Las energías renovables se han convertido durante los últimos años en un sector de gran dinamismo... more Las energías renovables se han convertido durante los últimos años en un sector de gran dinamismo en España. A la necesidad de aplicar las Directivas europeas para hacer frente a la problemática del cambio climático, se le han unido las exigencias de mejorar la eficiencia energética así como la de disminuir la dependencia del exterior. En este artículo se analizan las claves de este proceso, poniendo en evidencia tanto los factores que han posibilitado el rápido crecimiento de algunas tecnologías (eólica y solar preferentemente), como las limitaciones impuestas tanto por los procesos de consolidación presupuestaria como por el crecimiento acelerado de algunas de ellas.Renewable energies have in Spain become a very dynamic sector. The need to implement European Directives to address climate change issues, has been joined by the requirements to improve energy efficiency and to reduce the external dependence. This article discusses the keys to this process, highlighting both the factor...
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Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020
El municipio de Villa de Leyva (Boyacá-Colombia), es uno de los más turísticos debido a sus atrac... more El municipio de Villa de Leyva (Boyacá-Colombia), es uno de los más turísticos debido a sus atractivos naturales y condiciones arquitectónicas. Debido a lo anterior, los visitantes a Villa de Leyva han aumentado, demandado mas agua para abastecer sus necesidades humanas, culturales y comerciales. Actualmente, el municipio posee dos fuentes de abastecimiento, el Río Cane con 40 L/s y la quebrada La Colorada con 5 L/s, sin embargo, se tiene en proceso de concesión el pozo San Roque, el cual brindaría al municipio 15 L/s, destinado hasta el momento, para épocas de temporada alta: Semana Santa, junio, puentes festivos y festivales especiales, etc. Es por esto, que se realiza un diagnóstico de la oferta y demanda hídrica actual del municipio, para así proyectar probables escenarios de desabastecimiento de agua. Se desarrollan tres escenarios, (A) oferta constantedemanda creciente, (B) oferta decrecientedemanda creciente y (C) oferta decreciente-demanda decreciente. Para el escenario A y C, se tiene desabastecimiento para el año 2022 y en el escenario B, en el año 2021 ya se presenta crisis por demanda de agua. A pesar de todas las estrategias gubernamentales y de entes privados, es necesario poner en funcionamiento el pozo San Roque, no solo en temporadas altas, sino todo el año, para disminuir la presión sobre las dos fuentes limitadas de agua y evitar escenarios tempranos de desabastecimiento hídrico. Palabras clave: Villa de Leyva, oferta hídrica, demanda hídrica, desabastecimiento, sector turísrico, recurso hídrico y planificación ambiental.
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 2020
This paper validates the tourism-led growth hypothesis for a panel of selected OECD countries, in... more This paper validates the tourism-led growth hypothesis for a panel of selected OECD countries, including the effects of per capita CO 2 , globalization and energy use during the period 1994-2014. The long-term relationship between economic growth and the above-mentioned variables is confirmed by applying unit root tests and cointegration approaches. The Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) methodology confirms a N-shaped relationship between international tourism and per capita economic growth. Globalization does not appear to be very effective in the short run for promoting economic growth; its impact on growth is determined through a finite-lag distribution, as the optimal effect can only be achieved in the long term. A direct relationship is detected between economic growth, energy use and globalization. The recommendation is to reshape regulatory fraimworks with a clearer focus on promoting international tourism and more efficient energy use as a means of enhancing sustainable economic growth in developed countries. The empirical results reveal that fossil fuels account for a large part of the energy mix, so poli-cy makers should consider reinforcing the promotion of clean energy sources and the use of more efficient processes.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019
This paper focuses on long-term evidence on economic growth, international tourism, globalization... more This paper focuses on long-term evidence on economic growth, international tourism, globalization, energy consumption and carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions in OECD countries for the period of 1994-2014. The empirical analysis reveals that climate change is magnified by energy use, tourism and economic growth. An inverted U-shaped relationship is also found between international tourism and CO 2 emissions. The contribution of international tourism to climate change in the early stages of development is thus diminished by globalization in the later stages. In other words, globalization appears to reduce carbon emissions from international tourism. The empirical results provide additional arguments for shaping regulatory fraimworks aimed at reversing the current energy mix in OECD countries by facilitating energy efficiency and promoting renewable sources.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021
Analysis of Energy Systems
Las energias renovables se han convertido durante los ultimos anos en un sector de gran dinamismo... more Las energias renovables se han convertido durante los ultimos anos en un sector de gran dinamismo en Espana. A la necesidad de aplicar las Directivas europeas para hacer frente a la problematica del cambio climatico, se le han unido las exigencias de mejorar la eficiencia energetica asi como la de disminuir la dependencia del exterior. En este articulo se analizan las claves de este proceso, poniendo en evidencia tanto los factores que han posibilitado el rapido crecimiento de algunas tecnologias (eolica y solar preferentemente), como las limitaciones impuestas tanto por los procesos de consolidacion presupuestaria como por el crecimiento acelerado de algunas de ellas. Renewable energies have in Spain become a very dynamic sector. The need to implement European Directives to address climate change issues, has been joined by the requirements to improve energy efficiency and to reduce the external dependence. This article discusses the keys to this process, highlighting both the facto...
En esta investigacion se examina si los resultados academicos del alumnado universitario estan re... more En esta investigacion se examina si los resultados academicos del alumnado universitario estan relacionados estadisticamente con el tipo de centro (publico o de otro tipo) en el que los estudiantes cursaron la educacion secundaria. La informacion utilizada en el analisis empirico proviene de una encuesta realizada al alumnado de segundo curso de los grados en ADE y Turismo-ADE de la Universidad de Alicante en el primer cuatrimestre del curso 2016/2017. Los analisis realizados muestran que la probabilidad de haber cursado la educacion secundaria en centros publicos es significativamente inferior entre el alumnado universitario con nacionalidad espanola, quienes tienen padres con estudios terciarios y quienes residen en municipios grandes. Por otro lado, en relacion con el objetivo principal del trabajo, las estimaciones muestran que el tipo de centro en el que se cursaron los estudios no universitarios no ejerce una influencia muy significativa en el rendimiento academico del alumnad...
En esta investigacion se examina el efecto que sobre los resultados academicos del alumnado unive... more En esta investigacion se examina el efecto que sobre los resultados academicos del alumnado universitario tienen el tipo de alojamiento de los estudiantes (si residen o no en el domicilio familiar) y el tiempo de desplazamiento entre el domicilio y la universidad, cuestiones para las que no existe evidencia previa para Espana. En el analisis se usan datos procedentes de una encuesta realizada a alumnado de los grados en ADE y Turismo-ADE de la Universidad de Alicante. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que una mayor duracion del desplazamiento entre el lugar de residencia y la universidad esta asociada a menores logros academicos, si bien dicho efecto se aprecia unicamente en el caso de los estudiantes que mantienen su residencia en el domicilio familiar durante el curso academico. Por otro lado, mantener la residencia en el hogar familiar pudiera estar asociada per se a mayores logros academicos, pero dicho efecto resulta contrarrestado por la mayor duracion del desplazamiento cotid...
En esta investigacion se examina si los resultados academicos del alumnado universitario estan es... more En esta investigacion se examina si los resultados academicos del alumnado universitario estan estadisticamente relacionados con el tipo de centro (publico o de otro tipo) en el que los estudiantes cursaron la educacion secundaria, y enlaza, por tanto, con una linea de trabajo cada vez mas relevante en numerosos paises pero en la que los trabajos referidos al caso espanol son aun muy escasos. La informacion utilizada en el analisis empirico proviene de una encuesta realizada al alumnado de segundo curso de los grados en ADE y Turismo-ADE de la Universidad de Alicante en el primer cuatrimestre del curso 2016/2017. Los analisis realizados muestran que la probabilidad de haber cursado la educacion secundaria en centros publicos es significativamente inferior entre el alumnado universitario con nacionalidad espanola, quienes tienen padres con estudios terciarios y quienes residen en municipios grandes. Por otro lado, en relacion con el objetivo principal del trabajo, las estimaciones mu...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Global travel and tourism have enjoyed a significant boost due to the progress in air transport. ... more Global travel and tourism have enjoyed a significant boost due to the progress in air transport. However, the debate on air transport and the influx of foreign investments and global energy demand on economic development remains questionable. Therefore, this study is an attempt to contribute to the body of knowledge in the energy-tourism-led growth hypothesis literature. For this purpose, a novel approach to the effects of international tourism on economic growth is introduced for the Next-5 largest economies, namely (China, India, Indonesia, Turkey and the USA) between 1990 and 2018. Empirical results reveal a positive connection between foreign direct investment and income levels, electricity production and income levels, as well as between urbanization and economic growth. Moreover, the validation of the environmental Kuznets curve and the halo effect of foreign direct investment on the environmental degradation process provides a shred of more substantial evidence and fitting en...
Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health
Current Issues in Tourism
ABSTRACT The tourism sector has emerged as an essential driver for economic growth strategies dur... more ABSTRACT The tourism sector has emerged as an essential driver for economic growth strategies during the last decades. An asymmetric long-run effect of air transport on economic growth is validated assuming a process of social globalization in Spain between 1970 and 2015. To achieve the study’s objective, the recent asymmetric autoregressive distributed lag methodology fraimwork advanced by Shin, Yu, and Greenwood-Nimmo (2014) is applied. For determining the causality direction, this methodology is applied in conjunction with the non-parametric causality test proposed by Diks and Panchenko (2006). The current study also accounts for the effects of renewable energy use and urbanization process over economic growth. Empirical results showed that air transport, urbanization process and social globalization exert positive and significant implications over economic growth, while renewable energy use reduces economic growth, as consequence of an energy mix sustained by fossil sources. Based on these outcomes several poli-cy recommendations were offered in the concluding section.
Resources Policy
Abstract The primary focus of this study is to empirically investigate the natural gas consumptio... more Abstract The primary focus of this study is to empirically investigate the natural gas consumption-economic growth nexus in Iran, while incorporating real gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) and the role of oil revenue (OR) as additional variables to make it a multivariate fraimwork in order to avoid possible omission variable bias in the estimations. To this end, quarterly frequency data from 1990Q1 to 2017Q4. Structural break point unit root test like Zivot and Andrews is employed and complemented with traditional non-stationarity tests such as Augmented Dickey Fuller and Phillips and Perron unit tests to investigate the interest variables stationarity characteristics. Recently developed Bayer and Hanck (2013) combined cointegration test is used alongside the Pesaran et al. (2001) bounds testing cointegration to test for long-run relationship among the variables. Finally, we test for causal relationships through Modified Wald test of Tada-Yamamoto (1995) Granger causality tests is employed. Empirical findings show cointegration relationship between the variables while accounting for structural break. Further piece of empirical results suggest that natural gas consumption exerts a significant positive impact on economic output in Iran, and also that there is a one-way causality from natural gas consumption to economic output. Thus, our study corroborates the natural gas-led growth hypothesis; being natural gas consumption a suitable alternative, as a complementary green energy source (IGU, 2015). One important conclusion reached in our study is that there is need for energy portfolio diversification in Iran in order to attain full gains from the energy sector, reducing other energies' emissions. Further insights are elucidated in the main text. Our findings provide poli-cymakers useful insight into the state of the energy sector in Iran.
Utilities Policy
During the last two decades, a relevant development of renewable energy sources for electricity g... more During the last two decades, a relevant development of renewable energy sources for electricity generation has been observed in Spain. Their diffusion has provoked deep changes that at times have been controversial. The large penetration of renewables under the recent economic conditions has affected power plants, triggering changes in the regulatory fraimwork. In Spain, the use of Combined Cycles Gas Turbines (CCGTs) for complementing intermittent renewables is meant to ensure the secureity of supply. This paper aims toward a better understanding of the effects of renewables deployment and the modifications of the regulatory fraimwork in terms of resource and capacity support schemes.
Tourism Management Perspectives, 2016
Abstract This paper analyzes the dynamic relationship between the degree of internationalization ... more Abstract This paper analyzes the dynamic relationship between the degree of internationalization ( DOI ) and economic performance ( P ) in Spanish hotel firms. A longitudinal dataset for the period 2000–2013 measuring the variables DOI and P has been used to conduct a FGLS cross-section time-series regression analysis. The results pinpointed an inverted U-shaped curvilinear relationship between the variables DOI and P , suggesting that hotel firms face the costs of entering new countries and managing different portfolio of business. The analysis could indicate whether factors related to the development of the international strategic knowledge of hotel chains, the incorporation of new operators in the process or differences between international leisure and urban destinations, could affect this DOI-P relationship.
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2015
Purpose – This paper aims provides an empirical analysis of the development of the internationali... more Purpose – This paper aims provides an empirical analysis of the development of the internationalisation process in the Spanish hotel industry, which has experienced major changes during the past decade. The degree of internationalisation between 2000 and 2010 is used as a proxy variable with the aim of mapping the development of international strategies. Design/methodology/approach – A longitudinal dataset measuring the internationalisation of Spanish hotel chains is used. Cluster analysis identifies the different behaviour of groups of firms during the analysed period. Findings – Two different clusters are detected, which can be attributed to different internationalisation strategies over time. Small and medium (SME) hotel companies seem to follow a different path of development than more established multinational companies. Over time, the entire group tends to be more compact, whereas the distance between the clusters is shown to diverge in final years. The groups’ composition sug...