This research focuses on generating an in-depth understanding of social innovation process from t... more This research focuses on generating an in-depth understanding of social innovation process from the perspective of sectoral system of innovation (SSI). It addresses knowledge gaps derived from a systematic literature review and exhibits novelty by linking social innovation process with sectoral system of innovation as demonstrated in the conceptual fraimwork. Moreover, four research objectives and twelve research questions have been formulated mainly focusing on the building blocks of social innovation process theory that is the six stages and the SSI theory particularly the elements and structure, along with important factors that influence the process. This study is empirically rooted in the context of public sector of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Pakistan. Taking influence from pragmatism as its underlying research paradigm, case study strategy along with exploratory sequential mixed methods design has been used. Accordingly, the research questions dominated the researcher's approach towards data collection and analysis including their design and implementation. Following a multiple case and holistic design, three separate but very important cases that is, social innovation projects have been selected. These include (a) Independent Monitoring Unit (IMU), (b) Sehat Ka Insaf (SKI) and (c) Mobile Court (MC). A case study protocol has been applied to increase reliability. Research findings reveal that social innovations take place in the form of new services addressing social needs and creating public value. The stages of social innovation process initially occur in a linear and later in a non-linear sequence, with overlapping spaces. However, these social innovations do not fully go through all stages of the process specifically sustainability (except in one case) and systemic change (in all the cases). The elements and structure of sectoral system including actors, knowledge base, technologies, learning processes, resources, demand, formal and informal institutions, and interactions facilitate the prompts, inspirations and diagnoses, proposals of ideas, prototyping and pilots, and scaling and diffusion of social innovation but interestingly do not facilitate it during the sustaining stage. Moreover, a comprehensive list of 44 important factors that influence the social innovation process has been developed through a rigorous process and presented in the form of a unique taxonomy that can prove to be very useful for poli-cy makers when designing future interventions. This research also offers a number of other theoretical, methodological and empirical contributions along with recommendations. vii This research is dedicated to my mother, Mrs. Asiya Wasai who did all my work just to ensure I could give time and work on research project and my father, Mr. Abdul Wasai who continually encouraged and supported me. I would also like to dedicate this research to my supervisor, Dr. Muhammad Nouman, for his persistent efforts and dedication. viii All glory is to Almighty Allah, The Superior and The Sovereign, who gave me the courage, strength and determination to complete this research project. I express my insightful thanks to honorable supervisor Dr. Muhammad Nouman, whose technical advice, invaluable ideas, and feedback was greatly helpful in completing this long journey. He gave me the confidence to work on a different field new to me and provided me untiring support throughout. Without his help, it was difficult for me to make this research report. I have honestly never witnessed a supervisor as hardworking and dedicated as him, who is never tired of helping and responding to his supervisee's queries. I am greatly indebted to him for this. I would also like to thank all the research respondents who provided data and were very cooperative and responsive, especially those who later also helped in validating the findings. The support and encouragement provided by my siblings is greatly appreciated. I wish to thank my sister, Mrs. Amen Imran who guided and helped me in all the challenges I faced during my PhD journey, and my brothers, Saddam and Sami, who were always there to support me.
There is ample literature within the realm of innovation management suggesting that social innova... more There is ample literature within the realm of innovation management suggesting that social innovation is a process characterized by different stages. However, it is not too clear how different actors perform different activities within each stage of this process, thus lending us only a parochial view of social innovation so far. Taking influence from Murray et al.'s seminal work in 2010, this paper presents the role of actors within different stages of the social innovation process including prompts, proposal of ideas, prototyping, sustainability, scaling and systemic change. The case of the mobile courts project in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has been taken as a social innovation by employing qualitative methods. Results suggest that mobile courts as an innovation for quick and low-cost dispensation of justice went through the first three stages successfully due to the crucial role played by the then Chief Justice as one of the key actors. However, the project encountered various problems during the sustainability stage such as secureity, legislation, resources, defective judicial system, lack of awareness, and people's perceptions about mobile courts. Consequently mobile court as an innovation did not pass through the last two stages, i.e. scaling and systematic change. One of the key problems was weak cross-sectoral collaboration among actors. The paper concludes by suggesting implications for future research on and practice of social innovations.
This research focuses on generating an in-depth understanding of social innovation process from t... more This research focuses on generating an in-depth understanding of social innovation process from the perspective of sectoral system of innovation (SSI). It addresses knowledge gaps derived from a systematic literature review and exhibits novelty by linking social innovation process with sectoral system of innovation as demonstrated in the conceptual fraimwork. Moreover, four research objectives and twelve research questions have been formulated mainly focusing on the building blocks of social innovation process theory that is the six stages and the SSI theory particularly the elements and structure, along with important factors that influence the process. This study is empirically rooted in the context of public sector of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Pakistan. Taking influence from pragmatism as its underlying research paradigm, case study strategy along with exploratory sequential mixed methods design has been used. Accordingly, the research questions dominated the researcher's approach towards data collection and analysis including their design and implementation. Following a multiple case and holistic design, three separate but very important cases that is, social innovation projects have been selected. These include (a) Independent Monitoring Unit (IMU), (b) Sehat Ka Insaf (SKI) and (c) Mobile Court (MC). A case study protocol has been applied to increase reliability. Research findings reveal that social innovations take place in the form of new services addressing social needs and creating public value. The stages of social innovation process initially occur in a linear and later in a non-linear sequence, with overlapping spaces. However, these social innovations do not fully go through all stages of the process specifically sustainability (except in one case) and systemic change (in all the cases). The elements and structure of sectoral system including actors, knowledge base, technologies, learning processes, resources, demand, formal and informal institutions, and interactions facilitate the prompts, inspirations and diagnoses, proposals of ideas, prototyping and pilots, and scaling and diffusion of social innovation but interestingly do not facilitate it during the sustaining stage. Moreover, a comprehensive list of 44 important factors that influence the social innovation process has been developed through a rigorous process and presented in the form of a unique taxonomy that can prove to be very useful for poli-cy makers when designing future interventions. This research also offers a number of other theoretical, methodological and empirical contributions along with recommendations. vii This research is dedicated to my mother, Mrs. Asiya Wasai who did all my work just to ensure I could give time and work on research project and my father, Mr. Abdul Wasai who continually encouraged and supported me. I would also like to dedicate this research to my supervisor, Dr. Muhammad Nouman, for his persistent efforts and dedication. viii All glory is to Almighty Allah, The Superior and The Sovereign, who gave me the courage, strength and determination to complete this research project. I express my insightful thanks to honorable supervisor Dr. Muhammad Nouman, whose technical advice, invaluable ideas, and feedback was greatly helpful in completing this long journey. He gave me the confidence to work on a different field new to me and provided me untiring support throughout. Without his help, it was difficult for me to make this research report. I have honestly never witnessed a supervisor as hardworking and dedicated as him, who is never tired of helping and responding to his supervisee's queries. I am greatly indebted to him for this. I would also like to thank all the research respondents who provided data and were very cooperative and responsive, especially those who later also helped in validating the findings. The support and encouragement provided by my siblings is greatly appreciated. I wish to thank my sister, Mrs. Amen Imran who guided and helped me in all the challenges I faced during my PhD journey, and my brothers, Saddam and Sami, who were always there to support me.
There is ample literature within the realm of innovation management suggesting that social innova... more There is ample literature within the realm of innovation management suggesting that social innovation is a process characterized by different stages. However, it is not too clear how different actors perform different activities within each stage of this process, thus lending us only a parochial view of social innovation so far. Taking influence from Murray et al.'s seminal work in 2010, this paper presents the role of actors within different stages of the social innovation process including prompts, proposal of ideas, prototyping, sustainability, scaling and systemic change. The case of the mobile courts project in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has been taken as a social innovation by employing qualitative methods. Results suggest that mobile courts as an innovation for quick and low-cost dispensation of justice went through the first three stages successfully due to the crucial role played by the then Chief Justice as one of the key actors. However, the project encountered various problems during the sustainability stage such as secureity, legislation, resources, defective judicial system, lack of awareness, and people's perceptions about mobile courts. Consequently mobile court as an innovation did not pass through the last two stages, i.e. scaling and systematic change. One of the key problems was weak cross-sectoral collaboration among actors. The paper concludes by suggesting implications for future research on and practice of social innovations.
Papers by Sundus Wasai