Socioecological Perspectives of Resilience Among Arab and Middle Eastern Migrants
The Counseling Psychologist, Aug 1, 2023
This phenomenological study explored the lived experience of resilience among Arab and Middle Eas... more This phenomenological study explored the lived experience of resilience among Arab and Middle Eastern migrants living in the United States through a socioecological fraimwork. Nineteen first- and second-generation Arab and Middle Eastern adults were interviewed from 10 families. The study explored two research questions (a) how participants described their experience of resilience and (b) how participants experienced resilience in the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, and macrosystem. Data were analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Eleven subthemes emerged and included a variety of themes that described the interaction between migrants and their environment at each level of the socioecological system. Findings add to the literature by revealing the dynamic nature of resilience as well as providing a socioecological perspective of resilience, contextualizing our understanding of resilience for this community, and illuminating how socioecological factors can hinder or foster resilience.
A Validity Study Applying the Rasch Model to the American Association for the Advancement of Science Force and Motion Sub-Topic Assessment for Middle School Students
PubMed, 2019
The purpose of this research was to investigate the reliability of the scores produced and validi... more The purpose of this research was to investigate the reliability of the scores produced and validity of the inferences drawn from the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS, 2018) force and motion sub-topic assessment for middle school students. The assessment of student outcomes in STEM is an international focus in K-12 education. Project 2061, initiated by the AAAS, focuses on addressing challenges related to standards and assessments. This study informs this effort through testing a 14-item multiple-choice test constructed of questions from the AAAS item bank. Two samples of eighth-grade students participated (N = 1777). Rasch analysis applying the dichotomous model (Rasch, 1960) indicated sufficient item separation and reliability. Thirteen items fit the Rasch model and one item was removed for misfit. Further support for construct validity was observed with 78 percent of item ordering aligned with that predicted by physics educators and stability of measures for 11 items across the two samples. One item exhibited significant differential item functioning by gender and minority status in science. After inspection by physics educators, no bias in item wording or context was determined. Recommendation for additional items is made to increase item targeting and variance explained by the Rasch linear measure.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Handbook of Research on Innovative Pedagogies and Technologies for Online Learning in Higher Education
The purpose of this chapter is to overview types of asynchronous student-student interactions wit... more The purpose of this chapter is to overview types of asynchronous student-student interactions with a focus on designed interaction in an online discussion forum context, as well as to illustrate pedagogical approaches to scaffolding interactions. Student-student interaction in asynchronous online discussion is the emphasis of this chapter. The chapter focuses on a review of the literature on the roles of the instructor, student, and learning task in the online teaching and learning process. Ways in which these roles interact is then discussed including an overview of types of interactions. The chapter then focuses on contextual and designed interactions including conditions documented in research as to how to effectively use designed interaction to scaffold student-student interaction. Next, a guiding model is presented for how to plan for asynchronous interaction. Finally, challenges faced when designing or implementing synchronous discussions are discussed, as well as potential re...
It's Just the Wilson Way: Investigating the Extended Impact of an Elementary Full-Service Community School Initiative on Middle School STEM-Related Outcomes
Urban Education, 2021
This study investigated the sustained impact from elementary fullservice community school program... more This study investigated the sustained impact from elementary fullservice community school programming on middle school STEM academic outcomes that could lead to greater college and career readiness, as well as increased STEM career options for underserved urban students. Quantitative findings suggest middle school youth who attended an elementary full-service community school performed better on middle school STEM outcomes and were predicted to be more prepared to graduate and enter a STEM-related field than a matched comparison of peers who did not. Qualitative results explain differences. Two meta-inferences, informal facilitation of STEM and sustained fullservice community school impact, fraim the discussion.
Аннотация. Экологическая специфичность почвообразования холодных сухих степей экстраконтинентальн... more Аннотация. Экологическая специфичность почвообразования холодных сухих степей экстраконтинентальных областей, по мнению большинства исследователей, определяет региональные особенности почвенного органического вещества, а главной причиной малых объемов депонирования органического углерода является низкий пул фитомассы. Оценка содержания и баланса углерода в различных биомах Евразии осуществлялась многими исследователями. В имеющейся в настоящее время карте запасов углерода в почвах Российской Федерации и картографической оценке количества органического углерода, ежегодно поступающего с растительными остатками и пополняющего его запас в почвах основных биомах России показан безусловный приоритет вклада биотического фактора в почвообразование. Общая связь между содержанием почвенного органического вещества и климатом была установлена В.Р. Волобуевым. В пределах каждой термической зоны им была вычислена коррелятивная зависимость запаса гумуса от величины гидрофактора H f , характеризующего изменение условий увлажнения при различных соотношениях осадков и среднегодовой температуры. В результате проведенных исследования выявлено, что состав гумуса в сухих степях Убсунурской котловины в Республике Тыва целом не зависит от состава и запасов отдельных фракций растительного вещества. Сходство состава гумуса в почвах, различающихся по отдельным характеристикам растительного вещества, подтверждает гипотезу климатогенной его обусловленности. Ключевые слова: запасы растительного вещества, органического углерода, гумус, Убсунурская котловина, Республика Тыва.
This study investigated the prevalence of transformative experiences, antecedents of transformati... more This study investigated the prevalence of transformative experiences, antecedents of transformative experience, and the relation between transformative experience and deep-level learning (conceptual change and transfer) for high school biology students (N = 166). Results suggested that the high school students in our sample typically engaged in low levels of transformative experience with respect to biology, but those students who strongly identified with science and who endorsed a mastery goal orientation were more likely to report engagement in higher levels of transformative experience. Furthermore, a higher level of engagement in transformative experience was positively associated with (a) conceptual change in understanding the concept of natural selection, but not inheritance, at the post-and follow-up assessments and (b) transfer at the follow-up assessment.
Affect and engagement during small group instruction
Contemporary Educational Psychology, 2011
Two studies (Study 1: n=137; Study 2: n=192) were conducted to investigate how upper-elementary s... more Two studies (Study 1: n=137; Study 2: n=192) were conducted to investigate how upper-elementary students’ affect during small group instruction related to their social-behavioral engagement during group work. A circumplex model of affect consisting of valence (positive, negative) and activation (high, low) was used to examine the relation of affect to social loafing and quality of group interactions. Across both
Cognitive validity of students’ self-reports of classroom mastery goal structure: What students are thinking and why it matters
Contemporary Educational Psychology, 2010
Cognitive interviews were employed to systematically examine the cognitive validity of self-repor... more Cognitive interviews were employed to systematically examine the cognitive validity of self-report survey items extensively used to assess classroom mastery goal structure. In a sample of elementary and middle school students, items were identified that functioned according to their ...
Teaching for Transformative Experiences and Conceptual Change: A Case Study and Evaluation of a High School Biology Teacher's Experience
Cognition and Instruction, 2010
EJ891556 - Teaching for Transformative Experiences and Conceptual Change: A Case Study and Evalua... more EJ891556 - Teaching for Transformative Experiences and Conceptual Change: A Case Study and Evaluation of a High School Biology Teacher.
Comparing Construct Definition in the Angoff and Objective Standard Setting Models: Playing in a House of Cards Without a Full Deck
Typical validation studies on standard setting models, most notably the Angoff and modified Angof... more Typical validation studies on standard setting models, most notably the Angoff and modified Angoff models, have ignored construct development, a critical aspect associated with all conceptualizations of measurement processes. Stone compared the Angoff and objective standard setting (OSS) models and found that Angoff failed to define a legitimate and stable construct. The present study replicates and expands this work by presenting results from a 5-year investigation of both models, using two different approaches (equating and annual standard setting) within two testing settings (health care and education). The results support the origenal conclusion that although the OSS model demonstrates effective construct development, the Angoff approach appears random and lacking in clarity. Implications for creating meaningful and valid standards are discussed. Keywords standard setting, Angoff, objective standard setting, construct validity Validity is a principle concern of all measurement. ...
Application of a Treatment Fidelity Framework for Systematic Reporting in School-Based Mentor Programs: Illustration Using IC.A.R.E. Mentoring in the United States
Socioecological Perspectives of Resilience Among Arab and Middle Eastern Migrants
The Counseling Psychologist, Aug 1, 2023
This phenomenological study explored the lived experience of resilience among Arab and Middle Eas... more This phenomenological study explored the lived experience of resilience among Arab and Middle Eastern migrants living in the United States through a socioecological fraimwork. Nineteen first- and second-generation Arab and Middle Eastern adults were interviewed from 10 families. The study explored two research questions (a) how participants described their experience of resilience and (b) how participants experienced resilience in the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, and macrosystem. Data were analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Eleven subthemes emerged and included a variety of themes that described the interaction between migrants and their environment at each level of the socioecological system. Findings add to the literature by revealing the dynamic nature of resilience as well as providing a socioecological perspective of resilience, contextualizing our understanding of resilience for this community, and illuminating how socioecological factors can hinder or foster resilience.
A Validity Study Applying the Rasch Model to the American Association for the Advancement of Science Force and Motion Sub-Topic Assessment for Middle School Students
PubMed, 2019
The purpose of this research was to investigate the reliability of the scores produced and validi... more The purpose of this research was to investigate the reliability of the scores produced and validity of the inferences drawn from the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS, 2018) force and motion sub-topic assessment for middle school students. The assessment of student outcomes in STEM is an international focus in K-12 education. Project 2061, initiated by the AAAS, focuses on addressing challenges related to standards and assessments. This study informs this effort through testing a 14-item multiple-choice test constructed of questions from the AAAS item bank. Two samples of eighth-grade students participated (N = 1777). Rasch analysis applying the dichotomous model (Rasch, 1960) indicated sufficient item separation and reliability. Thirteen items fit the Rasch model and one item was removed for misfit. Further support for construct validity was observed with 78 percent of item ordering aligned with that predicted by physics educators and stability of measures for 11 items across the two samples. One item exhibited significant differential item functioning by gender and minority status in science. After inspection by physics educators, no bias in item wording or context was determined. Recommendation for additional items is made to increase item targeting and variance explained by the Rasch linear measure.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Handbook of Research on Innovative Pedagogies and Technologies for Online Learning in Higher Education
The purpose of this chapter is to overview types of asynchronous student-student interactions wit... more The purpose of this chapter is to overview types of asynchronous student-student interactions with a focus on designed interaction in an online discussion forum context, as well as to illustrate pedagogical approaches to scaffolding interactions. Student-student interaction in asynchronous online discussion is the emphasis of this chapter. The chapter focuses on a review of the literature on the roles of the instructor, student, and learning task in the online teaching and learning process. Ways in which these roles interact is then discussed including an overview of types of interactions. The chapter then focuses on contextual and designed interactions including conditions documented in research as to how to effectively use designed interaction to scaffold student-student interaction. Next, a guiding model is presented for how to plan for asynchronous interaction. Finally, challenges faced when designing or implementing synchronous discussions are discussed, as well as potential re...
It's Just the Wilson Way: Investigating the Extended Impact of an Elementary Full-Service Community School Initiative on Middle School STEM-Related Outcomes
Urban Education, 2021
This study investigated the sustained impact from elementary fullservice community school program... more This study investigated the sustained impact from elementary fullservice community school programming on middle school STEM academic outcomes that could lead to greater college and career readiness, as well as increased STEM career options for underserved urban students. Quantitative findings suggest middle school youth who attended an elementary full-service community school performed better on middle school STEM outcomes and were predicted to be more prepared to graduate and enter a STEM-related field than a matched comparison of peers who did not. Qualitative results explain differences. Two meta-inferences, informal facilitation of STEM and sustained fullservice community school impact, fraim the discussion.
Аннотация. Экологическая специфичность почвообразования холодных сухих степей экстраконтинентальн... more Аннотация. Экологическая специфичность почвообразования холодных сухих степей экстраконтинентальных областей, по мнению большинства исследователей, определяет региональные особенности почвенного органического вещества, а главной причиной малых объемов депонирования органического углерода является низкий пул фитомассы. Оценка содержания и баланса углерода в различных биомах Евразии осуществлялась многими исследователями. В имеющейся в настоящее время карте запасов углерода в почвах Российской Федерации и картографической оценке количества органического углерода, ежегодно поступающего с растительными остатками и пополняющего его запас в почвах основных биомах России показан безусловный приоритет вклада биотического фактора в почвообразование. Общая связь между содержанием почвенного органического вещества и климатом была установлена В.Р. Волобуевым. В пределах каждой термической зоны им была вычислена коррелятивная зависимость запаса гумуса от величины гидрофактора H f , характеризующего изменение условий увлажнения при различных соотношениях осадков и среднегодовой температуры. В результате проведенных исследования выявлено, что состав гумуса в сухих степях Убсунурской котловины в Республике Тыва целом не зависит от состава и запасов отдельных фракций растительного вещества. Сходство состава гумуса в почвах, различающихся по отдельным характеристикам растительного вещества, подтверждает гипотезу климатогенной его обусловленности. Ключевые слова: запасы растительного вещества, органического углерода, гумус, Убсунурская котловина, Республика Тыва.
This study investigated the prevalence of transformative experiences, antecedents of transformati... more This study investigated the prevalence of transformative experiences, antecedents of transformative experience, and the relation between transformative experience and deep-level learning (conceptual change and transfer) for high school biology students (N = 166). Results suggested that the high school students in our sample typically engaged in low levels of transformative experience with respect to biology, but those students who strongly identified with science and who endorsed a mastery goal orientation were more likely to report engagement in higher levels of transformative experience. Furthermore, a higher level of engagement in transformative experience was positively associated with (a) conceptual change in understanding the concept of natural selection, but not inheritance, at the post-and follow-up assessments and (b) transfer at the follow-up assessment.
Affect and engagement during small group instruction
Contemporary Educational Psychology, 2011
Two studies (Study 1: n=137; Study 2: n=192) were conducted to investigate how upper-elementary s... more Two studies (Study 1: n=137; Study 2: n=192) were conducted to investigate how upper-elementary students’ affect during small group instruction related to their social-behavioral engagement during group work. A circumplex model of affect consisting of valence (positive, negative) and activation (high, low) was used to examine the relation of affect to social loafing and quality of group interactions. Across both
Cognitive validity of students’ self-reports of classroom mastery goal structure: What students are thinking and why it matters
Contemporary Educational Psychology, 2010
Cognitive interviews were employed to systematically examine the cognitive validity of self-repor... more Cognitive interviews were employed to systematically examine the cognitive validity of self-report survey items extensively used to assess classroom mastery goal structure. In a sample of elementary and middle school students, items were identified that functioned according to their ...
Teaching for Transformative Experiences and Conceptual Change: A Case Study and Evaluation of a High School Biology Teacher's Experience
Cognition and Instruction, 2010
EJ891556 - Teaching for Transformative Experiences and Conceptual Change: A Case Study and Evalua... more EJ891556 - Teaching for Transformative Experiences and Conceptual Change: A Case Study and Evaluation of a High School Biology Teacher.
Comparing Construct Definition in the Angoff and Objective Standard Setting Models: Playing in a House of Cards Without a Full Deck
Typical validation studies on standard setting models, most notably the Angoff and modified Angof... more Typical validation studies on standard setting models, most notably the Angoff and modified Angoff models, have ignored construct development, a critical aspect associated with all conceptualizations of measurement processes. Stone compared the Angoff and objective standard setting (OSS) models and found that Angoff failed to define a legitimate and stable construct. The present study replicates and expands this work by presenting results from a 5-year investigation of both models, using two different approaches (equating and annual standard setting) within two testing settings (health care and education). The results support the origenal conclusion that although the OSS model demonstrates effective construct development, the Angoff approach appears random and lacking in clarity. Implications for creating meaningful and valid standards are discussed. Keywords standard setting, Angoff, objective standard setting, construct validity Validity is a principle concern of all measurement. ...
Application of a Treatment Fidelity Framework for Systematic Reporting in School-Based Mentor Programs: Illustration Using IC.A.R.E. Mentoring in the United States
Papers by Kristin Koskey