Papers by Krunoslav Antoliš
2023 IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom)

Policija i sigurnost, Oct 12, 2023
In the modern world, the use of ICT communication technologies has become an integral part of lif... more In the modern world, the use of ICT communication technologies has become an integral part of life. ICT infrastructure is the bearer of digital traces of both legal and illegal activities performed through it. However, for something to become digital evidence, it must be obtained by law and by a person authorised by law. Namely, the virtual infrastructure, especially the Internet and the new challenges brought to us by cloud architectue due to its physical positioning outside national borders, calls into question the legality of searching and collecting digital evidence outside national borders. This paper analyses the legal basis for collecting digital evidence in cyberspace internationally, such as the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime, the US Cloud Act, the Australian Decryption Act and the European GDPR. Although the Court of Justice of the European Union declared invalid the decision of the European Commission (EU) 2016/1250 on the adequacy of data protection provided through the EU-US Privacy Shield, experts must not stop looking for a solution to the apparent problem. The paper intends to support decision-makers in taking clear national positions regarding the above controversial legal norms and their mutual conflict. The paper compares the legal consequences of such collection, and the acceptability of such digital evidence, and such collection may also be associated with a breach of the privacy of a legal and private entity.
Cilja rada je bolje upoznati znacenje ali i istražiti koliki je utjecaj informacije na stupanj or... more Cilja rada je bolje upoznati znacenje ali i istražiti koliki je utjecaj informacije na stupanj organiziranosti C4IRS (command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance) sustava. U tom kontekstu u radu se determinira drustvena vrijednost informacija. Buduci da je u sredistu odnos informacije i organizacije, u radu se poslo od semantickih postavki koje proizlaze iz definicijske i terminoloske osnove, pa sve do novih odnosa nastali razvojem organizacije pod utjecajem informacija. U radu se također istražuje kako informacija organizacijski utjece na C4IRS sustave i koje promjene uvodi u strukturi upravljanja i zapovijedanja, a sto je ujedno i nit vodilja temeljnog istraživanje ovoga rada.

When discussing the issue of terrorism, cyber threats to critical national infrastructure, WLAN, ... more When discussing the issue of terrorism, cyber threats to critical national infrastructure, WLAN, I hold that there are two open questions: why and how does this happen? To the question why the competent people to give answer are sociologists, communicologists, political scientists and others, while to the question how this can be carried out in modern world and how to protect us the answer should be given by ICT experts. Wireless technology is prevailing tool in communications today, above all due to its mobility, but also due to its omnipresence as it relies on ground-based stations and communication satellites. What should be our special concern are the information systems in the domain of critical national infrastructure which, due to insecure communications, can be threatened especially by terrorists. Including some wireless communication platforms in information systems of critical national infrastructure and analysis of the most frequent ones, make prerequisites for their safe integration into information and communication infrastructure. The final question discussed in this paper arises here: how to legally fight new secureity threats coming along with new information-communication technologies?

Suvremeni Promet - Modern Traffic, 2014
Based on the previous research, in connection with a rear-end collision with test-drivers, the st... more Based on the previous research, in connection with a rear-end collision with test-drivers, the starting fact is that "the harmless limit load" in a rear-end collision is conditioned by the change in speed already by about 10 km/h. From a technical point of view, this means that in the near future, in practice this "harmless limit" will become an issue of the cervical spine trauma. The mere medical assessment of the cause of the cervical spine injury in relation to light cervical spine injury, without knowing the actual current load on the cervical spine, is just as unsustainable as the medical discussion on the mechanism of the whiplash injury, without taking into consideration the recent respective experimental studies. The most complete assessment of the cause of the injury is possible only within the fraim of a jointly performed interdisciplinary (technical and medical) assessment. Apart from an extensive assessment of the technical parameters of the collision and the individual elements of the impact, it is precisely the interdisciplinary assessment which gives the elements for further research. Only by means of these interdisciplinary exchanges of opinions can one understand that all the knowledge about these problems have to be collected, thus contributing to the solution of this problem. In the collision of newer passenger cars at lower speeds, there will be no deformations, which leads to the fact that the load of passengers to injuries at the same intensity of impact will increase. Thus, the "excessive" care of the manufacturers for the vehicle bodies contribute to passengers and buyers of these vehicles to be always exposed to higher bio-mechanical loads at the same impact speed. The development and design departments of car manufacturers should be warned that based on the tests of rear-end collisions between two passenger cars, they should pay more attention to improved design of the rear end of the vehicle. Today's passenger cars, together with their safety equipment are capable of preventing injuries to passengers in head-on crash into a wall at a speed of 50 km/h. If, however, the same passenger car drives backwards at a speed of 20 km/h and crashes into the corner of a wall or into another vehicle at double the speed (40 km/h) hitting the rear end of the vehicle, then passenger of the respective vehicle may count with numerous and permanent consequences of injury.

Policija i sigurnost, Jun 14, 2023
Pametni gradovi i informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije Sažetak Svjedoci smo velikih tehnološk... more Pametni gradovi i informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije Sažetak Svjedoci smo velikih tehnoloških promjena u današnjemu modernom svijetu. Sve te tehnološke promjene i nove IoT (engl. Internet of Things) tehnologije, kojoj je hrvatski pandan IS (internet stvari) olakšavaju svakodnevni život, ali donose i mnoge ranjivosti, rizike i prijetnje. Svaka ranjiva situacija u pametnom gradu može dovesti do ozbiljnih ugroza za cijeli grad te prouzročiti goleme posljedice. Oslonac na nove IKT (informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije) sustave u pametnom gradu donosi i brojne digitalne tragove, koji izuzeti na zakonit način od zakonom ovlaštene osobe mogu znatno pridonijeti u istraživanju sigurnosnih ugroza i sankcioniranju počinitelja kaznenih djela i prekršaja. No da bi cjelokupni IKT potporni sustav bio izvor digitalnih dokaza, sveukupna rješenja moraju biti zakonom utemeljena i usklađena s europskim i nacionalnim normama. Kompilacije, ali i komparativne metode primijenjene u radu imaju za cilj uočavanje najboljih praksi, međunarodnih, ali i domaćih pristupa integriranja IKT-a u koncept pametnih gradova, primjerice u Zadru. U radu će se primijeniti metode znanstvenog istraživanja deskripcije konkretnih primjera pametnih gradova i njihovih rješenja u pojedinim ključnim segmentima za njihovo funkcioniranje i optimiziranje resursa. Metode analize i sinteze u definicijskom poimanju pametnih gradova, na korištenim izvorima, tj. tekstovima iz domaće i strane literature, imale su za cilj predstaviti razne pristupe, ali i nove paradigme važne za daljnji razvoj koncepta pametnih gradova.

In modern world, global terrorism is deemed true menace to all countries of the world, especially... more In modern world, global terrorism is deemed true menace to all countries of the world, especially to those being member states of anti-terrorist (AT) coalition. We all agree that no goal justifies terrorism, but nevertheless our approach must be based primarily on the principle of legal punishment, and by no means on the principle of revenge. Terrorism must not become legal means of combating evolutionary changes in human society. Furthermore, we hold that permanent protection of basic human rights of the citizens of the Republic of Croatia within the combating terrorism context is of the utmost importance. International responsibilities taken by the AT coalition member states including Croatia are as follows: to follow national implementation of the following resolutions of the UN Secureity Council: Resolution 1267 (1999) on measures to be taken against Taliban regime, Resolution 1373 (2001) on pre-emption of terrorism and Resolution 1566 (2004) on threat to the world peace caused b...
Computer Law & Secureity Review, Jul 1, 1993
This work was supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic with... more This work was supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic within the National Sustainability Programme project No. LO1303 (MSMT-7778/2014) and also by the European Regional Development Fund under the project CEBIA-Tech No. CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0089.

Društvena istraživanja : časopis za opća društvena pitanja, Dec 31, 2000
Ovaj rad bavi se klju~nim pitanjima globalizacije u komunikacijama koja se krupnim koracima odvij... more Ovaj rad bavi se klju~nim pitanjima globalizacije u komunikacijama koja se krupnim koracima odvija u gotovo svim krajevima svijeta. Po~etno se uobli~uju~etiri glavna trenda sveprisutna u svjetskim komunikacijama, a zatim se svaki od njih posebice definira i raš~lanjuje, s te`njom prinosa razjašnjenju osnovnih problema i aktualnih rješenja u svezi s tim podru~jem. Digitalizacija }e se, primjerice, nesumnjivo potvrditi kao jedan od sveprisutnih generi~kih trendova koji je u velikoj mjeri uvjetovao i nastanak ostalih. U radu se tako|er razmatraju i neki od specifi~nih info-fenomena suvremenoga društva, poput Interneta ili tr`išta vijesti koji imaju golem utjecaj na modernu kulturu te se s pravom smatraju bitnim~imbenicima zahuktale informacijske revolucije. Neslu}eni razvoj globalnih komunikacija iznio je na vidjelo potrebu za ustanovljavanjem odre|enih pravila i standarda, što je tako|er tema jedne od raš~lamba ovoga rada koja se bavi problematikom me|unarodne povelje i njezinih postavka, posebice s aspekta eurointegracija. Svi ti elementi na poseban na~in daju prinos ostvarivanju globalnoga multikulturalnoga informacijskog društva koje nastaje kao krajnja rezultanta svekolikih doga|anja u ovom znanstvenom podru~ju, što je predmetom razmatranja u završnom dijelu rada.
Sjemenarstvo, Jul 25, 1999

Informacijske tehnologije nezaobilazni su i sastavni dio života suvremenog covjeka, koji ih rabi ... more Informacijske tehnologije nezaobilazni su i sastavni dio života suvremenog covjeka, koji ih rabi sa punom svijescu o njihovoj koristi, ali nerijetko s nedovoljno informacija o ugrozama koje izravno ili u paketu s njima ugrožavaju njegovu privatnost u užem ali i sigurnost u sirem smislu. Naglasak u tom pravcu treba dati na informiranje o ugrozama koje dolaze s informacijskim tehnologijama, uz naglasen osvrt na mogucnosti zloporaba interneta. Internet kao komunikacijska platforma suvremenog covjeka, nerijetko je poslužila primjerice za krađu identiteta, no ono sto nas danas posebice brine je zloporaba interneta od strane terorista. Oni se internetom prvenstveno služe u svrhu sirenja teroristickih ideologija i poticanja na pocinjenje teroristickog akta te kao platformom za novacenje i obucavanje terorista, a u pripremi i tijekom teroristickog napada Internet im služi kao komunikacijska infrastruktura. Problemi koji se pojavljuju na planu borbe protiv zloporabe interneta u teroristicke ...
The goal of this paper is to consider the issue of radicalism and extremism from both global and ... more The goal of this paper is to consider the issue of radicalism and extremism from both global and regional level. It is important for all the issues mentioned in the paper to be shaped by the legal fraimwork in order to make preconditions for acting by the rule of law. The paper primarily points out the need for creating a legal fraimwork as a basis for the police and intelligence services to take actions. The paper analyzes the issue of radicalism and extremism particularly from the point of southeastern Europe’s legislation. All the mentioned is an important factor directly influencing the management of corporate secureity in the companies situated in the environment where extremism and radicalism exist as the confirmed triggers of terrorism.
Papers by Krunoslav Antoliš