Papers by Kelly Rodrigues
Revista AIDIS de Ingeniería y Ciencias Ambientales. Investigación, desarrollo y práctica
In this work, it is presented a summary of research articles on the main constituents of the cons... more In this work, it is presented a summary of research articles on the main constituents of the constructed wetlands with vertical subsurface flow as well as the state of the art of this technology. Data collection was carried out at the databases Science Direct ® and Springer© and the words vertical, up flow, constructed wetland, treatment, macrophyte and substrate were used. In the first stage, they were found 164 articles and, among these, only 42 had reported aspects about the objective of this study. The results indicated that nearby 66% of wetlands constructed with vertical flow are on a pilot scale. In addition, 100% of the systems used emergent macrophytes, with the emerging species Phragmites australis (Cav.) Steud. (PH) in 21% of the wetlands. Conventional materials such as sandand gravel are still used as substrate in most systems (59%). It was also observed that 59% of the wetlands were used for domestic and/or municipal wastewater treatment and that the Asian continent had the largest number of publications of this type of system, with 50% of articles with Asian origen. The constructed wetlands with vertical subsurface flow stood out in nitrogen removal because of the depletion of oxygen in the medium existing in the base of the unit, creating anaerobic / anoxic conditions. In this way, the right choice of the constituents of this system presents an important alternative for the treatment of wastewater.
This research proposes the use of the fungus Aspergillus niger AN 400 in treating aqueous matrix ... more This research proposes the use of the fungus Aspergillus niger AN 400 in treating aqueous matrix containing methyl parathion in batch reactors. The research was divided into two steps. In Step I, were mounted control reactors (RC) containing only methyl parathion in aqueous matrix; reactors with fungus (RF) containing methyl parathion and suspension of fungus spores; and reactors with fungus and ethanol (RFE) containing methyl parathion, the suspension of fungus spores and ethanol. Each reaction time (TR), one RC, one RF and one RFE were put out of operation. The reaction times were studied in 30 days. In Step II, operated a reactor with immobilized biomass (RBI) with methyl parathion and ethanol, making up 5 cycles each lasting one week. As a result, in Step I, it was found that the pH varied from 5 to 8. The final removal of 61% (RF) and 89% (RFE) of COD; 67% (RF) and 52% (RFE) of ammonia nitrogen; 34% (RF) and 45% (RFE) nitrate; 2% (RF) and 15% (RFE) of total phosphorus. In Step ...
Research, Society and Development, 2021
The influence of sucrose on the removal of Paraquat (PQT) in synthetic aqueous medium was evaluat... more The influence of sucrose on the removal of Paraquat (PQT) in synthetic aqueous medium was evaluated by Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Initially, a toxicity test was performed on plates containing paraquat at concentrations of 1, 5, 10, 20 and 30 mg.L-1. Then, they were carried out in batches - agitated batch (RBA) and sequential batch (RBS). Four reactors were submitted, containing medium with 30 mg.L-1 of paraquat, under a reaction time of 144 h, the reactors being RBA-2 and RBS-2 with the addition of 2 gL-1 of sucrose, and without the adding sucrose to the RBA-0 and RBS-0 reactors. In all reactors, paraquat was removed, but in RBS-0, the best mean removal efficiency was obtained (41.1 ± 0.89%). The best values of apparent speed of degradation (k) were found in reactors with sucrose RBA-2 and RBS-2, 0.015 ± 0.002 h-1 and 0.018 ± 0.002 h-1, respectively, indicating that the addition of sucrose influenced the speed removal of paraquat. It was also verified that the pollutant was not ...
Revista DAE, 2018
O uso abundante do herbicida Paraquat (PQT) tem causado muitos prejuízos ao ambiente devido seu p... more O uso abundante do herbicida Paraquat (PQT) tem causado muitos prejuízos ao ambiente devido seu potencial de bioacumulação. Outro problema ambiental é a grande quantidade de casca gerada no processamento da mandioca, lançada no ambiente sem disposição adequada. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar simultaneamente a biodegradação fúngica do PQT e a produção fúngica de celulase a partir da casca de mandioca. O Aspergillus niger AN 400 foi utilizado em todos os testes, com tamanho de inóculo igual a 2 x 10 6 esporos.mL-1. Reatores aerados em bateladas com fungo (RF) e sem fungo foram operados contendo solução de 30 mg L-1 PQT (RFP), solução de Vishniac (1 mL L-1), concentrações de casca de mandioca (RFPC) entre 0 e 3,0 g L-1 , sem glicose e com 0,5 g L-1 de glicose (RFCG) e durante 168 horas. Os resultados mostraram que a taxa de decaimento do PQT se ajustou em modelo cinético de primeira ordem. As maiores eficiências de remoção de PQT (70%) e de DQO (78%) foram registradas no reator com fungo, glicose e 1,0 g de casca de mandioca-L-1 (RFPCG 1,0). Quanto à produção de celulase total, a máxima registrada foi de 0,36 FPU mL-1 no reator com fungo, 3,0 g de casca-L-1 e glicose (RFPCG 3,0) Palavras-chave: Biodegradação. Casca de mandioca. Celulase. Paraquat.
Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental, 2017
RESUMO Esta pesquisa propõe utilizar o fungo Aspergillus niger AN 400 no tratamento de matriz aqu... more RESUMO Esta pesquisa propõe utilizar o fungo Aspergillus niger AN 400 no tratamento de matriz aquosa contendo metil paration por meio de reatores em batelada, sendo dividida em duas etapas. Na etapa I, foram montados reatores controle (RCs) contendo apenas metil paration em matriz aquosa; reatores contendo metil paration e suspensão de esporos de fungo (RFs); e reatores contendo metil paration, suspensão de esporos de fungo e etanol (RFEs). A cada tempo de reação (TR), um RC, um RF e um RFE eram colocados fora de operação. Os TRs estudados foram distribuídos em 30 dias. Na etapa II, operou-se um reator com biomassa imobilizada (RBI) alimentado por metil paration e etanol, efetuando-se cinco ciclos cada um com duração de uma semana. Como resultados, na Etapa I, verificou-se que o pH variou de 5 a 8, atingindo remoções finais de 61% (RF) e 89% (RFE) de demanda química de oxigênio (DQO) bruta; 67% (RF) e 52% (RFE) de nitrogênio amoniacal; 34% (RF) e 45% (RFE) de nitrato; 2% (RF) e 15% ...
Vii Connepi Congresso Norte Nordeste De Pesquisa E Inovacao, Oct 9, 2012
Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental, 2007
Aspergillus niger AN 400 foi inoculado em reatores em batelada para remoção de fenol de meio sint... more Aspergillus niger AN 400 foi inoculado em reatores em batelada para remoção de fenol de meio sintético, na presença e ausência de glicose. O experimento possuía: 5 reatores de controle (grupo 1) com meio contento apenas fenol; 5 reatores (grupo 2) inoculados com fungos e com meio com fenol e sem glicose; e 5 reatores (grupo 3) inoculados com fungos e com meio com fenol e glicose (5 g/L). Os reatores foram agitados a 200 rpm, a 30°C, durante 5 dias. A concentração média inicial de fenol foi de 323 mg/L e a de matéria orgânica, de 696 mg DQO/L, meio sem glicose, e 6058 mg DQO/L, meio com glicose. Os reatores do grupo 2 removeram 48% de fenol e 21% de DQO, enquanto que os reatores do grupo 3, 100% de fenol e 93% de matéria orgânica. Não houve redução significativa de fenol e de DQO nos reatores de controle. A assimilação foi a via principal de remoção de fenol.
Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental, 2009
No presente trabalho, processos de oxidação avançada, Fe2+/H2O2 e UV/H2O2, e de fotólise (UV) for... more No presente trabalho, processos de oxidação avançada, Fe2+/H2O2 e UV/H2O2, e de fotólise (UV) foram empregados na descoloração de dois efluentes sintéticos, contendo corantes tipo índigo e azo, e de um efluente de lavanderia industrial. Experimentalmente, soluções em concentração de 20 mg/L dos corantes índigo carmim e vermelho congo, respectivamente 43 µmol/L e 29 µmol/L, e o efluente têxtil (pH = 3) foram submetidos a diferentes condições oxidantes sob temperatura ambiente (27 ºC). As remoções de cor e de DQO foram avaliadas em cada sistema oxidativo estudado. Em geral, os resultados obtidos mostraram que os processos utilizados são muito promissores na descoloração dos efluentes. A descoloração completa das soluções foi alcançada nos processos Fenton e com UV/H2O2. Estudos cinéticos revelam que a taxa de descoloração em meio aquoso segue uma cinética de pseudo-primeira ordem em relação à concentração do corante.
Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental, 2011
This study evaluated the glucose effect on the removal of methyl parathion by Aspergillus niger A... more This study evaluated the glucose effect on the removal of methyl parathion by Aspergillus niger AN400. The study was conducted in two stages: toxicity tests on plates and assays in flasks, under an agitation of 200 rpm. The methyl parathion concentrations in the toxicity test ranged from 0.075 to 60 mg/L. The second stage consisted on evaluating reactors: six control reactors with methyl parathion solution; six reactors with fungi and methyl parathion, and six reactors containing fungi, methyl parathion, and glucose. The reaction times studied ranged from 1 to 27 days. Methyl parathion concentrations of up to 60 mg/L were not toxic for Aspergillus niger AN400. The first-order kinetic model served as a good representation of the methyl parathion conversion rate. The first-order kinetic constant was 0.063 ± 0.005 h-1 for flasks without addition of glucose, while a value of 0.162 ± 0.014 h-1 was obtained when glucose was added.
Revista AIDIS de Ingeniería y Ciencias Ambientales. Investigación, desarrollo y práctica, 2021
Among the industrial sectors with polluting potential, the textile industry stands out for the la... more Among the industrial sectors with polluting potential, the textile industry stands out for the large amount of effluents containing dyes, recalcitrant substances with high toxicity. In the search for innovative treatments, the biological treatment stands out for achieving promising results, so this work had the objective of evaluating the degradation of synthetic effluent containing indigo carmine with concentration 20 mg.L-1 from the application of fungus Trametes versicolor using glucose as carbon source. A study involved the application of glucose at the concentration of 1.0 g.L-1 at the beginning of the reaction time (0h) and reapplication of 0.7 g.L-1 after 24 hours (24h') in 13 cycles lasting 48 hours, each. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) and glucose were monitored at four times: cycle start (0h), half cycle before addition to glucose (24h) and after addition (24h) and at the end of the cycle (48h). The concentrations of dye and enzyme laccase were taken at 3h, 5h, 10h, 24h, 30h, 34h and 48h. The results of the medium intensity test were 40.6% in the initial 24 hours and 54.4% at the end of the cycle. A COD, on average, 85 ± 4.2% of removal. The low laccase activity may have been attributed to other enzymes, not evaluated in this work. Therefore, our results signals positively for a use of the Trametes versicolor in the degradation of indigo carmine.
Was evaluated the application of immobilized biomass of Phanerochaete chrysosporium in removal of... more Was evaluated the application of immobilized biomass of Phanerochaete chrysosporium in removal of Congo Red (20 mg/L) in sequencing batch reactor, in cycles of 48 h, in the presence of glucose, added to the medium at concentrations of 5 g/L (Stage I) and 1 g/L (Step II). Removals were recorded averages 86% and 97% dye, respectively, in Stages I and II in relation to chromophore; and mean removal of organic matter from 56% (Stage I) and 76% (Stage II). There was formation of by-products and difficulty of rupture of the dye molecule, particularly, to a wavelength related to benzene, checking it if still greater production of manganese peroxidase enzyme in the presence of low concentration of glucose (1 g/L). Was obtained mean removal of 83% and 65% for ammonia and 74%, and 56% for nitrate, respective steps I and II. The fungi population on reactor was predominated in biofilm during the experiment, and was shown to be viable as the removal of color, being necessary the study of strateg...
Esse trabalho faz parte de uma pesquisa recentemente concluida pelo Mestrado em Saude Publica (Li... more Esse trabalho faz parte de uma pesquisa recentemente concluida pelo Mestrado em Saude Publica (Linha: Producao, Ambiente e Saude) da Universidade Federal do Ceara (UFC) que objetivou apresentar as perspectivas (sonhos, desejos, aspiracoes) de alguns garis e catadores de reciclaveis de Fortaleza/CE, frente a realidade social, economica e ambiental por eles vivenciada. Em termos metodologicos, trabalhamos com a pesquisa qualitativa, com entrevistas individuais, com gravadores digitais e com um roteiro semi-estruturado - apos aprovacao do Comite de Etica em Pesquisa com Seres Humanos da UFC. Os entrevistados foram catadores da Usina de Triagem do Jangurussu, os de uma associacao e trabalhadores da coleta formal de residuos: garis. O grupo de entrevistados foi ‘fechado’ pelo principio da saturacao e envolveu oito sujeitos voluntarios. Apos transcricao e analise das falas observamos dois distintos ‘mundos’: o do gari e o do catador da Usina de Triagem. As falas apontaram que alguns entre...
A industria textil e importante segmento industrial. Contudo, produz grande quantidade de efluent... more A industria textil e importante segmento industrial. Contudo, produz grande quantidade de efluentes contendo concentracao elevada de corantes mutagenicos e cancerigenos que necessitam ser removidos antes do descarte final destes no ambiente. Nesta pesquisa, Aspergillus niger AN 400 foi imobilizado em reator aerobio operado em bateladas sequenciais, adicionando-se glicose como cossubstrato, para tratamento de efluente de industria textil diluido, contendo Indigo Carmim (17 mg/L) e concentracao de materia orgânica dissolvida de 3492 mg DQO/L. A remocao media de corante foi de 97%, no comprimento de onda do cromoforo, dos quais apenas 6% ocorreu pela adsorcao do corante no material suporte; 57% de remocao media de materia orgânica dissolvida; 82.5% de nitrogenio amoniacal e 80% de nitrato, o que resultou em concentracao a media no efluente final de 14.12 mg/L e 0.23mg/L, respectivamente. O sistema foi capaz de boa remocao de Indigo Carmim e nitrogenio, sendo necessario maior otimizacao...
Engenharia Sanitaria E Ambiental, 2017
The removal of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) compounds by Aspergillus niger AN... more The removal of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) compounds by Aspergillus niger AN 400 was studied in a continuous flow reactor which was operated at hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 12 hours evaluate the efficiency of the system in the bioremediation of water polluted with gasoline in the presence (Step 1) and absence (Step 2) of 0.5 g.L-1 glucose. In the first step it was also studied the influence of the addition of nutrients in the influent on the efficiency of the process. The addition of nutrients was beneficial to the process and, with the removal of glucose, the efficiency was maintained due to the use of ethanol - which is a Brazilian gasoline constituent (25%) - and was used as co-substrate. Both ethanol and glucose are more easily assimilated carbon and energy sources for fungi and were used as co-substrate in the degradation of BTEX. Thus, in Step 2, when only ethanol was in the biomedia, averages percentage of 88% for benzene, 90% in toluene, 90% ethylbe...
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 2021
The textile industry demonstrates a polluting potential from the planting of cotton to the releas... more The textile industry demonstrates a polluting potential from the planting of cotton to the release of wastewater. The presence of dyes in water bodies decreases the passage of sun rays and directly affects the photosynthetic organisms and the ecosystem. Fungi have potential in the treatment of wastewater containing dyes with complex organic structures due to enzymes that they produce. This study evaluated the HIGHLIGHTS The semibatch reactor is presented as a new arrangement for fungal bioreactors; The removal of dye was accompanied by the removal of organic matter in terms of chemical oxygen demand (COD); The fungi showed high affinity with the polyurethane foam, distributing itself throughout the foam and not restricted only to the surface layer of the support medium; The fungal community remains dominant through bacterial contamination. Santos, A.D.O; et al.
Revista Brasileira de Gestão Ambiental e Sustentabilidade, 2021
Aspergillus niger AN 400 was tested in the treatment of a synthetic water containing 2,4-dinitrop... more Aspergillus niger AN 400 was tested in the treatment of a synthetic water containing 2,4-dinitrophenol (2,4-DNP) by operating batch reactors with immobilized biomass. The treatment was carried out in two stages: 1) accomplished growth of fungal inoculum Aspergillus niger AN 400, and 2) the biomass was immobilized on a support at a concentration of 2 x 106 mL-1 of spores. The reaction times (RT) were 168, 48, 24 and, 8 h. The variables analyzed were COD, pH and nitrogen fractions. Decay temporal (RT168 h) of 2,4-DNP and COD adjusted to the first-order model. The higher removal efficiency 2,4 DNP was 96% and COD was 83%. There was a decrease of sequencing batch reactor SBR efficiency when RT were 8 h. The use of Aspergillus niger AN 400 may be an alternative treatment of wastewater containing nitrophenolic compounds.
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, 2019
The wide production and use of the surfactant linear alkylbenzene sulphonate (LAS) has severe eff... more The wide production and use of the surfactant linear alkylbenzene sulphonate (LAS) has severe effects on the environment and, consequently on human health. This study sought to evaluate the efficiency of the species aspergillus niger AN400 on LAS removal, in reactors operated in batch mode. Three reactors were operated for 30 days with the following configuration: a control reactor without A. niger AN400 (CR) and two reactors with A. niger AN400, one of each supplemented with 1 mg L−1 of glucose (ANGR) and one without the co-substrate (ANR). LAS was tested in the concentrations of 15 and 30 mg L−1. LAS removal efficiencies 51% in ANR and 76% ANGR, for the initial concentration of LAS of 15 mg L−1, and 55% in ANR and 65% in ANGR, for 30 mg L−1 of LAS.
Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 2017
This research aims to evaluate the ability of the fungal specie Aspergillus niger AN 400 to metab... more This research aims to evaluate the ability of the fungal specie Aspergillus niger AN 400 to metabolize atrazine (ATZ) in model wastewaters, as most of the research with this worldwide used herbicide is focused on bacteria and on soil bioremediation. Firstly, the tolerance of A. niger for ATZ was evaluated in petri dishes. A. niger growth in all the tested ATZ concentrations, up to 30 mg L −1. Biodegradation of ATZ was then conducted in batch reactors of 3 L, with dispersed fungal biomass. Reactors were operated for 8 days at different conditions: without glucose (RG0) and glucose at concentrations of 0.5; 1.0; 2.0; 3.0; 4.0 and 5.0 g L −1-RG0.5; RG1; RG2; RG3; RG4 and RG5, respectively. Control (RC) includes a reactor in the absence of fungal spores. The highest ATZ removal, 72%, occurred in RG3. At higher glucose concentration, substrate competition kinetics may be the responsible for the decrease of biodegradation rate constants. Only 50% of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) removal was obtained due to the presence of methanol used to dissolve ATZ, which has contributed for most of the COD in reactors. Detoxification of the ATZ solution by the biological treatment was observed by the Allium test.
Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental, 2017
RESUMO Foi estudada a remoção de compostos BTEX (benzeno, tolueno, etilbenzeno e xilenos) em reat... more RESUMO Foi estudada a remoção de compostos BTEX (benzeno, tolueno, etilbenzeno e xilenos) em reator de escoamento contínuo e mistura perfeita, com inóculo de Aspergillus niger AN 400, operado sob o tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH) de 12 horas para avaliar a eficiência do sistema na biorremediação de água poluída com gasolina na presença (Etapa I) e na ausência (Etapa II) de glicose (0,5 g.L-1). A água poluída com gasolina foi preparada na proporção de 10:1000 mL (gasolina:água). Na primeira etapa foi ainda estudada a influência da adição de nutrientes no afluente sobre a eficiência do processo. A adição de nutrientes foi benéfica ao processo e, mesmo com a retirada da glicose, a eficiência foi mantida, devido à metabolização do etanol - presente na gasolina brasileira em 25% - pelos fungos, sendo ambos fontes de carbono de assimilação mais fácil para obtenção de energia; o etanol e a glicose, foram usados como cossubstratos na degradação dos BTEX. Assim, na Etapa 2, quando somente...
Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental, 2011
Foi estudada a eficiência da remoção de nitrogênio e fósforo do efluente de indústria de castanha... more Foi estudada a eficiência da remoção de nitrogênio e fósforo do efluente de indústria de castanha de caju, por uso de reator aeróbio em batelada com inóculo de Aspergillus niger AN400. O reator recebeu 5 L de água residuária, acrescida de glicose, na concentração de 1 g.L-1 (Etapa I) e de 5 g.L-1 (Etapa II ). Cada etapa teve seis ciclos operacionais, cada um com tempo de reação total de sete dias. Os valores de pH dos efluentes na Etapa I variaram de 6,4 a 8,7 e na Etapa II , de 3,1 a 7,0. Durante a Etapa II , o reator alcançou bons resultados para remoção de nutrientes sem acúmulo de sua concentração no meio: 49% de fósforo total, 60% de ortofosfato, 79% de amônia, 78% de nitrato e 90% de nitrito, indicando que a menor liberação de nutrientes pelos micro-organismos ocorreu na presença de concentração elevada de glicose.
Papers by Kelly Rodrigues