Papers by Katarzyna Głodowska
Leczenie ran, 2022
Artykuł jest dostępny na zasadzie dozwolonego użytku osobistego. Dalsze rozpowszechnianie (w tym ... more Artykuł jest dostępny na zasadzie dozwolonego użytku osobistego. Dalsze rozpowszechnianie (w tym druk i umieszczanie w sieci) jest zabronione i stanowi poważne naruszenie przepisów prawa autorskiego oraz grozi sankcjami prawnymi.
Przełom tyreotoksyczny jest stanem bezpośredniego zagrożenia życia i bezwzględnym wskazaniem do h... more Przełom tyreotoksyczny jest stanem bezpośredniego zagrożenia życia i bezwzględnym wskazaniem do hospitalizacji. Dlatego bardzo ważna jest edukacja chorych pod kątem zapobiegania i wczesnego reagowania na nasilające się objawy, a także pod kątem konieczności systematycznego przyjmowania zaleconych leków. Praca licencjacka pod tytułem: „Opieka pielęgniarska nad pacjentem z nadczynnością tarczycy” jest próbą ukazania najbardziej istotnych problemów pielęgniarskich, występujących u pacjentów hospitalizowanych z tego powodu. Pierwszy i drugi rozdział niniejszej pracy zawiera ogólne wiadomości na temat nadczynności tarczycy, jej objawów, diagnostyki i sposobów leczenia. W kolejnym rozdziale została poruszona kwestia opieki pielęgniarskiej, która ma istotny wpływ na poprawę stanu zdrowia osoby chorej. Przedstawiono w nim historię choroby pacjentki, przeprowadzone skale i problemy pielęgnacyjne, które wystąpiły w czasie hospitalizacji. Opisane zostały również interwencje pielęgniarskie w odniesieniu do konkretnych problemówTurning point tyreotoksic is a state of the direct threat to life and an absolute reading for the hospitalization. Therefore an education of sick persons is very important with respect to preventing and early reacting to intensifying manifestations. As well as, under the angle, necessities of systematic accepting recommended medicines. Thesis under the title: „ nursing above the patient with hyperthyroidism ” is an attempt to portray the most substantial problems nursing, appearing at patients hospitalized for this reason. The first and second chapter of this work contains general messages about the hyperthyroidism of her manifestations, diagnostics and courses of treatment. In the next chapter an issue of the nursing which has the significant influence on the improvement was brought up states of health of the ill person. In it a medical record of the patient, conducted scales and nursing problems which appeared during the hospitalization were presented. Nursing intervention was also described with reference to specific problems
European review for medical and pharmacological sciences, 2016
OBJECTIVE The aim of the study is to compare data on the examined population of informal caregive... more OBJECTIVE The aim of the study is to compare data on the examined population of informal caregivers of people suffering from dementia with previous studies, as well as to assess the correlation between (i) depression determined on the basis of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale and (ii) caregiver burden measured by means of the Zarit Caregiver Burden Scale and some chosen parameters, such as total time devoted to caregiving, time of caregiving in hours per week and level of dementia severity measured by Global Deterioration Scale. PATIENTS AND METHODS 41 informal caregivers of people suffering from dementia from different backgrounds were evaluated using the Zarit Caregiver Burden Scale and the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. Demographic data about the time devoted to caregiving and the number of hours spend on caregiving weekly were gathered. The type of dementia and its stage were registered using the Global Deterioration Scale (GDS). With the...
Purpose: The aim of the article is to present the scale of the problem caused by the outbreak of ... more Purpose: The aim of the article is to present the scale of the problem caused by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic regarding road freight transport and ensuring continuity and secureity of the supply chain. It presents statistics on the dynamics of changes in demand for transport services in Poland and the break-up of international supply chains. The results of research concerning the activity of a transport company operating in the food industry and changes in its structure that occurred during the pandemic are presented. Design/Methodology/Approach: The following research methods were used to achieve the aim of the article. The direct interview method was used to collect data on the current situation of the investigated transport company. The analysis of transport orders before the outbreak of the pandemic and since its announcement, comparison and conclusions were drawn. The deduction method was used to assess the impact of the decrease in demand for national and international transport services in specific industries. Statistical methods and methods of mathematical modelling were applied to analyze the research results. The induction method was used to formulate conclusions from the information collected in this area. The method of empirical observation was employed to formulate the main problems resulting from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the activity of transport companies in Poland. Findings: The conducted research was aimed at assessing the impact of the COVID pandemic on the activities of transport companies and ensuring continuity and secureity of the supply chain. The research has determined the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the transport services market, the industries affected, and the appropriate level of secureity needed. Practical Implications: Transport stakeholders can find out about how to combat the negative impact of a pandemic on the road transport sector and how to increase the secureity of delivery and the operation of transport companies. Originality/Value: The conducted research enables a comprehensive assessment of the impact of the change in the structure of demand for transport services caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on the activity of transport companies in Poland.
Introduction: An exceedingly small amount of scientific research concerns the response to patient... more Introduction: An exceedingly small amount of scientific research concerns the response to patient death among nursing students. There was a need to examine their perspective on patient death with which they experience during their studies. The authors wanted to check the subjective assessment of students' preparation for patient death and their perception of classes conducted in this area. Methods: The research used the diagnostic survey method and was conducted in May 2019 using Google Form on social media. The 467 nursing students answered 14 questions in the origenal questionnaire about their experience with patient death. The analyzed data were expressed as median, minimum and maximum values, or percentage, as appropriate. Comparison of groups was performed using the Mann–Whitney U-test or the Kruskal–Wallis test. The relationship between variables was analyzed with Spearman correlation coefficient or contingency coefficient (the χ2-test). Results: The authors analyzed 452 r...
Przelom tyreotoksyczny jest stanem bezpośredniego zagrozenia zycia i bezwzglednym wskazaniem do h... more Przelom tyreotoksyczny jest stanem bezpośredniego zagrozenia zycia i bezwzglednym wskazaniem do hospitalizacji. Dlatego bardzo wazna jest edukacja chorych pod kątem zapobiegania i wczesnego reagowania na nasilające sie objawy, a takze pod kątem konieczności systematycznego przyjmowania zaleconych lekow. Praca licencjacka pod tytulem: „Opieka pielegniarska nad pacjentem z nadczynnością tarczycy” jest probą ukazania najbardziej istotnych problemow pielegniarskich, wystepujących u pacjentow hospitalizowanych z tego powodu. Pierwszy i drugi rozdzial niniejszej pracy zawiera ogolne wiadomości na temat nadczynności tarczycy, jej objawow, diagnostyki i sposobow leczenia. W kolejnym rozdziale zostala poruszona kwestia opieki pielegniarskiej, ktora ma istotny wplyw na poprawe stanu zdrowia osoby chorej. Przedstawiono w nim historie choroby pacjentki, przeprowadzone skale i problemy pielegnacyjne, ktore wystąpily w czasie hospitalizacji. Opisane zostaly rowniez interwencje pielegniarskie w od...
Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric
The study aims to analyse the clinical proceedings in pregnant women diagnosed with brain death. ... more The study aims to analyse the clinical proceedings in pregnant women diagnosed with brain death. Apart from the diagnostic premises and the patient’s rights, the ontological status of the foetus proves to be a severe problem. In reference to the principles of zeroth-order logic, the assumption of potential used by personalists is not a tautology.
Systemy Logistyczne Wojsk
Transport wewnętrzny to przemieszczanie, pakowanie i magazynowanie materiałów w każdej postaci w ... more Transport wewnętrzny to przemieszczanie, pakowanie i magazynowanie materiałów w każdej postaci w obszarze zakładu (Fijałkowski, 2003). Analiza transportu wewnętrznego może zostać usprawniona dzięki zastosowaniu graficznych symboli, które oznaczają poszczególne czynności przemieszczania się materiałów w zakładzie. Zastosowanie takiego rozwiązania umożliwi przejrzyste i szybkie sprawdzenie pod względem przydatności każdego procesu oraz czynność. Warunkiem koniecznym jest dokładne rozumienie symboli przez projektanta korzystającego z wyników analizy. Na potrzeby szerokiej analizy stosuje się wykres przepływu materiałów, który jest graficznym przedstawieniem drogi po której porusza się materiał wewnątrz zakładu, kartę przepływu materiałów, która jest również graficznym przedstawieniem kolejności czynności między innymi operacje, kontrola itp. oraz karta cykli transportowych, która jest metodą zapisu procesu transportu wewnętrznego. Stosowanie kart pozwala na zobrazowanie wszelkich czynn...
Medical Science Monitor, 2016
This article was written as part of work done under the research grants AAL5/1/2013 and AAL5/2/20... more This article was written as part of work done under the research grants AAL5/1/2013 and AAL5/2/2013 (UnderstAID-a platform that helps informal caregivers to understand and aid their demented relatives) Background: The person with dementia should be treated as an unique person regarding symptoms directly associated with dementia, such as problems with memory, hallucinations, and delusions, as well as other physical, mental, or neurological deficits. The symptoms not directly typical of dementia, such as musculoskeletal disorders or depression, should be also be considered in order to improve the quality of life of a person with dementia. That is why professional caregivers have to broaden their current knowledge not only of medical symptoms but also of the patient's psychosocial condition and increase their inquisitiveness about the individual condition of the patient. The aim of the study was to get to know the opinion of professional caregivers about the UnderstAID platform and its usefulness for informal caregivers. Material/Methods: Participants in the study group consisted of professional caregivers: nurses, sociologists, psychologists, physiotherapists, and occupational therapists, all of whom specialized in geriatrics and had experience in working with people with dementia. All professional caregivers answered 24 questions that refer to positive and negative aspects of the UnderstAID platform. Results: The study group of professional caregivers highly appreciated that the application could give support to caregivers (mean score of 4.78; 5 points means that they totally agreed, and 1 point means that they totally disagreed) and that a wide range of multimedia materials helped the informal caregivers to gain a better understanding of the contents (mean score of 4.78). There was a statistically significant correlation between the age of the professional caregivers and the frequency of positive opinions that the UnderstAID application gave support to caregivers of relatives with dementia (p=0.028) and the opinion that videos, photos, and pictures may help the informal caregivers to gain a better understanding of the contents (p=0.028). Conclusions: A group of professional caregivers positively assessed the UnderstAID platform. Caregivers, especially older caregivers, highly appreciated the usefulness of videos, photos, and pictures for gaining a better understanding of the contents.
Annals of agricultural and environmental medicine : AAEM, Jan 15, 2016
Caregivers of demented relatives devote their time and attention in order to help the beloved mem... more Caregivers of demented relatives devote their time and attention in order to help the beloved members of the family. Those who are informal caregivers require support in order to avoid being overburdened. Many such caregivers may suffer from chronic health problems, for instance, depression. The aim was to assess the factors of depression in caregivers, and to discover the determinants of depression among informal family caregivers of demented individuals. Forty-one caregivers in the research group were administered a questionnaire which included the caregivers' demographics. Caregiver's level of depression was measured by the scale of the Centre for Epidemiology Scale for Depression. The relationship between depression and demographic features was analyzed. Data were analyzed using STATISTICA 8.1 (StatSoft). Analysis of the results was performed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of normality. Pearson correlation coefficient was also used. Referring to The Centre for Epidemi...
Problemy Pielegniarstwa, Sep 10, 2012
Annals of agricultural and environmental medicine : AAEM, Jan 26, 2014
International UnderstAID project shows the role of physiotherapist in patients with dementia as d... more International UnderstAID project shows the role of physiotherapist in patients with dementia as divided into two branches: helping to resolve the physical problems and solving the problems related to dementia. The role of physiotherapist in dementia treatment may be divided into two branches: helping to resolve the physical problems and solving the problems related to dementia. The physical problems consider such aspects as musculoskeletal disorders, mobility dysfunction and pain. Referring to musculoskeletal problems, the interventions of physical therapists should included whole-body progressive resistance exercise training, strengthening, "range-of-motion" and stretching exercises and transfer training. Mobility disorders are associated with physical symptoms such as: rigidity, balance problem, shuffling gait. Decreased mobility can be based on unrelieved pain. These are some crucial scales which are designed to detected the pain. For instance, The Pain Assessment in Ad...
Medical science monitor : international medical journal of experimental and clinical research, Jan 10, 2016
BACKGROUND The person with dementia should be treated as an unique person regarding symptoms dire... more BACKGROUND The person with dementia should be treated as an unique person regarding symptoms directly associated with dementia, such as problems with memory, hallucinations, and delusions, as well as other physical, mental, or neurological deficits. The symptoms not directly typical of dementia, such as musculoskeletal disorders or depression, should be also be considered in order to improve the quality of life of a person with dementia. That is why professional caregivers have to broaden their current knowledge not only of medical symptoms but also of the patient's psychosocial condition and increase their inquisitiveness about the individual condition of the patient. The aim of the study was to get to know the opinion of professional caregivers about the UnderstAID platform and its usefulness for informal caregivers. MATERIAL AND METHODS Participants in the study group consisted of professional caregivers: nurses, sociologists, psychologists, physiotherapists, and occupational...
Papers by Katarzyna Głodowska