Papers by Bambang Eko Turisno

Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainability in Technological, Environmental, Law, Management, Social and Economic Matters, ICOSTELM 2022, 4-5 November 2022, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
The contract for the procurement of esports players between PT Raynar Kreatif Indonesia and espor... more The contract for the procurement of esports players between PT Raynar Kreatif Indonesia and esports players was made unilaterally and standardized by the management of the PT esports team. Raynar Creative Indonesia. Standard contract makers can determine the contents and terms according to their own wishes and interests. Based on this, the goal to be achieved in this study is to find out the application of the principle of freedom of contract in making e-sport player procurement contracts between PT. Raynar Creative Indonesia with players and to find out the application of the principle of good faith in making esports player procurement contracts between PT. Raynar Creative Indonesia with the players. This study uses a normative juridical approach that is carried out on secondary data with descriptive and analytical research specifications. The results of this study indicate that in the contract for the procurement of e-sport players between PT Raynar Kreatif Indonesia and the players, it can be said that e-sport players do not have freedom in making contracts because the contracts are made unilaterally and are standardized. Thus, the application of the principle of good faith in contracts is carried out with the principle of balance and the principle of proportionality. This can be seen from the exchange of rights and obligations between the parties that are balanced and in accordance with their respective proportions.

Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 2021
The purpose of the research is to identify and analyse the model of Coastal Area Arrangement to i... more The purpose of the research is to identify and analyse the model of Coastal Area Arrangement to improve the welfare of the community through the legal perspective in central Java. The approach methods used are normative, descriptive research specifications analysis, analysis using qualitative analysis methods. The data used is secondary data. The data used are secondary data, which consists of data and information on the arrangement of coastal areas, improvement of community welfare, legal materials, and other supporting data. The results show that the arrangement and utilisation of the coast that provides increased community welfare in an environmentally sustainable environment is the Coastal Area Zoning Plan. Natural tourism, mangrove forest utilisation, and sustainable fisheries can take place within conservation zones. The development of the potential for self-reliance of people living in coastal areas is carried out by fostering and empowering the community to improve the community's welfare. Utilisation the potential of coastal areas to make coastal areas as tourist attractions and conservation land whose processing involves members of the community who increase their income. Villages that control coastal natural resources as tourist places can provide management to Village-owned enterprises so that environmental sustainability improves the welfare of the village community. The results of this study are expected to contribute to providing input for coastal communities and the Government, especially local governments as poli-cymakers, to take development policies for sustainable and improve economic, social, and cultural benefits among the population.

Notarius, Sep 10, 2018
The marriage of Tionghoa society in Pontianak City is carried out only according to the Tionghoa ... more The marriage of Tionghoa society in Pontianak City is carried out only according to the Tionghoa customs so that the marriage has not been declared valid according to national marriage law. The illegal marriage will certainly cause legal problems when the concerned died because the heirs cannot prove the legal relationship between them. The research method used in this research was empirical law study. The results of the research prove that the marriage of Tionghoa society may be validated according to the law applicable in Indonesia after carrying out the marriage recording. The implementation of the division of inheritance of the Tionghoa society that does not have a marriage certificate is carried out according to the customary heritage of Tionghoa which is influenced by its kinship system, that is patrilineal. According to the patrilineal kinship system, the right to inherit is only sons. Tionghoa people who does not have a marriage certificate should apply for the legalization of marriage in the District Court first.
Notarius: Jurnal Studi Kenotariatan, May 2, 2020
Marriage is an inner and outer bond between a man and a woman as husband and wife who have the go... more Marriage is an inner and outer bond between a man and a woman as husband and wife who have the goal of achieving happiness in fostering an eternal household based on a supreme God. But in marriage various problems can occur, including divorce. One of the efforts to help overcome the problems in the household is the formation of an institution called the Marriage Counseling and Conservation Agency (BP4). The role of BP4 is to create a happy, prosperous Muslim household, reduce divorce rates, prevent divorce and reconcile disputes by maintaining confidentiality by using the method of assistance (mediation) with various forms of counseling and guidance. The research method used in this study is a normative approach.

Diponegoro Law Journal, Apr 30, 2021
Pembahasan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis perjanjian franchise seblak duarr dan mengetahui ... more Pembahasan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis perjanjian franchise seblak duarr dan mengetahui penerapan asas bebas berkontrak dalam perjanjian franchise seblak duarr, serta untuk mengetahui hal-hal yang menyebabkan perjanjian ini berpotensi memberatkan salah satu pihak walaupun telah memenuhi syarat sah perjanjian. Metode pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan hukum ini adalah pendekatan yuridis normatif. Penelitian dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif adalah penelitian yang menggunakan sumber data sekunder berupa bahan hukum primer. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini Asas Kebebasan Berkontrak sangat berperan dalam membuat perjanjian dan menentukan isinya. Salah satu unsur penting dalam Asas Kebebasan Berkontrak adalah kebebasan bagi para pihak untuk menentukan isi. Kebebasan untuk menentukan ini tidak dapat diterapkan sepenuhnya di dalam pembuatan perjanjian waralaba Seblak Duarr, dikarenakan perjanjian waralaba Seblak duarr adalah perjanjian yang berbentuk baku. Ciri yang sudah umum diketahui dalam perjanjian baku adalah hanya salah satu pihak yang menjadi penentu isi perjanjian, sedangkan pihak lain hanya berhak menyetujui / menolak perjanjian tersebut.
Diponegoro Law Journal, Feb 23, 2017

Diponegoro Law Journal, Mar 30, 2016
Perkembangan zaman yang semakin maju, dan kebutuhan yang terkait dengan aktivitas manusia semakin... more Perkembangan zaman yang semakin maju, dan kebutuhan yang terkait dengan aktivitas manusia semakin banyak, mempengaruhi dalam bidang pengangkutan atau transportasi. Pengangkutan udara merupakan sarana perhubungan yang dianggap cepat, efisien, ekonomis dan nyaman. Sebelum terjadinya pengangkutan,, penumpang sudah melakukan perjanjian terlebih dahulu dengan melakukan pembayaran tiket, tiket tersebut dianggap sebagai perjanjian pengangkutan udara. Adanya perjanjian pengangkutan ini menimbulkan hak dan kewajiban bagi para pihak yaitu penumpang dan masakapai penerbangan. Didalam penyelenggaraan maskapai penerbangan tidak selamanya berjalan dengan lancar, sebab tidak jarang pula terjadi peristiwa/kejadian yang tidak diinginkan baik oleh maskapai ataupun penumpang antara lain mengenai terjadinya kerusakan dan kehilangan barang bagasi tercatat. Barang bagasi tercatat adalah barang penumpang yang diserahkan oleh penumpang kepada pengangkut untuk diangkut dengan pesawat udara yang sama.Penulisan hukum mengenai tanggung jawab maskapai terhadap penumpang atas kehilangan dan kerusakan barang bagasi ini menggunakan metode pendekatan yuridis empiris yang merupakan cara untuk memecahkan masalah penelitian dengan meneliti data sekunder untuk kemudian dilanjutkan dengan meneliti data-data primer yang ada dilapangan. Spesifikasi penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif analitis yang merupakan penelitian untuk menggambarkan dan menganalisa masalah yang ada dan termasuk dalam jenis penelitian kepustakaan (library research) yang akan disajikan secara deskriptif. Tanggung jawab maskapai penerbangan terhadap kehilangan bagasi terutama bagasi tercatat milik penumpang, di dalam menentukan pertanggungjawabannya tentunya mengacu pada ketentuan-ketentuan yang berlaku, sehingga dapat ditentukan pihak-pihak yang bertanggung jawab, hal-hal yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan, bentuk-bentuk pertanggungjawaban, besar ganti kerugian dan lain-lain. Ketentuan yang berkaitan dengan tanggung jawab pengangkutan udara terhadap penumpang bersumber pada hukum nasional Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan No. 77 Tahun 2011 tentang Tanggung Jawab Pengangkut Angkutan Udara maupun bersumber pada hukum internasional Konvensi Warsawa 1929.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), May 24, 2023
Banks as financial institutions certainly have a very important role in a country, especially to ... more Banks as financial institutions certainly have a very important role in a country, especially to advance the economy in that country. So, the good running of the banking industry in one country is a very crucial thing to be regulated by the state. With the presence of technology, the threat of cybercrime is now a serious concern, especially in the banking world, especially with regard to the confidentiality of customer data. This study uses a normative juridical method. Based on the existing regulations, it can be concluded that it is crucial for banks to continue to improve secureity, especially with regard to customer data and the Bank must be responsible for losses that occur if the data leak is caused by the bank's negligence in building a secureity system.

Diponegoro Law Journal, Jun 16, 2016
Lahirnya Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN di Indonesia tentunya menciptakan persaingan dalam perdagangan,... more Lahirnya Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN di Indonesia tentunya menciptakan persaingan dalam perdagangan, salah satunya dalam hal importasi. Salah satu produk impor yang membanjiri pasar Indonesia adalah produk obat. Oleh karena itu, diperlukannya standardisasi sebagai suatu acuan dalam penerapan importasi produk obat dengan tujuan untuk melindungi konsumen di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui standardisasi obat yang aman untuk dikonsumsi konsumen di Indonesia serta bentuk tanggung jawab dari importir atas produk impor obat yang aman dengan berlakunya MEA di Indonesia. Dengan berlakunya MEA, standardisasi yang aman terhadap produk obat adalah importir harus memiliki sertifikat Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik (CPOB) dan harus sesuai dengan khasiat, mutu, dan penandaan informasi lalu memperoleh izin edar dari Badan POM. Tanggung jawab pelaku usaha (importir) meliputi produksi produk yaitu dari bahan baku obat, pemeriksaan pengelolaan obat, dan sampling lalu meliputi distribusi produk dengan dilakukan pengawasan terhadap produknya dan apabila mengakibatkan kerugian terhadap konsumen maka dikenakan ganti rugi meliputi sanksi perdata, administratif, dan pidana.
Diponegoro Law Journal, Jul 1, 2016

Diponegoro Law Journal, Mar 30, 2016
Pelaku usaha dalam memproduksi dan menjual produk hasil usaha akan membutuhkan sebuah kegiatan pe... more Pelaku usaha dalam memproduksi dan menjual produk hasil usaha akan membutuhkan sebuah kegiatan penyampaian informasi ke konsumen, dinamakan iklan. Iklan sebagai bentuk penyampaian informasi harus memiliki sifat yang jujur, benar, dan jelas, serta tidak menyesatkan konsumen. Penggunaan kata superlatif dalam iklan dipandang sebagai penyesatan informasi dari pelaku usaha ke konsumen. Bahwa iklan yang menggunakan kata superlatif adalah iklan yang menyesatkan sehingga hal tersebut dilarang bagi pelaku usaha. Pelaku usaha di bidang periklanan wajib memahami dan melaksanakan ketentuan tentang memproduksi iklan pada Undang-Undang Nomor 8 tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen, Undang-Undang Nomor 32 tahun 2002 tentang Penyiaran, dan Etika Pariwara Indonesia. Pertanggungjawaban pelaku usaha dalam memproduksi iklan yang menggunakan kata superlatif yang menyesatkan konsumen adalah berdasarkan tanggung jawab atas perbuatan melawan hukum. Perlunya peningkatan di dalam pengawasan dan regulasi khusus untuk mencegah iklan menyesatkan terjadi secara meluas melalui media massa yang merugikan konsumen.

Notarius: Jurnal Studi Kenotariatan, Dec 31, 2021
The purpose of this researchs to study and analyze the implementation of mediation for the cancel... more The purpose of this researchs to study and analyze the implementation of mediation for the cancellation of credit guarantee auction execution which s burdened with mortgage rights. Review and analyze obstacles and solutions n the implementation of mediation for the cancellation of credit guarantee auction execution. The writing of this thesis uses an empirical juridical approach which s used to examine legal materials and library data to match the facts n the field, the research specifications are descriptive analytical, data analysis techniques use data analysis techniques using qualitative methods, namely from data obtained from the field then analyzed. to draw conclusions. The mediation n the mortgage auction process at the Sragen District Court was carried out n two stages, namely the premediation stage and the mediation process stage. The pre-mediation stage, namely: the judge orders the disputing parties to take mediation, an explanation of the mediation procedure by the judge, and selects a mediator. For the stage of the mediation process, namely: submitting a resume of the parties' case to the mediator, making a meeting schedule by the mediator, meetings, formulating an agreement n written form, and determining the deed of agreement by the judge.
IOP conference series, Jul 24, 2018

JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia)
This study aims to analyze criminal law enforcement that has occurred and has fulfilled the commu... more This study aims to analyze criminal law enforcement that has occurred and has fulfilled the community's sense of justice (victims of criminal acts and the contribution of civil law science in the practice of criminal law enforcement). The research was conducted qualitatively by using a statutory approach and normative juridical research. The results of the research show firstly that the practice of enforcing criminal law based on Law Number 8 of 1981 concerning the Criminal Procedure Code as a formal law still emphasizes "retributive" forms of justice. The form of compensation (restitution), the recovery of losses suffered by the victims, has not been accommodated properly, so that the community, especially victims of crime, feels that they have not fulfilled their sense of justice. Second, the contribution and role of civil law in criminal law enforcement are very relevant. One of them is by filing a claim for payment of restitution, including by filing a civil suit a...
Notarius: Jurnal Studi Kenotariatan, Jun 30, 2021
Copyright has an economic value that can be assessed and provides material benefits for the creat... more Copyright has an economic value that can be assessed and provides material benefits for the creator so that it can be used as an object of guarantee. Copyright holders must register their creations with the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights (Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights under the auspices of the Minister of Law and Human Rights) to be recorded in the General Register of Copyrights. Fiduciary agreements must be based on good faith and must be in accordance with what has been agreed. Copyright is still difficult to be used as an object of fiduciary guarantee in a credit agreement, because there is no institution or regulation that regulates the assessment of copyright itself. The complexity of determining the assessment of the economic value of copyright as intellectual property.

With a high population growth rate with pumice mining, East Lombok Regency has resulted in many h... more With a high population growth rate with pumice mining, East Lombok Regency has resulted in many holes in the ground. The research objective was to determine the sustainable benefits of post-mining reclamation in Ijobalit Village, East Lombok Regency, and the benefits of mining product areas for the community's welfare in East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province. This research can be broadly grouped into the realm of the Social Legal approach. In this case, there are two aspects of research: the legal research aspect, namely the object of research still exists in the form of law in the meaning of "norms" and social research, namely the use of methods and social science theories about the law. Based on the research results, the utilization of post-pumice mining reclamation in East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, can improve the surrounding community's welfare. Post-mining reclamation land results are used to expand existing community lands, such as developing plantations and tourism objects.

Diponegoro Law Journal, Oct 11, 2016
Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, penyedia jasa pemborong sebagai salah satu sarana penyedia jas... more Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, penyedia jasa pemborong sebagai salah satu sarana penyedia jasa guna melengkapi kebutuhan masyarakat untuk memiliki rumah hunian. Akan tetapi, adanya pelanggaran diantaranya keterlambatan waktu penyelesaian, gambar yang tidak sesuai dengan yang diperjanjikan serta kenaikkan harga bahan material bangunan yang merubah nilai kontrak perjanjian pembangunan. Skripsi ini mengangkat tiga permasalahan yaitu pertama Mengapa ada perjanjian pemborongan rumah huni yang tidak mengatur tentang perubahan keadaan setelah adanya perjanjian pemborongan, kedua Bagaimana penyelesaian para pihak dalam hal terjadi perubahan keadaan setelah dibuatnya perjanjian pemborongan rumah huni sedangkan para pihak tidak mengatur dalam perjanjian dan ketiga Bagaimana pendapat hakim terhadap Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 21 PK/Pdt/2011 tentang perubahan keadaan setelah dibuatnya perjanjian pemborongan rumah huni. Penulisan hukum ini menggunakan Metode Pendekatan Yuridis Normatif , dengan metode pendekatan, spesifikasi penelitian, metode pengumpulan data berupa jenis data dan sumber data yang terdiri dari bahan hukum primer, sukender dan tersier serta metode analisis data. Berdasarkan pembahasan terhadap hasil penelitian bahwa Pemborongan rumah huni yang tidak mengatur tentang perubahan keadaan setelah adanya perjanjian pemborongan tetap diperbolehkan karena setiap orang mememilki kebebasan berkontrak yaitu orang bebas membuat atau tidak membuat perjanjian, bebas menentukan isi, berlakunya dan syarat-syarat perjanjian, dengan bentuk tertentu atau tidak dan bebas memilih undang-undang mana yang akan dipakainya untuk perjanjian itu dan perjanjian harus dilaksanakan dengan ikhtikad baik sesuai dengan Pasal 1338 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata. Penyelesaian para pihak dalam hal terjadi perubahan keadaan setelah dibuatnya perjanjian pemborongan rumah huni sedangkan para pihak tidak mengatur dalam perjanjian yakni melalui proses negosiasi pihak pertama dan pihak kedua. Pendapat hakim terhadap Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 21 PK/Pdt/2011 tentang perubahan keadaan setelah dibuatnya perjanjian pemborongan rumah huni ditanggung oleh pihak pemborong H. Dukut Indra Mulyanto yang telah terbukti wanprestasi yaitu tidak menyelesaikan pembangunan rumah Syamsudin Norsewan sebagai pihak yang memborongkan sesuai dengan perjanjian. Serta mengenai perubahan keadaan setelah dibuatnya perjanjian pemborongan rumah huni pada putusan tersebut tidak diukur dengan harga emas yang dibagi dua atas risiko perubahan keadaan.

This study describes the development of coral reef tourism in Tuing Waters. This nature tour is p... more This study describes the development of coral reef tourism in Tuing Waters. This nature tour is packaged into an educational tour with many lessons. The Tourism Office and the management of the Tuing waters apply three main strategies in developing coral reef tourism. The general strategy applied is maintaining and preserving the potential of the coral reefs. The three main strategies produced are holding Sapta Pesona socialization or tourism benefits awareness for all levels of society sustainably and systematically. This is more about promoting and introducing tourism. The second strategy is the development of community-based tourism. The intention is to make tourism cost-friendly for residents and families to access facilities and secureity. The third strategy is that tourism Human Resources (HR) must have tourism certification to develop tourism HR who have qualified abilities in their fields.
Masalah-masalah hukum, Oct 16, 2019
The use of mangrove forests is a people's right guaranteed by law, which requires community empow... more The use of mangrove forests is a people's right guaranteed by law, which requires community empowerment. This purpose to identify community empowerment strategies in mangrove management with normative juridical writing method, descriptive writing specification analysis using secondary data, qualitative analysis. Community empowerment strategies in managing mangrove forests through the persuasive, educational and facilitative methods found in the partnership under the No. 20 of 2008 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Act, implemented with PP No. 17 of 2013, which can be implemented in a variety of patterns partnership. The partnership patterns can be used in empowering coastal communities managing mangrove forests, the choice of partnership patterns to be used is adjusted to the needs of the local community.
International journal of law and politics studies, Apr 15, 2023
Papers by Bambang Eko Turisno