In ceramic production, vast amount of green process waste is created. Green process waste in othe... more In ceramic production, vast amount of green process waste is created. Green process waste in other words, sludge waste creates a big environmental problem. It can create water pollution as well as create environmental problems having a big physical change of the stored area., Therefore, the use of sludge waste in the process as raw material is vitally important. The research programme was carried out to use the green process wastes as raw materials in the recipes of various products in Kaleseramik Research and Development Center in Turkey. Firstly, the long term samples were taken in order to observe the fluctuation of the created waste. Then, the chemical and mineralogical characterization of sludge wastes was carried out by using XRF and XRD. Different recipes were prepared by using green process waste. The behavior and the phases of fired products were evaluated by using a double-beam optical non-contact dilatometer and XRD. SEM and EDX were carried out for microstructural and microchemical analysis. Finally; the physical, mechanical and color properties of waste added recipes; such as water absorption, linear shrinkage, breaking strength and chromatic coordinates were measured. The results showed that it is possible to develop wall tile body with suitable technological properties by using appropriate mixture of process wastes in the body composition. The usage of sludge waste eliminates environmental problems and also provides the cost advantages as a raw material input. The full results of the case study performed at Kaleseramik Factory is illustrated in details.
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, May 21, 2023
In ceramic production, vast amount of green process waste is created. Green process waste in othe... more In ceramic production, vast amount of green process waste is created. Green process waste in other words, sludge waste creates a big environmental problem. It can create water pollution as well as create environmental problems having a big physical change of the stored area., Therefore, the use of sludge waste in the process as raw material is vitally important. The research programme was carried out to use the green process wastes as raw materials in the recipes of various products in Kaleseramik Research and Development Center in Turkey. Firstly, the long term samples were taken in order to observe the fluctuation of the created waste. Then, the chemical and mineralogical characterization of sludge wastes was carried out by using XRF and XRD. Different recipes were prepared by using green process waste. The behavior and the phases of fired products were evaluated by using a double-beam optical non-contact dilatometer and XRD. SEM and EDX were carried out for microstructural and microchemical analysis. Finally; the physical, mechanical and color properties of waste added recipes; such as water absorption, linear shrinkage, breaking strength and chromatic coordinates were measured. The results showed that it is possible to develop wall tile body with suitable technological properties by using appropriate mixture of process wastes in the body composition. The usage of sludge waste eliminates environmental problems and also provides the cost advantages as a raw material input. The full results of the case study performed at Kaleseramik Factory is illustrated in details.
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Mar 1, 2006
Roadheader, one of the mechanized excavation equipments, has an exceptional place among the other... more Roadheader, one of the mechanized excavation equipments, has an exceptional place among the other excavation methods. Determination of the stability states of the roadheader is an important matter for the efficiency of excavation. For this reason, a new method has been developed to obtain numerical values that indicate stability states of such machines. The method has been developed for both longitudinal and transverse cutting head type machines by establishing stability equations for states of turning around the vertical axis, turning to the side direction, turning to the back direction and sliding in all cutting modes. A computer program based on these equations has been written in C++ programming language. The stability analysis can be made either for one point on the excavation face or whole face. Obtained values can be used to compare the stability states of various roadheaders in the same cutting condition as well as using to compare the stability states of a roadheader. A stability index that has also been established can only be used to compare a stability state of a roadheader in different cutting conditions. The developed methodology was tested in a transverse cutting head type roadheader for arcing, lowering and lifting modes. It has been obtained that the stability state of turning around the vertical axis of the roadheader is the most critical state especially in arcing mode. The effects of the machine design parameters, cutting head and tunnel parameters on the stability of the roadheaders can also be investigated by this method.
This paper presents and discusses the results of a detailed study, which is based on industrial c... more This paper presents and discusses the results of a detailed study, which is based on industrial circuit testing on the subject of energy consumption in the comminution of cement clinker. The study was performed in Turkish cement plants where high-pressure roller press, tube mills and high efficiency separators are in operation Eight different grinding circuits configurations were examined in the plants and the comparison was made in terms of relative energy efficiency, production rate and product quality.
Transactions of The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Section A-mining Technology, Sep 1, 2005
ABSTRACT Amongst mechanised excavation equipment, roadheaders have an exceptional role. Determina... more ABSTRACT Amongst mechanised excavation equipment, roadheaders have an exceptional role. Determination of the stability state of the roadheader is an important parameter for the efficiency of excavation. For roadheaders having equal power and weight, if one is more stable than another, it can respond to higher boom forces. A new computer program was developed to analyse the stability of roadheaders. Values of the four stability states of the roadheader (turning around the vertical axis, turning to the side, turning backwards and sliding) can be obtained using this program. In this study, the effects of the cutting-head shape (spherical, conical and combined heads) were investigated by applying this method to the stability of a longitudinal type roadheader. Turning around the vertical axis of the machine was found to be the most critical stability state. Among the different cutting head shapes, spherical heads had the lowest moment values for similar tilt angles. An increase in the tilt angles of the picks leads to an increase in the moment values for all cutting shapes with this stability state. However, small tilt angles of the picks are commonly used due to their high efficiency. The increase in the tilt angles of the picks negatively affects the sliding state of the roadheader for all cutting shapes, especially conical heads. The stability states of the roadheader in turning backwards and turning to the side were slightly affected by changes to the tilt angles of the picks. The results obtained are valid for all cutting sector; however, a 90° cutting sector was more convenient than a 180° cutting sector due to lower boom reaction forces.
Ceramic tiles are the most common building material for floor and wall coverings in many countrie... more Ceramic tiles are the most common building material for floor and wall coverings in many countries. Glazed tiles are produced from mixture of frits and some additional raw materials applied on the surface of green tiles and subjected to a firing process. A new method of processing of glaze that is dry stirred media mill was investigated in a pilot grinding plant. The produced glaze particle size, shape and surface area are measured. The comparison was made with the product of conventional wet discontinue ball mills using the same wall tile glaze recipes. The results indicated that dry stirred media mill can provide product that have finer particle size distribution, more stable product compared to the conventional wet ball milling. The glaze thermal expansion and optical properties such as colour (L, a and b parameters) of the produced glazes were measured and comparison was also made in details. Finally, the microstructural characteristics of the produced glazes were determined usi...
Resumo Na indústria de fabricação cerâmica o processo a úmido, incluindo moagem e atomização, é a... more Resumo Na indústria de fabricação cerâmica o processo a úmido, incluindo moagem e atomização, é amplamente utilizado para a preparação do grânulo. No entanto, a moagem a seco tornou-se um processo importante devido à economia de energia, permitindo o uso de distintas matérias-primas no processo de fabricação de placas cerâmicas. Neste estudo foi investigado o layout do processo de moagem a seco, bem como os parâmetros de operação do moinho de bolas contínuo a seco, de alta capacidade e com separador (MB), do moinho vertical de rolos (MV) e do moinho pendular de rolos (MP). Como se sabe, a distribuição de tamanho e a forma das partículas afetam as características das suspensões preparadas e também o comportamento durante a queima e as propriedades técnicas do produto final. Portanto, foi estudada a distribuição de tamanho de partícula de cada sistema de moagem para as principais matérias-primas: feldspato, caulinita, granito e caco queimado de pavimento cerâmico. A distribuição de tamanho de partícula de cada sistema de moagem foi apresentada segundo uma distribuição RRSB, que permite comparar as distribuições de tamanho dos produtos em função dos parâmetros de posição d', que indica a finura, e do parâmetro n, que indica a inclinação, se é uma distribuição larga ou estreita. Finalmente, foram realizadas análises do custo de operação dos sistemas de moagem a seco. Palavras-chave: placas cerâmicas, moagem a seco, distribuição de tamanho de partícula, consumo energético.
Limestone is an important raw material for the cement and concrete industries. Drilling and blast... more Limestone is an important raw material for the cement and concrete industries. Drilling and blasting are commonly employed in the production of limestone. Ammonium nitrate with fuel oil (ANFO) is an extensively used explosive and aluminium is added to improve the energy output. However, it is important to determine the correct amount of aluminium to add to enhance the blasting process. The optimum composition of aluminised ANFO (ALANFO) has been determined in a limestone deposit where 2 Mt year-1 of limestone is produced for a cement plant in Turkey. Field tests were carried out on the currently applied square drilling pattern of 3 m × 3 m and also the rectangular drilling patterns 3•0 m × 3•5 m, 3•0 m × 4•0 m 3•0 m × 4•5 m and 4•0 m × 4•5 m using ANFO and different compositions of ALANFO together with the other design parameters. Results of the tests shots were analysed in terms of fragmentation and costs. The use of ALANFO prepared with the addition of 15% Al powder on the 4•0 m × 4•5 m pattern resulted in improvements in fragmentation and 28% of savings in specific drilling and blasting costs in the studied quarry.
The ceramic tile manufacturing process uses a lot of energy, mainly thermal energy, and to a less... more The ceramic tile manufacturing process uses a lot of energy, mainly thermal energy, and to a lesser extent electric energy. Total energy costs account for between 50% and 55% of average direct manufacturing costs. Fossil fuel combustion, such as natural gas combustion, produces carbon dioxide emission. Therefore, energy consumption and emissions issues are vitally important for both environmental effects and process costs in ceramic tile manufacturing. The wet process of granule production systems including wet grinding and spray drying is widely used for the production of granules. Although there is high energy consumption for the water evaporation in the spray dryer, it ensures to produce high quality tile for many years. In this study, important granule properties were introduced for a novel dry granule production system. In the successful application of a dry granulation system, the conformity of produced granules is vitally important such as particle size distribution, bulk den...
Bilgisayar teknolojisi ve madencilik paket programlarındaki gelişmeler bazı yeni tekniklerin kull... more Bilgisayar teknolojisi ve madencilik paket programlarındaki gelişmeler bazı yeni tekniklerin kullanılarak daha doğru ve hızlı olarak rezervlerin hesaplanmasını ve maden planlamasını mümkün kılmıştır. Bu.makalede, çağdaş madencilik programları tarafından kullanılan teknikler ana hatları ile sunulmuştur. Daha sonra Trakya Bölgesinde bulunan Edirköy Linyit sahasına ait topografık, jeolojik ve sondaj verileri kullanılarak, sahanın jeolojik modeli elde edilmiş ve bu model son kullanıma uygun üretim için selektif madencilik yapmaya imkan verecek verilerin üretilmesini ve sınıflandırılmış rezervlerin hesaplanarak sahadan optimum şekilde yararlanılmasını sağlamıştır.
Bu calismada rotari sondaj matkaplarinin secimi ve kullanimini optimize eden yeni bir yontem tani... more Bu calismada rotari sondaj matkaplarinin secimi ve kullanimini optimize eden yeni bir yontem tanitilmaktadir. Calismanin amaci, delinebilirlige etki eden kayac parametreleri ile gercek boyutlu laboratuvar delik delme calismalari ve yerinde arazi uygulamalarindan elde edilen datalar arasinda regresyon analizi ile delme hizi tahmin modellerinin gelistirilmesidir. Bu calismada; oncelikle kayac orneklerinin fiziksel ve mekanik ozellikleri belirlenecektir. Kayac kosullarina uygun olan farkli ureticilerin tavsiye ettikleri gercek boyutlu matkaplar, bu matkaplarin kontrollu kosullarda test edilmesine imkân taniyan yatay sondaj makinesinde sistematik olarak test edilip; delme hizi, matkap tasarimi ve isletme parametreleri en uygun matkabi bulmak amaciyla arastirilacaktir. Yatay sondaj makinesinde baski kuvveti ve rotasyon parametrelerinin etkisi sistematik olarak test edilebilmektedir. Elde edilen verilerin detayli analizleri isiginda matkaplarin spesifik delme hizi, spesifik asinma ve spes...
Bomlu kazi makinalarinin stabilite durumlarinin belirlenmesi verimli bir kazi acisindan onemlidir... more Bomlu kazi makinalarinin stabilite durumlarinin belirlenmesi verimli bir kazi acisindan onemlidir. Bu nedenle bu makinalarin stabilite durumlarini ortaya koyan sayisal verilerin elde edilmesi ve bunlarin secim kriteri olarak kullanilmasi icin yeni bir yontem gelistirilmistir. Yontem, BEP ve BED tipli bomlu kazi makinalari icin butun kesme modlarinda, dort farkli stabilite durumu icin denge esitlikleri kurularak gelistirilmis ve bu esitliklere dayanan bir bilgisayar programi C++ programlama dili kullanilarak yazilmistir. Gelistirilen bu yontem BEP tipli hafif agirlikta bir bomlu kazi makinasinin stabilite analizinde kullanilarak elde edilen degerler bu calismada sunulmustur. Gelistirilen yontem ile makinalarin stabilite durumlari incelendigi gibi, makina ve tunel parametrelerinin stabilite durumlarina etkisi de incelenebilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Bomlu kazi makinalari, kesme modlari, stabilite analizi.
Dr.H.Ergin, and Dr.C.Kuzu, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey and M. Cetinkaya, Nuh ... more Dr.H.Ergin, and Dr.C.Kuzu, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey and M. Cetinkaya, Nuh Cement Plant, Hereke, Kocaeli, Turkey, describe a new pipe conveyor transport system recently installed for Nuth cement in Turkey.
In ceramic tile manufacturing industry, the wet process includes wet grinding and spray drying, i... more In ceramic tile manufacturing industry, the wet process includes wet grinding and spray drying, is widely used for preparing granule. However, due to the high energy consumption for the water evaporation in spray dryer has become a major problem in wet process. In recent years, there have been vast amount researches for developing of dry granulation processes that consist of dry mills such as vertical roller mill or pendular mill and a granulator, have various problems on the granule shapes and granule size distributions that cause quality problems in the final products. In this research, it is aimed to develop a new production system, called as Semi-Wet Process. The new system consists of a horizontal dryer, dry ball mill, separator and additional high speed mixture. The raw-materials having low humidity are ground to the required fineness in dry size reduction process. The other components of recipe, that are prepared in conventional wet process, are mixed with the dry prepared po...
Grinding aids, primarily amine group chemicals, are used to reduce agglomeration and increase con... more Grinding aids, primarily amine group chemicals, are used to reduce agglomeration and increase concrete strength in order to ensure an efficient comminution process in the modern cement industry. This paper aims to investigate polymer-based novel grinding aids on cement grinding efficiency. It is hereby
Shore hardness has been used to estimate some mechanical and physical properties of rocks for man... more Shore hardness has been used to estimate some mechanical and physical properties of rocks for many years. This study differs from previous studies in a way that it is directly oriented to rock cuttability. Two Shore hardness values (SH 1 and SH 2) and a coefficient of deformation value (K) have been measured for 30 different rock samples. In the first stage of the study, optimum specific energy values for 16 different rock samples obtained from full-scale cutting tests were correlated with the Shore hardness values of the same rock samples changing SH 1 values from 9 to 66 and SH 2 values from 25 to 83, with deformation coefficient values changing from 26 to 195. In the second stage, the performance of a roadheader used in the K€ u uc°€ u uksu (Istanbul) tunnel was recorded in detail and the instantaneous cutting rate of the machine was determined. Then, the relationship between Shore hardness values, deformation coefficient and the instantaneous cutting rate of the machine was determined for different formations encountered. It is concluded that there is a relationship between Shore hardness values, optimum specific energy and compressive strength, which may be used to estimate the rock cuttability and the instantaneous cutting rates of roadheaders within certain limits of reliability.
In ceramic production, vast amount of green process waste is created. Green process waste in othe... more In ceramic production, vast amount of green process waste is created. Green process waste in other words, sludge waste creates a big environmental problem. It can create water pollution as well as create environmental problems having a big physical change of the stored area., Therefore, the use of sludge waste in the process as raw material is vitally important. The research programme was carried out to use the green process wastes as raw materials in the recipes of various products in Kaleseramik Research and Development Center in Turkey. Firstly, the long term samples were taken in order to observe the fluctuation of the created waste. Then, the chemical and mineralogical characterization of sludge wastes was carried out by using XRF and XRD. Different recipes were prepared by using green process waste. The behavior and the phases of fired products were evaluated by using a double-beam optical non-contact dilatometer and XRD. SEM and EDX were carried out for microstructural and microchemical analysis. Finally; the physical, mechanical and color properties of waste added recipes; such as water absorption, linear shrinkage, breaking strength and chromatic coordinates were measured. The results showed that it is possible to develop wall tile body with suitable technological properties by using appropriate mixture of process wastes in the body composition. The usage of sludge waste eliminates environmental problems and also provides the cost advantages as a raw material input. The full results of the case study performed at Kaleseramik Factory is illustrated in details.
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, May 21, 2023
In ceramic production, vast amount of green process waste is created. Green process waste in othe... more In ceramic production, vast amount of green process waste is created. Green process waste in other words, sludge waste creates a big environmental problem. It can create water pollution as well as create environmental problems having a big physical change of the stored area., Therefore, the use of sludge waste in the process as raw material is vitally important. The research programme was carried out to use the green process wastes as raw materials in the recipes of various products in Kaleseramik Research and Development Center in Turkey. Firstly, the long term samples were taken in order to observe the fluctuation of the created waste. Then, the chemical and mineralogical characterization of sludge wastes was carried out by using XRF and XRD. Different recipes were prepared by using green process waste. The behavior and the phases of fired products were evaluated by using a double-beam optical non-contact dilatometer and XRD. SEM and EDX were carried out for microstructural and microchemical analysis. Finally; the physical, mechanical and color properties of waste added recipes; such as water absorption, linear shrinkage, breaking strength and chromatic coordinates were measured. The results showed that it is possible to develop wall tile body with suitable technological properties by using appropriate mixture of process wastes in the body composition. The usage of sludge waste eliminates environmental problems and also provides the cost advantages as a raw material input. The full results of the case study performed at Kaleseramik Factory is illustrated in details.
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Mar 1, 2006
Roadheader, one of the mechanized excavation equipments, has an exceptional place among the other... more Roadheader, one of the mechanized excavation equipments, has an exceptional place among the other excavation methods. Determination of the stability states of the roadheader is an important matter for the efficiency of excavation. For this reason, a new method has been developed to obtain numerical values that indicate stability states of such machines. The method has been developed for both longitudinal and transverse cutting head type machines by establishing stability equations for states of turning around the vertical axis, turning to the side direction, turning to the back direction and sliding in all cutting modes. A computer program based on these equations has been written in C++ programming language. The stability analysis can be made either for one point on the excavation face or whole face. Obtained values can be used to compare the stability states of various roadheaders in the same cutting condition as well as using to compare the stability states of a roadheader. A stability index that has also been established can only be used to compare a stability state of a roadheader in different cutting conditions. The developed methodology was tested in a transverse cutting head type roadheader for arcing, lowering and lifting modes. It has been obtained that the stability state of turning around the vertical axis of the roadheader is the most critical state especially in arcing mode. The effects of the machine design parameters, cutting head and tunnel parameters on the stability of the roadheaders can also be investigated by this method.
This paper presents and discusses the results of a detailed study, which is based on industrial c... more This paper presents and discusses the results of a detailed study, which is based on industrial circuit testing on the subject of energy consumption in the comminution of cement clinker. The study was performed in Turkish cement plants where high-pressure roller press, tube mills and high efficiency separators are in operation Eight different grinding circuits configurations were examined in the plants and the comparison was made in terms of relative energy efficiency, production rate and product quality.
Transactions of The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Section A-mining Technology, Sep 1, 2005
ABSTRACT Amongst mechanised excavation equipment, roadheaders have an exceptional role. Determina... more ABSTRACT Amongst mechanised excavation equipment, roadheaders have an exceptional role. Determination of the stability state of the roadheader is an important parameter for the efficiency of excavation. For roadheaders having equal power and weight, if one is more stable than another, it can respond to higher boom forces. A new computer program was developed to analyse the stability of roadheaders. Values of the four stability states of the roadheader (turning around the vertical axis, turning to the side, turning backwards and sliding) can be obtained using this program. In this study, the effects of the cutting-head shape (spherical, conical and combined heads) were investigated by applying this method to the stability of a longitudinal type roadheader. Turning around the vertical axis of the machine was found to be the most critical stability state. Among the different cutting head shapes, spherical heads had the lowest moment values for similar tilt angles. An increase in the tilt angles of the picks leads to an increase in the moment values for all cutting shapes with this stability state. However, small tilt angles of the picks are commonly used due to their high efficiency. The increase in the tilt angles of the picks negatively affects the sliding state of the roadheader for all cutting shapes, especially conical heads. The stability states of the roadheader in turning backwards and turning to the side were slightly affected by changes to the tilt angles of the picks. The results obtained are valid for all cutting sector; however, a 90° cutting sector was more convenient than a 180° cutting sector due to lower boom reaction forces.
Ceramic tiles are the most common building material for floor and wall coverings in many countrie... more Ceramic tiles are the most common building material for floor and wall coverings in many countries. Glazed tiles are produced from mixture of frits and some additional raw materials applied on the surface of green tiles and subjected to a firing process. A new method of processing of glaze that is dry stirred media mill was investigated in a pilot grinding plant. The produced glaze particle size, shape and surface area are measured. The comparison was made with the product of conventional wet discontinue ball mills using the same wall tile glaze recipes. The results indicated that dry stirred media mill can provide product that have finer particle size distribution, more stable product compared to the conventional wet ball milling. The glaze thermal expansion and optical properties such as colour (L, a and b parameters) of the produced glazes were measured and comparison was also made in details. Finally, the microstructural characteristics of the produced glazes were determined usi...
Resumo Na indústria de fabricação cerâmica o processo a úmido, incluindo moagem e atomização, é a... more Resumo Na indústria de fabricação cerâmica o processo a úmido, incluindo moagem e atomização, é amplamente utilizado para a preparação do grânulo. No entanto, a moagem a seco tornou-se um processo importante devido à economia de energia, permitindo o uso de distintas matérias-primas no processo de fabricação de placas cerâmicas. Neste estudo foi investigado o layout do processo de moagem a seco, bem como os parâmetros de operação do moinho de bolas contínuo a seco, de alta capacidade e com separador (MB), do moinho vertical de rolos (MV) e do moinho pendular de rolos (MP). Como se sabe, a distribuição de tamanho e a forma das partículas afetam as características das suspensões preparadas e também o comportamento durante a queima e as propriedades técnicas do produto final. Portanto, foi estudada a distribuição de tamanho de partícula de cada sistema de moagem para as principais matérias-primas: feldspato, caulinita, granito e caco queimado de pavimento cerâmico. A distribuição de tamanho de partícula de cada sistema de moagem foi apresentada segundo uma distribuição RRSB, que permite comparar as distribuições de tamanho dos produtos em função dos parâmetros de posição d', que indica a finura, e do parâmetro n, que indica a inclinação, se é uma distribuição larga ou estreita. Finalmente, foram realizadas análises do custo de operação dos sistemas de moagem a seco. Palavras-chave: placas cerâmicas, moagem a seco, distribuição de tamanho de partícula, consumo energético.
Limestone is an important raw material for the cement and concrete industries. Drilling and blast... more Limestone is an important raw material for the cement and concrete industries. Drilling and blasting are commonly employed in the production of limestone. Ammonium nitrate with fuel oil (ANFO) is an extensively used explosive and aluminium is added to improve the energy output. However, it is important to determine the correct amount of aluminium to add to enhance the blasting process. The optimum composition of aluminised ANFO (ALANFO) has been determined in a limestone deposit where 2 Mt year-1 of limestone is produced for a cement plant in Turkey. Field tests were carried out on the currently applied square drilling pattern of 3 m × 3 m and also the rectangular drilling patterns 3•0 m × 3•5 m, 3•0 m × 4•0 m 3•0 m × 4•5 m and 4•0 m × 4•5 m using ANFO and different compositions of ALANFO together with the other design parameters. Results of the tests shots were analysed in terms of fragmentation and costs. The use of ALANFO prepared with the addition of 15% Al powder on the 4•0 m × 4•5 m pattern resulted in improvements in fragmentation and 28% of savings in specific drilling and blasting costs in the studied quarry.
The ceramic tile manufacturing process uses a lot of energy, mainly thermal energy, and to a less... more The ceramic tile manufacturing process uses a lot of energy, mainly thermal energy, and to a lesser extent electric energy. Total energy costs account for between 50% and 55% of average direct manufacturing costs. Fossil fuel combustion, such as natural gas combustion, produces carbon dioxide emission. Therefore, energy consumption and emissions issues are vitally important for both environmental effects and process costs in ceramic tile manufacturing. The wet process of granule production systems including wet grinding and spray drying is widely used for the production of granules. Although there is high energy consumption for the water evaporation in the spray dryer, it ensures to produce high quality tile for many years. In this study, important granule properties were introduced for a novel dry granule production system. In the successful application of a dry granulation system, the conformity of produced granules is vitally important such as particle size distribution, bulk den...
Bilgisayar teknolojisi ve madencilik paket programlarındaki gelişmeler bazı yeni tekniklerin kull... more Bilgisayar teknolojisi ve madencilik paket programlarındaki gelişmeler bazı yeni tekniklerin kullanılarak daha doğru ve hızlı olarak rezervlerin hesaplanmasını ve maden planlamasını mümkün kılmıştır. Bu.makalede, çağdaş madencilik programları tarafından kullanılan teknikler ana hatları ile sunulmuştur. Daha sonra Trakya Bölgesinde bulunan Edirköy Linyit sahasına ait topografık, jeolojik ve sondaj verileri kullanılarak, sahanın jeolojik modeli elde edilmiş ve bu model son kullanıma uygun üretim için selektif madencilik yapmaya imkan verecek verilerin üretilmesini ve sınıflandırılmış rezervlerin hesaplanarak sahadan optimum şekilde yararlanılmasını sağlamıştır.
Bu calismada rotari sondaj matkaplarinin secimi ve kullanimini optimize eden yeni bir yontem tani... more Bu calismada rotari sondaj matkaplarinin secimi ve kullanimini optimize eden yeni bir yontem tanitilmaktadir. Calismanin amaci, delinebilirlige etki eden kayac parametreleri ile gercek boyutlu laboratuvar delik delme calismalari ve yerinde arazi uygulamalarindan elde edilen datalar arasinda regresyon analizi ile delme hizi tahmin modellerinin gelistirilmesidir. Bu calismada; oncelikle kayac orneklerinin fiziksel ve mekanik ozellikleri belirlenecektir. Kayac kosullarina uygun olan farkli ureticilerin tavsiye ettikleri gercek boyutlu matkaplar, bu matkaplarin kontrollu kosullarda test edilmesine imkân taniyan yatay sondaj makinesinde sistematik olarak test edilip; delme hizi, matkap tasarimi ve isletme parametreleri en uygun matkabi bulmak amaciyla arastirilacaktir. Yatay sondaj makinesinde baski kuvveti ve rotasyon parametrelerinin etkisi sistematik olarak test edilebilmektedir. Elde edilen verilerin detayli analizleri isiginda matkaplarin spesifik delme hizi, spesifik asinma ve spes...
Bomlu kazi makinalarinin stabilite durumlarinin belirlenmesi verimli bir kazi acisindan onemlidir... more Bomlu kazi makinalarinin stabilite durumlarinin belirlenmesi verimli bir kazi acisindan onemlidir. Bu nedenle bu makinalarin stabilite durumlarini ortaya koyan sayisal verilerin elde edilmesi ve bunlarin secim kriteri olarak kullanilmasi icin yeni bir yontem gelistirilmistir. Yontem, BEP ve BED tipli bomlu kazi makinalari icin butun kesme modlarinda, dort farkli stabilite durumu icin denge esitlikleri kurularak gelistirilmis ve bu esitliklere dayanan bir bilgisayar programi C++ programlama dili kullanilarak yazilmistir. Gelistirilen bu yontem BEP tipli hafif agirlikta bir bomlu kazi makinasinin stabilite analizinde kullanilarak elde edilen degerler bu calismada sunulmustur. Gelistirilen yontem ile makinalarin stabilite durumlari incelendigi gibi, makina ve tunel parametrelerinin stabilite durumlarina etkisi de incelenebilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Bomlu kazi makinalari, kesme modlari, stabilite analizi.
Dr.H.Ergin, and Dr.C.Kuzu, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey and M. Cetinkaya, Nuh ... more Dr.H.Ergin, and Dr.C.Kuzu, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey and M. Cetinkaya, Nuh Cement Plant, Hereke, Kocaeli, Turkey, describe a new pipe conveyor transport system recently installed for Nuth cement in Turkey.
In ceramic tile manufacturing industry, the wet process includes wet grinding and spray drying, i... more In ceramic tile manufacturing industry, the wet process includes wet grinding and spray drying, is widely used for preparing granule. However, due to the high energy consumption for the water evaporation in spray dryer has become a major problem in wet process. In recent years, there have been vast amount researches for developing of dry granulation processes that consist of dry mills such as vertical roller mill or pendular mill and a granulator, have various problems on the granule shapes and granule size distributions that cause quality problems in the final products. In this research, it is aimed to develop a new production system, called as Semi-Wet Process. The new system consists of a horizontal dryer, dry ball mill, separator and additional high speed mixture. The raw-materials having low humidity are ground to the required fineness in dry size reduction process. The other components of recipe, that are prepared in conventional wet process, are mixed with the dry prepared po...
Grinding aids, primarily amine group chemicals, are used to reduce agglomeration and increase con... more Grinding aids, primarily amine group chemicals, are used to reduce agglomeration and increase concrete strength in order to ensure an efficient comminution process in the modern cement industry. This paper aims to investigate polymer-based novel grinding aids on cement grinding efficiency. It is hereby
Shore hardness has been used to estimate some mechanical and physical properties of rocks for man... more Shore hardness has been used to estimate some mechanical and physical properties of rocks for many years. This study differs from previous studies in a way that it is directly oriented to rock cuttability. Two Shore hardness values (SH 1 and SH 2) and a coefficient of deformation value (K) have been measured for 30 different rock samples. In the first stage of the study, optimum specific energy values for 16 different rock samples obtained from full-scale cutting tests were correlated with the Shore hardness values of the same rock samples changing SH 1 values from 9 to 66 and SH 2 values from 25 to 83, with deformation coefficient values changing from 26 to 195. In the second stage, the performance of a roadheader used in the K€ u uc°€ u uksu (Istanbul) tunnel was recorded in detail and the instantaneous cutting rate of the machine was determined. Then, the relationship between Shore hardness values, deformation coefficient and the instantaneous cutting rate of the machine was determined for different formations encountered. It is concluded that there is a relationship between Shore hardness values, optimum specific energy and compressive strength, which may be used to estimate the rock cuttability and the instantaneous cutting rates of roadheaders within certain limits of reliability.
Papers by Hasan Ergin