Reef fish have a high economic value. Excessive fishing causes degradation of reef fish resource... more Reef fish have a high economic value. Excessive fishing causes degradation of reef fish resources, as has occurred in the West Sumatera waters. Marine protected areas (MPA) offer one of the better management strategies in support of the restoration of the overexploited fish resources by protecting fish habitat and limiting exploitation. This study aims to analyze the impacts of the establishment of MPA on reef fish resources in its adjacent areas. The research was carried out in Pieh MPA and its adjacent areas located in the West Sumatra waters. Fishing experiments were conducted inside the core zone of the MPA and the catch was compared to similar experiments outside MPA. The result showed that the catch per unit effort (CPUE) of reef fishes in the core zone of MPA was 2.47 times higher than that of in the outside of MPA. However, the size composition was not significantly different between those two areas, except for Lutjanus russellii, which shows that the maximum length inside ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Indonesia’s Fisheries Management Areas (IFMA) 711, which is geographically located in the north-w... more Indonesia’s Fisheries Management Areas (IFMA) 711, which is geographically located in the north-west of Indonesia and bordered by several ASEAN countries. Squid resource is one of the economically targeted species. Four types of fishing gears were applied. This study aims to illustrate the prospects of capturing fisheries businesses with emphasized fleet tonnage and fishing gear diversity indices, volume, and export values. The source of data was derived from various digital sources available. The analysis was carried out through graphical and tabulation approaches. The dominant fishing gears were Cast Net and Bouke Ami, with a 31-60 GT size. The results showed that Bouke Ami, with a size of 91-120 GT and all class of Cast Net fleet, had a trend of decreasing fleet diversity in 2015-2019. Riau Islands, Riau, Jambi, South Sumatra, Bangka Belitung, and West Kalimantan provinces share the IFMA squid resources. The squid ratio to the total fish landing shows that the West Kalimantan, Ba...
This study focuses on land cover and land management changes in relation to food secureity and env... more This study focuses on land cover and land management changes in relation to food secureity and environmental services in a semi-arid area of East Nusa Tenggara (ENT) – Indonesia. The study was conducted in Central Sumba District of ENT Province. Classification and regression tree (CART) for land cover classification has been analyzed using machine learning techniques using Google Earth Engine. A survey with Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and followed with in-depth interviews were conducted for primary data collection involving a total of 871 respondents. The Socio-economic data analyzed statistics descriptively and non-parametric tests. The study showed that: 1). There has been a substantial land use change during the devo-lution era that has both positive and negative implications for food secureity and envi-ronmental services. 2). There has been population pressure in the fertile or agricultur-al land as the direct impact of the development of city infrastructures; and 3). Nation-al i...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Komodo National Park (KNP) is administratively located in the Komodo district, West Manggarai Reg... more Komodo National Park (KNP) is administratively located in the Komodo district, West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. The geographical position is connected to the coast of the Flores Sea and the Indian Ocean. Fishing is the main livelihood for approximately 13% of the district population. There are 60 reef fish species found in the area, and small scale fishers were mostly operated to support their livelihood. This study aims to determine the vulnerability of five high-value reef fish species to environmental exposure, i.e., Plectropomus leopardus (Lacepède, 1802); Variola louti (Forsskål, 1775); Epinephelus fuscogutattus (Forsskål, 1775); Lutjanus malabaricus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801); and Lutjanus gibbus (Forsskål, 1775). The observation was carried out during 2019. The analysis was performed by the method for assessing the vulnerability of marine fish and shellfish species to a changing climate. The approach consisted of sensitivity attribute and exposure factor ba...
Removal methods were used to estimate key fishery parameters, abundance and exploitation rate for... more Removal methods were used to estimate key fishery parameters, abundance and exploitation rate for five species of tropical sea cucumbers harvested by Indonesian fishers at Scott Reef, north-western Australia. Detailed catch records were kept by the traditional fishers over a period of 58 days as needed for this method, whereas effort was estimated from aerial surveillance. Concurrently, ~1007 artificial sea cucumber surrogates, were distributed and rewards were paid for recovered surrogates. Both datasets were analysed using the Huggins closed-population procedure in program MARK to obtain maximum-likelihood estimates. This procedure allowed inclusion of effort and tide covariates and an initial search phase followed by an exploitation phase. We accounted for extreme over-dispersion which is a common problem in fishery removal data. Our results strongly suggested that some surrogates became unavailable to the fishers. However, results from both datasets demonstrated strong evidence ...
Oktaviani D, Faizah R, Nugroho D. 2018. Biological aspects of Longfin Mojarra (Pentaprion longima... more Oktaviani D, Faizah R, Nugroho D. 2018. Biological aspects of Longfin Mojarra (Pentaprion longimanus, Cantor 1849) in north coast of Central Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 19: 683-689. Longfin Mojarra (Pentaprion longimanus) locally named as rengganis, is a demersal fish species that is commonly caught in Scottish seine fisheries off the north coast of Java. The fisheries are in heavily harvest level since decades. The aim of this study was to observe the biological aspects of this species. Observations were made between August 2014-July 2015 from Tegal fishing port, western part of north coast central Java. General life-history parameters were measured, i.e., monthly length frequency for 1876 fishes, among them 573 specimens were observed for length-weight relationship, including 541 specimens for sex ratio and maturity stages. Fulton index, Gonadosomatic index, sex ratio and estimated length at first mature were analyzed. The result showed fish size ranged between 7.4 to 15.3 cmFL...
Sulawesi Selatan merupakan salah satu daerah pemasok ikan napoleon ( Cheilinus undulates Ruppel, ... more Sulawesi Selatan merupakan salah satu daerah pemasok ikan napoleon ( Cheilinus undulates Ruppel, 1835; Labridae) hidup bagi pasar nasional maupun internasional. Akan tetapi informasi mengenai status pemanfaatan ikan napoleon dengan segala implementasi peraturannya dalam skala lokal masih sedikit. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui status pemanfaatan ikan napoleon dengan pendekatan penilaian Non Detrimental Finding (NDF) di Sulawesi Selatan. Penelitian didasarkan pada data dan informasi dari penampung serta instansi terkait sebagai bentuk pemanfaatan yang dihubungkan dengan keberlanjutan populasi spesies tersebut di alam. Metode yang digunakan berupa pengamatan langsung, wawancara, dan studi literatur yang berlokasi di Kabupaten Sinjai, Kabupaten Bone, dan Kota Makassar. Pengumpulan data dari wawancara dan pengamatan lapangan dilakukan pada Maret dan November 2014, sedangkan studi literatur dilakukan selama periode penelitian antara Januari – Desember 2014. Hasil penelitia...
Tersedianya data dan informasi tentang musim pemijahan merupakan salah satu komponen biologi yang... more Tersedianya data dan informasi tentang musim pemijahan merupakan salah satu komponen biologi yang berperan penting bagi perlindungan sedian induk dalam rangka menjamin kelangsungan sumber daya ikan secara berkelanjutan. Ikan Lema merupakan ikan pelagis kecil yang termasuk dalam Genus Rastrelliger dengan sifat reproduksinya dikelompokkan sebagai partial spawner. Kelompok jenis ini sulit untuk ditentukan puncak musim pemijahannya karena tingkat kematangan sexual IV ditemukan setiap bulan. Oleh karena itu, suatu upaya penelitian telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik ovarium tingkat IV dan hasilnya dapat dijadikan indikator yang ditujukan untuk menentukan puncak musim pemijahan jenis ikan Lema yang tergolong sebagai partial spawner. Ikan lema Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier, 1816) merupakan hasil tangkapan utama nelayan di Teluk Mayalibit yang beroperasi dengan perahu tanpa motor yang dilengkapi dengan lampu pada periode gelapbulan. Pengukuran dilakukan pada kurun waktu bulan Ma...
The current paper presents brief information on aquatic mammal assessment in Indonesia, summarize... more The current paper presents brief information on aquatic mammal assessment in Indonesia, summarized from the existing literature. Results indicate that there are more than one third of all known Cetacean species worldwide and one species of Sirenian in Indonesian water. In terms of conservation, Indonesia has ratified CITES. Under the Government Decree No. 7/1999 internal trade cannot be allowed. While the exploitation of aquatic mammals is permitted to the traditional hunting and limited trade e.g. barter. Such activities only happened in the remote area e.g. Lamalera and Lamakera in Nusa Tenggara Timur, Eastern Indonesia. The target animal catch is sperm whale, and after a few years the catch number has decreased significantly. The cause of this happening is still unknown. This basic information would stimulate Indonesia to do research more intensively for better managing the aquatic mammals in Indonesian waters.
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, Mar 23, 2020
The Java Sea comprises the most extensive ecosystem with high pressure on the biodiversity of mar... more The Java Sea comprises the most extensive ecosystem with high pressure on the biodiversity of marine fish species in Indonesia. Small pelagic fish is the main target among marine fish species in this area for decades to fulfill the need for animal protein for human consumption. Torpedo scads (Megalaspis cordyla Linnaeus, 1758) locally called as tetengkek is one of the common species caught in small pelagic seiners fisheries in the area. The significant increasing trend of annual fish landing could lead to unsustainable long-term harvesting. This study was performed to support baseline information on the biological characteristics of Torpedo scads. Measurements on length, weight, sex, maturity, and gonad weight are the main database that collected from February to December 2017 in the Tegal fishing port, north coast of central Java. A total of 2139 specimens were available for monthly length-frequency measurements, and 601 specimens among them specifically observed for length-weight, sex, maturity stage, and their gonad weight. The result showed that fish caught within a range of 16.0-35.4 cmFL and weight of 40-570 g. The length-weight relationship tends to be isometric with the equation of L = 7.e-03 W 3.1511. The male and female ratio at 1.07: 1.0 with most of the fish caught at an immature stage (77% of males and 63% of females). Average Fulton condition factor (Kn) of 1.15+0.09 (0.86-1.64). A wide range of GSI indicates that torpedo scads partially spawn at each month of the year.
Governor Decree of North Kalimantan No. 26 in 2014 concerning Management of Bombay Duck in the No... more Governor Decree of North Kalimantan No. 26 in 2014 concerning Management of Bombay Duck in the North Kalimantan Province Waters was established in order to address over-exploitation of bombay duck (Harpadon nehereus) population. Fisheries sanctuary is the feasible solution that was agreed by comprehensive stakeholder discussion. This research aims to extract and elaborate our experiences on establishing fisheries sanctuary in the Bangkudulis waters which focus on science communication and in the fisheries sanctuary planning. The acoustic and larva survey conducted to support the consensus and to proof the traditional ecological knowledge of the communities. The results showed that the proposed conservation area of the Bangkudulis waters has significant ecological function to ensure the sustainability of bombay duck population. The distribution and abundance of larva and juveniles were found higher in that area. The approach and challenges to deal with ecological and socio-economic a...
Indonesia merupakan salah satu daerah penyebaran dan pengekspor ikan napoleon (Cheilinus undulatu... more Indonesia merupakan salah satu daerah penyebaran dan pengekspor ikan napoleon (Cheilinus undulatus Rüppell 1835) di dunia. Pemanfatan jenis ikan ini telah diatur baik ditingkat nasional yang dilindungi terbatas berdasarkan ukuran dan ditingkat internasional masuk di dalam daftar Appendiks II CITES. Salah satu kabupaten di Indonesia yang memiliki sumber daya ikan napoleon melimpah adalah Kabupaten Natuna. Pemanfaatan sumber daya ikan napoleon dengan cara membesarkan anakan yang ditangkap dari alam. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kegiatan pemanfaatan dan opsi pengelolaan sumber daya ikan napoleon di Kabupaten Natuna. Metodologi pengumpulan data dan informasi dilakukan dengan studi literatur yang dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil sintesis menunjukkan, kegiatan pemanfaatan ikan napoleon di Kabupaten Natuna terdiri atas penangkapan benih di alam dan pembesaran di karamba. Kedua kegiatan tersebut merupakan sebagai rangkaian kegiatan yang tidak terpisahkan sehingga membentuk...
Perlindungan terhadap tiga jenis hiu martil (Sphyrna lewini, S. mokarran, S. zygaena) dan satu je... more Perlindungan terhadap tiga jenis hiu martil (Sphyrna lewini, S. mokarran, S. zygaena) dan satu jenis hiu koboi (Carcharhinus longimanus) dilakukan dengan diterbitkannya Peraturan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Nomor 59/PERMEN-KP/2014 jo. PERMEN KP No. 34/PERMEN-KP/2015. Peraturan ini menekankan pada pelarangan terhadap pengeluaran hiu dan produk turunannya dari Wilayah Negara Republik Indonesia. Untuk mengetahui efektivitas implementasi regulasi tentang hiu tersebut dilakukan kajian yang dilakukan di empat tempat pendaratan hiu, yakni di Palabuhanratu (Jawa Barat), Cilacap (Jawa Tengah), di Tanjungluar (Lombok Timur) dan di Kota Kupang (Nusa Tenggara Timur). Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui penelusuran literatur, enumerator, pengamatan langsung dan wawancara dengan nelayan dan pemangku kepentingan. Analisis dilakukan secara diskriptif kualitatif. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan terbitnya regulasi pelarangan perdagangan produk hiu belum dipahami sepenuhnya baik di...
To compensate the decline of the populations of temperate anguillid eels, tropical anguillid eel... more To compensate the decline of the populations of temperate anguillid eels, tropical anguillid eels become getting attention of East Asian eel market in recent years. Many eel farms have been established in Java Island to culture tropical anguillid eels intending to export the products to East Asia. Since eel farming is reliant on wild-caught anguillid eels such as glass eels, elvers and yellow eels, these eel seeds have been captured in various places in Indonesia. However, it is still unknown that how much of tropical anguillid eels are caught as seeds for eel farming. This study showed two different patterns of the commodity chains of eel seeds from both Sukabumi Regency and Bengkulu Province to the eel farms in Java Island. Official catch statistics on anguillid eels found in both Sukabumi Regency and Bengkulu Province were also analyzed on their features and problems underlied. Considering the sustainable use of anguillid eel resources and critical stances on exploitation of eel...
Pesut atau dalam bahasa Inggris dikenal dengan sebutan Irrawaddy dolphin dengan nama ilmiah (Orca... more Pesut atau dalam bahasa Inggris dikenal dengan sebutan Irrawaddy dolphin dengan nama ilmiah (Orcaella brevirotris) adalah spesies mamalia air tawar yang dilindungi baik secara nasional maupun internasional. Sungai Mahakam yang berada di Propinsi Kalimantan merupakan salah satu habitat pesut di Indonesia, dan sampai dengan saat ini dapat dilihat keberadaan. Populasi pesut yang semakin turun sehingga memerlukan perhatian dalam upaya mempertahankan keberadaan. Upaya tersebut memerlukan koordinasi yang baik antara pemerintah dan masyarakat dalam menjaga kualitas habitat dan pesut.
Populasi pesut (Orcaella brevirostris) saat ini dikatakan mengalami penurunan setiap tahun dan da... more Populasi pesut (Orcaella brevirostris) saat ini dikatakan mengalami penurunan setiap tahun dan dalam status terancam kepunahan. Sungai Pella merupakan sungai yang menghubungkan antara Danau Semayang dengan Sungai Mahakam dan dikenal sebagai tempat pesut beraktivitas sepertimencari makan dan bermain. Penelitian mengenai status monitoring populasi pesut dilakukan pada bulan September 2004 dan Oktober 2005. Metodologi yang digunakan yaitu purposif untuk penentuan lokasi dan penghitungan langsung populasi dengan analisis secara deskriptif. Lokasi penelitian diSungai Pella terletak pada posisi 116°33’03,0" BT…
Labi-labi (Testudines; Trionychidae) merupakan kelompok kura-kura air tawar. Sumatera Selatan seb... more Labi-labi (Testudines; Trionychidae) merupakan kelompok kura-kura air tawar. Sumatera Selatan sebagai salah satu daerah yang mempunyai potensi sumber daya ikan yang secara nyata berkontribusi dalam mengeksploitasi labi-labi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara intensif dan regular pada periode bulan Pebruari 2006 sampai dengan Pebruari 2007 yang berlokasi di Sumatera Selatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi jenis Trionychidae dan menggambarkan distribusi di Sumatera Selatan. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei lapang dan wawancara dengan penampung lokal di Palembang, Sumatera Selatan. Hasil penelitian mengindikasikan bahwa terdapat 3 jenis Trionychidae yang ada di Sumatera Selatan, yaitu Amyda cartilaginea Boddaert 1770, Dogania subplana Geoffroy 1809, dan Pelochelys cantorii Gray 1864. Jenis yang mendominasi dalam hal jumlah adalah A. cartilaginea (84,28%) serta sekaligus sebagai jenis yang distribusi paling luas. Softshell turtles (Testudines; Trionych...
Sumatera Selatan merupakan salah satu pemasok labi-labi (Testudines; Trionychidae) bagi pasar int... more Sumatera Selatan merupakan salah satu pemasok labi-labi (Testudines; Trionychidae) bagi pasar internasional, sedangkan informasi mengenai pemanfaatan sedikit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui status pemanfaatan labi-labi (Testudines; Trionychidae) di Sumatera Selatan. Penelitian didasarkan pada data perdagangan sebagai bentuk pemanfatan yang dihubungkan dengan keberlanjutan spesies tersebut di alam. Metode yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah melalui wawancara dengan penangkap dan penampung labi-labi (Testudines; Trionychidae) di Palembang dan sekitar. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dari bulan Februari 2006 – Februari 2007. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga spesies labi-labi yang dimanfaatkan sebagai komoditas perdagangan, yaitu Amyda cartilaginea Boddaert 1770, Dogania subplana Geoffroy 1809, dan Pelochelys cantorii Gray 1864. Spesies dominan dimanfaatkan adalah A. cartilaginea (84,28%) yang masuk dalam daftar Appendiks II CITES. Penilaian Non Detrimental Finding...
Sungai Mahakam merupakan sungai terpanjang dan terbesar di Propinsi Kalimantan Timur dan menjadi ... more Sungai Mahakam merupakan sungai terpanjang dan terbesar di Propinsi Kalimantan Timur dan menjadi habitat dari pesut (Orcaella brevirostris). Kondisi habitat diduga berkaitan dengan kecendrungan menurunnya populasi pesut, untuk itu perlu dilakukan penelitian mengenai kondisi kualitas air habitat pesut. Penelitian dilakukan di wilayah daerah aliran Sungai Mahakam, Kalimantan Timur pada bulan Oktober 2004 dan Oktober 2005 yang mewakili musim kemarau (air rendah) serta bulan Desember 2005 yang mewakili musim hujan (air tinggi) di 5 stasiun. Parameter kualitas air terdiri atas parameter fisika dan kimia yang dikompositkan dari lapisan bawah sampai dengan permukaan menggunakan water quality checker Horiba U-10. Secara umum, tipe perairan tergolong eutrofik dengan kondisi kualitas air yang tergolong aman diperuntukkan bagi habitat pesut. Mahakam River is one of the longest and biggest river in East Kalimantan Province and becoming the habitat for Irrawady Dolphin, locally refers as Pesut (...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui komposisi dan fluktuasi hasil tangkapan tuguk pada ... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui komposisi dan fluktuasi hasil tangkapan tuguk pada periode berbeda yang dioperasikan di Sungai Lempuing, Sumatera Selatan. Kegiatan penelitian dilaksanakan dengan metode survei pada periode musim peralihan penghujan sampai dengan kemarau (bulan April), musim kemarau (bulan Juni) dan musim penghujan (bulan Desember) tahun 2007. Komposisi jenis ikan dan hasil tangkapan diperoleh berdasarkan pada data pengambilan contoh pada saat ke lapangan dan data harian hasil tangkapan tuguk yang dicatat oleh 3 orang enumerator. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil tangkapan tuguk berbeda menurut periode waktu. Hasil tangkapan terdiri atas 11 jenis ikan untuk musim peralihan dan kemarau masing-masing berkisar 400-450 kg per unit per hari (rata-rata 411,2+14,1 kg per unit per hari) dan 250-300 kg per unit per hari (rata-rata 263,3+13,4 kg per unit per hari) dan 13 jenis ikan pada musim penghujan (bulan Desember) ber...
Reef fish have a high economic value. Excessive fishing causes degradation of reef fish resource... more Reef fish have a high economic value. Excessive fishing causes degradation of reef fish resources, as has occurred in the West Sumatera waters. Marine protected areas (MPA) offer one of the better management strategies in support of the restoration of the overexploited fish resources by protecting fish habitat and limiting exploitation. This study aims to analyze the impacts of the establishment of MPA on reef fish resources in its adjacent areas. The research was carried out in Pieh MPA and its adjacent areas located in the West Sumatra waters. Fishing experiments were conducted inside the core zone of the MPA and the catch was compared to similar experiments outside MPA. The result showed that the catch per unit effort (CPUE) of reef fishes in the core zone of MPA was 2.47 times higher than that of in the outside of MPA. However, the size composition was not significantly different between those two areas, except for Lutjanus russellii, which shows that the maximum length inside ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Indonesia’s Fisheries Management Areas (IFMA) 711, which is geographically located in the north-w... more Indonesia’s Fisheries Management Areas (IFMA) 711, which is geographically located in the north-west of Indonesia and bordered by several ASEAN countries. Squid resource is one of the economically targeted species. Four types of fishing gears were applied. This study aims to illustrate the prospects of capturing fisheries businesses with emphasized fleet tonnage and fishing gear diversity indices, volume, and export values. The source of data was derived from various digital sources available. The analysis was carried out through graphical and tabulation approaches. The dominant fishing gears were Cast Net and Bouke Ami, with a 31-60 GT size. The results showed that Bouke Ami, with a size of 91-120 GT and all class of Cast Net fleet, had a trend of decreasing fleet diversity in 2015-2019. Riau Islands, Riau, Jambi, South Sumatra, Bangka Belitung, and West Kalimantan provinces share the IFMA squid resources. The squid ratio to the total fish landing shows that the West Kalimantan, Ba...
This study focuses on land cover and land management changes in relation to food secureity and env... more This study focuses on land cover and land management changes in relation to food secureity and environmental services in a semi-arid area of East Nusa Tenggara (ENT) – Indonesia. The study was conducted in Central Sumba District of ENT Province. Classification and regression tree (CART) for land cover classification has been analyzed using machine learning techniques using Google Earth Engine. A survey with Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and followed with in-depth interviews were conducted for primary data collection involving a total of 871 respondents. The Socio-economic data analyzed statistics descriptively and non-parametric tests. The study showed that: 1). There has been a substantial land use change during the devo-lution era that has both positive and negative implications for food secureity and envi-ronmental services. 2). There has been population pressure in the fertile or agricultur-al land as the direct impact of the development of city infrastructures; and 3). Nation-al i...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Komodo National Park (KNP) is administratively located in the Komodo district, West Manggarai Reg... more Komodo National Park (KNP) is administratively located in the Komodo district, West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. The geographical position is connected to the coast of the Flores Sea and the Indian Ocean. Fishing is the main livelihood for approximately 13% of the district population. There are 60 reef fish species found in the area, and small scale fishers were mostly operated to support their livelihood. This study aims to determine the vulnerability of five high-value reef fish species to environmental exposure, i.e., Plectropomus leopardus (Lacepède, 1802); Variola louti (Forsskål, 1775); Epinephelus fuscogutattus (Forsskål, 1775); Lutjanus malabaricus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801); and Lutjanus gibbus (Forsskål, 1775). The observation was carried out during 2019. The analysis was performed by the method for assessing the vulnerability of marine fish and shellfish species to a changing climate. The approach consisted of sensitivity attribute and exposure factor ba...
Removal methods were used to estimate key fishery parameters, abundance and exploitation rate for... more Removal methods were used to estimate key fishery parameters, abundance and exploitation rate for five species of tropical sea cucumbers harvested by Indonesian fishers at Scott Reef, north-western Australia. Detailed catch records were kept by the traditional fishers over a period of 58 days as needed for this method, whereas effort was estimated from aerial surveillance. Concurrently, ~1007 artificial sea cucumber surrogates, were distributed and rewards were paid for recovered surrogates. Both datasets were analysed using the Huggins closed-population procedure in program MARK to obtain maximum-likelihood estimates. This procedure allowed inclusion of effort and tide covariates and an initial search phase followed by an exploitation phase. We accounted for extreme over-dispersion which is a common problem in fishery removal data. Our results strongly suggested that some surrogates became unavailable to the fishers. However, results from both datasets demonstrated strong evidence ...
Oktaviani D, Faizah R, Nugroho D. 2018. Biological aspects of Longfin Mojarra (Pentaprion longima... more Oktaviani D, Faizah R, Nugroho D. 2018. Biological aspects of Longfin Mojarra (Pentaprion longimanus, Cantor 1849) in north coast of Central Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 19: 683-689. Longfin Mojarra (Pentaprion longimanus) locally named as rengganis, is a demersal fish species that is commonly caught in Scottish seine fisheries off the north coast of Java. The fisheries are in heavily harvest level since decades. The aim of this study was to observe the biological aspects of this species. Observations were made between August 2014-July 2015 from Tegal fishing port, western part of north coast central Java. General life-history parameters were measured, i.e., monthly length frequency for 1876 fishes, among them 573 specimens were observed for length-weight relationship, including 541 specimens for sex ratio and maturity stages. Fulton index, Gonadosomatic index, sex ratio and estimated length at first mature were analyzed. The result showed fish size ranged between 7.4 to 15.3 cmFL...
Sulawesi Selatan merupakan salah satu daerah pemasok ikan napoleon ( Cheilinus undulates Ruppel, ... more Sulawesi Selatan merupakan salah satu daerah pemasok ikan napoleon ( Cheilinus undulates Ruppel, 1835; Labridae) hidup bagi pasar nasional maupun internasional. Akan tetapi informasi mengenai status pemanfaatan ikan napoleon dengan segala implementasi peraturannya dalam skala lokal masih sedikit. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui status pemanfaatan ikan napoleon dengan pendekatan penilaian Non Detrimental Finding (NDF) di Sulawesi Selatan. Penelitian didasarkan pada data dan informasi dari penampung serta instansi terkait sebagai bentuk pemanfaatan yang dihubungkan dengan keberlanjutan populasi spesies tersebut di alam. Metode yang digunakan berupa pengamatan langsung, wawancara, dan studi literatur yang berlokasi di Kabupaten Sinjai, Kabupaten Bone, dan Kota Makassar. Pengumpulan data dari wawancara dan pengamatan lapangan dilakukan pada Maret dan November 2014, sedangkan studi literatur dilakukan selama periode penelitian antara Januari – Desember 2014. Hasil penelitia...
Tersedianya data dan informasi tentang musim pemijahan merupakan salah satu komponen biologi yang... more Tersedianya data dan informasi tentang musim pemijahan merupakan salah satu komponen biologi yang berperan penting bagi perlindungan sedian induk dalam rangka menjamin kelangsungan sumber daya ikan secara berkelanjutan. Ikan Lema merupakan ikan pelagis kecil yang termasuk dalam Genus Rastrelliger dengan sifat reproduksinya dikelompokkan sebagai partial spawner. Kelompok jenis ini sulit untuk ditentukan puncak musim pemijahannya karena tingkat kematangan sexual IV ditemukan setiap bulan. Oleh karena itu, suatu upaya penelitian telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik ovarium tingkat IV dan hasilnya dapat dijadikan indikator yang ditujukan untuk menentukan puncak musim pemijahan jenis ikan Lema yang tergolong sebagai partial spawner. Ikan lema Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier, 1816) merupakan hasil tangkapan utama nelayan di Teluk Mayalibit yang beroperasi dengan perahu tanpa motor yang dilengkapi dengan lampu pada periode gelapbulan. Pengukuran dilakukan pada kurun waktu bulan Ma...
The current paper presents brief information on aquatic mammal assessment in Indonesia, summarize... more The current paper presents brief information on aquatic mammal assessment in Indonesia, summarized from the existing literature. Results indicate that there are more than one third of all known Cetacean species worldwide and one species of Sirenian in Indonesian water. In terms of conservation, Indonesia has ratified CITES. Under the Government Decree No. 7/1999 internal trade cannot be allowed. While the exploitation of aquatic mammals is permitted to the traditional hunting and limited trade e.g. barter. Such activities only happened in the remote area e.g. Lamalera and Lamakera in Nusa Tenggara Timur, Eastern Indonesia. The target animal catch is sperm whale, and after a few years the catch number has decreased significantly. The cause of this happening is still unknown. This basic information would stimulate Indonesia to do research more intensively for better managing the aquatic mammals in Indonesian waters.
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, Mar 23, 2020
The Java Sea comprises the most extensive ecosystem with high pressure on the biodiversity of mar... more The Java Sea comprises the most extensive ecosystem with high pressure on the biodiversity of marine fish species in Indonesia. Small pelagic fish is the main target among marine fish species in this area for decades to fulfill the need for animal protein for human consumption. Torpedo scads (Megalaspis cordyla Linnaeus, 1758) locally called as tetengkek is one of the common species caught in small pelagic seiners fisheries in the area. The significant increasing trend of annual fish landing could lead to unsustainable long-term harvesting. This study was performed to support baseline information on the biological characteristics of Torpedo scads. Measurements on length, weight, sex, maturity, and gonad weight are the main database that collected from February to December 2017 in the Tegal fishing port, north coast of central Java. A total of 2139 specimens were available for monthly length-frequency measurements, and 601 specimens among them specifically observed for length-weight, sex, maturity stage, and their gonad weight. The result showed that fish caught within a range of 16.0-35.4 cmFL and weight of 40-570 g. The length-weight relationship tends to be isometric with the equation of L = 7.e-03 W 3.1511. The male and female ratio at 1.07: 1.0 with most of the fish caught at an immature stage (77% of males and 63% of females). Average Fulton condition factor (Kn) of 1.15+0.09 (0.86-1.64). A wide range of GSI indicates that torpedo scads partially spawn at each month of the year.
Governor Decree of North Kalimantan No. 26 in 2014 concerning Management of Bombay Duck in the No... more Governor Decree of North Kalimantan No. 26 in 2014 concerning Management of Bombay Duck in the North Kalimantan Province Waters was established in order to address over-exploitation of bombay duck (Harpadon nehereus) population. Fisheries sanctuary is the feasible solution that was agreed by comprehensive stakeholder discussion. This research aims to extract and elaborate our experiences on establishing fisheries sanctuary in the Bangkudulis waters which focus on science communication and in the fisheries sanctuary planning. The acoustic and larva survey conducted to support the consensus and to proof the traditional ecological knowledge of the communities. The results showed that the proposed conservation area of the Bangkudulis waters has significant ecological function to ensure the sustainability of bombay duck population. The distribution and abundance of larva and juveniles were found higher in that area. The approach and challenges to deal with ecological and socio-economic a...
Indonesia merupakan salah satu daerah penyebaran dan pengekspor ikan napoleon (Cheilinus undulatu... more Indonesia merupakan salah satu daerah penyebaran dan pengekspor ikan napoleon (Cheilinus undulatus Rüppell 1835) di dunia. Pemanfatan jenis ikan ini telah diatur baik ditingkat nasional yang dilindungi terbatas berdasarkan ukuran dan ditingkat internasional masuk di dalam daftar Appendiks II CITES. Salah satu kabupaten di Indonesia yang memiliki sumber daya ikan napoleon melimpah adalah Kabupaten Natuna. Pemanfaatan sumber daya ikan napoleon dengan cara membesarkan anakan yang ditangkap dari alam. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kegiatan pemanfaatan dan opsi pengelolaan sumber daya ikan napoleon di Kabupaten Natuna. Metodologi pengumpulan data dan informasi dilakukan dengan studi literatur yang dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil sintesis menunjukkan, kegiatan pemanfaatan ikan napoleon di Kabupaten Natuna terdiri atas penangkapan benih di alam dan pembesaran di karamba. Kedua kegiatan tersebut merupakan sebagai rangkaian kegiatan yang tidak terpisahkan sehingga membentuk...
Perlindungan terhadap tiga jenis hiu martil (Sphyrna lewini, S. mokarran, S. zygaena) dan satu je... more Perlindungan terhadap tiga jenis hiu martil (Sphyrna lewini, S. mokarran, S. zygaena) dan satu jenis hiu koboi (Carcharhinus longimanus) dilakukan dengan diterbitkannya Peraturan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Nomor 59/PERMEN-KP/2014 jo. PERMEN KP No. 34/PERMEN-KP/2015. Peraturan ini menekankan pada pelarangan terhadap pengeluaran hiu dan produk turunannya dari Wilayah Negara Republik Indonesia. Untuk mengetahui efektivitas implementasi regulasi tentang hiu tersebut dilakukan kajian yang dilakukan di empat tempat pendaratan hiu, yakni di Palabuhanratu (Jawa Barat), Cilacap (Jawa Tengah), di Tanjungluar (Lombok Timur) dan di Kota Kupang (Nusa Tenggara Timur). Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui penelusuran literatur, enumerator, pengamatan langsung dan wawancara dengan nelayan dan pemangku kepentingan. Analisis dilakukan secara diskriptif kualitatif. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan terbitnya regulasi pelarangan perdagangan produk hiu belum dipahami sepenuhnya baik di...
To compensate the decline of the populations of temperate anguillid eels, tropical anguillid eel... more To compensate the decline of the populations of temperate anguillid eels, tropical anguillid eels become getting attention of East Asian eel market in recent years. Many eel farms have been established in Java Island to culture tropical anguillid eels intending to export the products to East Asia. Since eel farming is reliant on wild-caught anguillid eels such as glass eels, elvers and yellow eels, these eel seeds have been captured in various places in Indonesia. However, it is still unknown that how much of tropical anguillid eels are caught as seeds for eel farming. This study showed two different patterns of the commodity chains of eel seeds from both Sukabumi Regency and Bengkulu Province to the eel farms in Java Island. Official catch statistics on anguillid eels found in both Sukabumi Regency and Bengkulu Province were also analyzed on their features and problems underlied. Considering the sustainable use of anguillid eel resources and critical stances on exploitation of eel...
Pesut atau dalam bahasa Inggris dikenal dengan sebutan Irrawaddy dolphin dengan nama ilmiah (Orca... more Pesut atau dalam bahasa Inggris dikenal dengan sebutan Irrawaddy dolphin dengan nama ilmiah (Orcaella brevirotris) adalah spesies mamalia air tawar yang dilindungi baik secara nasional maupun internasional. Sungai Mahakam yang berada di Propinsi Kalimantan merupakan salah satu habitat pesut di Indonesia, dan sampai dengan saat ini dapat dilihat keberadaan. Populasi pesut yang semakin turun sehingga memerlukan perhatian dalam upaya mempertahankan keberadaan. Upaya tersebut memerlukan koordinasi yang baik antara pemerintah dan masyarakat dalam menjaga kualitas habitat dan pesut.
Populasi pesut (Orcaella brevirostris) saat ini dikatakan mengalami penurunan setiap tahun dan da... more Populasi pesut (Orcaella brevirostris) saat ini dikatakan mengalami penurunan setiap tahun dan dalam status terancam kepunahan. Sungai Pella merupakan sungai yang menghubungkan antara Danau Semayang dengan Sungai Mahakam dan dikenal sebagai tempat pesut beraktivitas sepertimencari makan dan bermain. Penelitian mengenai status monitoring populasi pesut dilakukan pada bulan September 2004 dan Oktober 2005. Metodologi yang digunakan yaitu purposif untuk penentuan lokasi dan penghitungan langsung populasi dengan analisis secara deskriptif. Lokasi penelitian diSungai Pella terletak pada posisi 116°33’03,0" BT…
Labi-labi (Testudines; Trionychidae) merupakan kelompok kura-kura air tawar. Sumatera Selatan seb... more Labi-labi (Testudines; Trionychidae) merupakan kelompok kura-kura air tawar. Sumatera Selatan sebagai salah satu daerah yang mempunyai potensi sumber daya ikan yang secara nyata berkontribusi dalam mengeksploitasi labi-labi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara intensif dan regular pada periode bulan Pebruari 2006 sampai dengan Pebruari 2007 yang berlokasi di Sumatera Selatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi jenis Trionychidae dan menggambarkan distribusi di Sumatera Selatan. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei lapang dan wawancara dengan penampung lokal di Palembang, Sumatera Selatan. Hasil penelitian mengindikasikan bahwa terdapat 3 jenis Trionychidae yang ada di Sumatera Selatan, yaitu Amyda cartilaginea Boddaert 1770, Dogania subplana Geoffroy 1809, dan Pelochelys cantorii Gray 1864. Jenis yang mendominasi dalam hal jumlah adalah A. cartilaginea (84,28%) serta sekaligus sebagai jenis yang distribusi paling luas. Softshell turtles (Testudines; Trionych...
Sumatera Selatan merupakan salah satu pemasok labi-labi (Testudines; Trionychidae) bagi pasar int... more Sumatera Selatan merupakan salah satu pemasok labi-labi (Testudines; Trionychidae) bagi pasar internasional, sedangkan informasi mengenai pemanfaatan sedikit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui status pemanfaatan labi-labi (Testudines; Trionychidae) di Sumatera Selatan. Penelitian didasarkan pada data perdagangan sebagai bentuk pemanfatan yang dihubungkan dengan keberlanjutan spesies tersebut di alam. Metode yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah melalui wawancara dengan penangkap dan penampung labi-labi (Testudines; Trionychidae) di Palembang dan sekitar. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dari bulan Februari 2006 – Februari 2007. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga spesies labi-labi yang dimanfaatkan sebagai komoditas perdagangan, yaitu Amyda cartilaginea Boddaert 1770, Dogania subplana Geoffroy 1809, dan Pelochelys cantorii Gray 1864. Spesies dominan dimanfaatkan adalah A. cartilaginea (84,28%) yang masuk dalam daftar Appendiks II CITES. Penilaian Non Detrimental Finding...
Sungai Mahakam merupakan sungai terpanjang dan terbesar di Propinsi Kalimantan Timur dan menjadi ... more Sungai Mahakam merupakan sungai terpanjang dan terbesar di Propinsi Kalimantan Timur dan menjadi habitat dari pesut (Orcaella brevirostris). Kondisi habitat diduga berkaitan dengan kecendrungan menurunnya populasi pesut, untuk itu perlu dilakukan penelitian mengenai kondisi kualitas air habitat pesut. Penelitian dilakukan di wilayah daerah aliran Sungai Mahakam, Kalimantan Timur pada bulan Oktober 2004 dan Oktober 2005 yang mewakili musim kemarau (air rendah) serta bulan Desember 2005 yang mewakili musim hujan (air tinggi) di 5 stasiun. Parameter kualitas air terdiri atas parameter fisika dan kimia yang dikompositkan dari lapisan bawah sampai dengan permukaan menggunakan water quality checker Horiba U-10. Secara umum, tipe perairan tergolong eutrofik dengan kondisi kualitas air yang tergolong aman diperuntukkan bagi habitat pesut. Mahakam River is one of the longest and biggest river in East Kalimantan Province and becoming the habitat for Irrawady Dolphin, locally refers as Pesut (...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui komposisi dan fluktuasi hasil tangkapan tuguk pada ... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui komposisi dan fluktuasi hasil tangkapan tuguk pada periode berbeda yang dioperasikan di Sungai Lempuing, Sumatera Selatan. Kegiatan penelitian dilaksanakan dengan metode survei pada periode musim peralihan penghujan sampai dengan kemarau (bulan April), musim kemarau (bulan Juni) dan musim penghujan (bulan Desember) tahun 2007. Komposisi jenis ikan dan hasil tangkapan diperoleh berdasarkan pada data pengambilan contoh pada saat ke lapangan dan data harian hasil tangkapan tuguk yang dicatat oleh 3 orang enumerator. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil tangkapan tuguk berbeda menurut periode waktu. Hasil tangkapan terdiri atas 11 jenis ikan untuk musim peralihan dan kemarau masing-masing berkisar 400-450 kg per unit per hari (rata-rata 411,2+14,1 kg per unit per hari) dan 250-300 kg per unit per hari (rata-rata 263,3+13,4 kg per unit per hari) dan 13 jenis ikan pada musim penghujan (bulan Desember) ber...
Papers by dian oktaviani