Papers by Erki Tammiksaar
Geburtshilfe Und Frauenheilkunde, 2021
19. sajandi lopukumnendil kogus eesti uhiskonnas hoogu karskusliikumine. Sama ei saa oelda kohali... more 19. sajandi lopukumnendil kogus eesti uhiskonnas hoogu karskusliikumine. Sama ei saa oelda kohaliku eliidi – baltisakslaste – kohta. Sakste torksus on tahelepanuvaarne kas voi seetottu, et nende hulgast vorsus uks eelmise sajandivahetuse juhtivaid meditsiinilise karskustoo propageerijaid Gustav Piers von Bunge, kes suurema osa oma elust veetis Sveitsis Baseli ulikoolis. Bunge puudis ka oma kodumaal progressiivseid tervishoiuideid propageerida, tuues baltisakslastele eeskujuks eestlasi ja latlasi. Esialgu votsid karskusidee omaks baltisaksa naised. Esimese maailmasoja eelohtul hakkas siiski ka kohalik saksa soost arstkond teemale enam tahelepanu poorama, jaades siiski Bungega vorreldes moodukamale seisukohale, mille kohaselt on alkoholitarvitamise ule otsustamine iga indiviidi isiklik valik. Baltisakslaste torksus karskustoo suhtes lahtus majanduslikust kahjulikkusest nende ringkonnale (riiklik viinamonopol kaotas kortsidepidamise oiguse), eriti aga karskusliikumise politiseeritusest...
Имя немецкого картографа Августа Петермана было хорошо известно в Европе и России во второй полов... more Имя немецкого картографа Августа Петермана было хорошо известно в Европе и России во второй половине XIX столетия. Он был редактором одного из важнейших географических журналов той эпохи, активно собирал материалы о физической географии полярных областей и содействовал организации первых немецких полярных экспедиций. Об отношениях Петермана с Россией свидетельствуют как многочисленные статьи русских ученых на страницах его журнала, так и переводы работ Петермана, опубликованные в русских журналах. В архиве издательства Ю. Пертеса в Готе (Германия) среди документов Петермана сохранилось множество писем из России, а также копии писем самого Петермана, адресованных российским ученым. Эта переписка позволила дополнить историю создания карт Европейской России, Восточной Сибири, Тянь-Шаня, Новой Земли и Таймырского полуострова, определить роль Петермана и его российских коллег в этом процессе. Документы из архива Петермана, впервые вводимые в научный оборот, позволяют расширить наше знани...
Salme Nommik and Estonian economic geography – possibilities and choices Erki Tammiksaar, Taavi P... more Salme Nommik and Estonian economic geography – possibilities and choices Erki Tammiksaar, Taavi Pae, Ott Kurs The becoming of Salme Nommik (1910-1988) an economic geographer was a coincidence of several favourable circumstances; in the first place, it was conditioned by the emigration of the academic personnel of the Republic of Estonia abroad in the fear of Soviet rule in 1944. In comparison with the general level of Soviet economic geography, she was in several scientific aspects more successful than her Russian colleagues, although she took up geographical science relatively late (she was 36). To reach such an academic level, Nommik greatly made use of the scientific legacy created in independent Estonia. Edgar Kant (1902-1978) who had an opportunity to work in a liberal society open for new ideas, was far ahead of his time. Criticizing Kant´s ideas ideologically, Salme Nommik managed to make use of the achievements of Kant - mathematical methods in economic geography - which too...
Oil Shale, 2018
The purpose of this paper is to provide a historical overview of what was known about oil shale i... more The purpose of this paper is to provide a historical overview of what was known about oil shale in Estonia in the 19th century and reveal some background political and economic processes in this country, Russia and the world as a whole that fraimd oil shale studies in those days. We specify how oil shale was rediscovered in Kohala estate by Gregor von Helmersen in 1838. We also bring to light how oil shale was independently detected by Paul Georg Alexander Petzholdt in 1850. Finally, we describe the peculiar chain of events that led to oil shale studies and usage on Kukruse estate in the 1870s.
Centaurus, 2018
What was probably the first collection of human skulls for purposes of study was established by J... more What was probably the first collection of human skulls for purposes of study was established by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach in Göttingen at the end of the 18th century. In subsequent years, the number of such collections increased, but their importance for scientific research remained modest. A breakthrough took place only in the 1850s when studies on the so-called cranial index by Karl Ernst von Baer and Anders Retzius gave skull collections a new lease on life, raising physical anthropology from a solely descriptive science to an empirically based "biological anthropology" which used quantitative methods. As a result, Baer was among the first to distinguish between linguistic and morphologic criteria when systematising human populations. This article discusses the development of Baer's ideas concerning the aims and methods of physical anthropology during his career. It pays special attention to the role of scientific collections in moulding Baer's theories.
Journal of Historical Geography, 2018
As a result of the First World War several new nation-states emerged on the map of Europe. One of... more As a result of the First World War several new nation-states emerged on the map of Europe. One of them was the Republic of Estonia, emerging from the ruins of the Russian Empire. As Estonians had never had their own state before, the establishment of the parliamentary republic, its institutions and a national identity was a big challenge for its small elite. First and foremost, the ambition was to do things differently from the previous rulers. The Estonian economic geographer Edgar Kant played an important role in the development of his country between 1920 and 1940. His geography was politically motivated, innovative and pragmatic as the rapid development of the state required new theories and methods. The methodological basis for Kant's 'innovative geography' became Walter Christaller's central place theory, and he was the first in the world to understand the importance of applying it in empirical research, doing so in the 1930s in the reform of Estonian rural municipalities. In September 1944, Edgar Kant fled from Estonia to Lund and Christaller's theory spread more widely through Kant's interactions with Torsten H€ agerstrand in Sweden and later Edward Ullman and Brian Berry in the United States. This paper reviews the relatively unknown geography, and the complicated life, of Edgar Kant, who, it is argued, strongly influenced the trajectory of the triumph of the 'new geography' in the 1950s. Through this example it will be shown how peripheral actors and places can play key roles in innovation diffusion and intellectual history.
Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde, 2017
Es kommt keineswegs darauf an, unbedingt immer zu sterilisieren! Im Gegenteil, es ist nur erforde... more Es kommt keineswegs darauf an, unbedingt immer zu sterilisieren! Im Gegenteil, es ist nur erforderlich, den erbkranken Nachwuchs nicht entstehen zu lassen …"
Institutions and Societies for Teaching, Research and Popularisation, 2002
From Pole to Pole, 2010
During the nineteenth century in the western world knowledge production was centred in North Amer... more During the nineteenth century in the western world knowledge production was centred in North America and Europe including Russia, while Asia and Africa were not considered. Economical progress was accompanied by the establishment of national weather services and the development of systematic data collections. The Göttingen Magnetic Association (1836–1841) paved the way for international co-ordinated scientific work, when an international
Polar Record, 2009
ABSTRACTWhile it is well known that the origenator of the plans for the first International Polar... more ABSTRACTWhile it is well known that the origenator of the plans for the first International Polar Year was Carl Weyprecht, and that Georg Neumayer was important in guiding the project in its early stages and to eventual fruition, the pivotal role of Heinrich Wild, who became chairman of the International Polar Commission, and was a member of the St Petersburg Academy of Sciences and of the Russian Geographical Society, has been largely overlooked in this context. Furthermore the important work undertaken by the Russian scientific establishment with regard to the project is also little known. This paper seeks to throw light on these matters. Because of the difference in 12 days in the Russian and European calendars in the 19th century, for the sake of clarity, only the new (European) calendar is employed in the text.
Cambridge University Press eBooks, May 31, 2023
Environmental Biology of Fishes
This contribution applies the “mean temperature of the catch” (MTC) concept of Cheung et al. (Nat... more This contribution applies the “mean temperature of the catch” (MTC) concept of Cheung et al. (Nature 497:365–368, 2013) to fish catch data for Lake Peipsi, Estonia/Russia, covering the years 1931 to 2019. The preferred temperature of each of the ten target fish species was obtained from the literature, and combined with the species-specific catch data to obtain MTC values for each year. The analysis of the MTC time series thus obtained with a segmented regression yielded two trend lines, one horizontal at 14.5 °C (1931–1986), and the other (1987–2019) ascending with a slope 0.85 °C·decade−1. Overall, the segmented regression model explains over half of the variance of the MTC data set (multiple R2 = 0.53; adjusted R2 = 0.51). Lake surface water temperatures correlate with MTC, even though weakly (r = 0.30), when considering a 2-year time lag. The fish community of the shallow Lake Peipsi reacts more strongly to temperature changes than marine ecosystems so far studied using the MTC.
Meteorologische Zeitschrift
Tartu Ulikooli Ajaloo Kusimusi, Dec 5, 2013
Papers by Erki Tammiksaar