Papers by Rachmat Sudibjo
The E-xy reservoir, one of the major contributors to Badak gas production, was simulated using In... more The E-xy reservoir, one of the major contributors to Badak gas production, was simulated using Intercomp's 2-component Implicit Flow Model (IFM). The model simulates a gas condensate reservoir in which the reservoir wet gas phase is represented as a mixture of non condensable dry separator gas and vaporized liquid. A PVT program is used to pseudoize the hydrocarbon components wet gas to a 2-component mixture with PVT properties calculated for input to the reservoir model. With all of the basic input data, performance calculations were initiated by allowing each well to produce its designated known volume over the entire history of the reservoir. The known values of gas production have been used as input for the calculations, while reservoir pressure performance, field and individual well condensate production and water cut are the primary matching parameters. The well test data available were also matched in order to have better well productivity calculations. By considering the...
Laboratory experiment on CO2 injections were carried out at the EOR-Lab. of the PPTMGB "Lemi... more Laboratory experiment on CO2 injections were carried out at the EOR-Lab. of the PPTMGB "Lemigas" Jakarta Indonesia. The purposes of this experiment were to evaluate carbon dioxide minimum miscibility pressure (CO2 – MMP) for the crude oils from selected reservoirs in Indonesia, and to compare CO2 – MMP obtained from this experiment with those predicted by the correlations of both Holm-Josendal and Yellig-Metcalfe, and also the effect of temperature on CO2 – MMP. Two types of oils from different reservoirs were considered i.e. stock tank oil from Cepu, East Java, and recombined oil from East Kalimantan. Both of them were sampled from surface separator. PVT data and fluid compositions of the oils were analyzed using standard PVT methods and gas chromatograph. The compositions of fluids obtained from the tests were not analyzed. To predict CO2 – MMP of both oils, the slim tube test methods were carried out at various pressure levels, and at temperature of 55°C and 85°C for Ce...
Tahapan pengembangan perolehan lapangan minyak memiliki tiga tahapan yaitu: primary reocovery, se... more Tahapan pengembangan perolehan lapangan minyak memiliki tiga tahapan yaitu: primary reocovery, secondary recovery, dan tertiary recovery (Enhanced Oil Recovery). Penelitian menggunakan metode Enhanced Oil Recovery. Penelitian dengan menginjeksikan minyak atau paraffin kedalam batuan yang sudah disaturasi dengan larutan brine, kemudian batuan karbonat tersebut diinjeksikan dengan larutan surfaktan sehingga diperoleh oil recovery setelah diinjeksi dengan surfaktan, setelah itu, dilanjutkan dengan menginjeksikan dengan larutan polimer dan diperoleh oil recovery, selanjutnya dilakukan injeksi brine atau flushing untuk membersihkan minyak ataupun parutan yang masih tertinggal di dalam core. Percobaan dilakukan pada skala laboratorium dengan melakukan percobaan untuk mengetahui nilai oil recovery setelah diinjeksi dengan surfaktan dan polimer. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh setelah menginjeksikan surfakan diperoleh oil recovery yang lebih besar dari pada oil recovery setelah injeksi poli...
PETRO:Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Perminyakan, 2018
Penelitian inibertujuan untuk meningkatkan produksi minyak lapisan “W”, dengan cara menentukan l... more Penelitian inibertujuan untuk meningkatkan produksi minyak lapisan “W”, dengan cara menentukan laju injeksi air yang optimal agar dapatmendorong minyak lebih efisien menuju lubang sumur untuk diproduksi ke permukaan. Penelitian ini didasari dari hasil analisa produksi yang menunjukkanbahwalapisan“W” saat ini sudah menurun dan belum optimalnya laju injeksi air yang ada.Metode penelitian adalah dengan melakukan simulasi reservoir untuk dapat memodelkan kondisi reservoir yang ada berdasarkan data geologi, data produksi, data scal, dan data fluida reservoir. Hasil simulasi reservoir kemudian digunakan untuk memprediksi kinerja reservoir sesuai dengan skenario produksi yang dibuat.Berdasarkan hasil proses simulasi reservoir diperoleh OOIP inisialisasi lapisan “W” sebesar 40.11 MM STB. Selajutnya dilakukan history matching dan dibuat prediksi pengembangan lapangan. Hasil skenario paling optimum yaituBase Case + Workover + Infill + Injeksi Air 3000 BWIPD, denganhasil peningkatan produksi ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
Carbon dioxide (CO 2) miscible flooding is one of the Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) methods that ha... more Carbon dioxide (CO 2) miscible flooding is one of the Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) methods that has been recognized as a promising method to improve of oil recovery before abandonment. In addition, many issues related to global warming or greenhouse effect due to CO2. By using CO2 as either miscible or immiscible flooding to enhance oil recovery injected into reservoir, it may help reduce environmental problems. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is able to improve of oil recovery effectively by important key parameter: minimum miscibility pressure (MMP), viscosity, and density. This paper aims to determine the effect of CO2 volume injection to reservoir fluid characteristic in order to CO2 miscible flooding for displacing the oil production. This research was carried out by some series of laboratory experiment that involve PVT test, slim tube test, and swelling test. The result from laboratory experiments were used to observe the use of CO2 and its effect on reservoir fluid characteristics such as viscosity, solubility, and swelling factor. MMP obtained from slim tube test is 2805 Psi. Based on the results, all trend of parameters: viscosity, solubility, and swelling factor showed the positive impact of CO2 have on liquid recovery.
Prosiding seminar nasional Cendekiawan, Oct 1, 2017
Prosiding seminar nasional Cendekiawan, Apr 14, 2016
This thesis mainly discuss about workover (Squeeze Cementing) evaluation Activity in OKTA-36 well... more This thesis mainly discuss about workover (Squeeze Cementing) evaluation Activity in OKTA-36 well of OKTA field, East Java. The choice to did a workover activity in this well was because the oil and gas production for this particular carbonate well has been depleted. The cause of this problem ZDV WKH ZDWHULQJ SUREOHP QHDU ZHOOERUH DV WKH SUREOHP ZDV IRXQG E\ XVLQJ WKH &KDQ ¶V DiagnRVWLFV &KDQ ¶V GLDJQRVWLFV LV RQH RI D PHWKRG WR GHWHUPLQH WKH ZDWHULQJ SUREOHP E\ comparing days to the existing production data. To increase the oil and gas productivity of this well, the justification was to close the old perforation interval of 6300ft ± 6330ft MD by squeezing cement activity and then move the perforation interval to 6195ft ± 6205ft MD and 6220ft ± 6230ft MD. To fix the wellbore problem caused by water, the interval of 6260ft ± 6262ft MD was also squeezed. The choice of 6260ft-6262ft MD was based on the tightness of the formation because of the total loss characteristics of the well. The result shows that the workover activity was a success because of the massive increase in oil and gas productivity. The numbers for the production performance analysis after workover activities are the WHP of 925 psi, WHT of 122o F, FLP 280 psi, Choke ´ RLO SURGXFWLRQ %23' :DWHU &XW DQG *DV 3URGXFWLRQ 006&)'
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA), 2000
Carbon dioxide (CO2) flooding has become a promising enhanced oil recovery (EOR) method, therefor... more Carbon dioxide (CO2) flooding has become a promising enhanced oil recovery (EOR) method, therefore, adequate knowledge of the characteristics or physical properties with reservoir fluid is very important prior to any gas flooding project. This study aims to show the effect of CO2 flooding in Indonesia oil field by determining the minimum miscibility pressure (MMP), viscosity reduction, and swelling effect. The research was conducted using laboratory series analysis, which consists of PVT, slim tube, and swelling. Furthermore, these analyses were used to invest the use of CO2 and its effect on parameters such as viscosity and swelling as a function of saturation pressure. The results obtained a minimum miscibility pressure (MMP), which produced 2800 psi in the slim tube under high pressure due to the reservoir temperature. The swelling factor injection about 28% volume CO2 at saturation pressure of sample A (410 to 2200 psig) and sample B (2440 to 3700 psig), which increased the swel...
The purpose of this study was to evaluate miscible recovery of oil by carbon dioxide, using both ... more The purpose of this study was to evaluate miscible recovery of oil by carbon dioxide, using both secondary and tertiary processes. Two types of oils of different compositions from different reservoirs were considered. They were stock tank oil from Kawengan field, Cepu, East Java, and recombined oil from one of the East Kalimantan fields. The experiments were carried out under miscible condition of pressure and temperature, i.e. at 2300 psig (158.6 bars) and 131°F (55°C) for the Kawengan stock tank oil, and at 3900 psig (268.9 bars) and 212°F (100°C) for the East Kalimantan recombined and stock tank oils. The core used for these experiments was unconsolidated sandpack of 1.5 cm diameter and 2 m long. From the experiments, the following conclusions can be drawn: a). The CO2 miscible flooding is capable of recovering more than 90 percent of the oil whether the process is applied as secondary or tertiary recovery. b). The presence of solution gas in the oil tends to reduce the oil recov...
Mawar Field is located in East Kalimantan Province. The field has an unconsolidated sandstone lay... more Mawar Field is located in East Kalimantan Province. The field has an unconsolidated sandstone layer which is located in Tarakan formation. Porosity of the layer is more than 20%, while permeability of that is between 100 mD and 1000 mD. The zone which is poorly cemented is a source of sand problem. This sand production has an effect on the stability of oil and gas production. Sand production results in the formation of channeling around cement bonding. Sand production problem can be reduced. To overcome the acidity of the shallow formation, it can be done in two ways, that is Gravel pack using propan and stimulation using resin where the sand will be retained behind the formation. In research that has been done using core data and produced sand samples where the results obtained information about the characteristics of sand in shallow zones so that the appropriate treatment method can be recommended that is stimulation with resin. In the use of this resin there will be a permeabilit...
Kerusakan formasi disini menunjuk pada suatu daerah didekat lubang sumur yang mengalami penurunan... more Kerusakan formasi disini menunjuk pada suatu daerah didekat lubang sumur yang mengalami penurunan permeabilitas.Biasanya daerah ini hanya beberapa inch dari lubang sumur, tetapi kadang-kadang dapat meluas sampai beberapa feet. Dalam penelitian kali ini akan dilakukan sebuah metode stimulasi untuk meningkatkan kembali produktivitas maupun permeabilitas dari zona tersebut. Stimulasi merupakan pekerjaan ulang menyangkut tentang perubahan sifat formasi dengan menambahkan unsur-unsur tertentu atau material lain kedalam formasi guna memperbaiki adanya well damage. Metode stimulasi dapat dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu acidizing dan hydraulic fracturing. Pada penelitian ini pengasaman dilakukan pada batuan karbonat (limestone).Mekanisme pengasaman antara batupasir dengan batu karbonat adalah berbeda. Secara prinsip perbedaannya adalah laju reaksi asam pada batuan karbonat lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan laju reaksi asam dengan mineral batu pasir. Beberapa metoda untuk mengevaluasi suatu keberh...
Journal of Earth Energy Science, Engineering, and Technology, 2019
Modeling works of alkali surfactant injection are presented in this paper, in order to analysis t... more Modeling works of alkali surfactant injection are presented in this paper, in order to analysis the effect of salinity on surfactant adsorption and retention. Simulation model was built using UTCHEM simulator. The simulation model was validated using laboratory experiment. From the laboratory experiment and modeling, it was found that surfactant retention, as well as surfactant adsorption, increased with the salinity. However they were not linearly related. The application of microemulsion Type III (salinity of 1.4% wt.) gave the optimum flooding. Although more surfactant was adsorbed and retained compared to microemulsion Type I (salinity of 1.4% wt.), but it yielded the highest recovery factor. The formation of microemulsion Type II (salinity of 2.0% wt.) should be avoided since it effectively caused surfactant loss due to surfactant adsorption and retention.
Journal of Earth Energy Science, Engineering, and Technology, 2019
Mawar Field is located in North Kalimantan Province. The field has an unconsolidated sandstone la... more Mawar Field is located in North Kalimantan Province. The field has an unconsolidated sandstone layer which is located in Tarakan formation. Porosity of the layer is more than 20%, while permeability of that is between 100 mD and 1000 mD. The zone which is poorly cemented is a source of sand problem. This sand production has an effect on the stability of oil and gas production. Sand production results in the formation of channeling around cement bonding. Sand production problem can be reduced. To overcome the acidity of the shallow formation, it can be done in two ways, that is Gravel pack using propan and stimulation using resin where the sand will be retained behind the formation. In research that has been done using core data and produced sand samples where the results obtained information about the characteristics of sand in shallow zones so that the appropriate treatment method can be recommended that is stimulation with resin. In the use of this resin there will be a permeabili...
Journal of Earth Energy Science, Engineering, and Technology, 2018
The decline in production from of a field is the common problem in the oil and gas industry. One ... more The decline in production from of a field is the common problem in the oil and gas industry. One of the causes of the decrease in production is the decline of reservoir pressure. Based on the analisis result, it was found that SNP field had a weak water drive. The most dominant drive of the field was fluid expansion. In order to reduce the problem, a reservoir pressure maintenance effort was required by injecting water. In this research, the effect of water injection to reservoir pressure and cumulative production was analyzed. From the evaluation result, it was found that the existing inejection performance using one injection well to Zones A and B was not optimum. Because, the recovery factor was predicted to 29.11% only.By activating the four injection wells, the recoverty factor could be increase to 31.43%.
Journal of Earth Energy Science, Engineering, and Technology, 2018
Drilling mud has a vital role in onshore or offshore oil and gas drilling operations with its pri... more Drilling mud has a vital role in onshore or offshore oil and gas drilling operations with its primary function as the hydrostatic pressure to balance the formation pressure. There are some formations in Indonesia where the drilling hazards are extensive, but the problem that most likely to overcome is the shale/clay swelling. Today there is a water based mud called Polyamine Mud, a Polyamine mud has the advantages over conventional water base mud and also in some functions are as good as the Oil Base Mud. Some companies are still trying to adopt this technology into their drilling projects with various aspects to be considered and are wondering whether it will help them to drill a formation with shale/clay problem characteristics. A field location on the island of Sulawesi has drilled some wells on the Kintom formation using the Polyamine mud for a total depth of about 7,000 ft – 9,000 ft. The drill hole problem was not only the shale/clay swelling, but was also followed by some p...
Journal of Earth Energy Science, Engineering, and Technology, 2018
Production proportion ratio study of commingled well two layers reservoir has been developed by g... more Production proportion ratio study of commingled well two layers reservoir has been developed by geochemistry approaching, with oil reservoir fingerpint methode by using Gas Chromatography then processed by Chemstation software. The study is developed to solve the commingled well production alocation problem in oil field. There are 4 oil samples will be analyzed to represent each layer and commingle production oil sample in 2009 and 2015.Result of study, figures out that oil fingerprint from commingle production has a difference as long as production time. Oil sample that taken from different commingle production time is predicted to produce a different ratio contribution form each layer of reservoir. Every layer reservoir has a different contribution from 2009 to 2015. Result of production proportion ratio study can be applied to decisionmaking of reservoir developement in an oil field, especially for well completion and enhanced oil recovery. This methode is proven to be a solution...
Journal of Earth Energy Science, Engineering, and Technology, 2018
Y Field which located around 28 km south east of Jakarta was discovered in 1989. Three wells have... more Y Field which located around 28 km south east of Jakarta was discovered in 1989. Three wells have been drilled and suspended. The initial gas ini place (IGIP) of the field is 40.53 BSCF. The field will be developed in 2011. In this study, reservoir simulation model was made to predict the optimum development strategy of the field. This model consisted of 1,575,064 grid cells which were built in a black oil simulator. Two field development scenarios were defined with and without compressor. Simulation results show that the Recovery Factor at thel end of the contract is 61.40% and 62.14% respectively for Scenarios I and II without compressor. When compressor is applied then Recovey Factor of Scenarios I and II is 68.78% and 74.58%, correspondingly. Based on the economic parameters, Scenario II with compressor is the most attractive case, where IRR, POT, and NPV of the scenario are 41%, 2.9 years, and 14,808 MUS$.
xxvi, 237 hlm.; 24 x 16 c
The purpose of this final assignment is to introduce an alternative new method of unconventional ... more The purpose of this final assignment is to introduce an alternative new method of unconventional gas lift which also the first implementation done in Indonesia by ConocoPhillips Indonesia on their wells in North Belut, Natuna. though, artificial-lift technology is well established, alternative methods or new developments continue to play a role in solving problems and meeting production challenges. This final assignment will also describe the specific and detailed systems of this method, so hopefully the wells with this method could produce to its fully potential.
Papers by Rachmat Sudibjo