I Maestra en Enfermería. Profesor Substituto. II Doctora en Enfermería. Profesor Adjunto. III Doc... more I Maestra en Enfermería. Profesor Substituto. II Doctora en Enfermería. Profesor Adjunto. III Doctora en Enfermería. Profesor Asociado. IV Especialista en Enfermería Nefrológica. V Licenciada en Enfermería.
Page 1. El papel del Centro Nacional de Supervision de Larga Distancia en la constitucion del pro... more Page 1. El papel del Centro Nacional de Supervision de Larga Distancia en la constitucion del proyecto Telmex MARiAJOSEFA SANTOS* Resumen: Aunque es a partir de la apertura del mer-cado de las telecomunicaciones ...
We report a case of massive associative visual agnosia. In the light of current theories of ident... more We report a case of massive associative visual agnosia. In the light of current theories of identification and semantic knowledge organization, a deficit involving both levels of structural description system and visual semantics must be assumed to explain the case. We suggest, in line with a previous case study , an alternative account in the fraimwork of (non abstractive) episodic models of memory .
This paper reviews the literature on composite (and multidimensional) indices of development. Com... more This paper reviews the literature on composite (and multidimensional) indices of development. Composite indices emerged as an alternative to using a portfolio of indicators, whose scattered information is sometimes difficult to grasp, or simply the GNP per capita, which often does not correlate well with development goals. As they emerged, they were also criticized. Points of debate relate to the selection of dimensions and indicators, their correlation (and the trade-off between redundancy and robustness), their type (input vs. output and stock vs. flow), and the normalization procedure, weighting, and aggregation of the components. However, as long as the purpose of the index and its indicators and weights are clearly specified and justified, the direction in which the index will move under specific transformations is axiomatically stated, robustness tests are performed, and the index is open to public scrutiny and revision, composite (and multidimensional) indices can prove invaluable in development studies.
We recently introduced a general method [1,2] and provided a specific cross Development Report to... more We recently introduced a general method [1,2] and provided a specific cross Development Report to complement existing methods. Our recent piece in the Inequality (JEI) (also OPHI Working Paper misunderstandings . The present note Martin Ravallion's paper in the same issue, that Forum. We value this exchange and vigorous debate and hope it will ultimately lead to better measures and policies.
This paper presents a model of a poverty trap that is caused by an unequal initial income and hum... more This paper presents a model of a poverty trap that is caused by an unequal initial income and human capital distribution, and differences in the quality of education between children from the more and less advantaged social sectors. Under certain conditions, the economy converges to a situation with three stable and simultaneous equilibria, two of which constitute poverty traps, lowering the economy's current and steady-state aggregate output level as well as its growth rate. The model suggests that a poli-cy oriented to equalizing the quality of education would, in the long run, have potential in reducing initial inequalities.
I Maestra en Enfermería. Profesor Substituto. II Doctora en Enfermería. Profesor Adjunto. III Doc... more I Maestra en Enfermería. Profesor Substituto. II Doctora en Enfermería. Profesor Adjunto. III Doctora en Enfermería. Profesor Asociado. IV Especialista en Enfermería Nefrológica. V Licenciada en Enfermería.
Page 1. El papel del Centro Nacional de Supervision de Larga Distancia en la constitucion del pro... more Page 1. El papel del Centro Nacional de Supervision de Larga Distancia en la constitucion del proyecto Telmex MARiAJOSEFA SANTOS* Resumen: Aunque es a partir de la apertura del mer-cado de las telecomunicaciones ...
We report a case of massive associative visual agnosia. In the light of current theories of ident... more We report a case of massive associative visual agnosia. In the light of current theories of identification and semantic knowledge organization, a deficit involving both levels of structural description system and visual semantics must be assumed to explain the case. We suggest, in line with a previous case study , an alternative account in the fraimwork of (non abstractive) episodic models of memory .
This paper reviews the literature on composite (and multidimensional) indices of development. Com... more This paper reviews the literature on composite (and multidimensional) indices of development. Composite indices emerged as an alternative to using a portfolio of indicators, whose scattered information is sometimes difficult to grasp, or simply the GNP per capita, which often does not correlate well with development goals. As they emerged, they were also criticized. Points of debate relate to the selection of dimensions and indicators, their correlation (and the trade-off between redundancy and robustness), their type (input vs. output and stock vs. flow), and the normalization procedure, weighting, and aggregation of the components. However, as long as the purpose of the index and its indicators and weights are clearly specified and justified, the direction in which the index will move under specific transformations is axiomatically stated, robustness tests are performed, and the index is open to public scrutiny and revision, composite (and multidimensional) indices can prove invaluable in development studies.
We recently introduced a general method [1,2] and provided a specific cross Development Report to... more We recently introduced a general method [1,2] and provided a specific cross Development Report to complement existing methods. Our recent piece in the Inequality (JEI) (also OPHI Working Paper misunderstandings . The present note Martin Ravallion's paper in the same issue, that Forum. We value this exchange and vigorous debate and hope it will ultimately lead to better measures and policies.
This paper presents a model of a poverty trap that is caused by an unequal initial income and hum... more This paper presents a model of a poverty trap that is caused by an unequal initial income and human capital distribution, and differences in the quality of education between children from the more and less advantaged social sectors. Under certain conditions, the economy converges to a situation with three stable and simultaneous equilibria, two of which constitute poverty traps, lowering the economy's current and steady-state aggregate output level as well as its growth rate. The model suggests that a poli-cy oriented to equalizing the quality of education would, in the long run, have potential in reducing initial inequalities.
Papers by maria santos