Papers by Magda Ivonne Pinzon
Journal of Biotechnology, 2016
The crescent interest in the use of essential oils (EOs) as natural antimicrobials and preservati... more The crescent interest in the use of essential oils (EOs) as natural antimicrobials and preservatives in the food industry has been driven in the last years by the growing consumers' demand for natural products with improved microbial safety, and fresh-like organoleptic properties. Nanoemulsions efficiently contribute to support the use of EOs in foods by increasing their dispersibility in the food areas where microorganisms grow and proliferate, by reducing the impact on the quality attributes of the product, as well as by enhancing their antimicrobial activity. Understanding how nanoemulsions intervene on the mass transfer of EOs to the cell membrane and on the mechanism of antimicrobial action will support the engineering of more effective delivery systems and foster the application of EOs in real food systems. This review focuses on the enabling contribution of nanoemulsions to the use of EOs as natural preservative agents in food, (a) specifically addressing the formulation and fabrication of stable EO nanoemulsions, (b) critically analyzing the reported antimicrobial activity data, both in vitro and in product, to infer the impact of the delivery system on the mechanisms of action of EOs, as well as (c) discussing the regulatory issues associated with their use in food systems.
Alimentos Hoy, Jan 11, 2017
Se determinaron las isotermas de sorción de café en almendra de cuatro orígenes en dos tipos de e... more Se determinaron las isotermas de sorción de café en almendra de cuatro orígenes en dos tipos de empaque al vacío y Grainpro, a temperatura ambiente (25 °C) con un intervalo de actividad de agua entre 0,14 y 0.93, con el objetivo de determinar el comportamiento del empaque en la conservación de la almendra de café a través del tiempo, evaluando así los días 0, 30, 90 y 120 respectivamente. Las isotermas fueron fijadas por el método estático gravimétrico, empleando soluciones salinas saturadas. Los modelos propuestos por GAB mostraron mejor grado de ajuste a los datos experimentales, con valores de R 2 superiores a 0,97, mostrando una isoterma de tipo II, la cual es una de las más frecuentes en los alimentos no porosos (Barreiro et al., 2006). Palabras clave: Café, actividad de agua, isotermas de sorción, empaque Grainpro y al vacío, almacenamiento,.
Alimentos Hoy, Apr 30, 2015
Biotecnología en el Sector Agropecuario y Agroindustrial, Dec 1, 2011
Journal of Polymers and The Environment, May 28, 2020
This work sought to formulate, analyze, model, and optimize Arracacha (Arracacha xanthorrhiza) st... more This work sought to formulate, analyze, model, and optimize Arracacha (Arracacha xanthorrhiza) starch-chitosan based biodegradable films to assess their use as food coating. To study these films, prepared through the casting technique, a Box-Behnken design was used with three factors at three levels (starch 3-4%; glycerol 0.75-1.25%; chitosan 1-2%) to determine the individual and interactive effects of these parameters on the mechanical properties (tensile TS, and elongation at break, %E) and barrier properties (water vapor permeability, WVP) of the films. The results were analyzed by using the Pareto analysis of variance (ANOVA). The descriptive response surfaces were obtained and second-order polynomial models were developed for each response evaluated, which showed good fit to the experimental data with high determination coefficient (R 2 > 0.95), finding relation between the experimental and predicted values. The optimal film formulation, according to the desirability function by Derringer, with the aim of minimizing the SS and WVP values and maximizing the %E values, was obtained with that containing 4% starch, 1.11% glycerol, and 2% chitosan, presenting low stress strain and permeability and high flexibility, conditions favorable for the desired application.
Alimentos Hoy, Apr 30, 2015
La deshidratacion osmotica (DO), basada en un intercambio entre presiones osmoticas e inclusion d... more La deshidratacion osmotica (DO), basada en un intercambio entre presiones osmoticas e inclusion de solutos, con el beneficio de aumentar la estabilidad durante el almacenamiento, puede combinarse con el calentamiento ohmico (CO), considerado una alternativa al calentamiento conveccion/conduccion que ha dado buenos resultados en cuanto a la disminucion de la velocidad de DO. Sin embargo, la disolucion osmotica usada normalmente se considera un desecho y un contaminante que ha impedido que esta tecnica sea utilizada industrialmente, a pesar de que durante el proceso de DO se enriquece de aromas, sabores, vitaminas y minerales que migran del fruto hacia la solucion osmotica. Con el fin de establecer el grado de reutilizacion del jarabe se analizo en numero de ciclos sucesivos reutilizables de la solucion osmotica (SO) durante el proceso de DO combinado con CO, en estado estacionario y sin reconcentracion de la solucion, utilizando trozos de tomate de arbol Cyphomandra betacea (Cav.) Sendtn., fruto origenario de regiones de clima subtropical de America del Sur y considerado como una importante fuente de vitaminas A, C y B, y de minerales como calcio y hierro. Se analizaron los cambios composicionales, peso, humedad y solidos solubles totales, de trozos de frutos, durante 10 ciclos sucesivos de DO. Se establecio como 7 el numero maximo ciclos de reutilizacion de la SO, para obtener trozos de tomate de arbol DO con iguales propiedades fisicoquimicas, basados en el analisis composicional (cambios en peso, humedad y solidos solubles totales) y fisicoquimico (cambios en la a w , pH y acidez titulable) de los trozos de tomate de arbol y en los cambios en las caracteristicas fisicoquimicas de la SO (solidos solubles totales, a w , densidad, pH y acidez titulable) luego de cada ciclo de DO.
Bistua: Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Básicas, 2011
Determinación de residuos de plaguicidas organoclorados POR gc-µECD en frutos de PIÑA (Ananas com... more Determinación de residuos de plaguicidas organoclorados POR gc-µECD en frutos de PIÑA (Ananas comosus L.) variedad Golden MD2 en el departamento del Quindío Determination of organochlorine pesticides residue by gc-µECD in pineapple fruits (Ananas comosus L.
Se determinó experimentalmente la mejor mezcla de recubrimientos comestibles a base de alginato, ... more Se determinó experimentalmente la mejor mezcla de recubrimientos comestibles a base de alginato, glicerol y pectina sobre trozos de melón Cantaloupe (Cucumismelo l. Var. Cantalupensis) para alargar la vida de anaquel con base en la caracterización de resistencia al vapor de agua, transparencia y aceptación por un panel no entrenado. Posteriormente, se estableció el tiempo máximo de conservación de las características físicas, fisicoquímicas y fisiológicas bajo condiciones de refrigeración de trozos de melón fresco cortado recubierto, almacenado en atmosfera natural, vacío y en atmósferas modificadas.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2009
La deshidratación osmótica (DO) es uno de los procesos más interesantes de aplicar en la industri... more La deshidratación osmótica (DO) es uno de los procesos más interesantes de aplicar en la industria alimentaria porque que permite la conservación de los productos, al disminuir su actividad de agua, usando la fuerza osmótica de una solución de azúcar, sal u otros materiales. La aplicación de esta técnica a frutas de origen tropical ricas en aromas exóticos como el tomate de árbol (Cyphomandra betacea (Cav) Sendth), muestra tener gran potencial; sin embargo, se ha visto limitada por el problema económico y ambiental que representa el manejo de grandes volúmenes de la solución osmodeshidratante. En este artículo se establece la posibilidad de reutilizar la solución osmótica (SO), en el proceso de DO de cubos deformados de tomate de árbol durante 240 minutos, en una SO de 65ºBrix y con una relación solución:fruta de 5:1. En cada ciclo de DO se renovaron los frutos y se reutilizó la SO sin reconcentrar, filtrando cada 4 ciclos. Se analizaron la perdida de peso y humedad, la ganancia de ºBrix, y la disminución de a w , de los frutos en cada ciclo de DO. Se realizaron recuentos microorganismos mesofilos aerobios, hongos y levaduras a la SO luego da cada ciclo de Do impar. Se encontró que la SO mantiene un carácter deshidratante similar al del primer ciclo de DO durante 7 ciclos sucesivos del proceso y es estable microbiológicamente hasta el noveno ciclo de DO.
Springer eBooks, Dec 17, 2022
Packaging Technology and Science
Nanotechnology‐Enhanced Food Packaging, 2021
Se determinaron las isotermas de sorcion de cafe en almendra de cuatro origenes en dos tipos de e... more Se determinaron las isotermas de sorcion de cafe en almendra de cuatro origenes en dos tipos de empaque al vacio y Grainpro, a temperatura ambiente (25 °C) con un intervalo de actividad de agua entre 0,14 y 0.93, con el objetivo de determinar el comportamiento del empaque en la conservacion de la almendra de cafe a traves del tiempo, evaluando asi los dias 0, 30, 90 y 120 respectivamente. Las isotermas fueron fijadas por el metodo estatico gravimetrico, empleando soluciones salinas saturadas. Los modelos propuestos por GAB mostraron mejor grado de ajuste a los datos experimentales, con valores de R 2 superiores a 0,97, mostrando una isoterma de tipo II, la cual es una de las mas frecuentes en los alimentos no porosos (Barreiro et al., 2006).
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
Silver nanoparticles (AgNps) are known for their antimicrobial activity and other physicochemical... more Silver nanoparticles (AgNps) are known for their antimicrobial activity and other physicochemical properties that can be applied in several fields. Most of their synthesis methods include chemical reduction and the use of stabilizing agents such as starch. In recent years, several green methods have been developed such as using carbohydrates as reducing agents. On the other hand, starch is a semi crystalline structure formed by mixtures of the linear glucan, amylose and the branched glucan amylopectin. In this work we studied the effect of the semi crystalline structure on the physicochemical properties (particle size and surface plasmon resonance). Three types of starch were selected (corn, potato and banana) representing the three types of semi crystalline structures of the starch granule (A, B and C). Results showed that banana starch allowed larger particle sizes and broader size distribution, while there was not significant difference between nanoparticles stabilized with A and...
Se formularon algunos recubrimientos comestibles a base de almidon de platano Guayabo ( Musa para... more Se formularon algunos recubrimientos comestibles a base de almidon de platano Guayabo ( Musa paradisiaca L.), con adicion de glicerol y quitosano, con el fin de evaluar su aplicacion en el comportamiento en postcosecha de frutos frescos de fresa ( Fragaria spp.) durante el almacenamiento en condiciones de refrigeracion. Se estudiaron algunas propiedades fisicoquimicas como Perdida de Peso, pH, Solidos solubles totales (oBx), Humedad, Actividad de Agua y Acidez Titulable, y sensoriales como Color y Firmeza de la epidermis. La incorporacion de almidon y quitosano en las soluciones filmogenicas produjo un incremento en la acidez titulable, al igual que contribuyo al control en la perdida de peso y las caracteristicas sensoriales de los frutos analizados. El quitosano no afecto de manera significativa el pH, los solidos solubles, la actividad de agua ni la humedad de los fresas. De acuerdo con los resultados se establecio que la formulacion de recubrimiento mas adecuada para prolongar l...
Data in Brief, 2021
In this work, we present data related to the structural features and thermal characteristics of s... more In this work, we present data related to the structural features and thermal characteristics of starches from four varieties banana, likewise, we present the synthesis and characterization of starch nanoparticles from those starches. Data shows the structure of the starch granule and the nanoparticles are formed through XRD spectroscopy.
Food Structure, 2019
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the ad... more This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will undergo additional copyediting, typesetting and review before it is published in its final form, but we are providing this version to give early visibility of the article. Please note that, during the production process, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.
Parasitology Research, 2019
We assessed the risk for toxoplasmosis in 10 school restaurants in Armenia (Quindio, Colombia). W... more We assessed the risk for toxoplasmosis in 10 school restaurants in Armenia (Quindio, Colombia). We analyzed the presence of Toxoplasma gondii DNA in the food, water, and living and inert surfaces of school restaurants, and we correlated these findings with the results of food safety inspection scores and with the prevalence of specific anti-T. gondii antibodies in children who ate at these restaurants. Of the 213 samples, 6.1% were positive using PCR to test for T. gondii DNA. Positive samples were found in meat, water, cucumber, guava juice, inert surfaces, and living surfaces. In 60% (6/10) of the public school restaurants, there was at least one PCR T. gondii-positive sample. In 311 serum samples from children who attended the restaurants, 101 (33%) were positive for IgG and 12 (3.9%) for IgM anti-T. gondii. The median of the compound score for the fulfillment of inspection for food safety conditions was of 60.7% (range 50-72). Higher T. gondii PCR positivity in surfaces, food, or water at each restaurant was correlated with lower inspection scores for water supply and water storage conditions. Lower scores in physical infrastructure and disinfection procedures and higher scores in furniture were correlated with a higher prevalence of IgG anti-T. gondii in children who ate at those restaurants. Inspection scores can identify restaurants with a higher risk for the presence of T. gondii.
LWT, 2019
The aim of this paper was the synthesis of a nano-composed sodium alginate edible film containing... more The aim of this paper was the synthesis of a nano-composed sodium alginate edible film containing ZnO and ZnO/CaO NPs and their mechanical, barrier and optical properties as well as the mechanism and release kinetics of the nanoparticles into food simulants were studied. ZnO NPs have a strong interaction with alginate molecules, reducing water vapour permeability and affecting their mechanical properties. On the other hand, ZnO/CaO NPs form aggregates that disrupt the polymeric structure of the alginate films increasing vapour permeability from 3.5 7.2 ± 0.3 g/Pa * s * m to 4.1 ± 0.1 g/Pa * s * m , and reducing the film's opacity from 14.2 ± 0.1 to 10.6 ± 0.2 Abs/mm. Also, the Ca and Zn release from the films into several food simulant media was studied, showing a Fickian type behaviour whit Peppas release coefficients (n) around 0.50 and faster release rates in lipophilic media, and that release kinetics are strongly dependent of the NPs concentration in the films. In conclusion, alginate edible films containing ZnO and ZnO/CaO can be used as active agents in the development of active food packaging.
Food Chemistry, 2021
Active packaging that can be used to release active molecules food products during storage has be... more Active packaging that can be used to release active molecules food products during storage has been a central part in food science research over the last decades. This paper presents the development of an active film made from banana starch incorporated with curcumin-loaded orange oil nanoemulsion. Results showed that inclusion of the curcumin-loaded nanoemulsions reduced water vapor permeability, given the hydrophobic nature of curcumin. Likewise, elongation at break was also increased due to the plasticizing effect of the nanoemulsion. Finally, this paper reports the release profiles of curcumin from the active film into different food simulants. Results showed that curcumin release is diffusion driven in both aqueous and non-aqueous food simulants, however it seems that while the complete nanoemulsion droplets are released in the aqueous simulant, in non-aqueous simulant only curcumin molecules are released.
Papers by Magda Ivonne Pinzon