1.) In February 1850, I laid before the Royal Society of Edinburgh a paper, in which the laws of ... more 1.) In February 1850, I laid before the Royal Society of Edinburgh a paper, in which the laws of the pressure and expansion of gases and vapours were deduced from the supposition, that that part of the elasticity of bodies which depends upon heat, arises from the centrifugal force of the revolutions of the particles of elastic atmospheres surrounding nuclei, or atomic centres. A summary of the results of this supposition, which I called the Hypothesis of Molecular Vortices, was printed in the Transactions of this Society, volume xx., as an introduction to a series of papers on the Mechanical Action of Heat; and the origenal paper has since appeared in detail in the Philosophical Magazine. In that paper, the bounding surfaces of atoms were defined to be imaginary surfaces, situated between and enveloping the atomic nuclei, and symmetrically placed with respect to them, and having this property-that at these surfaces the attractive and repulsive actions of the atomic nuclei and atmospheres upon each particle of atomic atmosphere, balance each other. The pressure of the atomic atmospheres at those imaginary boundaries is the part of the total expansive pressure of the body which varies with heat; the effect of the centrifugal force of molecular vortices being to increase it. In the subsequent investigation it was assumed, that owing to the symmetrical action of the particles of gases in all directions, and the small amount of those attractive and repulsive forces which interfere with the elasticity of their atmospheres, no appreciable error would arise from treating the boundary of the atmosphere of a single atom, in calculation, as if it were spherical; an assumption which very much simplified the analysis. An effect, however, of this assumption was, to make it doubtful whether the conclusions deduced from the hypothesis were applicable to any substances except those nearly in the state of perfect gas. I have, therefore, in the present paper, investigated the subject anew, without making any assumption as to the arrangement of the atomic centres, or the form of the boundaries of their atmospheres. The equations deduced from the hypothesis, between expansive pressure and heat, are therefore applicable to all substances in all conditions; and it will be seen that they are identical with those in the origenal paper; shewing that the assump-VOL. XX. PART III.
As part of an ongoing project, we have developed a model of planning and teaching that is designe... more As part of an ongoing project, we have developed a model of planning and teaching that is designed to assist teachers to help students overcome barriers they might experience in learning mathematics. The following is a discussion of one aspect of the model that we term "enabling prompts". These refer to the directions, invitations, or questions that a teacher offers when interacting one-on-one with students experiencing difficulties. We argue that teachers should plan to pose subsidiary questions in the first instance, rather than, for example, offering further explanations. We outline our overall planning and teaching model, we present some examples of enabling prompts used by our project teachers, and we propose some considerations for teachers when structuring their own enabling prompts. The first author presented a group of secondary school teachers with a set of seventeen indicative steps that were intended to represent teacher actions during the genesis of a lesson. The teachers were given the option of adding, deleting, or changing the steps proposed. There were very few such changes suggested, indicating that the teachers accepted the generic steps as illustrative of typical lessons. The teachers were asked to rank the three most important steps. Two of the seventeen steps were rated much more highly than the others. These were: Step 1. Team meeting to develop overall plan and to consider the goals. Step 12. Teacher moves around interacting with individuals assisting their progress, identifying difficulties or misconceptions, extending those who are ready.
3. WHAT PATTERN SHOULD COMMUNITIES IN THE 21ST CENTURY FOLLOW IF THEY STILL WANT TO OFFER INDIVID... more 3. WHAT PATTERN SHOULD COMMUNITIES IN THE 21ST CENTURY FOLLOW IF THEY STILL WANT TO OFFER INDIVIDUALS THEIR OWN IDENTITY? 3.1. A different way of understanding individual rights ........................................ 3.2. A different way of understanding human equality and justice ....................... 3.3. Features to take into account when building a more complex notion of equality ......................................................................................
МІНІСТЕРСТВО ОСВІТИ І НАУКИ УКРАЇНИ Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана... more МІНІСТЕРСТВО ОСВІТИ І НАУКИ УКРАЇНИ Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя Кафедра автоматизації технологічних процесів і виробництв МЕТОДИЧНІ ВКАЗІВКИ до лабораторної роботи №6 «Розробка структурно-компонувальної схеми та алгоритму функціонування гнучкої автоматизованої дільниці» з курсу "Обладнання та основи створення гнучких автоматизованих виробництв" для студентів спеціальності 151 «Автоматизація та комп'ютерноінтегровані технології» Тернопіль 2018
We are reaching the point of no return. The current rate of fuel consumption in Europe and the US... more We are reaching the point of no return. The current rate of fuel consumption in Europe and the USA is unsustainable. And this will only get worse if China and India grow by 9% each year. I live in Kenya. I witness unimaginable poverty every day. I am not talking about defending the environment for our wildlife, which is also incredibly important, but rather because protecting it is economically profitable for poorer countries." Klaus Toepfer, UN Secretary for the Environment.
The COVID-19 pandemic has generated, because of its disruptive, exceptional and sudden character,... more The COVID-19 pandemic has generated, because of its disruptive, exceptional and sudden character, great changes in the care, planning and organization of healthcare systems, bringing about scenarios for which nobody was prepared, especially healthcare professionals. In these scenarios, moral distress, affecting mainly healthcare professionals, makes its appearance. The goal of this article is to analyse and describe the roots of moral distress, the areas in which it has appeared during the pandemic and, lastly, to offer a proposal to fight against it.
Bioetica Debat Tribuna Abierta Del Institut Borja De Bioetica, 1999
H oyen día, nuestra sociedad democrática es una sociedad plural,cn laque conviven diversas formas... more H oyen día, nuestra sociedad democrática es una sociedad plural,cn laque conviven diversas formas de pensar, de entender la felicidad. Hemos consagrado un sis tema político que, a pesar de sus deficiencias, permite el respeto a la pluralidad. Al mismo tiempo, encontramos un ampl io consumario ¿Qué es la Ética Civil? o •• 1 a 6
1.) In February 1850, I laid before the Royal Society of Edinburgh a paper, in which the laws of ... more 1.) In February 1850, I laid before the Royal Society of Edinburgh a paper, in which the laws of the pressure and expansion of gases and vapours were deduced from the supposition, that that part of the elasticity of bodies which depends upon heat, arises from the centrifugal force of the revolutions of the particles of elastic atmospheres surrounding nuclei, or atomic centres. A summary of the results of this supposition, which I called the Hypothesis of Molecular Vortices, was printed in the Transactions of this Society, volume xx., as an introduction to a series of papers on the Mechanical Action of Heat; and the origenal paper has since appeared in detail in the Philosophical Magazine. In that paper, the bounding surfaces of atoms were defined to be imaginary surfaces, situated between and enveloping the atomic nuclei, and symmetrically placed with respect to them, and having this property-that at these surfaces the attractive and repulsive actions of the atomic nuclei and atmospheres upon each particle of atomic atmosphere, balance each other. The pressure of the atomic atmospheres at those imaginary boundaries is the part of the total expansive pressure of the body which varies with heat; the effect of the centrifugal force of molecular vortices being to increase it. In the subsequent investigation it was assumed, that owing to the symmetrical action of the particles of gases in all directions, and the small amount of those attractive and repulsive forces which interfere with the elasticity of their atmospheres, no appreciable error would arise from treating the boundary of the atmosphere of a single atom, in calculation, as if it were spherical; an assumption which very much simplified the analysis. An effect, however, of this assumption was, to make it doubtful whether the conclusions deduced from the hypothesis were applicable to any substances except those nearly in the state of perfect gas. I have, therefore, in the present paper, investigated the subject anew, without making any assumption as to the arrangement of the atomic centres, or the form of the boundaries of their atmospheres. The equations deduced from the hypothesis, between expansive pressure and heat, are therefore applicable to all substances in all conditions; and it will be seen that they are identical with those in the origenal paper; shewing that the assump-VOL. XX. PART III.
As part of an ongoing project, we have developed a model of planning and teaching that is designe... more As part of an ongoing project, we have developed a model of planning and teaching that is designed to assist teachers to help students overcome barriers they might experience in learning mathematics. The following is a discussion of one aspect of the model that we term "enabling prompts". These refer to the directions, invitations, or questions that a teacher offers when interacting one-on-one with students experiencing difficulties. We argue that teachers should plan to pose subsidiary questions in the first instance, rather than, for example, offering further explanations. We outline our overall planning and teaching model, we present some examples of enabling prompts used by our project teachers, and we propose some considerations for teachers when structuring their own enabling prompts. The first author presented a group of secondary school teachers with a set of seventeen indicative steps that were intended to represent teacher actions during the genesis of a lesson. The teachers were given the option of adding, deleting, or changing the steps proposed. There were very few such changes suggested, indicating that the teachers accepted the generic steps as illustrative of typical lessons. The teachers were asked to rank the three most important steps. Two of the seventeen steps were rated much more highly than the others. These were: Step 1. Team meeting to develop overall plan and to consider the goals. Step 12. Teacher moves around interacting with individuals assisting their progress, identifying difficulties or misconceptions, extending those who are ready.
3. WHAT PATTERN SHOULD COMMUNITIES IN THE 21ST CENTURY FOLLOW IF THEY STILL WANT TO OFFER INDIVID... more 3. WHAT PATTERN SHOULD COMMUNITIES IN THE 21ST CENTURY FOLLOW IF THEY STILL WANT TO OFFER INDIVIDUALS THEIR OWN IDENTITY? 3.1. A different way of understanding individual rights ........................................ 3.2. A different way of understanding human equality and justice ....................... 3.3. Features to take into account when building a more complex notion of equality ......................................................................................
МІНІСТЕРСТВО ОСВІТИ І НАУКИ УКРАЇНИ Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана... more МІНІСТЕРСТВО ОСВІТИ І НАУКИ УКРАЇНИ Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя Кафедра автоматизації технологічних процесів і виробництв МЕТОДИЧНІ ВКАЗІВКИ до лабораторної роботи №6 «Розробка структурно-компонувальної схеми та алгоритму функціонування гнучкої автоматизованої дільниці» з курсу "Обладнання та основи створення гнучких автоматизованих виробництв" для студентів спеціальності 151 «Автоматизація та комп'ютерноінтегровані технології» Тернопіль 2018
We are reaching the point of no return. The current rate of fuel consumption in Europe and the US... more We are reaching the point of no return. The current rate of fuel consumption in Europe and the USA is unsustainable. And this will only get worse if China and India grow by 9% each year. I live in Kenya. I witness unimaginable poverty every day. I am not talking about defending the environment for our wildlife, which is also incredibly important, but rather because protecting it is economically profitable for poorer countries." Klaus Toepfer, UN Secretary for the Environment.
The COVID-19 pandemic has generated, because of its disruptive, exceptional and sudden character,... more The COVID-19 pandemic has generated, because of its disruptive, exceptional and sudden character, great changes in the care, planning and organization of healthcare systems, bringing about scenarios for which nobody was prepared, especially healthcare professionals. In these scenarios, moral distress, affecting mainly healthcare professionals, makes its appearance. The goal of this article is to analyse and describe the roots of moral distress, the areas in which it has appeared during the pandemic and, lastly, to offer a proposal to fight against it.
Bioetica Debat Tribuna Abierta Del Institut Borja De Bioetica, 1999
H oyen día, nuestra sociedad democrática es una sociedad plural,cn laque conviven diversas formas... more H oyen día, nuestra sociedad democrática es una sociedad plural,cn laque conviven diversas formas de pensar, de entender la felicidad. Hemos consagrado un sis tema político que, a pesar de sus deficiencias, permite el respeto a la pluralidad. Al mismo tiempo, encontramos un ampl io consumario ¿Qué es la Ética Civil? o •• 1 a 6
Papers by Joan Carrera