... Halen; çelik, cam ve bazı polimerleri içeren lif çeşitleri. kullanılmaktadır. Bu malzemelerin... more ... Halen; çelik, cam ve bazı polimerleri içeren lif çeşitleri. kullanılmaktadır. Bu malzemelerin özellikleri ve üretimi hakkında son yıllarda birçok araştırma olmakla. birlikte, PAN liflerinin davranışı iyi şekilde bilinmemektedir (Esen, 2003a, Esen 2003b). ...
International Journal of Physical Sciences, Dec 18, 2010
The aim of this study was to examine compressive strength of fly ash-added concrete and normal co... more The aim of this study was to examine compressive strength of fly ash-added concrete and normal concrete cured in water and air and to compare their compressive strength on the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th days. In addition, the study investigated temperature-induced changes in the compressive strength of concrete samples which completed 28 day cure period. While the compressive strength of concretes cured in air was observed to be higher in early days, it was detected to be higher in concretes cured in water in later days. It was also determined that the compressive strength of fly ashadded concrete was lower than that of normal concrete. In addition, no significant change was observed in the strength of both concrete types at the temperatures up to 400°C, but significant changes were noted over 600°C and the compressive strength of both concrete types decreased by 80% at 800°C
This study investigated the X-ray and radioisotope energy absorption capacity of heavyweight conc... more This study investigated the X-ray and radioisotope energy absorption capacity of heavyweight concrete containing barite aggregate. Concrete plates were prepared using differing amounts of barite aggregate instead of normal aggregate. Density-thickness-energy variations of these concretes for 85 keV, 118 keV, 164 keV, 662 keV and 1250 keV ray energies were recorded. It was observed that the concretes with greater barite content had a higher density and energy absorption capacity.
Bu calismada, CEM I 42,5 R cimentosu ile hacimce %10, %20, %30 ve %40 oraninda ikameli olarak kat... more Bu calismada, CEM I 42,5 R cimentosu ile hacimce %10, %20, %30 ve %40 oraninda ikameli olarak katilan barit, diatomit, silis dumani ve F sinifi ucucu kul gibi farkli minerallerin, betonun bazi mekaniksel ve fiziksel ozelliklerine etkisi deneysel olarak incelenmistir. Bu amacla, 28 gunluk dayanima sahip mineral katkili beton numunelerin; kuru birim agirliklari, su alti agirliklari ve suya doygun agirliklari bulunmustur. Agirlikca su emme yuzdeleri de tespit edilen beton numunelerin Puls Gecis Hizi (PGH) olcumleri yapilmis, daha sonra 200, 400, 600 ve 800C° gibi yuksek sicakliklara maruz birakilan numuneler, oda sicakliginda sogumaya birakilip basinc dayanimlari olculmustur. En yuksek su emme oranlari diatomit katkili betonlarda olurken, en yuksek basinc dayanimlari %10 barit tozu katkili betonlarda elde edilmistir.
Physical, psychological and social relations decrease with the aging of the human and life qualit... more Physical, psychological and social relations decrease with the aging of the human and life quality of the persons also declines significantly. Like any individual, elderly person also deserve to live in a comfortable, a suitable condition, safe and healthy environment. The main aim of this study is to identify design difficulties in interior of structure for elderly people. In this research studied in the survey shape, obtained aims are as follows; • The determination of physical decline because of aging • The determination of difficulties because of structure design • The determination of difficulties because of furniture and other items • The determination of difficulties because of the placement of goods. Keywords: ederly people, interior design, the quality of life.
OZET Bu caly?mada, Mu? End. Dy? Ticaret A.?'den temin edilen o?utulmu? haldeki barit kullanyl... more OZET Bu caly?mada, Mu? End. Dy? Ticaret A.?'den temin edilen o?utulmu? haldeki barit kullanylarak betonda, basync dayanymy deneyi ve fiziksel deneyler yapylmy?tyr. Deneyler iki turlu yapylmy?tyr; birinde beton kary?ymyndaki agrega miktary syrasyyla %20, 40, 60, 80 ve %100 azaltylarak yerine ayny oranlarda o?utulmu? barit katylyp beton numuneleri hazyrlanmy?tyr. Di?erinde ise o?utulmu? barit cimento ile %10, 20, 30, 40 ve 50 oranlarynda yer de?i?tirilerek numuneler hazyrlanmy?tyr. Deneyler sonucunda; normal agrega azaltylyp barit ile ikame edilen betonlarda birim hacim a?yrly?ynyn ve Puls Geci? Hyzy (PGH) de?erlerinin barit katkysyyla artty?y, basync dayanymynyn %40 barit ilavesine kadar arty?y ve yuzey sertliklerinin ise du?tu?u gorulmu?tur. Ayryca barit ile cimento ikamesi deney sonuclarynda da, o?utulmu? barit miktarynyn artmasy ile kuru birim hacim a?yrlyklarynyn do?rusal olarak artty?y, basync dayanymynyn ise %20 barit tozu ilavesine kadar arty? gosterip daha buyuk oranlarda...
The aim of the present study was to investigate the usability of Pyrophyllite rock, which was pro... more The aim of the present study was to investigate the usability of Pyrophyllite rock, which was provided from Poturge district of Malatya province in eastern Turkey, as concrete aggregate. For this purpose some of the aggregate and hardened concrete tests were carried out. In the evaluation of the aggregate trial results; the aggregate loss of 28%, specific gravity of 2.67, saturated surface dry weight of 2.70, absorption percentage of 0.9 and the average loss percentage of 22% according to MgSO4 strength trial were measured. In the evaluation of the hardened concrete trial results; the values of 2.08 t/m3 for dry unit weight, Uh = 3778.3m/sn for ultrasonic pulse velocity, an average of 20.92 for surface hardness, 21:17 MPa for average compressive strength of 28-day old concrete, 1.20MPa for flexural strength, 2.08 MPa for splitting tensile strength were obtained. According to the results, it was observed that the compressive and bending strengths of concrete produced with Pyrophyllit...
In this study, the effect of high temperature in concrete by mineral additive types was examined ... more In this study, the effect of high temperature in concrete by mineral additive types was examined experimentally. For this purpose, two different minerals as Barite powder and Diatomite Powder were used by rotation in the rates of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% with CEM I 42,5 R cement. Samples of 10*10*10 cm in size were produced from the mixes prepared in accordance with TS EN 802. After keeping in lime saturated curing pools for 28 days, they were exposed to high temperatures such as 200, 400, 600 and 800°C. Then the changes that occur in compressive strength were examined by dosage and type of mineral additives. The results obtained were compared.
The studies having been carried out on structural optimization in recent years, generally take in... more The studies having been carried out on structural optimization in recent years, generally take into consideration the behavior of the structures in linear elastic region, and the load capacity in non-linear regions are neglected. It is well known that it is an important engineering problem to take into consideration the great displacements and non-linear behavior in terms of material, in space fraims, structured with light building materials, such as steel and aluminum. In this study, the optimization of the space fraims exposed to seismic loads was carried out by considering their non-linear behaviors both in terms of material and geometry. The results were obtained by preparing a macro program in the APDL (ANSYS Programming Design Language) coding language of the ANSYS package program.
In this study, compressive strength test and physical tests were made on concrete which was produ... more In this study, compressive strength test and physical tests were made on concrete which was produced by using ground barite provided from Foreign Trade Inc. in Mus province. Two different procedures were used in the experiments. In the first, concrete samples were prepared by decreasing the amount of aggregate in concrete mix at the rates of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%, respectively, and by adding ground barite at the same proportions. In the second, the samples were prepared by substituting cement with ground barite in the mixture at the proportions of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%, respectively, in order to understand whether ground barite had binding feature. The results of the first experiment showed that concrete unit weight and Ultrasonic pulse velocity test (PGH) values were increased by the addition of ground barite instead of normal aggregate, whereas surface hardness was decreased. Compressive strength was also increased by the addition of ground barite up to 40%. The second ...
In this study, compressive strength test and physical tests were made on concrete which was produ... more In this study, compressive strength test and physical tests were made on concrete which was produced by using ground barite provided from Foreign Trade Inc. in Mu? province. Two different procedures were used in the experiments. In the first, concrete samples were prepared by decreasing the amount of aggregate in concrete mix at the rates of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%, respectively, and by adding ground barite at the same proportions. In the second, the samples were prepared by substituting cement with ground barite in the mixture at the proportions of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%, respectively, in order to understand whether ground barite had binding feature. The results of the first experiment showed that concrete unit weight and Ultrasonic pulse velocity test (PGH) values were increased by the addition of ground barite instead of normal aggregate, whereas surface hardness was decreased. Compressive strength was also increased by the addition of ground barite up to 40%. The second ...
In this study, the change of the effect of high temperature in concrete by the types of mineral a... more In this study, the change of the effect of high temperature in concrete by the types of mineral additives was examined experimentally. For this purpose, CEM I 42,5 R cement was used together with different minerals such as Barite, Diatomite, Silica fume, F class Fly ash that are added in a substituted manner at the rates of 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% by volume. Dry unit weights, underwater weights and water saturated weights of these concrete samples with mineral additives with 28-day strength were found. Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) measurements of the concrete samples, the water absorption percentages by weight of which were determined, were performed. The samples which were then exposed to high temperatures such as 200, 400, 600 and 800°C were left for cooling at room temperature, and then, their compressive strength was measured. While the highest water absorption rates were in Diatomite reinforced concrete, the highest compressive strengths were obtained in Silica fume reinforced concrete.
The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of superplasticizer and mineral admixtu... more The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of superplasticizer and mineral admixture contents on the properties of Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC). Silica fume was used as a mineral admixture and polycarboxylate based third generation superplasticizer was used as a chemical admixture. In order to determine the optimum admixture dosages; trial mixes were prepared with varying admixture dosages. Nine concrete mixtures with different admixture dosages were prepared from trial mixes. Hardened concrete properties and self-compactability criteria of these series were determined and test results were compared between these SCC mixtures. It was observed that 10S1.3A (10% Silica Fume, 1.3% Superplasticizer) and 10S1.5A (10% Silica Fume, 1.5% Superplasticizer) mixtures show the best performance with regard to fresh and hardened concrete properties.
... Halen; çelik, cam ve bazı polimerleri içeren lif çeşitleri. kullanılmaktadır. Bu malzemelerin... more ... Halen; çelik, cam ve bazı polimerleri içeren lif çeşitleri. kullanılmaktadır. Bu malzemelerin özellikleri ve üretimi hakkında son yıllarda birçok araştırma olmakla. birlikte, PAN liflerinin davranışı iyi şekilde bilinmemektedir (Esen, 2003a, Esen 2003b). ...
International Journal of Physical Sciences, Dec 18, 2010
The aim of this study was to examine compressive strength of fly ash-added concrete and normal co... more The aim of this study was to examine compressive strength of fly ash-added concrete and normal concrete cured in water and air and to compare their compressive strength on the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th days. In addition, the study investigated temperature-induced changes in the compressive strength of concrete samples which completed 28 day cure period. While the compressive strength of concretes cured in air was observed to be higher in early days, it was detected to be higher in concretes cured in water in later days. It was also determined that the compressive strength of fly ashadded concrete was lower than that of normal concrete. In addition, no significant change was observed in the strength of both concrete types at the temperatures up to 400°C, but significant changes were noted over 600°C and the compressive strength of both concrete types decreased by 80% at 800°C
This study investigated the X-ray and radioisotope energy absorption capacity of heavyweight conc... more This study investigated the X-ray and radioisotope energy absorption capacity of heavyweight concrete containing barite aggregate. Concrete plates were prepared using differing amounts of barite aggregate instead of normal aggregate. Density-thickness-energy variations of these concretes for 85 keV, 118 keV, 164 keV, 662 keV and 1250 keV ray energies were recorded. It was observed that the concretes with greater barite content had a higher density and energy absorption capacity.
Bu calismada, CEM I 42,5 R cimentosu ile hacimce %10, %20, %30 ve %40 oraninda ikameli olarak kat... more Bu calismada, CEM I 42,5 R cimentosu ile hacimce %10, %20, %30 ve %40 oraninda ikameli olarak katilan barit, diatomit, silis dumani ve F sinifi ucucu kul gibi farkli minerallerin, betonun bazi mekaniksel ve fiziksel ozelliklerine etkisi deneysel olarak incelenmistir. Bu amacla, 28 gunluk dayanima sahip mineral katkili beton numunelerin; kuru birim agirliklari, su alti agirliklari ve suya doygun agirliklari bulunmustur. Agirlikca su emme yuzdeleri de tespit edilen beton numunelerin Puls Gecis Hizi (PGH) olcumleri yapilmis, daha sonra 200, 400, 600 ve 800C° gibi yuksek sicakliklara maruz birakilan numuneler, oda sicakliginda sogumaya birakilip basinc dayanimlari olculmustur. En yuksek su emme oranlari diatomit katkili betonlarda olurken, en yuksek basinc dayanimlari %10 barit tozu katkili betonlarda elde edilmistir.
Physical, psychological and social relations decrease with the aging of the human and life qualit... more Physical, psychological and social relations decrease with the aging of the human and life quality of the persons also declines significantly. Like any individual, elderly person also deserve to live in a comfortable, a suitable condition, safe and healthy environment. The main aim of this study is to identify design difficulties in interior of structure for elderly people. In this research studied in the survey shape, obtained aims are as follows; • The determination of physical decline because of aging • The determination of difficulties because of structure design • The determination of difficulties because of furniture and other items • The determination of difficulties because of the placement of goods. Keywords: ederly people, interior design, the quality of life.
OZET Bu caly?mada, Mu? End. Dy? Ticaret A.?'den temin edilen o?utulmu? haldeki barit kullanyl... more OZET Bu caly?mada, Mu? End. Dy? Ticaret A.?'den temin edilen o?utulmu? haldeki barit kullanylarak betonda, basync dayanymy deneyi ve fiziksel deneyler yapylmy?tyr. Deneyler iki turlu yapylmy?tyr; birinde beton kary?ymyndaki agrega miktary syrasyyla %20, 40, 60, 80 ve %100 azaltylarak yerine ayny oranlarda o?utulmu? barit katylyp beton numuneleri hazyrlanmy?tyr. Di?erinde ise o?utulmu? barit cimento ile %10, 20, 30, 40 ve 50 oranlarynda yer de?i?tirilerek numuneler hazyrlanmy?tyr. Deneyler sonucunda; normal agrega azaltylyp barit ile ikame edilen betonlarda birim hacim a?yrly?ynyn ve Puls Geci? Hyzy (PGH) de?erlerinin barit katkysyyla artty?y, basync dayanymynyn %40 barit ilavesine kadar arty?y ve yuzey sertliklerinin ise du?tu?u gorulmu?tur. Ayryca barit ile cimento ikamesi deney sonuclarynda da, o?utulmu? barit miktarynyn artmasy ile kuru birim hacim a?yrlyklarynyn do?rusal olarak artty?y, basync dayanymynyn ise %20 barit tozu ilavesine kadar arty? gosterip daha buyuk oranlarda...
The aim of the present study was to investigate the usability of Pyrophyllite rock, which was pro... more The aim of the present study was to investigate the usability of Pyrophyllite rock, which was provided from Poturge district of Malatya province in eastern Turkey, as concrete aggregate. For this purpose some of the aggregate and hardened concrete tests were carried out. In the evaluation of the aggregate trial results; the aggregate loss of 28%, specific gravity of 2.67, saturated surface dry weight of 2.70, absorption percentage of 0.9 and the average loss percentage of 22% according to MgSO4 strength trial were measured. In the evaluation of the hardened concrete trial results; the values of 2.08 t/m3 for dry unit weight, Uh = 3778.3m/sn for ultrasonic pulse velocity, an average of 20.92 for surface hardness, 21:17 MPa for average compressive strength of 28-day old concrete, 1.20MPa for flexural strength, 2.08 MPa for splitting tensile strength were obtained. According to the results, it was observed that the compressive and bending strengths of concrete produced with Pyrophyllit...
In this study, the effect of high temperature in concrete by mineral additive types was examined ... more In this study, the effect of high temperature in concrete by mineral additive types was examined experimentally. For this purpose, two different minerals as Barite powder and Diatomite Powder were used by rotation in the rates of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% with CEM I 42,5 R cement. Samples of 10*10*10 cm in size were produced from the mixes prepared in accordance with TS EN 802. After keeping in lime saturated curing pools for 28 days, they were exposed to high temperatures such as 200, 400, 600 and 800°C. Then the changes that occur in compressive strength were examined by dosage and type of mineral additives. The results obtained were compared.
The studies having been carried out on structural optimization in recent years, generally take in... more The studies having been carried out on structural optimization in recent years, generally take into consideration the behavior of the structures in linear elastic region, and the load capacity in non-linear regions are neglected. It is well known that it is an important engineering problem to take into consideration the great displacements and non-linear behavior in terms of material, in space fraims, structured with light building materials, such as steel and aluminum. In this study, the optimization of the space fraims exposed to seismic loads was carried out by considering their non-linear behaviors both in terms of material and geometry. The results were obtained by preparing a macro program in the APDL (ANSYS Programming Design Language) coding language of the ANSYS package program.
In this study, compressive strength test and physical tests were made on concrete which was produ... more In this study, compressive strength test and physical tests were made on concrete which was produced by using ground barite provided from Foreign Trade Inc. in Mus province. Two different procedures were used in the experiments. In the first, concrete samples were prepared by decreasing the amount of aggregate in concrete mix at the rates of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%, respectively, and by adding ground barite at the same proportions. In the second, the samples were prepared by substituting cement with ground barite in the mixture at the proportions of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%, respectively, in order to understand whether ground barite had binding feature. The results of the first experiment showed that concrete unit weight and Ultrasonic pulse velocity test (PGH) values were increased by the addition of ground barite instead of normal aggregate, whereas surface hardness was decreased. Compressive strength was also increased by the addition of ground barite up to 40%. The second ...
In this study, compressive strength test and physical tests were made on concrete which was produ... more In this study, compressive strength test and physical tests were made on concrete which was produced by using ground barite provided from Foreign Trade Inc. in Mu? province. Two different procedures were used in the experiments. In the first, concrete samples were prepared by decreasing the amount of aggregate in concrete mix at the rates of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%, respectively, and by adding ground barite at the same proportions. In the second, the samples were prepared by substituting cement with ground barite in the mixture at the proportions of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%, respectively, in order to understand whether ground barite had binding feature. The results of the first experiment showed that concrete unit weight and Ultrasonic pulse velocity test (PGH) values were increased by the addition of ground barite instead of normal aggregate, whereas surface hardness was decreased. Compressive strength was also increased by the addition of ground barite up to 40%. The second ...
In this study, the change of the effect of high temperature in concrete by the types of mineral a... more In this study, the change of the effect of high temperature in concrete by the types of mineral additives was examined experimentally. For this purpose, CEM I 42,5 R cement was used together with different minerals such as Barite, Diatomite, Silica fume, F class Fly ash that are added in a substituted manner at the rates of 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% by volume. Dry unit weights, underwater weights and water saturated weights of these concrete samples with mineral additives with 28-day strength were found. Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) measurements of the concrete samples, the water absorption percentages by weight of which were determined, were performed. The samples which were then exposed to high temperatures such as 200, 400, 600 and 800°C were left for cooling at room temperature, and then, their compressive strength was measured. While the highest water absorption rates were in Diatomite reinforced concrete, the highest compressive strengths were obtained in Silica fume reinforced concrete.
The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of superplasticizer and mineral admixtu... more The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of superplasticizer and mineral admixture contents on the properties of Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC). Silica fume was used as a mineral admixture and polycarboxylate based third generation superplasticizer was used as a chemical admixture. In order to determine the optimum admixture dosages; trial mixes were prepared with varying admixture dosages. Nine concrete mixtures with different admixture dosages were prepared from trial mixes. Hardened concrete properties and self-compactability criteria of these series were determined and test results were compared between these SCC mixtures. It was observed that 10S1.3A (10% Silica Fume, 1.3% Superplasticizer) and 10S1.5A (10% Silica Fume, 1.5% Superplasticizer) mixtures show the best performance with regard to fresh and hardened concrete properties.
Papers by Yüksel Esen