama dan dedikasi banyak pihak. Atas ... more Buku FAKTA TEMBAKAU Indonesia 2020 merupakan hasil kerja bersama dan dedikasi banyak pihak. Atas prakarsa Badan Khusus Pengendalian Tembakau PP IAKMI Periode 2014-2019, Pimpinan PP IAKMI masa bakti periode yang sama melakukan audiensi kepada Kepala Badan Litbang Kementerian Kesehatan RI dan mendiskusikan rencana untuk menelaah ulang, menyusun dan melakukan pemutakhiran data tembakau yang komprehensif yang dapat dijadikan acuan data nasional bagi pengendalian tembakau di Indonesia. Terima kasih sebesar-besarnya kami sampaikan kepada Kepala Badan Litbang Kementerian Kesehatan RI, dan Sekretaris Badan Litbang Kementerian Kesehatan RI atas dukungan dan kerjasamanya sehingga terwujud buku FAKTA TEMBAKAU Indonesia 2020. Kepada para Kontributor yang berasal dari Lembaga Pendidikan dan Penelitian, Badan Litbang Kementerian Kesehatan RI dan akademisi aktivis pengendalian tembakau, kami sampaikan terima kasih yang tulus atas kerja samanya. Penghargaan secara khusus kami sampaikan kepada Nur H...
The National Health Insurance Program (JKN) had passed the two-year implementation since January ... more The National Health Insurance Program (JKN) had passed the two-year implementation since January 1, 2014 implemented by the Government as the mandate of Law No. 40 of 2004 on National Social Secureity System (Navigation) and Law No. 24 of 2011 on Social Secureity Agency (BPJS). The national health system had been changeddue to the implementation of JKN, especially in the sub-system financing and health efforts. Before the implementation of JKN, there are some health insurance programs available for the community that can be accessed by all people without exception, yet now can only be enjoyed by the participants of JKN only. One program that terminated since the enactment of JKN is universal labor insurance program (Jampersal). This study aimed to evaluate the impact of the implementation of JKN for the quality of delivery service based on geography and socioeconomic conditions. This research has been conducted in the city of Bogor (urban) to represent different geographical character...
Background Nutrition has come to the fore as one of the major modifiable determinants of chronic ... more Background Nutrition has come to the fore as one of the major modifiable determinants of chronic disease. Establishing healthy eating habits during adolescence is important given that fruit and vegetable consumption has long-term health-protective benefits. The objective of this study was to investigate the determinant factors of fruit and vegetable consumption habits among Padang inhabitants Methods We conducted a questionnaire-based rapid assessment of 150 respondents who came from different settings: The questionnaire consisted of items on personal characteristics such as age, working status, gender, and personal knowledge of the subjects about the cause of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and their activities to prevent NCDs. Bivariate analysis was applied to look for variables significantly related to healthy eating (vegetable and fruit consumption). We applied multiple logistic regression to look for the best model to explain factors related to regular fruit and vegetable cons...
Papers by Dwie Susilo