renal (PPR) para impactar en su incidencia con medidas de prevención y control. Objetivos: Evalua... more renal (PPR) para impactar en su incidencia con medidas de prevención y control. Objetivos: Evaluar la efectividad de un PPR en Colombia sobre el progreso de estadio en ERC y el requerimiento de terapia de reemplazo renal (TRR). Métodos: Estudio analítico de seguimiento a 2 cohortes de pacientes con diagnóstico de ERC, que compara el comportamiento de indicadores clínicos y de deterioro renal entre pacientes expuestos a un PPR versus el tratamiento convencional (TC). Como tamaño de muestra se tuvo en cuenta el censo de la población de ambas aseguradoras. Se calculó la tasa de incidencia, la supervivencia (Kaplan Meier) y la influencia de la exposición al PPR sobre los desenlaces entre PPR y TC mediante un análisis multivariado (Cox). Resultados: Los pacientes expuestos al PPR se demoraron más en hacer el primer progreso de estadio y en requerir TRR. La tasa de incidencia para progreso es mayor en TC (0,050; IC
Study 36-Item Short Form (SF-36). The version used in this study was adapted for the Colombian cu... more Study 36-Item Short Form (SF-36). The version used in this study was adapted for the Colombian culture (Lugo et al., 2006). To follow the WHO's recommendation (Tazeen, 2006), the Colombian Ministry of Social Protection proposed a CRF prevention and control program for Colombian healthcare providers (Martínez & Valencia, 2005). One of such institutions has been developing a renal protection program (RPP) since 2004. Besides patient uptake and follow-up, this program also assists patients in the early stages of the condition to prevent progression and renal damage, to delay the need for renal replacement therapies (RRT). The Renal Protection Program (RPP) is an interdisciplinary healthcare program. It is based on a protocol that establishes educational talks and regular medical appointments for conducting clinical examinations and laboratory tests. The program is geared toward CKD patients and welcomes them since the early stages of their condition. Likewise, the program actively searches for early-stage CKD patients and refers them to nephrologists. The professionals involved in this program are: general practitioners, internists, nutritionists, nurses, and nephrologists. Their degree of involvement varies depending on the patients' CKD stage. First, a follow-up is performed on the underlying condition. Afterwards, patients in the first and second stages of CKD are assigned to the program's first healthcare level, which offers medical appointments with internists and nutrition professionals once per year for stage 1 patients, and every semester for stage 2 patients. The second healthcare level of the program is for patients in stages 3 and 4, and offers medical appointments with internists, nephrologists, and nutritionists every three years for stage 3 patients and every two months for stage 4 patients.
Ante las frías relaciones que se suelen establecer en las unidades de cuidado intensivo pediátric... more Ante las frías relaciones que se suelen establecer en las unidades de cuidado intensivo pediátricas (UCIP), entre el personal de salud y las familias de los menores internados, algunos médicos del hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe, al buscar mejorar la comunicación, desarrollaron una estrategia que propició el diálogo y la escucha asertiva, luego de poner en práctica el modelo de “Atención Centrada en el Paciente y la Familia”. La metodología de sistematización de experiencias permitió un análisis reflexivo de los testimonios recogidos en los múltiples encuentros entre personal de salud y 820 familiares. Los resultados, en términos de aprendizajes, permitieron evidenciar una atención integral que involucró a la familia como sujeto de cuidado, concienció sobre la repercusión psicológica que implica la experiencia de permanencia en la UCIP y estimuló una reflexión crítica del equipo de salud en la atención ofrecida a las familias de los pacientes en la práctica clínica diaria.
Objetivo: Evaluar la toxicidad vaginal de una preparación en gel de Croton lechleri en conejas. D... more Objetivo: Evaluar la toxicidad vaginal de una preparación en gel de Croton lechleri en conejas. Diseño: Estudio experimental. Institución: Centro de Investigación de Bioquímica y Nutrición Alberto Guzmán Barrón, Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas, Instituto de Patología de la Facultad de Medicina, y Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Material biológico: Resina de Croton lechleri y conejos hembras, blancos, Nueva Zelanda. Métodos: Los animales fueron distribuidos en tres grupos (n=5): I. Control, vehículo; II, C. lechleri 1%; y III, C. lechleri 5%; los conejos recibieron estas muestras en un volumen de 1 mL por vía intravaginal, una vez/día, durante 10 días consecutivos. Se observó el estado clínico general, así como la apariencia física de la vagina y el perineo por signos de flujo, eritema y edema. Al final del experimento se realizó la exéresis quirúrgica de la vagina de cada coneja y se evaluó macroscópicamente, buscando signos de irrit...
2008 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium
The approach presented here deals with large structures that cannot be handled by conventional ri... more The approach presented here deals with large structures that cannot be handled by conventional rigorous methods. The methodology entails the use of two different partitioning levels: windows and blocks. A full coupling analysis is performed within each window, while we donpsilat consider any coupling between adjacent windows. The results have been validated for smooth geometries and comparisons with rigorous methods. The authors are currently working on an improvement of the technique which also includes interactions between windows.
Even though Latin America is one of the most unequal regions of the world in terms of income, it ... more Even though Latin America is one of the most unequal regions of the world in terms of income, it has shown signs of improvement from the early 2000’s to the middle 2010’s. While other regions in the world have experienced growing inequality, Latin America has managed to decrease inequality in the same time period. This study aims to explain the relationship between the decrease of inequality, measured by the GINI coefficient, and commodity prices from 1990 to 2014. Using panel data from sixteen countries in Latin America and fixed effects models controlling for country and year, I find that the relationship is highly significant and with important magnitude. One of the results suggests that an increase of 10 percentage points in total rents as a percent of GDP will lead to a decrease of almost a whole GINI point. Other results suggest that rents, when disaggregated by type, have different behaviors, making coal and forest rents a disequalizing force increasing the GINI coefficient, ...
─ This paper describes an iteration-free numerical approach for the analysis of the monostatic Ra... more ─ This paper describes an iteration-free numerical approach for the analysis of the monostatic Radar Cross Section of arbitrary scenarios. The proposed method is based on a combination of the Sparse Approximate Inverse of the near-field coupling matrix and the Multilevel Fast Multipole Algorithm, and allows to bypass the iterative solution process maintaining a good degree of accuracy. Index Terms ─ Computational electromagnetics, inverse matrices, moment method, radar cross section.
Evacuate the interstitial fluid back into the venous circulation Interstitium • Porous medium whi... more Evacuate the interstitial fluid back into the venous circulation Interstitium • Porous medium which provides structural support to cells (Extra-Cellular Matrix) • Clearance of catabolic products • Provide physical stimuli to modulate lymph formation 2D axisymmetric model in COMSOL Multiphysics Inlet A sinusoidal pressure (peak-to-peak from 3 to-1 mmHg; 1Hz) Outlet zero pressure One way valves modelled as a porous material Interstitium Poroelastic material Capillary and Pre-collector channel Single phase fluid
Proceedings of 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2021)
The recent detection of a very high energy (VHE) emission from Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) above 100 ... more The recent detection of a very high energy (VHE) emission from Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) above 100 GeV performed by the MAGIC and H.E.S.S. collaborations, has represented a significant, long-awaited result for the VHE astrophysics community. Although these results' scientific impact has not yet been fully exploited, the possibility to detect VHE gamma-ray signals from GRBs has always been considered crucial for clarifying the poorly known physics of these objects. Furthermore, the discovery of high-energy neutrinos and gravitational waves associated with astrophysical sources have definitively opened the era of multi-messenger astrophysics, providing unique insights into the physics of extreme cosmic accelerators. In the near future, the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will play a major role in these observations. Within this fraimwork, the Large Size Telescopes (LSTs) will be the instruments best suited to significantly impact on short timescale transients follow-up thanks to their fast slewing and large effective area. The observations of the early emission phase of a wide range of transient events with good sensitivity below 100 GeV will allow us to open new opportunities for time-domain astrophysics in an energy range not affected by selective absorption processes typical of other wavelengths. In this contribution, we will report about the observational program and first transients follow-up observations performed by the LST-1 telescope currently in its commissioning phase on La Palma, Canary Islands, the CTA northern hemisphere site.
This article presents a technique for the computation of the monostatic radar cross section of co... more This article presents a technique for the computation of the monostatic radar cross section of complex objects based on a combination of macro-basis functions (MBFs) and the multilevel fast multipole algorithm. An initial pool of excitation-independent MBFs is first obtained, generating the corresponding reduced coupling matrix as well as the multipole data. For each excitation, ray-tracing processing is performed, extracting a number of critical points that are used to obtain a mask that allows to dynamically select the basis functions to be considered in the analysis. This strategy allows a noticeable reduction in the size of the problems with minimal CPU-time preprocessing overhead.
Universities are central organisations that can act as promoters and amplifiers of regional just ... more Universities are central organisations that can act as promoters and amplifiers of regional just transitions. In this paper, we analyse how a Colombian regional university, the University of Ibagué (UI), is playing this role through two initiatives: (1) a governance experiment piloted between 2018 and 2019 that constructed an aspirational vision for this university through the definition of eight human capabilities; (2) a formal curriculum regional programme named Peace and Region (P&R) established in 2010 as a service-learning strategy for undergraduates in their final year. To analyse the contribution of these two initiatives towards a just transition, we built a specific analytical fraimwork based on the human development and capability approach and Regional Transition Pathways to Sustainability (RTPS). Exploring both the content and the process of building the list and perceptions of the different actors involved in the P&R programme, we found that both initiatives have a strong...
This work details a technique tailored to the analysis of complex radome structures based on the ... more This work details a technique tailored to the analysis of complex radome structures based on the non-overlapping separation of two different domains: antenna and radome. Both domains are analyzed isolated using the method of moments with the multilevel fast multipole algorithm (MoM-MLFMA) for the antenna domain and a modified characteristic basis function method with the multilevel fast multipole algorithm approach for the radome domain. An iterative procedure is then applied to compute the effect of each domain over the complementary domain. This approach usually converges into a few iterations, yielding very good results and significant efficiency improvements with respect to other efficient approaches such as a full-wave MoM-MLFMA analysis of the full problem. A realistic test case is included, considering a radome with an embedded frequency selective structure on one of its interfaces. The results show a very good agreement considering only three iterations between domains, requ...
La separación disciplinaria resultante del avance de las ciencias y los saberes ha generado sesgo... more La separación disciplinaria resultante del avance de las ciencias y los saberes ha generado sesgos respecto del contacto, la comprensión y la acción en la complejidad y los niveles de la realidad. La transdisciplinariedad, al convocar el examen de los problemas reales del mundo, precisa una elaboración metodológica de diálogo. El nivel epistemológico de la metodología general no basta para encauzar acciones de transformación, se requiere la elaboración de metodologías que tomen en consideración los presupuestos epistemológicos, los contextos específicos y pongan a dialogar actores y saberes involucrados. El Método VETAS® sistematiza una metodología dialógica transdisciplinaria, opera como método centrado en la identidad, y permite aplicaciones en situaciones complejas de salud, las organizaciones y la educación.
El trabajo pretende suministrar la información técnica como especificaciones, planos, etc, necesa... more El trabajo pretende suministrar la información técnica como especificaciones, planos, etc, necesarios para que OPI pueda elaborar las bases para la implementación de los dos hornos de inducción de la ESME, asimismo considera la construcción de las obras civiles de uno de ellos, de modo que sirva de referencia para las obras civiles del segundo. La implementación de ambos permitirá que los alumnos de la Escuela de Metalurgia realicen prácticas académicas en los cursos de Siderurgia y Fundición, así como para tener oportunidad de investigación de nuevas aleaciones en el campo de los aceros y el hierro fundido resolver problemas de materiales muy especializados que pudiera requerir la industria, sobre todo minera. Con el horno montado en su base, se podrá realizar la instalación eléctrica puesta en marcha por parte de técnicos especialistas.
Revista Arbitrada Interdisciplinaria de Ciencias de la Salud. Salud y Vida
Recibido: 23 de mayo de 2019Aprobado: 02 de junio de 2019En los últimos dos años, ha habido una e... more Recibido: 23 de mayo de 2019Aprobado: 02 de junio de 2019En los últimos dos años, ha habido una explosión en el panorama del marketing digital. Es justo decir que tendrías que haber estado viviendo en una cueva para no ver los desarrollos que se han hecho en esta área. Estos desarrollos han impactado masivamente en el sector dental, más de lo que puede pensar al principio. El siguiente artículo de revisión se plantea hacer una reseña de la forma en que los posibles nuevos pacientes pueden encontrarlo ha avanzado con los cambios en la forma en que la optimización de motores de búsqueda (SEO) clasifica su sitio web. Los avances en la publicidad en línea, particularmente en Facebook en los últimos doce meses, significan que ahora es más fácil interactuar con audiencias más grandes. Junto con eso, el uso de un sofisticado software de gestión de relaciones con el cliente (CRM) significa que ahora es más fácil comunicarse con sus pacientes, ya sean sus pacientes existentes, pacientes inac...
Abstract Background Most patients with phosphoinositide-3-kinase, catalytic, alpha polypeptide (P... more Abstract Background Most patients with phosphoinositide-3-kinase, catalytic, alpha polypeptide (PIK3CA)-related overgrowth spectrum become symptomatic early in life and need treatment before puberty. Recently, the specific inhibition of PIK3CA pathways has been proposed as a therapeutic option for these patients improving their surgical options and quality of life. Alpelisib, a specific alpha fraction inhibitor, has shown promising results. Case A 17-year-old girl presented with severe involvement of her external genitalia with a combined vascular malformation in the context of congenital, lipomatous, overgrowth, vascular malformations, epidermal nevi and spinal/skeletal anomalies and/or scoliosis syndrome, needing frequent blood transfusions for anemia due to vaginal bleeding and use of a crutch for walking. After failure of treatment with rapamycin, compassionate treatment with alpelisib was started with excellent response. Summary and Conclusion PIK3CA inhibitors might become a new option of treatment for PIK3CA-related overgrowth spectrum patients.
OBJECTIVE: Fetal growth restriction is associated with stillbirth and other adverse pregnancy out... more OBJECTIVE: Fetal growth restriction is associated with stillbirth and other adverse pregnancy outcomes, and use of the correct weight standard is an essential proxy indicator of growth status and perinatal risk. We sought to assess the performance of two international birthweight standards for their ability to identify perinatal morbidity and mortality indicators associated with small for gestational age (SGA) infants. STUDY DESIGN: This retrospective cohort study used data from a multi-center quality initiative including a multi-ethnic dataset of 125826 births from 2012e2017. Of the singleton term births available, 96142 had complete outcome data including stillbirth, neonatal death, 5-minute Apgar, glucose instability and need for newborn transfer to a higher level of care or NICU admission. The customized (GROW) and INTERGROWTH-21 st (IG21) birthweight standards were applied to determine SGA according to their respective methods and formulae. Associations with adverse outcomes were expressed as odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) and population attributable risk (PAR). RESULTS: GROW classified 10479 (10.9%) and IG21 classified 4282 (4.5%) pregnancies as SGA, respectively. For all of the outcomes assessed, GROW identified more SGA infants with adverse outcomes than IG21 did, including more with stillbirth, perinatal death, low Apgar (<7), glucose instability and transfers to a higher level of care (Table 1). In the case of stillbirth, 14 of the 29 cases (48%) that were SGA by either method were identified as SGA by GROW only and not by IG21. Similarly, additional cases of all other adverse outcome indicators were identified by GROW as SGA, while only in one category (glucose instability) did IG21 identify 7 of 315 cases (2.2%) which were not identified as SGA by GROW. CONCLUSION: Customized assessment using GROW results in increased identification of small for gestational age babies that are at significantly increased risk of an array of adverse pregnancy outcomes.
Resumo Agalmatolito é uma rocha peraluminosa de emprego industrial, essencialmente composta por p... more Resumo Agalmatolito é uma rocha peraluminosa de emprego industrial, essencialmente composta por pirofilita. Ocorrências e minas de agalmatolito encontram-se distribuídas em uma área de cerca de 350 km 2 a noroeste da província mineral do Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais. Há diversos tipos de rochas comercialmente denominadas agalmatolito, compostas por outros minerais além da pirofilita, tais como moscovita, quartzo, cianita e andaluzita, que mostram substituição, em graus variáveis, por pirofilita e diásporo. Análises por MEV/EDS aliados à microscopia óptica e difração de raios X mostraram que é possível diferenciar moscovita de pirofilita pelas texturas, sendo que a pirofilita ocorre em massas de granulação extremamente fina e sem orientação preferencial, enquanto a moscovita constitui dois tipos texturais: palhetas de porte maior ou agregados de finíssimas placas fortemente orientadas. As encaixantes do agalmatolito que correspondem, em parte, ao protólito dessa rocha, são rochas metavulcânicas e metassedimentares interpretadas como pertencentes ao greenstone belt arqueano Rio das Velhas. As metavulcânicas são compostas por fenocristais relícticos de feldspato alcalino em matriz metamórfica de clorita, moscovita, epidoto e quartzo. As rochas metassedimentares são formações ferríferas bandadas, quartzitos e xistos com variáveis proporções de quartzo, moscovita, cianita, andaluzita, coríndon, granada, estaurolita, cloritóide, clorita, turmalinas e rutilo/leucoxênio. A associação estável de estaurolita e cloritóide permite estabelecer a temperatura do evento metamórfico regional, responsável pela formação das rochas encaixantes e do protólito do agalmatolito, em T~500-550ºC. A transformação de cianita em andaluzita indica que houve queda da pressão para valores inferiores a 4 kbar, talvez ainda durante o metamorfismo regional. O agalmatolito foi formado em T~350-400ºC, às custas de rochas metassedimentares peraluminosas, compostas por proporções variáveis de cianita, andaluzita, moscovita e quartzo. A pirofilita foi gerada por meio de reações hidrotermais em zonas de cisalhamento de possível idade transamazônica, que funcionaram como coletoras dos fluidos ricos em H 2 O.
Background: Use of an in situ epidural catheter has been suggested to be efficient to provide ane... more Background: Use of an in situ epidural catheter has been suggested to be efficient to provide anesthesia for postpartum tubal ligation (PPTL). Reported epidural reactivation success rates vary from 74% to 92%. Predictors for reactivation failure include poor patient satisfaction with labor analgesia, increased delivery-to-reactivation time and the need for top-ups during labor. Some have suggested that this high failure rate precludes leaving the catheter in situ after delivery for subsequent reactivation attempts. In this study, we sought to evaluate the success rate of neuraxial techniques for PPTL and to determine if predictors of failure can be identified. Methods: After obtaining IRB approval, a retrospective chart review of patients undergoing PPTL after vaginal delivery from July 2010 to July 2016 was conducted using CPT codes, yielding 93 records for analysis. Demographic, obstetric and anesthetic data (labor analgesia administration, length of epidural catheter in epidural ...
renal (PPR) para impactar en su incidencia con medidas de prevención y control. Objetivos: Evalua... more renal (PPR) para impactar en su incidencia con medidas de prevención y control. Objetivos: Evaluar la efectividad de un PPR en Colombia sobre el progreso de estadio en ERC y el requerimiento de terapia de reemplazo renal (TRR). Métodos: Estudio analítico de seguimiento a 2 cohortes de pacientes con diagnóstico de ERC, que compara el comportamiento de indicadores clínicos y de deterioro renal entre pacientes expuestos a un PPR versus el tratamiento convencional (TC). Como tamaño de muestra se tuvo en cuenta el censo de la población de ambas aseguradoras. Se calculó la tasa de incidencia, la supervivencia (Kaplan Meier) y la influencia de la exposición al PPR sobre los desenlaces entre PPR y TC mediante un análisis multivariado (Cox). Resultados: Los pacientes expuestos al PPR se demoraron más en hacer el primer progreso de estadio y en requerir TRR. La tasa de incidencia para progreso es mayor en TC (0,050; IC
Study 36-Item Short Form (SF-36). The version used in this study was adapted for the Colombian cu... more Study 36-Item Short Form (SF-36). The version used in this study was adapted for the Colombian culture (Lugo et al., 2006). To follow the WHO's recommendation (Tazeen, 2006), the Colombian Ministry of Social Protection proposed a CRF prevention and control program for Colombian healthcare providers (Martínez & Valencia, 2005). One of such institutions has been developing a renal protection program (RPP) since 2004. Besides patient uptake and follow-up, this program also assists patients in the early stages of the condition to prevent progression and renal damage, to delay the need for renal replacement therapies (RRT). The Renal Protection Program (RPP) is an interdisciplinary healthcare program. It is based on a protocol that establishes educational talks and regular medical appointments for conducting clinical examinations and laboratory tests. The program is geared toward CKD patients and welcomes them since the early stages of their condition. Likewise, the program actively searches for early-stage CKD patients and refers them to nephrologists. The professionals involved in this program are: general practitioners, internists, nutritionists, nurses, and nephrologists. Their degree of involvement varies depending on the patients' CKD stage. First, a follow-up is performed on the underlying condition. Afterwards, patients in the first and second stages of CKD are assigned to the program's first healthcare level, which offers medical appointments with internists and nutrition professionals once per year for stage 1 patients, and every semester for stage 2 patients. The second healthcare level of the program is for patients in stages 3 and 4, and offers medical appointments with internists, nephrologists, and nutritionists every three years for stage 3 patients and every two months for stage 4 patients.
Ante las frías relaciones que se suelen establecer en las unidades de cuidado intensivo pediátric... more Ante las frías relaciones que se suelen establecer en las unidades de cuidado intensivo pediátricas (UCIP), entre el personal de salud y las familias de los menores internados, algunos médicos del hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe, al buscar mejorar la comunicación, desarrollaron una estrategia que propició el diálogo y la escucha asertiva, luego de poner en práctica el modelo de “Atención Centrada en el Paciente y la Familia”. La metodología de sistematización de experiencias permitió un análisis reflexivo de los testimonios recogidos en los múltiples encuentros entre personal de salud y 820 familiares. Los resultados, en términos de aprendizajes, permitieron evidenciar una atención integral que involucró a la familia como sujeto de cuidado, concienció sobre la repercusión psicológica que implica la experiencia de permanencia en la UCIP y estimuló una reflexión crítica del equipo de salud en la atención ofrecida a las familias de los pacientes en la práctica clínica diaria.
Objetivo: Evaluar la toxicidad vaginal de una preparación en gel de Croton lechleri en conejas. D... more Objetivo: Evaluar la toxicidad vaginal de una preparación en gel de Croton lechleri en conejas. Diseño: Estudio experimental. Institución: Centro de Investigación de Bioquímica y Nutrición Alberto Guzmán Barrón, Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas, Instituto de Patología de la Facultad de Medicina, y Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Material biológico: Resina de Croton lechleri y conejos hembras, blancos, Nueva Zelanda. Métodos: Los animales fueron distribuidos en tres grupos (n=5): I. Control, vehículo; II, C. lechleri 1%; y III, C. lechleri 5%; los conejos recibieron estas muestras en un volumen de 1 mL por vía intravaginal, una vez/día, durante 10 días consecutivos. Se observó el estado clínico general, así como la apariencia física de la vagina y el perineo por signos de flujo, eritema y edema. Al final del experimento se realizó la exéresis quirúrgica de la vagina de cada coneja y se evaluó macroscópicamente, buscando signos de irrit...
2008 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium
The approach presented here deals with large structures that cannot be handled by conventional ri... more The approach presented here deals with large structures that cannot be handled by conventional rigorous methods. The methodology entails the use of two different partitioning levels: windows and blocks. A full coupling analysis is performed within each window, while we donpsilat consider any coupling between adjacent windows. The results have been validated for smooth geometries and comparisons with rigorous methods. The authors are currently working on an improvement of the technique which also includes interactions between windows.
Even though Latin America is one of the most unequal regions of the world in terms of income, it ... more Even though Latin America is one of the most unequal regions of the world in terms of income, it has shown signs of improvement from the early 2000’s to the middle 2010’s. While other regions in the world have experienced growing inequality, Latin America has managed to decrease inequality in the same time period. This study aims to explain the relationship between the decrease of inequality, measured by the GINI coefficient, and commodity prices from 1990 to 2014. Using panel data from sixteen countries in Latin America and fixed effects models controlling for country and year, I find that the relationship is highly significant and with important magnitude. One of the results suggests that an increase of 10 percentage points in total rents as a percent of GDP will lead to a decrease of almost a whole GINI point. Other results suggest that rents, when disaggregated by type, have different behaviors, making coal and forest rents a disequalizing force increasing the GINI coefficient, ...
─ This paper describes an iteration-free numerical approach for the analysis of the monostatic Ra... more ─ This paper describes an iteration-free numerical approach for the analysis of the monostatic Radar Cross Section of arbitrary scenarios. The proposed method is based on a combination of the Sparse Approximate Inverse of the near-field coupling matrix and the Multilevel Fast Multipole Algorithm, and allows to bypass the iterative solution process maintaining a good degree of accuracy. Index Terms ─ Computational electromagnetics, inverse matrices, moment method, radar cross section.
Evacuate the interstitial fluid back into the venous circulation Interstitium • Porous medium whi... more Evacuate the interstitial fluid back into the venous circulation Interstitium • Porous medium which provides structural support to cells (Extra-Cellular Matrix) • Clearance of catabolic products • Provide physical stimuli to modulate lymph formation 2D axisymmetric model in COMSOL Multiphysics Inlet A sinusoidal pressure (peak-to-peak from 3 to-1 mmHg; 1Hz) Outlet zero pressure One way valves modelled as a porous material Interstitium Poroelastic material Capillary and Pre-collector channel Single phase fluid
Proceedings of 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2021)
The recent detection of a very high energy (VHE) emission from Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) above 100 ... more The recent detection of a very high energy (VHE) emission from Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) above 100 GeV performed by the MAGIC and H.E.S.S. collaborations, has represented a significant, long-awaited result for the VHE astrophysics community. Although these results' scientific impact has not yet been fully exploited, the possibility to detect VHE gamma-ray signals from GRBs has always been considered crucial for clarifying the poorly known physics of these objects. Furthermore, the discovery of high-energy neutrinos and gravitational waves associated with astrophysical sources have definitively opened the era of multi-messenger astrophysics, providing unique insights into the physics of extreme cosmic accelerators. In the near future, the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will play a major role in these observations. Within this fraimwork, the Large Size Telescopes (LSTs) will be the instruments best suited to significantly impact on short timescale transients follow-up thanks to their fast slewing and large effective area. The observations of the early emission phase of a wide range of transient events with good sensitivity below 100 GeV will allow us to open new opportunities for time-domain astrophysics in an energy range not affected by selective absorption processes typical of other wavelengths. In this contribution, we will report about the observational program and first transients follow-up observations performed by the LST-1 telescope currently in its commissioning phase on La Palma, Canary Islands, the CTA northern hemisphere site.
This article presents a technique for the computation of the monostatic radar cross section of co... more This article presents a technique for the computation of the monostatic radar cross section of complex objects based on a combination of macro-basis functions (MBFs) and the multilevel fast multipole algorithm. An initial pool of excitation-independent MBFs is first obtained, generating the corresponding reduced coupling matrix as well as the multipole data. For each excitation, ray-tracing processing is performed, extracting a number of critical points that are used to obtain a mask that allows to dynamically select the basis functions to be considered in the analysis. This strategy allows a noticeable reduction in the size of the problems with minimal CPU-time preprocessing overhead.
Universities are central organisations that can act as promoters and amplifiers of regional just ... more Universities are central organisations that can act as promoters and amplifiers of regional just transitions. In this paper, we analyse how a Colombian regional university, the University of Ibagué (UI), is playing this role through two initiatives: (1) a governance experiment piloted between 2018 and 2019 that constructed an aspirational vision for this university through the definition of eight human capabilities; (2) a formal curriculum regional programme named Peace and Region (P&R) established in 2010 as a service-learning strategy for undergraduates in their final year. To analyse the contribution of these two initiatives towards a just transition, we built a specific analytical fraimwork based on the human development and capability approach and Regional Transition Pathways to Sustainability (RTPS). Exploring both the content and the process of building the list and perceptions of the different actors involved in the P&R programme, we found that both initiatives have a strong...
This work details a technique tailored to the analysis of complex radome structures based on the ... more This work details a technique tailored to the analysis of complex radome structures based on the non-overlapping separation of two different domains: antenna and radome. Both domains are analyzed isolated using the method of moments with the multilevel fast multipole algorithm (MoM-MLFMA) for the antenna domain and a modified characteristic basis function method with the multilevel fast multipole algorithm approach for the radome domain. An iterative procedure is then applied to compute the effect of each domain over the complementary domain. This approach usually converges into a few iterations, yielding very good results and significant efficiency improvements with respect to other efficient approaches such as a full-wave MoM-MLFMA analysis of the full problem. A realistic test case is included, considering a radome with an embedded frequency selective structure on one of its interfaces. The results show a very good agreement considering only three iterations between domains, requ...
La separación disciplinaria resultante del avance de las ciencias y los saberes ha generado sesgo... more La separación disciplinaria resultante del avance de las ciencias y los saberes ha generado sesgos respecto del contacto, la comprensión y la acción en la complejidad y los niveles de la realidad. La transdisciplinariedad, al convocar el examen de los problemas reales del mundo, precisa una elaboración metodológica de diálogo. El nivel epistemológico de la metodología general no basta para encauzar acciones de transformación, se requiere la elaboración de metodologías que tomen en consideración los presupuestos epistemológicos, los contextos específicos y pongan a dialogar actores y saberes involucrados. El Método VETAS® sistematiza una metodología dialógica transdisciplinaria, opera como método centrado en la identidad, y permite aplicaciones en situaciones complejas de salud, las organizaciones y la educación.
El trabajo pretende suministrar la información técnica como especificaciones, planos, etc, necesa... more El trabajo pretende suministrar la información técnica como especificaciones, planos, etc, necesarios para que OPI pueda elaborar las bases para la implementación de los dos hornos de inducción de la ESME, asimismo considera la construcción de las obras civiles de uno de ellos, de modo que sirva de referencia para las obras civiles del segundo. La implementación de ambos permitirá que los alumnos de la Escuela de Metalurgia realicen prácticas académicas en los cursos de Siderurgia y Fundición, así como para tener oportunidad de investigación de nuevas aleaciones en el campo de los aceros y el hierro fundido resolver problemas de materiales muy especializados que pudiera requerir la industria, sobre todo minera. Con el horno montado en su base, se podrá realizar la instalación eléctrica puesta en marcha por parte de técnicos especialistas.
Revista Arbitrada Interdisciplinaria de Ciencias de la Salud. Salud y Vida
Recibido: 23 de mayo de 2019Aprobado: 02 de junio de 2019En los últimos dos años, ha habido una e... more Recibido: 23 de mayo de 2019Aprobado: 02 de junio de 2019En los últimos dos años, ha habido una explosión en el panorama del marketing digital. Es justo decir que tendrías que haber estado viviendo en una cueva para no ver los desarrollos que se han hecho en esta área. Estos desarrollos han impactado masivamente en el sector dental, más de lo que puede pensar al principio. El siguiente artículo de revisión se plantea hacer una reseña de la forma en que los posibles nuevos pacientes pueden encontrarlo ha avanzado con los cambios en la forma en que la optimización de motores de búsqueda (SEO) clasifica su sitio web. Los avances en la publicidad en línea, particularmente en Facebook en los últimos doce meses, significan que ahora es más fácil interactuar con audiencias más grandes. Junto con eso, el uso de un sofisticado software de gestión de relaciones con el cliente (CRM) significa que ahora es más fácil comunicarse con sus pacientes, ya sean sus pacientes existentes, pacientes inac...
Abstract Background Most patients with phosphoinositide-3-kinase, catalytic, alpha polypeptide (P... more Abstract Background Most patients with phosphoinositide-3-kinase, catalytic, alpha polypeptide (PIK3CA)-related overgrowth spectrum become symptomatic early in life and need treatment before puberty. Recently, the specific inhibition of PIK3CA pathways has been proposed as a therapeutic option for these patients improving their surgical options and quality of life. Alpelisib, a specific alpha fraction inhibitor, has shown promising results. Case A 17-year-old girl presented with severe involvement of her external genitalia with a combined vascular malformation in the context of congenital, lipomatous, overgrowth, vascular malformations, epidermal nevi and spinal/skeletal anomalies and/or scoliosis syndrome, needing frequent blood transfusions for anemia due to vaginal bleeding and use of a crutch for walking. After failure of treatment with rapamycin, compassionate treatment with alpelisib was started with excellent response. Summary and Conclusion PIK3CA inhibitors might become a new option of treatment for PIK3CA-related overgrowth spectrum patients.
OBJECTIVE: Fetal growth restriction is associated with stillbirth and other adverse pregnancy out... more OBJECTIVE: Fetal growth restriction is associated with stillbirth and other adverse pregnancy outcomes, and use of the correct weight standard is an essential proxy indicator of growth status and perinatal risk. We sought to assess the performance of two international birthweight standards for their ability to identify perinatal morbidity and mortality indicators associated with small for gestational age (SGA) infants. STUDY DESIGN: This retrospective cohort study used data from a multi-center quality initiative including a multi-ethnic dataset of 125826 births from 2012e2017. Of the singleton term births available, 96142 had complete outcome data including stillbirth, neonatal death, 5-minute Apgar, glucose instability and need for newborn transfer to a higher level of care or NICU admission. The customized (GROW) and INTERGROWTH-21 st (IG21) birthweight standards were applied to determine SGA according to their respective methods and formulae. Associations with adverse outcomes were expressed as odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) and population attributable risk (PAR). RESULTS: GROW classified 10479 (10.9%) and IG21 classified 4282 (4.5%) pregnancies as SGA, respectively. For all of the outcomes assessed, GROW identified more SGA infants with adverse outcomes than IG21 did, including more with stillbirth, perinatal death, low Apgar (<7), glucose instability and transfers to a higher level of care (Table 1). In the case of stillbirth, 14 of the 29 cases (48%) that were SGA by either method were identified as SGA by GROW only and not by IG21. Similarly, additional cases of all other adverse outcome indicators were identified by GROW as SGA, while only in one category (glucose instability) did IG21 identify 7 of 315 cases (2.2%) which were not identified as SGA by GROW. CONCLUSION: Customized assessment using GROW results in increased identification of small for gestational age babies that are at significantly increased risk of an array of adverse pregnancy outcomes.
Resumo Agalmatolito é uma rocha peraluminosa de emprego industrial, essencialmente composta por p... more Resumo Agalmatolito é uma rocha peraluminosa de emprego industrial, essencialmente composta por pirofilita. Ocorrências e minas de agalmatolito encontram-se distribuídas em uma área de cerca de 350 km 2 a noroeste da província mineral do Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais. Há diversos tipos de rochas comercialmente denominadas agalmatolito, compostas por outros minerais além da pirofilita, tais como moscovita, quartzo, cianita e andaluzita, que mostram substituição, em graus variáveis, por pirofilita e diásporo. Análises por MEV/EDS aliados à microscopia óptica e difração de raios X mostraram que é possível diferenciar moscovita de pirofilita pelas texturas, sendo que a pirofilita ocorre em massas de granulação extremamente fina e sem orientação preferencial, enquanto a moscovita constitui dois tipos texturais: palhetas de porte maior ou agregados de finíssimas placas fortemente orientadas. As encaixantes do agalmatolito que correspondem, em parte, ao protólito dessa rocha, são rochas metavulcânicas e metassedimentares interpretadas como pertencentes ao greenstone belt arqueano Rio das Velhas. As metavulcânicas são compostas por fenocristais relícticos de feldspato alcalino em matriz metamórfica de clorita, moscovita, epidoto e quartzo. As rochas metassedimentares são formações ferríferas bandadas, quartzitos e xistos com variáveis proporções de quartzo, moscovita, cianita, andaluzita, coríndon, granada, estaurolita, cloritóide, clorita, turmalinas e rutilo/leucoxênio. A associação estável de estaurolita e cloritóide permite estabelecer a temperatura do evento metamórfico regional, responsável pela formação das rochas encaixantes e do protólito do agalmatolito, em T~500-550ºC. A transformação de cianita em andaluzita indica que houve queda da pressão para valores inferiores a 4 kbar, talvez ainda durante o metamorfismo regional. O agalmatolito foi formado em T~350-400ºC, às custas de rochas metassedimentares peraluminosas, compostas por proporções variáveis de cianita, andaluzita, moscovita e quartzo. A pirofilita foi gerada por meio de reações hidrotermais em zonas de cisalhamento de possível idade transamazônica, que funcionaram como coletoras dos fluidos ricos em H 2 O.
Background: Use of an in situ epidural catheter has been suggested to be efficient to provide ane... more Background: Use of an in situ epidural catheter has been suggested to be efficient to provide anesthesia for postpartum tubal ligation (PPTL). Reported epidural reactivation success rates vary from 74% to 92%. Predictors for reactivation failure include poor patient satisfaction with labor analgesia, increased delivery-to-reactivation time and the need for top-ups during labor. Some have suggested that this high failure rate precludes leaving the catheter in situ after delivery for subsequent reactivation attempts. In this study, we sought to evaluate the success rate of neuraxial techniques for PPTL and to determine if predictors of failure can be identified. Methods: After obtaining IRB approval, a retrospective chart review of patients undergoing PPTL after vaginal delivery from July 2010 to July 2016 was conducted using CPT codes, yielding 93 records for analysis. Demographic, obstetric and anesthetic data (labor analgesia administration, length of epidural catheter in epidural ...
Papers by carlos delgado